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Thread: Urgent Please! Traditional Song from Ecuador... Spanish (0 Replies, 41,989 Views) by Oriee
Hello All,
I urgently need your help finding this traditional song from Ecuador... They should be singing in Spanish.
Thread: Mohamed Al-Salem : Shakla Fee Fee Dubaiii (3 Replies, 5,112 Views) by Oriee
حبيبي سافر كيف تاركني وحدي كيف
How could my love travel.
How could my love leave alone
حبيبي شكله في دبي ناوي يخلص الصيف
My darling seems to be in Dubai
She seems to spend all the summer...
Thread: Wael Kfoury Ghdarrtini (2 Replies, 4,484 Views) by Oriee
Try this
I've just found it :)
Thread: Wael Kfoury Ghdarrtini (2 Replies, 4,484 Views) by Oriee
I'm sorry I have no idea where you can find a dialect dictionary :(
غدَرتيني وقَلبي عِرِف ومِن غَدرِك دَمّو نِشِفْ
You betrayed me and my heart knew it,
the blood inside it dried up (because...
Thread: Majida El Roumi- La Tassal (2 Replies, 4,122 Views) by Oriee
Don't Ask
كلمات : د.سعاد الصباح
ألحان : مروان خوري
كلمات الأغنية
لا تسأل ما هي أخبــاري
Don't ask how I am
لا شيئ مهمٌ إلا أنـــــــت
Thread: I'm looking for a song (1 Replies, 17,255 Views) by Oriee
I found this
for Amal Hijazi
or this
for someone called Nahawand
Thread: Wael Kfoury Glotti Bittouwit (1 Replies, 2,856 Views) by Oriee
راجعة تقوليلي انتي الي وبعدك عم تتأملي
and you're again telling me that you're mine, hoping
عيش اللحظة واركض ليكي
to live the moment and run to you
وقلك انتي املي
and to tell you that you're my...
Thread: Layla and Majnun (2 Replies, 4,263 Views) by Oriee
وما بال ليلى ليست تخلص من دمي
What's special about Layla, I can't get her out of my mind
وتعلم أن النار حام وقودها
and she know that love is so strong
ألا قل لليلى
would you tell Layla
قد وهبت...
Thread: Wael Jassar - Enti (Transliteration wanted..) (3 Replies, 5,441 Views) by Oriee
Here you go
Thread: Brings closer to the eye... URGENT HELP PLEAAAAAASE! (1 Replies, 9,170 Views) by Oriee
Hello all,
I have a confusing question and need the help of native English speakers pleeeease.
What does bring closer in the following statement mean?
Hand lens (magnifying glass) brings...
Thread: Elissa .... Saharna Ya Leil 2016 (1 Replies, 4,259 Views) by Oriee
سهرنا يا ليل للصبح يا ليل
O night time, Keep us awake all night
و امانة ما تمشي يا قمر الليل
Promise not to go
أه يا محلي...
Thread: Asi Al-Hillani - Daqqah Aliya (0 Replies, 2,318 Views) by Oriee
Asi Al-Hillani - Daqqah Aliya (Al-Arrab Series Song)
The Godfather Arabic version series
لا تعتذري أدمنت الجرح وأعياني
Don't ask for forgiveness
I'm addicted to hurt (wound) and it wore me out...
Thread: Poyraz Karayel - Doktor Şarkısı ( İlker Kaleli ) (4 Replies, 11,456 Views) by Oriee
Not at all.
Thread: Poyraz Karayel - Doktor Şarkısı ( İlker Kaleli ) (4 Replies, 11,456 Views) by Oriee
Hikayem Bitmedi - Can BONOMO
Bir hikayem var// I have a story
Bir hikayem bitmedi// My story didn't finish
Yorgandan yastıktan Kokusu gitmedi// The smell didn't go from the pillow nor from the...
Thread: Can someone please translate this song? ما بدي قلك شو بني ابراهيم الحكمي (1 Replies, 2,801 Views) by Oriee
Check this link Here
Thread: mayada el hennawy ميادة الحناوي - انا بعشقك (1 Replies, 4,318 Views) by Oriee
Check this link Here
Thread: Shadya - El alb yheb mara (2 Replies, 2,617 Views) by Oriee
And I found the translation for you ;)
Look Here or Here. Both are done by the same person. (I haven't read them though :redface:)
Thread: Yara - Ayesh Bi Oyouni (0 Replies, 8,022 Views) by Oriee
يا عايش بعيوني ويا أغلى من عيوني
Ya ayesh bi oyouni... w ya aghla min oyouni
Oh you, who I don't see other than him (Literally: who lives in my eyes)
Oh you who is...
