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Thread: M. Pokora - Le Monde (Translate to English) (1 Replies, 22,916 Views) by zaö
Here you are
Thread: Sylvianne Cédia - Bois D'amour (1 Replies, 6,232 Views) by zaö
Cette chanson n'est pas en français. C'est du créole, c'est pour ça que tu ne pouvais pas comprendre toutes les paroles. :)
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Oui Dragonfly, je vais bien et toi?
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Is there any tea? = Y a-t-il du thé?
Do you have any tea? = Avez-vous du thé?
Have you got any tea? = Avez-vous du thé?
Thread: Examen oral (6 Replies, 3,118 Views) by zaö
Mauvais points est plus courant que mauvaises notes
Thread: Examen oral (6 Replies, 3,118 Views) by zaö
Salut tout le monde!
Aujourd'hui, je vais vous parler de mon personnage préféré.
J'ai choisi Cédric parce que je le trouve très comique. Les dessins sont bien faits, on s'imagine bien les émotions....
Thread: Translation into French (4 Replies, 16,536 Views) by zaö
Dans les deux sports on te demande de te comporter d'une certaine façon. Ma famille fait beaucoup de sport. Ma mère était gymnaste quand elle était petite, c'est pour ça que mes soeurs et moi avons...
Thread: Translation into French (4 Replies, 16,536 Views) by zaö
Je préfère la gymnastique rythmique bien que j'ai aimé le ballet et que ça me manque. Dans les deux sports il y a beaucoup de compétition (dans le sens concurrence) et ils sont tous les deux très...
Thread: Translation into French (2 Replies, 15,631 Views) by zaö
It is truly impossible not to fall in love with the film. The acting is superb, the music heavenly, the costumes fit for gods and goddesses and the scenery for a landscape painting!
Thread: Joyce Jonathan - prends ton temps (3 Replies, 2,886 Views) by zaö
You are welcome :)
Thread: Joyce Jonathan - prends ton temps (3 Replies, 2,886 Views) by zaö
Tu m’écris des « je t’aime » qui me prennent en otage
You write me some "I love you" that take me hostage
C’est tout ce que t’as trouvé pour pas tourner la page
That's all what you have found not...
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Hello new one :)
D'où viens-tu?
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Oui on adooooore les langues!
@ Pinokyo: Je trouve aussi que le turc est une belle langue. Je ne sais pas trop quel niveau je me situe. Je crois que je suis débutante... Tu apprends par toi même...
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Tu apprends le turc ou alors tu sais déjà le parler? Je te demande ça parce que moi je suis en train d'apprendre. J'adore cette langue :D
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Salut Dani,
Ca va bien et toi?
Que veux-tu dire quand tu écris "...mais je peux pas etre derange pour couper et coller etc xD "?
" je pensais que je chercherais un peu de pratique ici" je...
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Moi je n'aime pas la neige, sauf quand je suis bien au chaud dans ma maison ;)
Ici aussi il pleut mais c'est normal, c'est la Belgique :p
Thread: Just a stupid question (2 Replies, 1,413 Views) by zaö
I have a stupid question... What can I do to write in bold?
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Oui j'y suis allée 2 fois, c'est chouette comme endroit. J'ai bien aimé.
Tu es déjà allée à Boise?
La Floride ça a l'air beau aussi! ;)
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Salut :)
Hey Dragon fly, dans quelle ville des USA habites-tu?
Moi j'ai de la famille à Boise, Idaho
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Bonjour :) tu es nouveau (ou nouvelle)?
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
J'adoooore ce pays, c'est très beau par là.
Tu y es déjà allée?
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
D'où vient ton intéret pour la Bulgarie? Tu y es déjà allée?
Je suis curieuse, je sais :p
Moi j'aime le Turquie et on me demande souvent pourquoi je veux y aller :)
Thread: Miscellaneous translations (0 Replies, 1,653 Views) by zaö
Here u can post your miscellaneous translations (English-French/ French-English).
You'll always find somebody to help you, so don't be shy... :D
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Toujours aux études....Bonne chance! Tu fais quoi comme études? Il te reste cmb d'années?
Moi je comprends seulement quelques mots de wallon.
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Le romanien? Tu veux dire le roumain? La langue de Roumanie?
Oui souvent les turcs apprenent le russe. Avec tous les russes qu'il y a à Antalya c'est normal :p
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Pour moi c'est français, anglais, néerlandais, un peu d'espagnol et j'apprends le turc toute seule.
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Oui je suis une petite wallonne, toi aussi?
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Moi c'est pareil j'adore les langues et si vous avez besoin d'aide en français, n'hésitez surtout pas. Surtout que ce n'est pas une langue facile du tout!
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Ohhh un pti ou une petite belge. Salut compatriote :p
Thread: Mercan- Sana değil kardeşine (1 Replies, 5,649 Views) by zaö
Anybody to translate this song, please?
