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Thread: Help identifying ... forwards and onwards, don't stop (1 Replies, 6,271 Views) by Steena
Ok, the song was specially created for the movie it's in.
Thread: Help identifying ... forwards and onwards, don't stop (1 Replies, 6,271 Views) by Steena
I've made this file containing the song.
Is anyone able to identify it? :)
Thread: Du trittst meine Liebe mit Füßen- Evelyn Künneke (1 Replies, 3,072 Views) by Steena
I hope this will help you :)
Thread: Glückstraum by Lars Reichow (3 Replies, 4,945 Views) by Steena
Hello Jan, where could we listen to the complete song? I guess it might be possible to note down the lyrics while listening to the song!
Thread: [Transcription request] Dÿse - Spinne (2 Replies, 21,209 Views) by Steena
That's a tough one, probably the reason why you did not get any reaction until now :help_fun:.
The words are very hard to hear.
In the beginning there are four lines being repeated all the time:...
Thread: An rosalinde - johannes strate (3 Replies, 7,791 Views) by Steena
The song or the video with the explanation? :music_fun:
Thread: Oida Taunz! - Trackshittaz (4 Replies, 8,253 Views) by Steena
Never say never and let's try it together :p
Du stehst im Club (Club)
und olle haum vom Taunzn gnua
Sound hod kan Druck (Druck)
jo und deswegn schauns nua zua
DJ spüt Schaß
fü z'wach oida,...
Thread: helfen Sie mir (GER-ENG) (1 Replies, 5,284 Views) by Steena
It's barely been a year that Lord Of The Lost released their debut "Fears". Now in a couple of weeks their second album "Antagony" will be available in the record stores.
We've already reported a...
Thread: Swiss German to English translation (73 Replies, 57,594 Views) by Steena
Here's your translation:
"But I think this excuse is useless anyways, you even let me know this inbetween the lines when we met by coincidence, you let me know that you've given up. I thank you for...
Thread: Swiss German to English translation (73 Replies, 57,594 Views) by Steena
I think it's a mixture of our two suggestions :D
"Komm mich heute auf der Fespo besuchen" :)
Thread: Swiss German to English translation (73 Replies, 57,594 Views) by Steena
"come on, I'll go to the leisure time fair as well" "help me to decide" :)
not so sure about the first one, but it should be right.
Thread: viel zu Oft, Liedtext bitte. (2 Replies, 6,420 Views) by Steena
Die Nacht ist kalt
Zwei Herzen frieren
Ein Herz ging fremde Wege
Das andere gehört mir
Nein, sag jetzt nicht
Es tät dir leid
Ich bin zu tief getroffen
Hab genug geweint
Um dich, mein Freund
Thread: Help with name of french techno/trance song (video) (1 Replies, 7,808 Views) by Steena
Dj Kosmonova - Danse Avec Moi :)
Thread: Bye Bye Deutsche Mark (10 Replies, 27,389 Views) by Steena
I could not hear some things clear in the second stanza :) Any ideas?
Es war 1948 und das ist kein Witz
Da gab es weder Cola, Pizza...
Thread: Jörn Schlönvoigt - Superhelden Sterben Nicht (2 Replies, 4,100 Views) by Steena
"Superhelden Sterben Nicht" by Jörn Schlönvoigt
Es war ne kosmische Fügung
Deine Hand in meiner
Und jeder Kuss
War wie ne Supernova
It was a cosmic providence
Your hand in mine
And every...
Thread: translating english into german please (3 Replies, 15,491 Views) by Steena
You could say "Macht sie fertig!" or "Tötet sie!", "Bringt sie zur Strecke!".
Thread: translating english into german please (3 Replies, 15,491 Views) by Steena
1) Geht zurück in eure (Schützen)Gräben
2) That depends a little bit on what kind of job you mean. The word "job" is part of the German language as one of the many anglicisms.
Hast du deinen...
Thread: [GER - ENG] a song by Wunderlich (1 Replies, 3,220 Views) by Steena
Der Anfang war reden, interessiertes Fragen stellen
über zwei ganze Leben, gab es tausendfach was zu erzählen.
Und nach nur einer Nacht sagte Sie der Welt entrückt Sie sieht ihn mir den Einen.
Thread: Swiss German to English translation (73 Replies, 57,594 Views) by Steena
yes, literally it means "I hug you back" :)
Thread: Frauen regieren die welt translation (2 Replies, 3,512 Views) by Steena
Schon in der Schule - die Jungs haben gelacht,
doch mir hat's überhaupt nichts ausgemacht.
Sie war so süß, ihre Beine so lang,
bin fast ein Jahr in ihren Ballettkurs gegangen.
Als ich erfuhr,...
Thread: Swiss German to English translation (73 Replies, 57,594 Views) by Steena
I like you really much ... I want to wish you lots of luck and fun just yet ... greetings to your print shop ... it just feels good ... I wish you restful days and lots of fun with your dad ......
Thread: Swiss German to English translation (73 Replies, 57,594 Views) by Steena
hasn't your dear solt trips to the Maledives and you've given me a recommendation?
Thread: Swiss German to English translation (73 Replies, 57,594 Views) by Steena
There you go :)
Yesterday when you were sleeping I took out my old diaries from 1991-1997 and read them. If only you knew what I wrote in there ... what kind of thoughts a small girls had at the...
Thread: panik - perfekt (1 Replies, 3,376 Views) by Steena
Es ist so,, guck eucht um.
