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Thread: Area 51 (2 Replies, 3,482 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
EHHH, *chills run down spines* (spines? 's' ??? XD)
I saw nothing! IDEK WHERE IT IS. but yeah, the truth is the truth.
Thanks anyway -U-
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Dude I haven't posted anything in forever.
I miss this place so much(:
Thread: Area 51 (2 Replies, 3,482 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
There's a secret place,
That we are not allowed to see.
People from space,
Whatever could these creatures be?
Beyond my wonders,
And highest expectations.
My eyes don't deceive...
Thread: Dying (9 Replies, 5,525 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Dude like- who knew such a sad story would be so good it just makes you wanna *CRIES*
Lol Jk thanks again guys! Remember just because I don't comment on your lyrics DOESN'T mean I don't read them!...
Thread: Dying (9 Replies, 5,525 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Thanks so much! I appreciate your kindness it amazes me that I still get so much love here even when I've been gone for like ever! Thank you! (((:
Hehe :3
And lol! Enslaved, I just noticed that...
Thread: Dying (9 Replies, 5,525 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Grr! LOL this song is about my bf Brandon ]:
Hahaha. I love you dudes.
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Hi. (;
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
It's because I ain't ere ;P BWUAHAHA. TH3 L4ST SH4D0W ~ !
Thread: Dying (9 Replies, 5,525 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Hehe thankies Alex! And lol silly inskeep! That's not apart of the song hehehe.
I love these lyrics ;P
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Lmao!! I love yu moreeee xD
Thread: Dying (9 Replies, 5,525 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
That Temper collides with this sadness.
Depression lurks and I am drifting away,
I'm drowning in this pool of pure rejection.
Another part of your so graceful heart.
Thread: Fuzzy Light (VeryShort) (1 Replies, 3,048 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
That fuzzy lookin light stays green all day.
Lonely to death,
& I feel so heartless..
Due to the things that I've done,
But afraid to say..
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Hai guys I just wanted to shout out that August 21st was my Bday hehe I'm 14 now ;P and it's been 11 months since Brandon asked me out. yay!!! <3 hehe I love you guys so much! N yea I've read all of...
Thread: I Miss You (3 Replies, 2,446 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Thanks guys and Btw Andrew was a guy in the past that had a huge crush on me but I never acknowledged that love from him, he was my best friend and my partner in crime. But Andrew had a temper so...
Thread: I Miss You (3 Replies, 2,446 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
~you have once said.
"I don't want this Message to be long, But a couple of sentences will Never express my feelings for you.."
I'm putting your saying to use(:
Andrew Reilly. This is for...
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Oh yeah... I forgot that(: I'm a mad hatter and your my guard to save the kitty inside my hat from evil Razor Asher. Robbie is my BFF whom I have a secret crush on and Moonie is my pet. How insane is...
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Thanks Katie(:
N nope. So I have something to say,
There once was a deer named Roscoe, he was born with a BlueTooth head set, and an orange sock. His mom was a camel and his dad was a moose....
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
You'll eat ninja carrots or starve cause -ahem- -cough cough-I ate em all-COUGHHHHHHH-
My world and heart is changing in different directions and I haven't found the time to sit down, relax, and...
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
I'm totally dead.
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Nehehehe Me, Robbie, Katie, and You r best fwendds xD our little family ;D goodness I miss you!!
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Robbie Haii! Katie.... HAII AGAIN :O
I think I've melted perminitly :( me and Razor are writing a song together (you know what I mean right? xD )
I'm looking foreword to reading those songs Robbie...
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Everyone disappeared!! :eek:! I haven't been on much but this thread is nothing without Robbie, You, Me, and Moon!!!
How did the exams go??
Everything's okay even me!
Mm hmm! Miss you!!
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Man.... The weirdest thing..
My life is whacked.
I learned a couple of things about this cruel world.
It's very deep. When I mean deep. You have to believe it fully. Because you will barley...
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Wow I am really fading away from here. Hardly even remember how to type on my iPad anymore. Much less use it..
*giggles* course I'll always stop by Amaryn :) I'm the baby sister right? You, Moonie,...