Ayy Takıldım ben birine x4
Elektrik şokları,
Küçük küçük, minik minik
Isırmaya başladı ya… Aşk
İçerdesin, hapistesin
Rüzgarın yok terlersin...
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Ah bon! Tu apprends à l'école?
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Comme le français est ma langue maternelle, je ne sais pas dire si c'est une belle langue ou pas...
Tu viens d'où?
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Salut Richard
Comment ça va?
Bonne chance pour apprendre le français car ce n'est pas une langue facile!
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 167,456 Views) by zaö
Bien et toi comment tu vas?
Thread: Can you translate this song please (5 Replies, 3,677 Views) by zaö
And the other ones? please
Thread: Can you translate this song please (5 Replies, 3,677 Views) by zaö
Müge Zeren-Fıkır fıkır
Sen rüyamısın inanılmazmısın
Fevkalademi yaratmış tanrım
Kendi kendime kaldım öylece
Ben yerimde aklım nerelerde
Yanıma yakışıyo yıldızlar uçuşuyo
Tansiyonum düşüyo...
Thread: Can you translate this song please (5 Replies, 3,677 Views) by zaö
Yıldız Usmanova & Fatih Erkoç-Görmesem Olmaz
Çok özledim halimi anla
Bu uzaklar bu uzaklar bana hiç uymaz
Bensiz sanki dönmüyor dünya
Seni bugün seni bugün görmesem olmaz
Görmesem olmaz...
Thread: Can you translate this song please (5 Replies, 3,677 Views) by zaö
Serdar Ortaç-Ne olur gitme
Elimde olsa kalbine taht kuracaktım
Vakit gelince
Ben bu buhranlı çağı atlatıp
Sana esir olacaktım
Düşünüyorduk seninle aynı şeyleri
Zaman gelince
Thread: Can you translate this song please (5 Replies, 3,677 Views) by zaö
Ece Anlı- El pençe
Senle yoldan çıktı gönlüm
Bizimki yazmayı sil baştan
Kalmasın hiç gönlümde iz
Yazılsın destan en baştan
Bakması sevap
Gördüğüm serap
Öldürür aşk yemin ederim
Thread: Can you translate this song please (5 Replies, 3,677 Views) by zaö
Emre Altuğ - Şaşkın
Aşk şarabı içmesi hoştur şaşkın
Şarap peşinden koşmak boştur şaşkın
Bir o yana bir bu yana yatma şaşkın
Tenhalarda menhalarda bitmiş aşkın
Şaşkın sana ne dedim sen...
Thread: Emir- Ben sen olamam (1 Replies, 2,861 Views) by zaö
Can someone translate this for me please?
Öyle diyorlar böyle diyorlar
Şekile mekile takılıp üzüyorlar
İnsana dünyayı dar ediyorlar
Yaftayı takıp sınıflandırıyorlar
Eğriyi doğruyu bilenmi...
Thread: Can someone please translate this for me? (6 Replies, 4,515 Views) by zaö
My translation is not perfect but I think the meaning is right
Thread: Help for school, very important (3 Replies, 1,307 Views) by zaö
This is a good idea, I'll do it...çok tesekkür ederim... :D
Thread: Help for school, very important (3 Replies, 1,307 Views) by zaö
This is my last year of school and so I have to realize a big work. My subject is Turkish folk dance and music.
Could you help me to find some information? I've already looked for some but I...
Thread: Yelle - Je veux te voir (3 Replies, 5,626 Views) by zaö
You're welcome...yes ıt's dirty but this is Yelle!!!! :p
Thread: Yelle - Je veux te voir (3 Replies, 5,626 Views) by zaö
Cuizinier avec ton petit sexe entoure de poils roux
(You're a ) Cook with your small sex surrouded by red hair
Je n'arrive pas a croire que tu puisses croire qu'on veuille de toi
I can't believe...
Thread: Help!! need english translation 4...Shy'm - Nulle Part Ailleurs (9 Replies, 6,004 Views) by zaö
U're welcome ;)
Thread: Help!! need english translation 4...Shy'm - Nulle Part Ailleurs (9 Replies, 6,004 Views) by zaö
En tout cas c'est très bien et si tu as besoin d'aide en français, n'hésite pas... ;)
Thread: Help!! need english translation 4...Shy'm - Nulle Part Ailleurs (9 Replies, 6,004 Views) by zaö
Non au contraire, c'est vraiment très bien vu que ce n'est pas ta langue!!!
A ta place, je serais très fière de moi!
Si je pouvais parler roumain comme tu parles français, je serais vraiment...
Thread: Help!! need english translation 4...Shy'm - Nulle Part Ailleurs (9 Replies, 6,004 Views) by zaö
Your translation is pretty good "Kmmy", but for some parts I'd rather say that:
Te regarder des heures et ne se voir nulle part ailleurs
=> Watch you for hours and see us nowhere else