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Thread: Giorgos Mazonakis - Kalos Sas Vrika (7 Replies, 20,647 Views) by lopatka
I asked my boyfriend to translate it for me finally, so here I post his translation for everyone :]
Γιώργος Μαζωνάκης – Καλώς σας βρήκα
Giorgos Mazonakis – Good to find you
Good to...
Thread: Giorgos Mazonakis - Kalos Sas Vrika (7 Replies, 20,647 Views) by lopatka
Could anyone help with translating it, please? :]]
Thread: Teodulija i Madam Piano - Marijo deli bela kumrijo (7 Replies, 5,661 Views) by lopatka
"Аго" comes from "ага (agha/aga in English)", as Athanatos mentioned above. It's just in the vocative case.
Thread: Джена - Ако беше друга (2 Replies, 2,926 Views) by lopatka
Ако беше друга нямаше да плаче,
- if she was another one (in my place), she wouldn't cry
но нали съм твойта няма как ще викам даже.
- but since I'm yours, i'll even yell if I have to
И нали съм...
Thread: Райна - Ще кажа да ׂ new (1 Replies, 2,640 Views) by lopatka
Raina - I'll say yes
Има чар, нали.. сами - аз и ти, очи в очи?
- It's nice, right - you and me alone, face to face?
Има чар, нали.. сами да помълчим?
- It's nice, right ... us alone - let's be...
Thread: Σαραντης Σαλεας - Στην Καρδια Μου Βαζω Αμπαρες translate nee (4 Replies, 6,356 Views) by lopatka
I'd also really appreciate a translation :]
Thread: Translation help, Bulgarian to English. Anyone? (4 Replies, 12,943 Views) by lopatka
уеекинко много бачкинг... ако не ти е далеч, може някоя арома примепно с хлапетата другия уикенд
"a bit too much working.. if it's not too far for you, we can, for example, go to an "aroma" with...
Thread: Id original songs in bulgarian 4 songs (17 Replies, 4,471 Views) by lopatka
It's wrong ;]
Thread: Sava Popsavov - qsen mesez (BG > EN) (17 Replies, 7,871 Views) by lopatka
I know, the site is fantastic :]]
Thread: Sava Popsavov - qsen mesez (BG > EN) (17 Replies, 7,871 Views) by lopatka
I don't know if someone has already posted this link or not. Anyways, I'm gonna post it because I found it very interesting and helpful once when I was obsessed with this song :P
Thread: Preslava - Obeshtai mi (2 Replies, 2,413 Views) by lopatka
Preslava - Promise me
1.За ръката дето ме държиш,
- To the [my] hand that you hold,
други ме държаха преди теб
- others have held on before you
и това,което ми шептиш
- and the thing that...
Thread: PRESLAVA - Kak ti stoi (6 Replies, 38,242 Views) by lopatka
That's so random :D
*I mean what he sings in the song, not your post :P
Thread: Finnish language (24 Replies, 204,300 Views) by lopatka
Ok, kiitos! :]]
Thread: Finnish language (24 Replies, 204,300 Views) by lopatka
Hey guys, I have a question about one thing: Onko se "tämä on tosi hyvä biisi" vai "tämä on totta hyvää biisiä"? :] Any help? :}
Thread: More Folk Music/Dance Lyrics, please (42 Replies, 13,533 Views) by lopatka --> You might be interested in this thread as well. There's some folklore songs in there ;)
Thread: More Folk Music/Dance Lyrics, please (42 Replies, 13,533 Views) by lopatka
Кате Катерино
Кате Кате, Кате Катерино (2)
- Kate, Katerino (that's like saying: Cathy, Catherine)
Кате, Кате, Кате Катерино (х2)
- Kate, Kate, Kate Katerino
Кате Катерино.
- Kate Katerino
Thread: Andrea i Iliqn - Ne gi pravi tiq raboti (27 Replies, 30,594 Views) by lopatka
"Зарибявам" literally means "to breed fish artificially/in a pond". It comes from the Bulgarian word for fish - riba. Nowadays, in everyday speech it has taken on the meaning of "to develop a strong...