Thread: Koliva - Yüksek Dağlara Doğru (1 Replies, 5,037 Views) by Oriee
Any one :)
Thread: Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy. Ya Aqsa (3 Replies, 8,264 Views) by Oriee
Not at all.
Thread: Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy. Ya Aqsa (3 Replies, 8,264 Views) by Oriee
يا اقصى يا حلو المنظر يا اقصى يا حلمي الاكبـر
O Aqsa Mosque, pretty looking
Oh Aqsa Mosque my greatest dream
انت القدس انت الشمس وبك الانس ولك الحـــــب
You're holy, you're the sun
We find...
Thread: Arabic->ENG (7 Replies, 20,193 Views) by Oriee
The one that has no one to serve, may Allah help him.
The engaged one, may he get married
The married one, may he be happy and satisfied
The Sick one, may he recover
The one in trouble, may Allah...
Thread: Please help me translate! (5 Replies, 26,770 Views) by Oriee
Good job. Partly correct.
Well conect means يصل او يتصل او مرتبط while gather means يجتممع
So it's
روحي الان معه ( معه الان) أرواحنا مرتبطة
Roohi al2an m3ho, arwa7ona mortabitah.
Thread: Please help me translate! (5 Replies, 26,770 Views) by Oriee
You should've given it a try Alia, you did a more difficult sentences than this.
By by the way, would like it to be in Fus-ha?
Thread: translating love letter to my fiancee from english to algerien arabic (12 Replies, 21,676 Views) by Oriee
The coma here appear in a wrong place. As an Arabic text that reads from right to left it should be like this also the period after الله.
Like this,
.إن شاء الله
May be if you copy...
Thread: translating love letter to my fiancee from english to algerien arabic (12 Replies, 21,676 Views) by Oriee
Thanks for the prayer.
Yes. The second is edited. And here it is
لقد خلقك الله لي، وسأكون ممتنا لذلك ما حييت إلى الأبد. لم أكن لأطلب فتاة مسلمة أكثر رقة ولطافة، حكمة وتفهما...
Thread: translating love letter to my fiancee from english to algerien arabic (12 Replies, 21,676 Views) by Oriee
I've just edited a few things to be perfect inshallah. Good luck for you and Mubarak in advance.
Do you mean embarrassed in case that the language is not good or sth.?
If so, don't worry I'm...
Thread: Nicola Sa'ada Nakhla - Bahebek Bahebek / نقولا سعادة نخلة - بحبك بحبك (7 Replies, 7,851 Views) by Oriee
I honestly didn't listen to the song whrn trasliterating it.
بحبِّك بحبِّك ولك إيه مش مستحي
bhibbik bhibbik wlek eih mish mistihi
مش عيب عَ الرّجّال إنُّه يقول
mish ayb a errijal ino y-oul...
Thread: translating love letter to my fiancee from english to algerien arabic (12 Replies, 21,676 Views) by Oriee
OMG is this the way you say thank you!!
i so think you need to learn to trust people before asking their help, don't you?
By the way Google doesn't do any good when coming to texts translating.
Thread: translating love letter to my fiancee from english to algerien arabic (12 Replies, 21,676 Views) by Oriee
لقد خلقك الله لي، وسأكون ممتنا لذلك ما حييت إلى الأبد. لم يكن بإمكاني أن أطلب مسلمة أكثر رقة ولطافة، حكمة وتفهما وجمالا لتكون زوجة لي. أعدك حبا من أعماق القلب وإخلاصا متفانيا وإلتزاما تاما...
Thread: Hussain Aljassmi - Ihdina As-sirata Al-Mostaqeem (1 Replies, 7,140 Views) by Oriee
Thread: Hussain Aljassmi - Ihdina As-sirata Al-Mostaqeem (1 Replies, 7,140 Views) by Oriee
[3FSzzbmAK0M] rVKje1-z6uwsstbdcY-uSrIgqW[/video]
Khawatir 10
حسين الجسمي - اهدنا الصراط المستقيم
نداء منا .. إلينا .....
Thread: translating love letter to my fiancee from english to algerien arabic (12 Replies, 21,676 Views) by Oriee
Firstly, congratulations (Mubarak inshallah) in advance. Hope you the best inshallah with your marriage.
Well for me at least, I may help you with traditional Arabic, Egyptian dialect, Gulf...
