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Thread: Myriam Fares - Ha'aliq Rahtak (3 Replies, 60,273 Views) by Layla
You are welcome! ;)
Thread: Happy Arabic language day (2 Replies, 18,638 Views) by Layla
Happy Arabic language day to you, too! ;)
Thread: Myriam Fares - Ha'aliq Rahtak (3 Replies, 60,273 Views) by Layla
Hello, you can find the translation here!
Thread: Hi everyone (12 Replies, 6,024 Views) by Layla
My pleasure. :p
I forgot to mention that I love kolbasti, too. ;)
Thread: Hi everyone (12 Replies, 6,024 Views) by Layla
Hello, Ginger! Welcome to ATL and enjoy your stay! ;)
P.S I have moved your thread to the Songs for special moments Forum, as it is more appropriate. Here it is.
Thread: Nizar Qabbani - Poetry (2 Replies, 11,230 Views) by Layla
Hello! It's Qabbani, not Qibblani - I have changed the name from the title. From what I remember, it has been translated before, but I could not find it.
In the meantime, I found another...
Thread: fares karam- lamshelek hafi (1 Replies, 1,710 Views) by Layla
Hello! It has already been translated here.
Thread: Stai lontana da me (2 Replies, 4,666 Views) by Layla
Hello! I have translated this one for you. In case somebody finds any mistake, please let me know. ;)
Io che ho pianto per te
I who have cried for you
Begging you
di stare con me,...
Thread: L'amore č una cosa semplice (1 Replies, 2,721 Views) by Layla
Hello! Take a look here! ;)
Thread: Barış Akarsu - Leyla (7 Replies, 4,664 Views) by Layla
Ya Basmoon, thank you very much! ;)
Thread: Barış Akarsu - Leyla (7 Replies, 4,664 Views) by Layla
Ok, thank you! :D
Thread: Barış Akarsu - Leyla (7 Replies, 4,664 Views) by Layla
Could somebody please translate this song for me? :D
Thread: la tshekky feey. (3 Replies, 3,441 Views) by Layla
You are welcome. ;)
Thread: la tshekky feey. (3 Replies, 3,441 Views) by Layla
Hello! It has already been translated by najla, here - I copied the translation here and arranged it properly.
Men ba3dek 7ayti ma 3ndi 7ada
After you, my life, I don't have another
Thread: Eleni Alexandri ft. Thirio - Poios Gia Sena (10 Replies, 20,110 Views) by Layla
Pai ai prins ideea cam extrem de bine. :p Am ascultat si eu melodia, ya weily, abia am putut sa urmaresc; cum truda ai reusit sa scrii versurile? :|
Thread: Eleni Alexandri ft. Thirio - Poios Gia Sena (10 Replies, 20,110 Views) by Layla
Pfffff, da trebuie sa recunosc ii o metoda eficienta, dar totusi ai nevoie de habar inainte sa te aventurezi sa faci traduceri. ;) Araba am invatat-o cu PASIUNE! :heart_fun: Passion is the key! ;)
Thread: Eleni Alexandri ft. Thirio - Poios Gia Sena (10 Replies, 20,110 Views) by Layla
Tot ma intreb de unde saracie ai invatat asa greaca? Si eu vreau sa o stiu asa... of of!
Mersi de traducere! Ii foarte faina melodia!
Ohhh da:
θέλω να με ακούσεις, πες μου
τι είναι αυτό...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,188,917 Views) by Layla
Thank you very much! Yes, indeed very helpful! ;)
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,188,917 Views) by Layla
I tried to translate this story, could somebody please check it out for me? :D :p
في يوم من الأيام،كان في انجليزي اجا البلاد من شان يتعلم عربي، سجل إنو في مدرسة اللغات في وسط العاصمة وبلش اللغة...
Thread: Arabic poetry (27 Replies, 43,305 Views) by Layla
عيناك.. آخر مركبين يسافران
فهل هنالك من مكان؟
إنّي تعبت من التسكّع في محطّات الجنون
وما وصلت إلى مكان..
عيناك آخر فرصتين متاحتين
لمن يفكّر بالهروب..
وأنا.. أفكّر بالهروب..
Thread: English to Turkish - Warum soll ich dich lieben / Why should I love you (8 Replies, 3,112 Views) by Layla
Great job, guys! :D I have always liked teamwork. ;)
@ ceycey: Rica ederim! ;)
Thread: English to Turkish - Warum soll ich dich lieben / Why should I love you (8 Replies, 3,112 Views) by Layla
Hello! I translated the song to English so that somebody translates it to Turkish! ;) I also moved the thread here, to the TR Forum and changed the thread's title!
Ich will deine Spuren auslöschen...
Thread: Giorgos Lempesis - To paramithi (5 Replies, 2,834 Views) by Layla
Camelia, ii superba melodia. ;) Mersi enorm. :D Ii trist de superba de fapt. :p
Nu suna mai bine in romana, suna mai bine in greaca. :p
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 241,163 Views) by Layla
Thread: Anna Vissi - Agapi einai esy (7 Replies, 9,274 Views) by Layla
Versurile astea ma termina:
I'm looking for you in order to find myself
I'm looking for you to tell you that I love you
even though I don't know what love is
si logic, partea mea...
Thread: Anna Vissi - Agapi einai esy (7 Replies, 9,274 Views) by Layla
Esti distrusa. :p Da, bineinteles, acest cantec l-am scris pentru erota mou. :p Inca nu pot sa incep sa ascult melodia pe ziua de azi, ca Anita inca doarme. :S Ahh de indata ce imi apare si butonul...