Thread: Rado Shisharkata & Popa - Tigre, tigre (BG > EN) (9 Replies, 10,647 Views) by lopatka
Isn't it "hubavi jeni" (beautiful women) instead of "glupavi jeni"? In the sense that if u have money, you get beautiful, though easy women, and if you don't have money, you get nothing... Not that...
Thread: Malina,Emiliya and Galena - Alarmata BG>EN - The alarm (5 Replies, 7,795 Views) by lopatka
Hmmm, my mistake. Now that I think more about it, it's "You're allowed to touch everything" and "You can touch everything". I'm sorry about the confusion :]
Thread: Teodora & Dj Jerry - Moqt Nomer (9 Replies, 7,435 Views) by lopatka
I first listened to and fell in love with the Greek one, so when I heard Teodora's rip-off I was really shocked, especially when I heard what they've done to the original lyrics. :] Generally, in my...
Thread: Malina,Emiliya and Galena - Alarmata BG>EN - The alarm (5 Replies, 7,795 Views) by lopatka
They mean, respectively - "It's allowed (for you) to touch everything" and "You're allowed to touch everything". It's basically the same...
Thread: Teodora & Dj Jerry - Moqt Nomer (9 Replies, 7,435 Views) by lopatka :) --> that's the original, if u're interested :]]
Thread: Cvetelina Yaneva & Ionut Cercel – Vlez (BG > EN) (7 Replies, 7,054 Views) by lopatka
Pff, Mocarte ot Sofia :P , when did a chalga video follow the story line of the lyrics? ;]
Thread: Just 2 songs that I keep wondering about.. :) (5 Replies, 1,969 Views) by lopatka
I could find the lyrics for only one of the songs, the other one I found on Youtube, but I must spend some time to listen to it and write the text down. Do you want them translated?
Thread: Cvetelina Yaneva & Ionut Cercel – Vlez (BG > EN) (7 Replies, 7,054 Views) by lopatka
Цветелина Янева ft. Ionut Cercel – Влез:
Cvetelina Yaneva ft Ionut Cercel - Get in
Ти крадeш по нощите, не коли, жените грабиш ти
- You steal at night, not cars - women you rob ...
Thread: 2 songs translated (1 Replies, 1,820 Views) by lopatka
First one is a Romanian song, so I guess you should try posting it in the Romanian forum and they might help you there :]
Second one has already been translated:
Thread: Andrea - Celuvai Me (3 Replies, 3,622 Views) by lopatka
Искам същото с теб е хубаво
- I want the same - it's nice with you
имаш тялото мойто цялото
- you have the body, my whole body
да ме хванеш пак,да ме чувстваш пак
- (for you) to catch me again,...
Thread: Pavel - Pak da si tuk (BG > DE (try)) (8 Replies, 2,498 Views) by lopatka
What about the people who don't understand German? :P
Thread: Teodora Durja Te (14 Replies, 4,238 Views) by lopatka
Here you go:
Алисия - Твоя тотално
Твоя тотално,просто не е реално,да ми пасваш така ти...
С колко вида целувки можеш да ме побъркваш,
С тебе как ме задържаш ти,мразя колко твоя станах.
Thread: Румънеца, Енчев и Емануела - Данък любов (6 Replies, 4,347 Views) by lopatka
:D Благодаря за поясненията, xaxa ;]]]
Thread: Kamelia - Zaleza zorata (BG > EN) (3 Replies, 2,494 Views) by lopatka
you're welcome ;)
Thread: Kamelia - Zaleza zorata (BG > EN) (3 Replies, 2,494 Views) by lopatka
Камелия - Залеза и зората:
Kamelia - The sunset and the dawn
Ти знаеш ли ,че разказа ми луната
- Do u know that the moon told me the story
за любовта между залеза и зората
- about the love...
Thread: Andrea - Laja Go S Teb (8 Replies, 8,799 Views) by lopatka
You're welcome :]] Yeah, that page with links to already translated songs hasn't been updated in quite a while .. :]
Thread: Neti - Lunata spi (BG > EN) (4 Replies, 2,913 Views) by lopatka
I don't know :D It always sounded meaningless to me :}}
Anyway, I'm glad you like it ;]
Thread: Andrea - Laja Go S Teb (8 Replies, 8,799 Views) by lopatka
Already translated ;] if you scroll down u can find the Romanian part as well.
