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Thread: Lilu - Gna Gna (Armenian). Translation and transliteration of lyrics please? (1 Replies, 16,176 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Lyrics, Transliteration, and Translation from Armenian to English:
Լիլու "Գնա, Գնա"
Lilu “Gna, Gna”
[Lilu "Go, Go"]
Լա, լա, լա, լա
La, la, la, la
[La, la, la, la]
Լա, լա, լա, լա
Thread: SOLVED:Please help me identify unknown song from Central Asia (11 Replies, 46,770 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
All I can tell you is that it is not in Armenian.
I am hearing some words (like "dunyam") that suggest it may be a language of Turkic people (although it is definitely not Turkish (or the...
Thread: Please translate a song (maybe Armenian, Chechen or Avar)! (1 Replies, 8,869 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
All I can tell you is that it is not in Armenian.
I am hearing some words (like "dunyam") that suggest it may be a language of Turkic people (although it is definitely not Turkish either). Also, a...
Thread: Old Armenian song - I only know a few lyrics (1 Replies, 36,980 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
The song's not familiar. I tried typing the words in the Armenian language hoping to come across the lyrics online, but to no avail. I am including the lyrics in Armenian just in case you remember...
Thread: Sirusho - Mi Togh Indz Menak (Acoustic) | Սիրուշո - Մի Թող Ինձ Մենակ (TO ENGLISH) (3 Replies, 12,335 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
She's a lovely and talented singer. She comes from a family who has a long history of involvement in music. However, I have lost respect for her since she married a former Armenian president's son....
Thread: Sirusho - Mi Togh Indz Menak (Acoustic) | Սիրուշո - Մի Թող Ինձ Մենակ (TO ENGLISH) (3 Replies, 12,335 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Sirusho - Mi Togh Indz Menak | Սիրուշո - Մի Թող Ինձ Մենակ | Sirusho "Do Not Leave Me Alone"
Ինձ տես Ես կամ Ես իրական եմ ու...
Thread: Sevak Amroyan - Akhpers u es (5 Replies, 18,255 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
:) YES... "see" is what I meant to type. My pleasure.
Thread: Sevak Amroyan - Akhpers u es (5 Replies, 18,255 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
(Note-- to put the song into context, please note that Azerbaijani's are Turkic people. Until their country was created in 1918, they never even called themselves anything but "Turks." So, when in...
Thread: Lilit Hovhanissiyan Tu tu tu - need translation from Armenian to English (1 Replies, 13,686 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Here are the lyrics for all interested:
Lilit Hovhannisyan - Too Too Too (this is like the equivalent of what many call "knocking on wood"... Armenians say "too, too, too" and they tap on wood...
Thread: Lilit Hovhannisyan - Too Too Too (Armenian) (6 Replies, 18,230 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
The amazing feeling of hearing/seeing a non-Armenian speak/write in Armenian will never get old. Ever. Thank you, Steve jan.
Thread: Lilit Hovhannisyan - Too Too Too (Armenian) (6 Replies, 18,230 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Hi Steve! :) Happy new year!
Here are the lyrics for all interested:
Lilit Hovhannisyan - Too Too Too (this is like the equivalent of what many call "knocking on wood"... Armenians say "too,...
Thread: Unkwon song in a vid for translation (6 Replies, 12,554 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Oh no! I tried to open the link and here's the message I am getting: "This video contains content from Miramax, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."
Can you find another link...
Thread: Unkwon song in a vid for translation (6 Replies, 12,554 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
you da man! :)))
Thread: Unkwon song in a vid for translation (6 Replies, 12,554 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Please post a new thread for it and I'll do it!
Thread: Can someone please provide English translation of lyrics for "Yareh Mardou Yara Kuta" (1 Replies, 13,463 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
It indeed is an extraordinary performance of this extraordinary song-- as usual with Haig Yazdjian. Here you go, friend.
Lyrics, Transliteration, and Translation of "Yareh Martou Yara Kuta"
Thread: Armenian song lyrics and transliteration (15 Replies, 50,868 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Hello Haigo,
Please post a new thread requesting that song and I will write out the lyrics, transliteration, and translation for you.
