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Thread: Hello my old and dear friend (0 Replies, 17,608 Views) by David Halitsky
I miss our chats, Amethystos. The company will soon be officially incorporated - it took much longer than I thought.
Na'ste kala, file agaphmene mou . . .
Thread: Maria Fotiou - I orea Eleni (1 Replies, 2,907 Views) by David Halitsky
Ναι, ξέρω ότι υπάρχουν μεταφράσεις. Αλλά θα ήμουν ευγνώμων για τα δικά σας.
Thread: Tania Tsanaklidou - Iliahtida (1 Replies, 2,320 Views) by David Halitsky
Thread: στις 1:28 - ακούστε - "scat" (όπως και στην "jazz") !!!!!!!! (0 Replies, 12,376 Views) by David Halitsky
Thread: Για σένα που αγάπησα (από Ζαμπέτας) - ο σωστός τίτλ (2 Replies, 13,088 Views) by David Halitsky
OK thank you - I think the station made a mistake in their playlist -
because Duffy can't remember one like this either.
Thread: Για σένα που αγάπησα (από Ζαμπέτας) - ο σωστός τίτλ (2 Replies, 13,088 Views) by David Halitsky
Amethystos - υπάρχει ένα τραγούδι από Ζαμπέτας με αυτά τα λόγια:
"Για σένα που αγάπησα"
Αλλά αυτές οι λέξεις δεν είναι ο τίτλος του τραγουδιού.
Ξέρετε ο σωστός τίτλος αυτού του τραγουδιού από...
Thread: Giorgo Mouflouzelis - "Η μόστρα σου είναι όμορφη" ;;;;;;;;; (4 Replies, 2,956 Views) by David Halitsky
Thank you for clarifying about the links !
Here is "Duffy Dack's" translation (he did it on Facebook for me). It is very similar to yours, but different in a couple of places. Interesting, very...
Thread: Greek "aptaliko" is NOT Turkish "karsilama" (0 Replies, 12,217 Views) by David Halitsky
A couple of years ago, there was a long discussion in this forum about Greek songs which sound like Turkish karsilama songs because they are in the 9/9 rhythm.
I recently found out from a friend...
Thread: Giorgo Mouflouzelis - "Η μόστρα σου είναι όμορφη" ;;;;;;;;; (4 Replies, 2,956 Views) by David Halitsky
Σας ευχαριστώ, όπως πάντα, φίλε μου.
Αλλά - οι συνδέσεις;
Thread: Giorgo Mouflouzelis - "Η μόστρα σου είναι όμορφη" ;;;;;;;;; (4 Replies, 2,956 Views) by David Halitsky
What the h** do these lyrics mean?
I am sure that you can figure them out, but I bet that the translation will be a good challenge for you !!!
Thread: Amethystos - listen to this song! Loizos was such a genius! (5 Replies, 14,732 Views) by David Halitsky
Thank you as always, file mou! I will let our friend Panos (the young composer from Volos) know that you remember another one ....
By the way, your memory of songs is amazing - and your ability to...
Thread: Amethystos - listen to this song! Loizos was such a genius! (5 Replies, 14,732 Views) by David Halitsky
Listen! This song switches back and forth between hasapiko and zeimbekiko - hasapiko for the verse and zeimbekiko for the chorus ...
Amazing !!!!! Brilliant !!!! Very difficult to mix these...
Thread: wine: "oinos" kai "krasi" (0 Replies, 11,527 Views) by David Halitsky
Thread: What is the old Israeli song that sounds like this Greek song from 1970? (0 Replies, 18,394 Views) by David Halitsky
Please listen to this video from 0:52 - 1:35.
To me, this section of the song sounds very similar to an old Israeli song from the same time period ...
Thread: New song (dance music, modern) by our friend Panos Koutselinis (0 Replies, 11,839 Views) by David Halitsky
Amethystos - here is new song (dance music, modern) by our friend Panos Koutselinis.
Thread: ρεμπέτικα, λαϊκά. (5 Replies, 12,668 Views) by David Halitsky
I am glad that you approve of the correction by Duffy.
But as usual ... LOL . . .Duffy disagrees with my generalization here. He says that the best laika composers in Greece wrote of "life...
Thread: ρεμπέτικα, λαϊκά. (5 Replies, 12,668 Views) by David Halitsky
Here is Duffy's correction ... perhaps you will translate the same way:
Όταν αγωνιζόμαστε στη ζωή για τα προς το ζην, χρειαζόμαστε τα ρεμπέτικα.
Όταν είμαστε ερωτευμένοι, χρειαζόμαστε τα λαϊκά
Thread: ρεμπέτικα, λαϊκά. (5 Replies, 12,668 Views) by David Halitsky
Yes, please!!! Thank you.
These were understood by Greeks on Facebook pretty well - even Duffy made no correction.
And therefore, I thought they were correct Greek for the English:
"When we...