Thread: Esil Duran - Lele, Iano (BG/TR/EN > EN) (2 Replies, 4,741 Views) by lopatka
Есил Дюран – Леле, яно:
Esil Duran - Oh my, Yano! ("Lele" is an exclamation that means something like "Oh my God/Oh heavens/Oh dear!"... u get the sense ;] )
*The name of the girl is Yana, but...
Thread: Neti - Lunata spi (BG > EN) (4 Replies, 2,913 Views) by lopatka
Let me tell you before I begin translating - that's one of the worst lyrics I've ever heard in a song :P
Нети - Луната спи:
Neti - The moon sleeps
Луната спи безплатен призрачен сън.
- The...
Thread: Zara - Edna balgarska roza (BG > EN) (3 Replies, 4,554 Views) by lopatka
Зара - Една българска роза:
Zara - One Bulgarian rose
Добър вечер приятелю млад,
- Good evening, young friend,
добър вечер другарю.
- good evening (my) fellow ["drugar" is also the communist...
Thread: Gloria - Ako bqh se rodila reka (BG > EN) (3 Replies, 2,482 Views) by lopatka
You're welcome :]
Thread: Tania Boeva & Lady B - Koi e Tuzara 2010 (1 Replies, 3,075 Views) by lopatka
Като мощен мерцедес, ти и днес си класа "S"
влизаш с охраната, пазят ти се "VIP" места
мацките наточени пак са те нарочили...
Всяка знае кой е тузара
кой жените пак ще скара
тебе иска всяка...
Thread: Slavka Kalcheva - Bqla roza (1 Replies, 1,341 Views) by lopatka
Thread: Valentina - Slabi angeli (BG > EN) (2 Replies, 1,770 Views) by lopatka
You just pretend to be in love –
No girl is worth it
But you will pay!
For you I was just the next girl,
You think you played with me
But you will pay!
You cannot handle it! ...
Thread: Kamelia - Iskash ili da (BG > EN) (2 Replies, 2,887 Views) by lopatka
Do you want or yes?
Толкова си сладък, колкото горчив!
- you're as sweet as you're bitter
Влюбен до припадък, само че страхлив!
- (you're so) in love till it hurts, but you're timid
Аз ли да...
Thread: Kati - Gledam te (BG > EN) (2 Replies, 2,265 Views) by lopatka
Кати - Гледам те:
Katy - I'm looking at you
Гледаш ме, гледаш ме.
- I'm looking at you, you're looking at me.
Всичко в мене как трепти.
- how everything vibrates in me.
Ти реши, ти реши.
Thread: Gloria - Ako bqh se rodila reka (BG > EN) (3 Replies, 2,482 Views) by lopatka
Глория - Ако бях се родила река:
Gloriya - If I was born (as) a river
Ако бях се родила река
- if I was born (as) a river
щях да бъда аз майка на всички
- I was going to be mother to...
Thread: Greek - English: Μιχάλης Χατζηγιάννης - Το καλοκαίρι μου (2 Replies, 2,699 Views) by lopatka
Thank you! :]
Thread: Greek - English: Μιχάλης Χατζηγιάννης - Το καλοκαίρι μου (2 Replies, 2,699 Views) by lopatka
Could anyone translate this song, please? :]
Ναι, πες μου σε όλα ναι,
Όμορφα μάτια μπλε,
Και θα'ναι η βραδιά κομπλέ
Μη, μη το σκεφτείς στιγμή
Τέλος οι δισταγμοί
Πάμε στην κορυφή....
Thread: Румънеца, Енчев и Емануела - Данък любов (6 Replies, 4,347 Views) by lopatka
That's a song with many references and if you're not from Bulgaria it'd be a bit hard to understand the whole meaning. And even though I am Bulgarian, I cannot understand everything they're talking...
Thread: french rap with violin somewhere 80s or 90s (3 Replies, 8,514 Views) by lopatka ... Although it's from 2002 ...
Thread: Maria - Dai jega (BG > EN) (5 Replies, 5,496 Views) by lopatka
Мария - Дай жега:
Maria - Heat me up (literally: Give heat)
Айде сега да ви видя...
- Let me see you now
върти дай дай дай...
- whine up, more, more, more
Дай... дай... дай... дай....
- more...