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Thread: Oum Kalthoum - Entel Hob (0 Replies, 21,768 Views) by Dannii_M
Hello! someone could help me please? i have the lyrics but no the translation.
يا ما قلوب هايمه حواليك تتمنى تسعد يوم رضاك
وانا اللى قلبى ملك ايديك تنعم وتحرم زى هواك
الليل على طال بين السهر...
Thread: mohamed sultan - welad lazena (0 Replies, 22,768 Views) by Dannii_M
Hi guys, i really need help with the translation of this song. i don't have the lyrics, but i have the video.
i hope you can help me.
Thread: Oum Kalthoum - Enta El Hob (1 Replies, 5,340 Views) by Dannii_M
please i need the translation for this song ! Thanks ! :)
أم كلثوم - انت الحب
يا ما قلوب هايمه حواليك تتمنى تسعد يوم رضاك
وانا اللى قلبى ملك ايديك تنعم وتحرم زى هواك
الليل على طال بين السهر...
Thread: Oum Kalthoum - Dalili Ehtar (3 Replies, 4,435 Views) by Dannii_M
thanks, but i need the translation in english. Do you have it? :)
Thread: Oum Kalthoum - Dalili Ehtar (3 Replies, 4,435 Views) by Dannii_M
can someone translate this song please !! :) thank you !!
Dalili Ehtar:
maa bein baadak wa shouqi ileik
wa bein qorbak wa khoufi aleik
daleili ahtar waheerni
tagheeb ani wa leili yatoul
Thread: Yasser al Ashry & Baha Hosny - Habina (0 Replies, 2,277 Views) by Dannii_M
Can someone traslate this song please??
thank you !!! :)
Thread: Najat - Ettamen (2 Replies, 2,506 Views) by Dannii_M
Anyone has the lyrics and translation of this beautiful song please???
here's the video :
thank you
Thread: Warda - Esmaooni (3 Replies, 6,433 Views) by Dannii_M
thank you !! :D
Thread: Warda - Esmaooni (3 Replies, 6,433 Views) by Dannii_M
please ! can anyone translate it please ??
thank you !
, اسمعوني تستغربوش حد شفتوش عشقتوش فاكرنا
وكان , عشقتوش
Thread: Amir el Sa3ed - El donia zay el Morgeha (1 Replies, 18,428 Views) by Dannii_M
El donya zay el morgeha yom taht we fo2 -
life is like a swing one day is down and one day is up
feeha khal ayshah we mertaha we feeha nas mesh fo2 -
some people are living in a good standard and...
Thread: Amir el Sa3ed - El donia zay el Morgeha (1 Replies, 18,428 Views) by Dannii_M
please!! i don't find the lyrics... can you translate for me please ??!!
thank you !! :D
Thread: Fadl Shaker - Ya Manta Waheshny (2 Replies, 2,159 Views) by Dannii_M
thank you !! :D
Thread: Fadl Shaker - Ya Manta Waheshny (2 Replies, 2,159 Views) by Dannii_M
شايف ليالى الشوق واللى جرا فيها
هانت وجاية سنين تضحك لياليها
ياترى انت فين دلوقتى يا حبيبى
يا مين يقولى قولى مين دلوقتى يا حبيبى
اية اقولك اية بتقول عليا اية
دلوقتى للى معاك
راح تحكى عن حبى...
Thread: Oum kalthoum - Hayarti Albi Ma'ak pleaaasee (3 Replies, 6,920 Views) by Dannii_M
i need the transliteration too please :D
Thread: Oum kalthoum - Hayarti Albi Ma'ak pleaaasee (3 Replies, 6,920 Views) by Dannii_M
here is the lyrics ... if someone could please transliterate it please !!
Thank you
أم كلثوم - حيرت قلبي معكأم كلثوم - حيرت قلبي معك
حيرت قلبي معاك
حيرت قلبي معاك.. وأنا بداري واخبي
قل لي...
Thread: Abdel Halim Hafez - Kamel el Awsaf (2 Replies, 10,525 Views) by Dannii_M
thank you so much Daydream !! you're the best :D
Thread: Abdel Halim Hafez - Kamel el Awsaf (2 Replies, 10,525 Views) by Dannii_M
hello! Someone can translate it pleasee !! thank you !!! :D
امل الأوصاف فتنـِّي
والعيون السود خدوني
من هواهم رُحْت أغنـِّي
آه يا ليلي آه يا عيني
يا ليل
العيون السود .. رموشهم ليل
ليل بيحلم...
Thread: Mohammed Fouad - Ya Nassi Rohi (3 Replies, 3,926 Views) by Dannii_M
thank you so much :D
Thread: Mohammed Fouad - Ya Nassi Rohi (3 Replies, 3,926 Views) by Dannii_M
Hello !! i hope you can help me. I've got the lyrics of Ya Nassi Rohi, but i want to know the translate to english please.
جرحتك حبيبى جرحتك سامحنى بعادك حبيبى فى قلبى
جرحنى قول عينيك حبايبى...
Thread: Oum Kalthoum - Hazhyi Laylati (3 Replies, 1,694 Views) by Dannii_M
thank you :) but i need the translation to english or spanish too :S
Thread: Oum Kalthoum - Hazhyi Laylati (3 Replies, 1,694 Views) by Dannii_M
Someone can translate this song please !!
the part of youtube's video :)
Thread: Oum Kolthom - Serat el Hob (3 Replies, 20,137 Views) by Dannii_M