Thread: ρεμπέτικα, λαϊκά. (5 Replies, 12,668 Views) by David Halitsky
Όταν αγωνιζόμαστε στη ζωή για να κάνει τα προς το ζην, χρειαζόμαστε ρεμπέτικα.
Όταν είμαστε στην αγάπη, χρειαζόμαστε λαϊκά.
Thread: "πόνος στο γάιδαρο» ("pain in the ***", in English . . .) (0 Replies, 12,337 Views) by David Halitsky
Είναι ατυχές το γεγονός ότι οι Έλληνες δεν έχουν την έκφραση "πόνος στο γάιδαρο». Αντί γι 'αυτό, οι Έλληνες λένε "Πολύ ενοχλητικός". Νομίζω ότι οι Έλληνες θα πρέπει να αρχίσουν να λένε "πόνος στο...
Thread: Τι σημαίνει αυτή η παλιά λέξη σημαίνει: "ξεμυαλί&a (2 Replies, 13,085 Views) by David Halitsky
Thank you as always . . .
Thread: New neo-laika song with lyrics by our own "Duffy Dack" - please translate ! (2 Replies, 2,862 Views) by David Halitsky
Thank you a million times a million times, Amethystos. That is a perfect "colloquial" English translation - I now understand completely what Duffy wrote in Greek, based on my original English...
Thread: Τι σημαίνει αυτή η παλιά λέξη σημαίνει: "ξεμυαλί&a (2 Replies, 13,085 Views) by David Halitsky
Στίχοι: M.Χιώτης
Μουσική: M.Χιώτης
Ερμηνευτές: Χασκίλ Στέλλα, Σαλονικιά
Θαρρείς και μάγια μου 'κανες
Thread: New neo-laika song with lyrics by our own "Duffy Dack" - please translate ! (2 Replies, 2,862 Views) by David Halitsky
Amethystos - if and when you have a moment, I would really like to see your translation of this . . . if you have no time, perhaps someone else will do it for us ! And of course, I would love to...
Thread: A fragment of colloquial Greek which I find fascinating: (0 Replies, 13,210 Views) by David Halitsky
A fragment of colloquial Greek which I find fascinating:
Δεν το έχω κανει ξανά (I have not done this before.)
What's interesting (to me, anyway!) is that it literally means "I do not do...
Thread: Hi Amethystos - Αυτές οι στίχοι εντάξει για ένα ελληνικό τρα& (0 Replies, 12,160 Views) by David Halitsky
Hi - τι νομίζετε; Αυτές οι στίχοι εντάξει για ένα ελληνικό τραγούδι; Μάλλον όχι ... LOL
στην παραλία, ο ήλιος βρίσκει ξανθά μαλλιά σας
το φως συναντά το φως
από το τζάκι, η φωτιά βρίσκει τα...
Thread: Amethystos - why do you transliterate χασαπικο with two s's? (4 Replies, 14,629 Views) by David Halitsky
I don't know Steve - maybe you are correct ...
Thread: ποια είναι η γνώμη σας, Αμέθυστος; Καλή στίχους γι (2 Replies, 12,833 Views) by David Halitsky
Thank you so much, Amethystos. Ane best wishes for the New Year to you as well.
Here are the Greek lyrics which Duffy has already written for the new hasapiko. I think they are close to the...
Thread: ποια είναι η γνώμη σας, Αμέθυστος; Καλή στίχους γι (2 Replies, 12,833 Views) by David Halitsky
I have asked Duffy to see if he can make Greek lyrics for a good hasapiko from these ... I hope he can do it ! (But if you want to try also ... LOL !!!!)
One Lifetime Is Too Short
Why should...
Thread: The Greek sense of "urgency" and the US sense of "urgency" (1 Replies, 13,479 Views) by David Halitsky
The situation was resolved last week - the Greek bank actually honored the revocation of the revocation and the money is safely in the lawyer's account in Greece. So, a month for three transactions...
Thread: και ο ήλιος θε να βγεί (New song lyrics by Duffy Dack and David Halitsky) (1 Replies, 4,902 Views) by David Halitsky
και ο ήλιος θε να βγεί
Ένα βράδυ στο κουτούκι
όλοι οι φίλοι σε κερνούνε
οι γυναίκες σ' αγαπάνε
αλλά δεν το 'μολογούνε
Γλυκοπαίζει το μπουζούκι
στην υγειά μας βρε παιδιά
τη βραδιά μας...
Thread: The Greek sense of "urgency" and the US sense of "urgency" (1 Replies, 13,479 Views) by David Halitsky
Amethystos and Duffy Dack - I thought you would appreciate the humor in the story that I tell below. Unfortunately, the serious side of the story is that delay on the part of the National Bank of...
Thread: ... GREAT web station (with a "mono laika" channel (0 Replies, 13,115 Views) by David Halitsky
Great playlist ... this is the "mono laika" channel - listen - all great songs !!!! Classics !!!!