Thread: Abadi Al Johar - Galo Tara [*] (3 Replies, 15,268 Views) by Oriee
قالوا ترى - عبادي الجوهر
Abadi AL-JOHAR - they said that
قالوا ترى مالك أمل في قربها لو يوم
Galo Tara Malay amal if gorbaha law yom
they said that there's no hope to be beside her even for one...
Thread: can anyone translate this song plz? thanks!!! (2 Replies, 1,710 Views) by Oriee
Check this link Here
Thread: Khawla Ben Amrane - Litbghih Yekhounek (1 Replies, 3,073 Views) by Oriee
No laughing, don't worry ;)
Nice try anyway :)
اهديتو الأشوآق // ehdeto el ashwaq
I had presenting to you the longings
I gave him love
ولفتو و نسآني // welfto wensani
I went around, and...
Thread: Wael Jassar - Ba3dak Bet7ebbo [Lyric request] (1 Replies, 10,552 Views) by Oriee
In this song he is talking to his heart
بعدك بتحبو بعدو بيخطر على بالك
You still love him and he is still on your mind
بعدك بتحن له يالي خيب امالك
You still long for the one who let you down...
Thread: Abdel Halim Hafez - 3eni ya 3eni 3aleke (3 Replies, 2,483 Views) by Oriee
Hey there...
I managed to find you THis Translation
I hope you find all the song.
Thread: Ya Ein 3al Sabr Lyrics Translation (2 Replies, 5,924 Views) by Oriee
My suggestions
ياعيني عالصبر / ya 3aini 3a el 9abri
O my eyes... have a patience
O pretty patience
يا عيني ياعيني عالصبر يا عيني عليه
ya 3aini ya 3aini 3a el 9abri ya 3aini 3leih
o my...
Thread: Arabic Song Please Help! (3 Replies, 4,260 Views) by Oriee
You're welcome
Thread: Elissa - "Law" from "Law" series / "اليسا - اغنية "لو" من مسلسل "لو" (3 Replies, 63,681 Views) by Oriee
لو غمضتن عنيي و مشيت
Law ghammadhton ieniyie w msheet
If I had just closed my eyes and walked away
لا اطلعت فيي ولا حكيت
La ettala'it fyi wla hkeet
If you had never looked at me nor talked to me...
Thread: Tirash rash Ti rashrash تي رشرش (2 Replies, 6,029 Views) by Oriee
يابو الشويرة الحمرا ناشرها ع الرماني
Oh you with the red scarf
outspreading it on the pomegranate tree
دق الماني دق الماني
Something you'll like (literally German made (Original))
طولك ياعود...
Thread: Arabic Song Please Help! (3 Replies, 4,260 Views) by Oriee']Boshret Kheir - Hussein Al-Jassmi[/URL]
Thread: Lyrics & Translation for Mohammed Assaf - Bedna Nel'ab Bedna Nish محمد عساف - بدنا نل (1 Replies, 2,656 Views) by Oriee
يا باااي يااااا باي
How pretty
فلسطيني أنا وبلادي عشقها
I am Palestinian and I adore my country
أحلى البلاد في قلبي عشقها
The most beautiful country with her adoration in my heart
وغزتنا اليوم...
Thread: Samir Yazbek - El Zeina Libset Khilkhala Translation (3 Replies, 9,104 Views) by Oriee
الزينة لبست خلخالا
the pretty wore her anklet
وصارت تتباهى بحالا
she started boasting and crowing about herself
كل ما تتلاقى بخيَّال
peach time she would come across a horseman
تقوله يا خيَّال...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,183,347 Views) by Oriee
1.I would do Anything for him.
B3mel ay shi 3shano
(Fus7a: Af3alo ayya shay2 li ajlih)
2.I love the way you are.
b7bak kef ma enta
(Fus7a: o7ibboka kma ant) make so happy
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,183,347 Views) by Oriee
Ay no3? kolhom min amaken mo5talifeh.
Thread: Fairuz ,فيروز,أعطني الناي (4 Replies, 2,777 Views) by Oriee
Oops!! Sorry for that
Thanks Mr Gasfora :))
p.s. amended
Thread: Ana Law Habeebak - Mohammad Fouad (3 Replies, 2,789 Views) by Oriee
Ahlan :)
It's a free hand translation (not word by word)
after you being unfair to me and after being absent for so long
you say I miss us....
Thread: Fairuz ,فيروز,أعطني الناي (4 Replies, 2,777 Views) by Oriee
A3tini annay-a wa 3'anni is already done here. ;)