Thread: Anna Vissi - Agapi einai esy (7 Replies, 9,274 Views) by Layla
Agapi ine esi esi esi esi esi esi... :D Ahhhh ma omoara melodia asta, ii perfecta. :p Mersi mult. :D Traiasca limba greaca. :cool: Ioi, mor de somn. =)) Grazieeeeeeeeeee.
Thread: Antonis Remos "Noris" (18 Replies, 6,929 Views) by Layla
Welcome, ya ordoneyye! :p
Thread: Antonis Remos "Noris" (18 Replies, 6,929 Views) by Layla
Nu, jur ca nu umblu pe 2 fronturi, dar asa s-a intamplat. :p Am trimis cuiva cantecul si i-am zis ca mi-l place chiar daca nu inteleg nimic, si acum 30 de minute am primit mesaj cu traducerea, dar nu...
Thread: Antonis Remos "Noris" (18 Replies, 6,929 Views) by Layla
Ya Camelia, ii greu, dar nu ma las eu asa usor. :p Ar trebui oricum sa imi cumpar carte, stiu ca pot invata si din cantece si asa, dar oricum, mie imi place sa fac totul ca la carte. :D :p
Lasa ca...
Thread: Antonis Remos "Noris" (18 Replies, 6,929 Views) by Layla
Cam asa ceva, da nu ar fi totusi cinstit fata de atatea persoane care doresc traduceri in engleza. :p Ce fain de tine ca stii greaca asa bine, capul tau. :p Pana sa ajung eu sa traduc cantece din...
Thread: Antonis Remos "Noris" (18 Replies, 6,929 Views) by Layla
Mersi enorm. ;) Ii superb cantecul, dar asa trist... observ asemanarea cu romana din toate punctele de vedere. :D :p
Thread: Giannis Parios - song translation needed (7 Replies, 7,291 Views) by Layla
Ma refeream la melodia de pe pagina asta la care nu am dat like. :p
Thread: can someone help me with this song ?? (8 Replies, 4,232 Views) by Layla
Nu ii greu? Mi se pare atata de greu, habar nu ai. Mai ales scrierea in greaca... ii chineza pura sa fiu sincera, mult mult mai grea ca araba. Dar nu ma dau batuta. Nu ma las pana nu o invat. :p
Thread: can someone help me with this song ?? (8 Replies, 4,232 Views) by Layla
Ii divina! :D Ya weilyyyy! Mersi din nou. ;) Abia astept sa le pot traduce si sa le scriu transcrierea fonetica eu singura. :p
Thread: Giannis Parios - song translation needed (7 Replies, 7,291 Views) by Layla
Corect! Ai stil, romanco! :p Ador melodia asta, jur. Ii perfecta. O ascult non-stop. :D
Dar nici prima melodie nu ii urata, chiar deloc. :D Mersi mult. ;)
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 241,163 Views) by Layla
I have no idea what he is singing about but I love this song:
Thread: Arabic poetry (27 Replies, 43,305 Views) by Layla
إن كنتَ صديقي.. ساعِدني
كَي أرحَلَ عَنك..
أو كُنتَ حبيبي.. ساعِدني
كَي أُشفى منك
لو أنِّي أعرِفُ أنَّ الحُبَّ خطيرٌ جِدَّاً
ما أحببت
لو أنِّي أعرفُ أنَّ البَحرَ عميقٌ جِداً
ما أبحرت..
Thread: Anwar Nour - El Leila Eidy / أنور نور - الليلة عيدي (9 Replies, 11,522 Views) by Layla
You are very welcome, elfborn! We are glad that we could help you! :) And thank you very much - I will might need your help very soon!
Thread: Anwar Nour - El Leila Eidy / أنور نور - الليلة عيدي (9 Replies, 11,522 Views) by Layla
Thank you Eso! ;)
Thread: Anwar Nour - El Leila Eidy / أنور نور - الليلة عيدي (9 Replies, 11,522 Views) by Layla
Ok elfborn, here I am as I promised! Thank you aila for the lyrics and thank you Eso for helping me with some parts! ;)
I do need some check-up anyway! :p
الليله عيدى . . وانتى بعيده
Thread: Tareq Al Attrash - Ma Bsadde2 (3 Replies, 3,205 Views) by Layla
Sorry, no thanks button available now. :D Later! ;)
Thank you very much! Ya weilyyyy. I swear I searched for it before posting, but it seems it's not my best day! :p I will quickly translate it...
Thread: Tareq Al Attrash - Ma Bsadde2 (3 Replies, 3,205 Views) by Layla
Could somebody please write down the Arabic lyrics for this song? Just the lyrics, please cause I want to try translating it by myself! Thank you!
Thread: Maya Nasri - Ana ba7taglak (6 Replies, 4,201 Views) by Layla
You are welcome. I am glad you liked it. ;)
Thread: What are you listening to now? – Spanish Edition (626 Replies, 212,313 Views) by Layla
Thread: Ragheb-Alama-Ba3sha'ak translate and lyrics need (4 Replies, 3,995 Views) by Layla
Ok, here it is:
علشان هواك بقى عندى اغلى من الحياة
3alashan hawak ba2a 3andy aghla min el7aya
Because your love is now more precious to me than life
لو قلت اه بقول بدالك الف اه
Law 2olt ah...
Thread: Rouwaida Attieh - Bala Hob / رويدا عطية - بلا حب (1 Replies, 3,659 Views) by Layla
Already done here:
Thread: Ragheb-Alama-Ba3sha'ak translate and lyrics need (4 Replies, 3,995 Views) by Layla
Already done here:
Thread: Kazem El Saher - Jeytak amshi (1 Replies, 2,157 Views) by Layla
Already done here:
Thread: Jad Khaleifah - Awelak Ghalat (2 Replies, 2,551 Views) by Layla
Already done here: