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Thread: Last laugh (1 Replies, 17,985 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Wrote in like 20 mins so not sorted yet but would love to know what people think and any improvements are welcome
Your days are the darkest
Like a winters morn
Seeming like theirs no end in...
Thread: Peak in your soul (2 Replies, 17,330 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Wow emotional and clearly caring about someone a lot :) I like it
Thread: Smile (0 Replies, 5,755 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
When you was born,
I felt my life had been torn,
I felt I'd been held back
From my potential.
But then I held you,
You was my baby
I knew only you could save me
From myself
I'd tickle you,
Thread: Sunshine (2 Replies, 7,196 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Collaboration !!! Love it
Thread: Sunshine (2 Replies, 7,196 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Sun rise around a busy city
Beams of light shimmer in the Windows
But at the street level no light has reached
That's the way this life goes
Always close to touching the warmth of a new...
Thread: No family without you....lou (0 Replies, 2,673 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Hope this isn't falling on deaf ears ..... 123
I wish you wouldn't make me leave here
We have give so much time to love
I will cry a thousand tears
But il never give up on us
I've tired...
Thread: Was she worth it (0 Replies, 3,219 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
The answer will always be no believe me
You tell her your at home
That you just need time alone
That your with a friend
Will talk when your games at an end
You say you fell to sleep ...
Thread: Mistake (0 Replies, 2,729 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Forced out like a candle in the wind
Not given a second to explain
Life spiralling down the drain
Whilst sleeping on deck chair
The lads dream of freedom
But forget what it costs
Thread: I hope you find your happiness (2 Replies, 2,297 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
That's true but at least we can some times choose the moments we are happiest to die in
Thread: What am I waiting for (3 Replies, 2,215 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Thank you I'm happy you enjoyed it :)
Thread: I hope you find your happiness (2 Replies, 2,297 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
My life, My stubbornness, The way I played
Made you give up and walk away
It hurts knowing I can never make up for the mistakes I made
Now I'm here wishing you had stayed
My friend tell me...
Thread: What am I waiting for (3 Replies, 2,215 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
I hope someone is reading this....
Watched you walk away
Without a single look back
You smile with someone else in mind
You life is set on a new track
Days seem to never end
Hope of life...
Thread: In Oblivion (0 Replies, 2,003 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
A lot of truth about myself and is more of a promise then lyrics if that maks sense .... Anyways enjoy :)
Days I've done you wrong
Days you've done worse
Round and round again
Press the...
Thread: I can mess up anything (1 Replies, 1,916 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
On and off where together
Flicker like a light
Day of easy sailing weather
Storms within the night
Point scored and counted
Chalk another up
One head to be mounted
The other locked up
Thread: Voices (2 Replies, 1,939 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Descent song pal. A few of the earlier lines can be slightly reworded I think to allow it to flow better but other then that great :)
Also love the chorus really catchy
Thread: Hope has gone away (0 Replies, 1,312 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Can you hear my soul cry
Can you see my eyes scream
Begging for a saviour
To show them selves
And protect my dreams
On a slippery spiral to nothingness
Vacancy has set in deep
Life became...
Thread: Hate I love (0 Replies, 1,395 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
You bleed the life from my eyes
You leave me in the dark
Your knife cuts the deepest
But leaves no visible mark
You crush and destroy
But have you ever thought twice
Played the game of...
Thread: Controlled by your history (4 Replies, 3,797 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
It does indeed.
Thread: Controlled by your history (4 Replies, 3,797 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Hahah thanks pal .... Was in a bit of a bad mood when writing this if you couldnt tell :)
Thread: MERCY VALENTINE a first song writing effort (4 Replies, 4,101 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Even for veteran that's an impressive song so a new write to have such a high level to start of with is awesome!! Great effort and keep writing :)
Thread: Life won't follow your blue print (0 Replies, 826 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Thinking about this been my last song .... Only really wrote so someone could hear my feelings but seem to have lost meaning...
Hold back the tears
Your not supposed to show
Replay the visions ...