Wir haben vier Millionen Arbeitslose
Und nen superhohen Schuldenberg, Punkt!
Alles was wir tun, geschieht ohne Grund.
Wir leben in den Tag hinein
Und das ungesund!...
Thread: Unheilig - Die Bestie (2 Replies, 3,631 Views) by Steena
Hast du sie vermisst
Sie war nie wirklich fort
Sie hat sich nur versteckt
An euren geheimen Ort
Have you missed her/it
She/it was never really gone
She's/It's just hidden herself/itself
Thread: Philipp Poisel - Wie soll ein Mensch das ertragen (2 Replies, 10,229 Views) by Steena
Stell dich vor meine Mitte
Leg dich in jede Figur
Werf dich in jeden meiner Schritte
Place yourself right in front of me
Put yourself into every shape
Hinder each of my steps
Ich Tanz für...
Thread: Can someone plz translate this song by Sido into English? plz!! (1 Replies, 4,453 Views) by Steena
You can find it here :):
Thread: Duffy - Stepping Stone [TRANSLATION TO GERMAN] (2 Replies, 4,592 Views) by Steena
I remember way back way back when
I said I never wanna see your face again
'Cause you were loving, yes, you're loving somebody else
And I knew, oh yes, I knew I couldn't control myself
And now...
Thread: Ronan Keating - The Long Goodbye [TRANSLATION TO GERMAN] (2 Replies, 3,530 Views) by Steena
I know they say if you love somebody
You should set them free (so they say)
But it sure is hard to do
Yeah, it sure is hard to do
And I know they say if they don’t come back again
Then it’s...
Thread: Peter Heppner - Das geht vorbei (3 Replies, 3,845 Views) by Steena
There you go :)
Thread: Solved: Sounds like Robbie williams? (3 Replies, 2,465 Views) by Steena
It's a wild guess, but try it: Robbie Williams - Feel
Thread: Leichenhalle by die ärzte (1 Replies, 1,955 Views) by Steena :)
Thread: German love words to say to your friend or partner (13 Replies, 59,081 Views) by Steena
Yes you are right about "Ich vermisse meinen schlimmen Mann" though I would send this with a winking smilie :D. You can say "Mein schlimmer Mann vermisst mich".
Thread: German love words to say to your friend or partner (13 Replies, 59,081 Views) by Steena
No, it's not.
You could say something along the lines of "Ich vermisse meinen schlimmen Jungen". The sentence "Ich vermisse mein schlimmes" is missing a word. Schlimmes in this case acts as an...
Thread: German love words to say to your friend or partner (13 Replies, 59,081 Views) by Steena
In this case you can really use both words!
Thread: German love words to say to your friend or partner (13 Replies, 59,081 Views) by Steena
Hi Sienna, sorry I do not understand what you want to say :). Both schlimm and böse can stand for "mean" in some cases. Please specify your request!
Thread: Swiss German to English translation (73 Replies, 57,594 Views) by Steena
Thanks a lot, swissgirl, for your great help! :)
Thread: Juli - Du luegst so schoen / Elektrisches Gefuehl (1 Replies, 3,760 Views) by Steena
Elektrisches Gefühl:
Du lügst so schön:
Thread: German love words to say to your friend or partner (13 Replies, 59,081 Views) by Steena
Oh he'll surely not mind ;)
Thread: German love words to say to your friend or partner (13 Replies, 59,081 Views) by Steena
Grammatically it's right, but nobody would actually say this to adress a man :). You'd rather say something like "Mein Liebster" (My beloved) or "Liebling" (Darling).
Thread: Solved: Need to identify song/artist!! (3 Replies, 1,317 Views) by Steena
Yezzir, please post an audio-only file :) This is a family-friendly forum and adult content is not tolerated.
Thread: Swiss German to English translation (73 Replies, 57,594 Views) by Steena
Deine erste Idee klingt irgendwie plausibel, aber wie passt bei der zweiten das "das eine" zum Rest der Zeile und der danach folgenden? *grübel*
Thread: Sido - Frohe Weihnachten (2 Replies, 3,966 Views) by Steena
I'm starting here:
It really takes a lot of time but I'll slowly complete it :)
Thread: Swiss German to English translation (73 Replies, 57,594 Views) by Steena
Does anyone know what the sentence I marked with red color could mean? :)
käne mi fäng guet
ich träume farbig
Und dänke schwarz-wiss
mir zwöi det äne
miechti das sinn
wieso so wiit...
Thread: Solved: i think its by hurricane bells (3 Replies, 1,875 Views) by Steena
No problem :)
Thread: Solved: i think its by hurricane bells (3 Replies, 1,875 Views) by Steena
Try Hurricane Bells - This Year :)
Thread: Swiss German to English translation (73 Replies, 57,594 Views) by Steena
"You've reached London healthily. You're already going to be back to Zürich by next week. Want to drink a beer on Monday or Tuesday"
"Hi, Tuesday evening? Is there a party somewhere?"
Thread: Solved: this is really hard pls help id this song (3 Replies, 1,389 Views) by Steena
No problem :)
Thread: Solved: this is really hard pls help id this song (3 Replies, 1,389 Views) by Steena
Um it's not that hard at all :D
Psychostick - Pluh
The video even says so ;)
Thread: its a shes the man song (1 Replies, 1,288 Views) by Steena
Ray LaMontagne - Hold you in my arms?