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Thread: Shayma Helali - Ehssasi (4 Replies, 11,973 Views) by CZAREK2581
I really dont know(I am not a native speaker) but for me it saounds like Gulf Arabic/Dialect
Thread: محمد الشحي - كشف المحبة (1 Replies, 6,511 Views) by CZAREK2581
Hello guys,
Was that song already translated?
It is Gulf dialect maybe someonw would give a try.
here is a lyric
Thread: Laila Mourad - Raidak (6 Replies, 4,010 Views) by CZAREK2581
Ya hala ya 3'ala .wa Ana aktaar
Sorry i just read it incorrectly .Thank u so much for your help and correction(s).
I am in Berlin all the time -just disappeared for a while (2 years ).Now it is...
Thread: Laila Mourad - Raidak (6 Replies, 4,010 Views) by CZAREK2581
Hello guys,
I gave a try to translate this song ,however English translation was very difficult for me
Maybe someone can make some small corrections.
Ya msafer w nasy hawak , raydak w...
Thread: Nancy ajram ft Cheb Khaled Shaga3a 7elmak (Official Coca Cola World Cup Song 2014) (3 Replies, 6,198 Views) by CZAREK2581
here is text.
My try
انسي انت مين وفين دي لحظة ما تتنسيش
مش فارقة جاي منين افرح دلوقتي عيش
شجع حلمك و حياتك اديها شكل و لون
كلنا واحد وهنوصل للحلم فين ما يكون
the world is ours
Thread: Wael Kfoury - Inta Fallayt URGENT TRANSLATION (3 Replies, 2,857 Views) by CZAREK2581
I did my best
انت فليت وبقيت خيالاتك ورنين ضحكاتك
You run away and your phantasies stayed and sound of your laugh
بكل زوايا البيت من يوم ما فليت
In every corner of the house from the...
Thread: nancy ajram bent b100 Ragel (6 Replies, 8,277 Views) by CZAREK2581
Hello Aila.I just mde some corrections of this song however as u know i did forget most of arabic that i learnt .Anyway song wasn't difficult
If u have any questions just feel free to ask.I just...
Thread: سميرة سعيد و الفناير راب عربي مغربي Samira Sa3eed and Al-Fanaa2er-Rab 3arabe (1 Replies, 5,029 Views) by CZAREK2581
Hi guys,
Someone might translate pretty cool song:)Maghrebian dialect(but pretty easy stuff i guess:)
Here is the lyric
اي انت...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
من اجل حب الفن=
men ajl 7obb al-fann
علشان حب الفن=
3alshaan 7obb al-fann
Thread: Marwan Khoury - Konna Etafa'na / مروان خوري - كنا اتفقنا Please Help! (1 Replies, 2,590 Views) by CZAREK2581
It has been done already here
Thread: I need lyrics pleaseee (8 Replies, 3,197 Views) by CZAREK2581
كلمات وعدى العمر
وعدى العمر مش خايف على عمري لكن قد اللي فات عمري ما حسيتو ان فات عمري كأني ما عشتش الماضي وببدا من جديد عمري
الشعر تحنى بريق اللماس والقلب بقيلو كتير احساس(2)
في ناس شفتني وحبتني...
Thread: I need lyrics pleaseee (8 Replies, 3,197 Views) by CZAREK2581
ودعتني وخلاص ح اقول قسمه و نصيب
جرحتني و مسير جرحي يوم يطيب
ودعتني وخلاص ح اقول قسمه و نصيب
جرحتني و مسير جرحي يوم يطيب
انا اشتريتك بعتني انا كنت ليك خدعتني
انا اشتريتك بعتني انا كنت ليك خدعتني...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
yes i was about to paste the same translation as Oriee did ,but i wasn't sure.
Yes it is MSA
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
I am not sure but i guess it has some mistakes .Do u have arabic version?
Thread: Nicola Sa'ada Nakhla - Bahebek Bahebek / نقولا سعادة نخلة - بحبك بحبك (7 Replies, 7,893 Views) by CZAREK2581
Here is my translation
بحبِّك بحبِّك ولك إيه مش مستحي
I love you ,i do love you and I am not ashamed
مش عيب عَ الرّجّال إنُّه يقول
Isn’t a shame for a guy saying
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
u are right about everything ,I do understand ya
my darling.... Abu Dani
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
my guess
Maybe you see by yourself
Thread: Elissa's 2012 Album " As3d W7da" ( The Happiest one ) English Translation Request (49 Replies, 71,534 Views) by CZAREK2581
I am a bit offended ,next time you must inform me cos I might delete ur post.Need to threathen u a bit:)
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
.My try
ya mamyyy alla yostour bi 2ida sle7777
oh mom may god protect us she has a gun
يا مامي الله يستر بإيدها إسلاح
- chou ostik?
whats up with you ?
Thread: Wael Kfoury - Hdiye(*) (11 Replies, 10,470 Views) by CZAREK2581
yes Viva was still beginner in arabic at that time ,so she gave her best try Gazelle
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
I almost forgot arabic ,so here is my try
you preceded me in everything
Sincerly(when letter closing)
Thread: Elissa's 2012 Album " As3d W7da" ( The Happiest one ) English Translation Request (49 Replies, 71,534 Views) by CZAREK2581
Thanx for correcting me:)I don't know why i choose this word(hated sounds nicer here:)
Sorry for my mistake
Will do my best(as u know busy with moving to Germany after one...
