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Thread: Does anybody recognize this song? (Youtube clip) (4 Replies, 7,771 Views) by astorias
didn't knoW the sonG but searched the lyrics and in thiS site,
the answer is -> Ebi.him - Divoone !
i couldn'T find any download liNk...
Thread: Translated: Edyta BARTOSIEWICZ - Skłamałam - (PL>>EN) (7 Replies, 4,937 Views) by astorias
Nie dowiesz, nie dowiesz nigdy się
You'll never, never ever know
Co prawdą, co prawdą, a co kłamstwem jest
What the truth and what the lie is
Już sama w swych kłamstwach gubię się
Even I...
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 623,577 Views) by astorias
@soorati anGel ! OOn mehmooNi kheyLi Bahal bood!
bahale(h) => it is cooL!
bahaL bood => it was Cool!
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 623,577 Views) by astorias
KhaheSh mikonaM :D:)!
we shouLd wait for the teacherS ;]!
@ p.S : aS piNk angeL said, tHat means MYSELF!
myselF=> khodaM!
yourSelf=> kHodat / khodeT!
herself,hiMself,itself => khodasH /...
Thread: Jomlehaye ziba (16 Replies, 30,754 Views) by astorias
CheCk this ouT, a reaLLy niCe poeM! by sohraB sepeHri!
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 623,577 Views) by astorias
aww, çok tEşekKür ederiM, pS! :p:p!
maN be khodaM eftekhar mikonaM :p :happy_fun:!
DelaM gereftE is an idioM, like , FeeliNg out of sortS / not beiNg in the riGht mood!
Thread: Jomlehaye ziba (16 Replies, 30,754 Views) by astorias
Found some sentenceS!
هرگز آنچه را میخواهیم بدست نمی آوریم، هرگز آنچه را داریم نمیخواهیم، هرگز آنچه را دوست داریم نداریم و آنچه را داریم دوست نداریم ... اما هنوز زندگی می كنیم، عشق می ورزیم و...
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 623,577 Views) by astorias
taBiiii, amarYn! ;)! a reaLLy Good I M P R O V E M E N T ! :happy_fun::happy_fun:!
+ Che shod? / Chi shod?! => what haPpened?!
Che kar dari mikoni? / Chi kar dari mikoNi?! => What are you doinG?!...
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 623,577 Views) by astorias
teshne hastaM oR teshneh AM!
teshne hasti oR teshne EE!
teshNe asT / hast oR teshnAS!
teshne hastim! oR tesheh EEm!
teshNe hastid / hastin oR teshneh EED / EEN!
teshne hastand / hastaN oR...
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 623,577 Views) by astorias
woW! sometimEs i thinK you know persiaN more thaN me ! :D
I’ll Choose the ones I can explaiN :p!, and teacherS wiLL explain the other later ! ;)!
+Chon / chon ke = because!
dirooZ be madreseH...
Thread: Hamid Askari Coma 3 (3 Replies, 8,751 Views) by astorias
1. Age Be To Nemiresam;
اگه به تو نمیرسم این دیگه قسمت منه
agE be to nemiresaM, in digeH Qesmate mane!
If, i'M not going tO reach You, theN it's mY destiNY!
نخواستم اینجوری بشه این از...
Thread: Gece - Ben Oldüm ! (4 Replies, 2,893 Views) by astorias
yeaH, that's enougH :p!
i liked theM! Couldn't find 2012 and iddia!i thiNk i have heard korduguM oncE! loVed iT!
loved this part:
aşk mıdır, sormaz mıyım?
sen olmasan, olmaz...
Thread: Gece - Ben Oldüm ! (4 Replies, 2,893 Views) by astorias
oH, teSekkurlerrr! :p:D:)!
Thread: Gece - Ben Oldüm ! (4 Replies, 2,893 Views) by astorias
thaT would be reallY greaT if someonE couLd translate thIS sonG!
thaNk yoU! :D
Benimsim dedim, değişmez ki bu
Yüzünde hep büyüttüğün renkler var
Thread: need help please... (7 Replies, 3,792 Views) by astorias
khahesH mikonaM, doostaM :p!;)!
Thread: Ehsan Khaje Amiri - Khalasam Kon - (FA>>EN) (21 Replies, 15,884 Views) by astorias
i have somE problemS translating thiS soNG! :mail1_fun:!
EhsaN kHaje Amiri - khalasaM kon
غروبم مرگ رو دوشم طلوعم کن تو میتونی
QoroobaM margE roo dooshaM.... tolooAm...