Have a great week,
Thread: Vostan Hayots - Qimerner (lyrics, translation, transiteration) (1 Replies, 10,688 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
He sings very stylized, so I had trouble catching some of the words, but here is my good faith effort:
Vostan Hayots "Qimerner" Lyrics, Translation, and Transliteration
Thread: Armenian song lyrics and transliteration (15 Replies, 50,868 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Roberto22, you have great taste in music, my friend! I would love to help you out, but first, please post this request in a new thread dedicated to this song (as that's how things are done on this...
Thread: Arame - Armenia (9 Replies, 20,161 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
my pleasure! :)
Thread: What does "official" means in "Επίσημη αγαπημένη" - can someone explain please? (19 Replies, 7,182 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
I couldn't agree more!!
Thread: Arame - Armenia (9 Replies, 20,161 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Arame "100 tari"
[Arame "100 years"]
Es gitem hervum
[I know from a distance]
Ser es voronum
[You are searching for love]
U gitem kyanqum
Thread: Harut - eka asem qez ARMENIAN song translation (1 Replies, 7,873 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Հարութ Փամբուկչյան “Հիմա եկա ասեմ քեզ” Երգի բառեր Եւ թարգմանութուն
Harout Pamboukjian “Hima Yeka Asem Kez” song lyrics & translation
Ես քեզանից հեռացա
Yes kezanits herrasta
[I left you]
Thread: Harut pambukchyan - hima eka asem qez (2 Replies, 14,296 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Հարութ Փամբուկչյան “Հիմա եկա ասեմ քեզ” Երգի բառեր Եւ թարգմանութուն
Harout Pamboukjian “Hima Yeka Asem Kez” song lyrics & translation
Ես քեզանից հեռացա
Yes kezanits herrasta
[I left you]
Thread: HARUT - Hima eka asem qez (3 Replies, 14,074 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Thank you, Amethystos! Way to handle!
Հարութ Փամբուկչյան “Հիմա եկա ասեմ քեզ” Երգի բառեր Եւ թարգմանութուն
Harout Pamboukjian “Hima Yeka Asem Kez” song lyrics & translation
Ես քեզանից հեռացա...
Thread: What does "official" means in "Επίσημη αγαπημένη" - can someone explain please? (19 Replies, 7,182 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Thanks for grabbing my attention, Amethystos!! :)
Thread: What does "official" means in "Επίσημη αγαπημένη" - can someone explain please? (19 Replies, 7,182 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Hi David. I just want to clear something up-- I, myself, am an Armenian from Western Armenia (now Eastern Turkey) [so I fall within what you call "Turkish Armenian" even though Armenians, even from...
Thread: What does "official" means in "Επίσημη αγαπημένη" - can someone explain please? (19 Replies, 7,182 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Hi guys! I just watched:
When I saw that it was the Kohar group's creation, I thought it would be very true to Armenian culture, but I have to agree with ...
Thread: HARUT - Hima eka asem qez (3 Replies, 14,074 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
I'd love to translate that song for you, but please make a separate thread for it so the moderators don't delete it from here later. Happy holidays!
Thread: İnga&Anush Arshakyan - Harsanekan-Tamzara-Yaylavor Yars (1 Replies, 6,779 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Here's one of the songs. I will translate the others at a later time. Enjoy :)
"Harsanekan" by Inga & Anush
Թագվոր բարով, հազար բարով, հազար բարով
T’agvor barov, hazar barov, hazar barov...
Thread: Harsanekan (8 Replies, 19,263 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
I don't understand why you get so personally offended when I speak of the Armenian genocide if you truly feel your Turkish ancestors did not play a part in it.
I quote you here: "Please do not...
Thread: Harsanekan (8 Replies, 19,263 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Dear Taylan,
Hate is never the solution to anything. In fact, it is just the cause of more problems. I know this, so I don't appreciate your accusations. You said " being from the Turkish province...
Thread: Harsanekan (8 Replies, 19,263 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Thanks for the heads up, feuersteve :)
Dear Taylan,
I'm not surprised that you are from that part of Turkey. I'm further not surprised that your family has been singing a song to this tune for...