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
My Mooooooooooooooooonie! Hehe I'm glad I made u smile!! Tee hee hee.
No sir :( today I was at the amusement park and it was crazy I screamed my boyfriends name (Brandon xD ) like a thousand times...
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Mas mas mas stories for your entertainment.
Ever been on one of those amusement park rides where you go way up high in the sky then you drop down really really fast and it's all over?...
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
This is the Lyrics Review Of OTD right????
Imaa go so off topic u wouldn't even know what in craps name hit chuu!
Ever got told before going to bed "don't let the bed bugs bite!". And in the...
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Dammit!! I thought all of my dreams came true. Oh well *selects TNT button* ;)
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Hmmmmmm.... YUSHH ">> xD
Omg. Sometimes I wonder. Why they make tea cups so.... Small and petite looking.
I mean. TEA IS GOOD. okay? I can drink the whole cup in ONE GULP. They should at least...
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Or is he?
SHUTTUP, I destroyed Yo butt a long time ago!!
but you loves me enough to bring me back :D int that the truth.
.... No Comment.
Thread: Numb Me (24 Replies, 6,641 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Lolz (what on earth does the z stand for I don't know but it's always better than an lol :p )
Tee hee hee :D wuv u brother,
Thread: Numb Me (24 Replies, 6,641 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Awwwweh tee hee hee :D your so welcome ;D and may I say you answered me backin a FLASH? Tee hee hee :D that's one thing that I like about chu Paul ^w^
Thread: Numb Me (24 Replies, 6,641 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
*hugs! * YESH!
Yay yay yay *jumps up an down continuously clapping like a little girl* I'm so glad you like it brother!! Thankies!! :D :kiss_fun::heart_fun:
Thread: Numb Me (24 Replies, 6,641 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
FIRST of all I am so friggin sorry for the late reply :eek:
I am glad you can relate yourself to my lyrics Paul :) not to mention that you feel great after reading it! :D
Btw I will alway...
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Razor is in luvvvv ;D
Yupp. Me and razor are on the computer trying to find out our origin. and guess what.
Ninja carrots are includeddddd ^^ <3
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Tell me another story Robbie ^^<3 <3 <3 *giggles* <3 <3
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
*just.. EXPLODES*
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Ex husband? I really need to get to know you. *brings out a sign that says Bring The Titanic BACK*
(this is pretty effin hilarious xD so random)
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Who the hell is Will?????
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Your a ghost? Omg I forgot Robbie was a ghost- *covers mouth* OMG I CALLED HIM ROBBIE 0_0"
Is there any way we could change you back? ;D
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
How long were we gone?
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
*cwies* my robbers deadddddd D';
GOOD. But you know I'm an Alter Ego. So I can see ghosts. Yeah. Still as ugly as hell
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Ah. Finally. He's dead!!!
*pokes robber* DEAD DEAD DEAD
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Dude. I assume everyone that I dueled with. And everyone that I murdered. Was a stupid frikin idiot. Cause YUR HARD TO FIGHTTTTT *whines*
Thread: Death Becomes Her (4 Replies, 1,893 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
It's okay!! people here always LOVE to read lyrics. Especially like, very very very good ones like these.
Keep writing!!! :D
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
*re appears behind you n head locks you* you killed me with... With WATER!! Well you know what ;) April showers brings may... FLOWERS *grabs a toy flower that them clowns wear n Squirts it in your...
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Grrrrrrr!! No fair!! *pulls out my duel wield pistols n fires at you* Plotting my revenge Katie!! *keeps running, dodging knives*
I'm not little!!!!! IM NOT LITTLE! *shoots*
*sits back n holds...
Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions (835 Replies, 371,123 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
Whoof! As long as it isn't clowns. Ugh. I hate clowns.
Anyways, I'm not afraid of your STUPID weapons. Cause I have a weapon bigger than all of that!! I have... SHADOW!!
Bigger? I just had a...
Thread: Title: Lost My Mind (long song leave comments plz) (3 Replies, 7,348 Views) by ShadowLeeSharp
I can see myself in this song a little bit.
I understand the whole song from the first lyric to the last. Very well put and of course the title fits frikin perfectly.
It's full of despair and...