Thread: need help please... (7 Replies, 3,792 Views) by astorias
Saeed ModaRRes - Man toro eshtebaHi gereftaM!
من تو رو اشتباهی گرفتم با کسی که همه زندگیمه
maN torO eshtebaHi gereftaM, ba kasI ki, hameye zeNdegimeH!
I miXed you uP with thE one whos my wholE...
Thread: Let's celebrate Veryclever1980 birthday (81 Replies, 56,091 Views) by astorias
aWw HanimefeNdi, thaNks for accepTing our invitaTioN!:mail1_fun::rolleyes_fun:!!
c'mon, no onE darEs to havE dokhtari bandaR ! thaT's just for you,! :blum_fun::blum_fun::beee_fun:
Thread: Let's celebrate Veryclever1980 birthday (81 Replies, 56,091 Views) by astorias
verYcleVer-CIM, thaNk you sOO muCH foR sHadmeHr... i liKE thaT sonG! :):D:D:D!
Thread: Let's celebrate Veryclever1980 birthday (81 Replies, 56,091 Views) by astorias
gharaR nabood intoRi javaB bedi teacheriM :D! makinG me bluSH like thaT! :redface:!:redface:
thaNks for all of thiS! :redface:!
**dYing of Zogh**! :eek:
hapPy B'day agaiN! :)!
Thread: Let's celebrate Veryclever1980 birthday (81 Replies, 56,091 Views) by astorias
haha :D how is it feeL like?! :D ye saL bozorgtaR boodaN ?!:p!:p:p
az 27 khoshaM miyad! , don't knoW whY! :eek:!
Thread: Let's celebrate Veryclever1980 birthday (81 Replies, 56,091 Views) by astorias
you surE?! you have to eaT the cakE firsT :D and see how it works theN :cool:!:p:p:p!:diablo_fun:
Thread: Let's celebrate Veryclever1980 birthday (81 Replies, 56,091 Views) by astorias
:D God gave a gift to the world when you were born
a person who loves, who cares,
who sees a persons need and fills...
Thread: KAYAH - Testosteron - (PL>>EN) (50 Replies, 20,766 Views) by astorias
hamEye shomA ro doost daraM! / HamatooNo dooS daraM! :p!
wE l0vE y0u t00!
Thread: KAYAH - Testosteron - (PL>>EN) (50 Replies, 20,766 Views) by astorias
Lol! takE care of your doggY face caniM! na dge enghad zood ! :D
akhE inJa bishtaR kayaH mazloom vaghe shode ta t.troN! :mamba_fun:!:cool:!!
Man montazerE albumE zibat hastaM azizaM...
Thread: KAYAH - JakaJaKayah - (PL>>EN) (9 Replies, 4,624 Views) by astorias
Ja znajoma sobie i nieznana!
arkadasimdaN "kalbiMle" tesekkUr ediyoruM!!! :heart_fun:;)
Thread: KAYAH - Testosteron - (PL>>EN) (50 Replies, 20,766 Views) by astorias
havinG fuN with kayaH's song?!:D
nakoNin inkaro :D oon badbaKh ba hameye ehsasesH ino bardashTE khoonde :D:crazy_fun::crazy_fun:!:mail1_fun:
Thread: Toygar iŞikli - sen eŞİttİr ben (1 Replies, 2,704 Views) by astorias
you caN checK them in " updatinG aLL the sonGs liSt " part!;)!
here you are:
Thread: Mansour - Daricheh (A Window) (10 Replies, 4,235 Views) by astorias
pauL's right :p! thaT was G.R.E.A.T!
i LOVED the translatioN, mese hamisHE!:happy_fun::happy_fun:!:heart_fun:!
maMnooNam My owliE clever teacheR!
thaT was a BIG one! dedicationS are BIG!...
Thread: KAYAH - Trudno kochać - (PL>>EN) (8 Replies, 5,032 Views) by astorias
thaT is my favorite paRt TOO :D:p!:D!
Choć uciekałam
Zawsze wracałam
Z przypływem morza łez
Tak trudno kochać
Lecz trudniej jest
Nie kochać wcale cię
LOVED the lyriCs!
Thread: BAJM - Przyjaciel - (PL>EN) (2 Replies, 3,694 Views) by astorias
i liked the sonG very muCH pauL :)!!:):)!
mamNoonaM! :heart_fun::bomb_fun:
Thread: Sattar - Tekiyeh Gah (One of the Most Melancholic Songs in Persian Music) (12 Replies, 10,303 Views) by astorias
COk,Clever,Hero teacher....!
likEd the Lyrics so muCH!! and GREat translation as alwayS! :)!:)!
merSi vase zaHmati ke keshidiN vase tarjomaSh! harcheGhadaM sakht boOde , natijEyE FfogholadeE...