Thread: Lyrics of Lilit Hovhannisyan (1 Replies, 19,378 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
I can translate from Armenian to English or Spanish. Would either one of those languages be helpful? :)
Thread: beaufitul soundbite (indian? language?) i need to know the original interpreter (5 Replies, 3,804 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
It's not in Armenian, either. Just my opinion, but I don't think it's in any particular language. It sounds like a foreign stylized jazz-type thing like skatting or so.
Thread: Identify the language of 1st song. (Bulgarian???) (4 Replies, 263,367 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
I was suspecting that the first language (the first song) is a slavic language-- that's why I posted in this folder asking someone to confirm or deny my suspicion. I appreciate all help.
Thread: Identify the language of 1st song. (Bulgarian???) (4 Replies, 263,367 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Hey all! Can anyone help me find the language of the the first song!? I'm just really curious. If possible, the singer's name and the song title would be great as well, but mostly, I'd just like to...
Thread: Emmy - Sirelov heranum em (Armenian) (1 Replies, 12,715 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Here you go:
"Sirelov heranum em" -- by Emmy
(Armenian to English Translation + Transliteration)
ko hayatskum datarkutyun
(emptiness in your glance)
ko achkerum tkhrutyun
(sadness in your...
Thread: Arame - Armenia (9 Replies, 20,161 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
For sure, friend. I will translate in 1 week (after my finals). Cheers!
Thread: Armenian song lyrics and transliteration (15 Replies, 50,868 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
very welcome!!
Thread: add a new forum Turkic languages lyrics!! (10 Replies, 17,961 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
I agree! Every time I want to help someone out with Armenian lyrics, I have to search myself throughout the entire site with key terms like "Armenian" and that is not the most efficient.
Nor is it...
Thread: Syrian arabic dialect songs (5 Replies, 21,896 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
I love Lena Chamamyan's Armenian music-- I'll have to check out her Arabic songs too.
For Syrian dialect Arabic, I love Sarya Al Sawas. Her older stuff is my favorite. Examples: "Bas Ismaa Mini"...
Thread: please help me (22 Replies, 5,004 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
the link doesn't work-- if it was Armenian, I could have identified it for you, easily. if you have another link so I can hear the music, let me know.
Thread: ARMENCHIK feat. FRANCESCA RAMIREZ - Kiss Me [Armenian > English] (1 Replies, 20,996 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Արմենչիկ եւ Ֆրանսեսկա Րամիրեզ "Համբուրիր ինձ"
Armenchik ft. Francesca Ramirez "Kiss Me"
Ինձ միայն մի գիշեր էլ տուր
Just give me one...
Thread: Osanna Magdesyan - Sirun Tha (Spasum em chkar) [ARMENIAN] (4 Replies, 12,712 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
(You're welcome/My pleasure!)
Thread: Inga and Anush - Hay-Hay (Armenian) (1 Replies, 16,028 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Ինգա եւ Անուշ "Հայ Հայ"
Inga yev Anush "Hay Hay"
Inga and Anush "Armenian Armenian"
Կա մի մեծ մոլորակ
Ka mi mets molorak...
Thread: Djane Djan - Maria (Armenian) (3 Replies, 15,832 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Although the lyrics aren't the most sophisticated, something about the song is addicting. :)))
Thread: Osanna Magdesyan - Sirun Tha (Spasum em chkar) [ARMENIAN] (4 Replies, 12,712 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Enjoy! I had not heard her before, but she has a very lovely voice.
Armenian (հայերեն), Transliteration, Translation
Օսաննա Մագտեսյան “Սիրուն Տղա (Սպասում եմ չեկար)”
Thread: Gurgen Dabaghyan- yar yar (1 Replies, 12,106 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Gurgen Dabaghyan “Yar Yar”
Գուրգեն Դաբաղյան "Յար յար"
(Gurgen Dabaghyan "My love, my love")
Thread: Armenian song lyrics and transliteration (15 Replies, 50,868 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
Gurgen Dabaghyan “Yar Yar”
Գուրգեն Դաբաղյան "Յար յար"
(Gurgen Dabaghyan "My love, my love")
Thread: Narek - Born in Armenia (Armenian) (3 Replies, 16,189 Views) by ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL
You're very welcome! Feel free to contact me if you need other Armenian Armenian songs.