Thread: Παρακαλώ - Οπως ακριβώς ανασαίνω (Marinella) (1 Replies, 5,404 Views) by David Halitsky
Οπως ακριβώς ανασαίνω
Κείνες τις ώρες που μου λείπεις
στις απουσίες της αγάπης
η μοναξιά μου με σταυρώνει
στο παραθύρι, στο μπαλκόνι
για να...
Thread: Is this poem suitable as the basis for a Greek song? Please tell me your opinion (5 Replies, 14,178 Views) by David Halitsky
Thank you as always, K. Amethystos ...
Thread: Is this poem suitable as the basis for a Greek song? Please tell me your opinion (5 Replies, 14,178 Views) by David Halitsky
Amethystos -
The young Greek songwriter Ελεάνα Τσεσμελή has asked me for a poem she can adapt for a song that Lydia Mavrou might like to sing.
I have reworked the song at the top of the this...
Thread: New Non-Profit Greek Record Label for Old Laika and Rebetika from UNSIGNED artists .. (5 Replies, 16,372 Views) by David Halitsky
"I'll gladly assist your idea David."
Thank you, K. Amethystos. As soon as incoporation gets under way, I will be in touch ...
Thread: New Non-Profit Greek Record Label for Old Laika and Rebetika from UNSIGNED artists .. (5 Replies, 16,372 Views) by David Halitsky
Great news Amethystos
Annamarie Buonocore is the publisher of Voices, the journal of, where our poem was published
Thread: New Non-Profit Greek Record Label for Old Laika and Rebetika from UNSIGNED artists .. (5 Replies, 16,372 Views) by David Halitsky
Thank you so much for the good wishes, Amethystos.
I will tell you something funny - you will laugh.
Originally, I intended to call the new company "A&D Records", because Amethystos and Duffy ...
Thread: New Non-Profit Greek Record Label for Old Laika and Rebetika from UNSIGNED artists .. (5 Replies, 16,372 Views) by David Halitsky
If you're on Facebook, read this link.
If you're not on FB, here's what the link says:
Thread: Here are the Greek lyrics for "You'll Never Walk Alone" (0 Replies, 14,129 Views) by David Halitsky
Amethystos - this is a "legit" translation from this page:
Thread: Is this poem suitable as the basis for a Greek song? Please tell me your opinion (5 Replies, 14,178 Views) by David Halitsky
Amethystos - thanks as always. The translation was actually understood quite well by an "average-Joe GreeK" but maybe that guy is so used to the way Google speaks Greek that he doesn't have a big a...
Thread: Is this poem suitable as the basis for a Greek song? Please tell me your opinion (5 Replies, 14,178 Views) by David Halitsky
Is this poem suitable as the basis for a Greek song? Please tell me your opinion. Thanks.
Tο κοίλο του χεριού μου
Καθώς περπατούσα μέσα από τους λόφους
κατά μήκος ενός μικρού σαφές ρεύμα...
Thread: A simple trick to improve the performance of Google translator from English to Greek (0 Replies, 12,251 Views) by David Halitsky
When using Google translator to go from English to Greek, do the following:
Instead of typing I, you, he, she, we in the English, type "I myself", "you yourself" or "you yourselves", "he himself",...
Thread: Eudaimon - if you feel like doing another translation, I would be indebted ... (1 Replies, 4,093 Views) by David Halitsky
Thread: Amethystos - two songs that are begging for English > Greek translation (0 Replies, 12,451 Views) by David Halitsky
Amethystos - the next time you feel like exercising your English > Greek translation muscles, here are two American songs that are begging and crying-out for translation to Greek (unless you can find...
Thread: Amethystos - difference between "πολύ καλοί φίλοι" and "καλοί φίλοι" (6 Replies, 13,742 Views) by David Halitsky
My god, Amethystos - I knew you were disillusioned, but I didn't realize HOW disilluisioned ... LOL
You cannot even recognize a "cry from the heart" ("cri de coeur" in French) any longer ... LOL
Thread: Amethystos - difference between "πολύ καλοί φίλοι" and "καλοί φίλοι" (6 Replies, 13,742 Views) by David Halitsky
Well, Amethystos, just to keep you up-to-date on this "developing story" (LOL!), here is what she meant by "πολύ καλοί φίλοι". From what she wrote, she strikes me as a very good and sincere person...
Thread: Amethystos - difference between "πολύ καλοί φίλοι" and "καλοί φίλοι" (6 Replies, 13,742 Views) by David Halitsky
That was short and to the point, Amethystos - LOL ....
But I have a Greek friend who disagrees - he says the distinction is the same as in English - one holds out more chance of something more...
Thread: Amethystos - difference between "πολύ καλοί φίλοι" and "καλοί φίλοι" (6 Replies, 13,742 Views) by David Halitsky
Amethystos - in Greece, if a Greek woman tells a man she wants to be "πολύ καλοί φίλοι", is that any different from telling him she wants to be "καλοί φίλοι"?
In other words, does "πολύ καλοί...