Thread: Help meeee (5 Replies, 2,486 Views) by astorias
haha :D manaM yeki az hamooN studentaM ke hatEs bishtare moallemaSh :D! daneshamooZa hamashoon haminaN teacheR! :p!:D!
thaNks, i like thaT toO!:happy_fun::happy_fun:!
Thread: Help meeee (5 Replies, 2,486 Views) by astorias
come on :D! rooye haM 10 khattaM nemisHod! baz agE jomalatesH sakht tar bood jayE tabriK dasHt, vaLi hiCh kalameye sakhtiyaM nadashT ! :erm:!
aMa thaNk you SO mUCh teacheriM! :)! your...
Thread: KAYAH - Ja chcę ciebie - (PL>>EN) (4 Replies, 4,294 Views) by astorias
kaYa haS a beautifuL voiCE !! :)
liked the sonG and thIS part mostlY,
Chcę cię jak wody spragniony
jak słów niemowa
jak miłości chce młody
jak Ziemia życia
thankS for sharinG pauL-jAN!!...
Thread: KAYAH - Dzielę na pół - (PL>>EN) (3 Replies, 4,902 Views) by astorias
Obiecuję, że będzie
I promise there will always be
zawsze w sercu mym miejsce
A place in my heart,
głeboko nie znajdzie go nikt
Deep inside me and nobody will find it,
gdzie wciąż...
Thread: Help meeee (5 Replies, 2,486 Views) by astorias
Hi :D!
!زندگـــــی بــــــا تو بهتــره
ZendeGi ba to behtaRe!
liviNg iS better wiTh you!
عشق منو تو توی قلبم می مونه
eshQe maNo to toyE QalbaM mimooneH!
Thread: Fereydoun Forughi - Yer-e Dabestaniye Man (8 Replies, 16,644 Views) by astorias
mErSiii teacherim...
thaT was niCe, aNd i really liked it! ;):D:)!
Thread: Fereydoun Forughi - Yer-e Dabestaniye Man (8 Replies, 16,644 Views) by astorias
NooSHin?!? NooO! :D
Thread: Fereydoun Forughi - Yer-e Dabestaniye Man (8 Replies, 16,644 Views) by astorias
i likE thiS vERY MUCH! :D:)
Thread: Mohsen Yahaghi - Darde Tazeh (7 Replies, 2,373 Views) by astorias
Mohsen Yahaghi - Darde Tazeh
Thread: KAYAH - Santana - (PL>>EN) (8 Replies, 5,641 Views) by astorias
WOW pauL!!:blush_fun:
thIS is the firsT poliSh song i'm listening to...
and I *really* like IT! ♥:rolleyes:
przyjdź i przytul
mnie do siebie
zmaż z pamięci każdą...
Thread: Ferhat Göçer - Vefası Eksik Yarim (2 Replies, 2,937 Views) by astorias
aLready done by silver mooN :)!
Thread: Ehasan Khajeh Amiri - Salam e Akhar (The Last Salutation) (11 Replies, 14,085 Views) by astorias
GOD! i juST 'LOve' youR translationS teacheriM.... !!!
!!thaNk you.........
Thread: Mozhdah Jamalzada - My Love (11 Replies, 21,512 Views) by astorias
you're welcome ;)!
Thread: Mozhdah Jamalzada - My Love (11 Replies, 21,512 Views) by astorias
heY sHy01~!
sorry foR not repLyinG this sooner! :redface:!!
shE's got an afGhaN accenT and thaT's why i have soME problems understandinG whaT she sings! :erm:!
MoZhdaH - mY loVE
Thread: Sezen Aksu Adi Bende Sakli EroTVizyon (3 Replies, 2,969 Views) by astorias
thaNk you!
likE this sonG :rolleyes:!
Thread: Saeed Karmani-Dige Nemikhamet (1 Replies, 3,091 Views) by astorias
heRE you are!;)
Saeed kermani - diGE nemikhaMEt!
i doN't want you anYmore! :D
-گل من اگه که میخونم به خاطر توئه
goLe man agE ke mikhoonaM be khatere toE!
My floweR! I am singinG just...
Thread: Hate That I Love U - English to Tuurkish Please (1 Replies, 2,496 Views) by astorias
i thinK it's better to posT it heRe laziie-pn !:
Thread: Introducing Iranian Songs (5 Replies, 18,465 Views) by astorias
tHere's anotheR one here VandA! ;)