Thread: Elissa's 2012 Album " As3d W7da" ( The Happiest one ) English Translation Request (49 Replies, 71,534 Views) by CZAREK2581
Very good translation in my opinion.Here is my idea:)
Words saa3at means sometimes in Egyptian dialect
مش كل اللى بنحبهم هيكونوا لينا
Mush kol elly ben7ebehom...
Thread: Elissa's 2012 Album " As3d W7da" ( The Happiest one ) English Translation Request (49 Replies, 71,534 Views) by CZAREK2581
U are more than welcome.
I meant word Hatred (or hate) is a deep and emotional extreme dislike, directed against a certain object or class of objects.
As you spotted the title of the song is...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
Funny one:)Here is my try
1.We don't have girls who go and work with their degrees
2.We don't have girls neither guys who go and work with their degrees
3.All of them are just an...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
U are welcome:)
No Shoppingxgirl there is a verb with following root استقل which means "to become independent" or another meaning
to consider something
Hope native's will gonna help us out...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
I tried:)
Thread: Arabic verb forms (5 Replies, 4,721 Views) by CZAREK2581
They are a bit different in my opinion .
First one is ل+ق+ى=la2a\le2e which means to find,to come up
النهاردة لقيت الكتاب اللي حطيت=enhaarda la2eet al-ketaab elle 7aTTeet.....=Today i...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
i have no bloddy idea:)
1.1[mine] like is enough that 1 ,right
3.Do u mean something?
4.No ,.you understand me wrong
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
ad note 1.
I think this is some kind of expression which means we are very dear to each other
In egyptian dialect النني= is pupil (of the eye)
ad note 2. I would go with the very smiliar...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
So do I
My Syrian friend always do tell me نيالك that i am your neighbour:)
Thread: to learn arabic by songs.... (15 Replies, 26,646 Views) by CZAREK2581
Darling thats in cairo and alex maybe only 28 provinces r not going for any felol at is either salafi or ekhwan[these are Islamic reform movement in Egypt].abo el fotouh wa hazem ismail they...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
شكرا يا بنات ,هلا كل شئ واضح
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
يا سلام؟
شكرا كتير بس كنت بدي وضِّح هاي شغلة
انا رح اعطيكي مثل
نيالك على هيك زواج
في راي هيدة بمنعى
U are lucky to have marriage like that(doesnt it mean when Arab used the word...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
says sth like
wish u good luck ya 3ammi come back in a safety
[said when sm is travelling or going somewhere]
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
i would say"teslam ya 5'ayyo wa enta kamaan"
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
try to quote the message when u respond,cos i dont know what are u refering to?
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
The sentence says:
Ya Allah make it easy and smooth without any trouble, so everybody would wonder
Thread: Ana Masry - Tamer Hosny (2 Replies, 5,307 Views) by CZAREK2581
it is already done here
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
my guesses:)
-law ba3ref ano akel al syam heek konet awal wa7ad somet 7ata bte3erfe sho ana sayem soret
-hhhhhhh.. hay bs 3ende heek 3leek 3zome ..t3al ente w3nan
1.u would know that easter...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
ahleen wa sahleeen:)
The forum is a bit quiet these days ,so give a try to wake it up a bit ,please:)
Thread: Mohammed Fouad - Araf Any Wahd Tany (2 Replies, 2,015 Views) by CZAREK2581
اللي باقي من زماني مش بـ ايدي أو عشاني
what left from my past time,is not in my hand, is not for me
ساعات بحلم باني ... فرحان بدنيتي......وكتير بصرخ كأني ......مسجون في دمعتي .. مسجون في...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
Here is the meaning:
"The seventh day " husband of my sister "Abu Isma3eel" [for truth],mother of 7azem is American and why he lies?
Thread: Arabic- English words needed please if someone could transliterate this.thanks (4 Replies, 4,285 Views) by CZAREK2581
Sorry no problem ,here it is
and the missing part i completed here
ente faaker nafsek eih? wa al-wahm waa5'daak awee keda leih?
sheel da men da...
Thread: Arabic- English words needed please if someone could transliterate this.thanks (4 Replies, 4,285 Views) by CZAREK2581
خلاص صغرت في عيني وأنا مش حندم عليك ابعد خليك ناسيني أنا قلبي خلاص نسيك
5'alaaS sa3'ert fee 3enee wa ana mesh ha'andam 3alayk eb3ad,5'aleek naseene ana 2albe 5'alaaS naseek
It is over u became...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
first one 3eesh
the verb is 3aashعاش-he lived
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
I don;t get the first sentence ,too:)
Mavii's translation is great about second sentence:) Just wanted to add that verb شفط means to drink (a liquid) by taking small mouthfuls;like...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
u can simply say
رسالة الدعوة
Thread: Farid El Atrache - Wa7dani (2 Replies, 4,498 Views) by CZAREK2581
I do agree with you:)
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,184,211 Views) by CZAREK2581
the first one i guess is used mostly in Palestine (maybe in Jordan) hassa) which means هلأ
it is an abbreviated form of هالساعة=this hour.
second one sawwaa2