Thread: Controlled by your history (4 Replies, 3,797 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
The actions of your past will always be brought up in the present effecting the future
When the sun goes down
Don't think your done
Moments within the day
Seeming harmless fun
Thread: Mind game disease/ poisonous memories (2 Replies, 1,910 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
It's a valid point think some restructure of the verses is needed. Cheers pal
Thread: Mind game disease/ poisonous memories (2 Replies, 1,910 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Still needs a another verse or two but you get the point.... I hope. Improvements welcomed :)
My head my solitude
Where I hang my thoughts
Let them linger and stew
Weakening my broken heart
Thread: Our last summer (11 Replies, 8,283 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Can't wait for these to become huge ahahahah
Thread: Our last summer (11 Replies, 8,283 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
The music Dmitry wrote to this song is amazing we will hopefully be able to release it one day :)
Thread: Our last summer (11 Replies, 8,283 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Thank you Kerri :)
Thread: Unworthy (2 Replies, 2,033 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Yer I agree with it not flowing quite right especially at the end. Il get on it and see what I can do :) thanks
Thread: Unworthy (2 Replies, 2,033 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Not finished this is a scrap bit of what I want to do. Any and all improvement will be appreciated, it's been a while since I wrote something.
Sit above the thunder
On your sun soak cloud nine ...
Thread: What do you think of my lyrics? (3 Replies, 2,090 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
3rd line the "to" needs to be taken out
Instead of "because you hold my hand" try " you held my hand"
Other then that the lyrics are powerful and moving
Thread: Pokemon version of without you (0 Replies, 1,763 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Just having fun with lyrics so I decided to make a Pokemon version of with out you by David guetta and usher :) enjoy
I can't win, I try in vein
I will never beat this game
Pi ka chu, Pi ka chu...
Thread: Our last summer (11 Replies, 8,283 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Thank you, it's a sad song for me filled with happy memories which I found weird when writing it.
It's my favourite phrase, and it's true for something or someone to be perfect it/they have to...
Thread: Our last summer (11 Replies, 8,283 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Written for someone special
The sun has finally set
Now we pretend to be friends
Our story is now done
We hold our tongue to not offend
If only I knew this had an end
I'd savor every...
Thread: Don't Give In (1 Replies, 2,669 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Magical.... Dunno why but I hear it as a Disney song with big vocals :) really well written
Thread: Fathers (7 Replies, 5,013 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
I'm sorry to hear about your mum but your dad really does sound heroic. They are the silent heros who give you advice and help without any more needing to be said. They can be the bad guy that forces...
Thread: Fathers (7 Replies, 5,013 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
To right I think both have equal roles to play :)
Thread: Your a long time dead (2 Replies, 3,819 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Thanks pal I appreciate it :)
Thread: Your a long time dead (2 Replies, 3,819 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Hope you guys enjoy :)
Time is slipping away from our grasps
Not to be used more then once
Some times it hurts to think
We have used it this way
Like a bird with it's feathers
Time is given...
Thread: Freedom isnt free (2 Replies, 1,449 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Yer people needed to forget government and there lies
Thread: Fathers (7 Replies, 5,013 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Thanks pal :) got to respect them lol
Thread: Freedom isnt free (2 Replies, 1,449 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Your living in a dream world
Thinking this life is yours
Your oppressed by tyrants,
governments and royalty
With sharpened claws
Given Your daily lives
To put money in their pockets
Thread: Δ ㄷ૦ℝ卫Ś€ Īй †Ħ€ ₣૦ŁÐ (8 Replies, 2,198 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
As always a masterpiece written with style and seemingly effortless
Thread: My.Dedication (5 Replies, 2,277 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Holy dam that's petty epic pal. Well written
Thread: Lost (4 Replies, 5,269 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Sorry only just seen this reply as I was going through old stuff :)
It still sad to think about but life goes on we rather implode on our selves or use it as a tool to help create a better future...
Thread: Lord stay out of my way (part 2) (6 Replies, 2,634 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
It's about calling time on destruction and revenge. It's about watching people getting hurt and deciding enough is enough someone needs to stop this before there isn't anything left worth fighting...
Thread: Fathers (7 Replies, 5,013 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
This is dedicated to my dad and any other dad. They work just as hard and ask nothing in return. Who can honestly say that they work just has hard on Father's Day as they do mothers. We know you...
Thread: Missin' life (4 Replies, 1,389 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Another well written song with a really good message :) as a little change maybe remove the "that has to be done " part from the bridge just didn't think it needed to be there and may help the flow...
Thread: Dreams (0 Replies, 829 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
A dream is an in site
Into your beating heart
So capture it and protect it
So your life can begin to start
Dream of wonder and magic
If that's what you wish
Create a land of marvel
With a...
Thread: Live my dream (9 Replies, 2,600 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Just proof that you are continually getting better and better as a song writer :) just remember though some songs are better in there raw unrefined state :)
Thread: Upper Lip (1 Replies, 1,219 Views) by trueperfectionisimperfect
Great song pal, really liked the chorus and 1st prechorus :) just a little change if that's ok with you... It may have been the way I was reading it but at the end of the chorus instead of "said this...