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Thread: Lyrics needed for [Burdan Geçerken By Burak Uçkun] (4 Replies, 2,192 Views) by jsam
Thanks LoOlya.. Amazing :)
Thread: Lyrics needed for [Burdan Geçerken By Burak Uçkun] (4 Replies, 2,192 Views) by jsam
Anyone??? Please...
Thread: Lyrics needed for [Burdan Geçerken By Burak Uçkun] (4 Replies, 2,192 Views) by jsam
Hello guys,
Anyone can help me with the lyrics for the song in the link below:
Burdan Geçerken By Burak Uçkun
I need it in Turkish characters.
If you can provide English translation, it'd...
Thread: Korin Alal (2 Replies, 2,263 Views) by jsam
I know not Hebrew, but this translation (by google translate) seems to be reasonable:
When the entire world a deep stop and pick stars
When deep
You feel a lot of colors were added to wars ...
Thread: Dalida - Mama [Italian to English] (2 Replies, 5,275 Views) by jsam
Many thanks Ligeia, much appreciated.
Beautiful and sad song :(
Thread: Dalida - Mama [Italian to English] (2 Replies, 5,275 Views) by jsam
Dalida: MAMA
Mama, quando questa mia bambola diventerà grande
Mama, voglio che assomigli a te
Qui davanti a me
La mia bambola
Stringo nelle mami
E rivedo te
Thread: Haitham Shomaly - Tlaty mneen (22 Replies, 4,788 Views) by jsam
Nice song. Never came across it...
>>removed the lyrics from here<<
>>exactly same as what VivaPalestina has just posted<<
Thread: Sa'd El Soghayar - El Enab (13 Replies, 24,121 Views) by jsam
I was wrong, sorry guys!
Thread: Sa'd El Soghayar - El Enab (13 Replies, 24,121 Views) by jsam
Alright man, but translation still means translation and I didn't know it has another meaning!
Ok now. Here we go:
فاكهاني وبحب الفاكهه
Fakahani we baheb el fakha
وبموت في الموز والمانجه...
Thread: Zahi Moshe - Ani ohev otach yoter (5 Replies, 4,946 Views) by jsam
If anyone could write the lyrics in Hebrew but using English characters, like: "Ani ohev otach " rather than "אני אוהב אותך"
Thread: Sa'd El Soghayar - El Enab (13 Replies, 24,121 Views) by jsam
You're asking for the translation but it's actually translated in your original post. Each line has been translated as I can see.
Or is it that you mean you want the lyrics in Arabic but written...
Thread: Ramy Khalil - Sodfa (3 Replies, 2,234 Views) by jsam
You're welcome :)
Thread: Dina Hayek - Teer el yamama (9 Replies, 2,737 Views) by jsam
You're welcome :)
Thread: آه من قلبن (6 Replies, 3,281 Views) by jsam
You're welcome :-)
Thread: Yara & Abu Baker Salem - Mata ashoufak (5 Replies, 13,600 Views) by jsam
El afo :-)
Thread: Yara & Abu Baker Salem - Mata ashoufak (5 Replies, 13,600 Views) by jsam
Lyrics in Arabic Language "arabic characters"
الاغنية : متى اشوفك
المغني الاصلي: ابو بكر سالم
اللهجة : خليجي
امتى انا اشوفك يا كامل وصوفـك
متى متى قولي تسمح ظروفك
Thread: Dina Hayek - Teer el yamama (9 Replies, 2,737 Views) by jsam
Lyrics in Arabic Language "arabic chatacters":
الاغنية : يا طير اليمامة
المغني : دينا حايك
يا طير اليمامة سافر مع السلامة
بالله تميل لولفي توصل له السلاما
Course [x4]
كيف حاله كيفه انا حبي...
Thread: Yehya Redwan - Aghla al7abayeb (4 Replies, 2,447 Views) by jsam
Lyrics in Arabic with English Translation:
Song Title: The dearest of All
By: Yehya Redwan
اغلى الحبايب بالهوا باعوا الهوا و باعوني
The dearest of all left the love and me
وعدوني راح...
Thread: Yehya Redwan - Aghla al7abayeb (4 Replies, 2,447 Views) by jsam
Lyrics in Arabic:
الأغنية: أغلى الحبايب
يحى رضوان
اغلى الحبايب بالهوا باعوا الهوا و باعوني
وعدوني راح نبقى سوا و يوم الوعد نسيوني
Course [ x2]
يا قلبي الناطر ع الوعد اديش راح تنطر بعد ...
Thread: Viviane Azar - Eih (8 Replies, 3,511 Views) by jsam
So far and as I can see that your thread has been viewed 90 times..
I guess viewers think that it doesn't deserve a translation..
Lyrics are like... NOTHING..
It's not worthy .. All trashy.. A...
Thread: Ramy Khalil - Sodfa (3 Replies, 2,234 Views) by jsam
Arabic and English:
صدفة واللقا صدفة عيني تلتقي بعينك قلبي يسألك وينك؟
Coincidence .. The meeting was by coincidence.. My eye meets yours, and my heart asks: where are you?
صدفة وياحلوها...
Thread: Mustafa Kamil - Seneen (5 Replies, 3,555 Views) by jsam
No Problems!
Have a good day! :)
Thread: Joseph Saqar - Ana elly 3layki moshtak (2 Replies, 2,279 Views) by jsam
Song Title: Ana Elle alayke Meshtaa
Original Singer: Joseph Saqer (1942-1997)
Singer in the SuperStar program: Elie Bitar
Song is with Lebanese dialect
Song in Arabic Language with English...
Thread: Mustafa Kamil - Seneen (5 Replies, 3,555 Views) by jsam
Song lyrics with Arabic characters:
أعز الحبايب – مصطفى كامل
حتفضل حبيبي ... قريب ولا غريب ... اعز الحبايب ....
سنين حتفضل حبيبي ... سنين حافتكرك حبيبي ...
سنين حتفضل يا غايب ... اعز الحبايب...
Thread: Al Wasmy - Salam Al Ooshok (2 Replies, 1,721 Views) by jsam
Hey! I've just came across this thread, posted back in 2008.
I've done the translation for this song earlier. You can check it in here:
Thread: آه من قلبن (6 Replies, 3,281 Views) by jsam
Please have a look at the below, upon your request:
آه من قلبٍ غدا حبه جنوني
Oh it’s a love in my heart that makes me crazy
آه من خلٍ على بالي طرى
Oh it’s a mate that’s always in my mind
Thread: English translation for "Une mère" by "Lynda Lemay" (1 Replies, 7,416 Views) by jsam
Hi all,
I loved this song in French but unfortunately I don't understand french..
Can anyone please help me translate it from French to English?
Song is called "Une mère" by "Lynda Lemay"
Thread: Need help finding this song (40 Replies, 10,880 Views) by jsam
So it wasn't the one!No worries... will dig agian and get back to you...
Happy to see others are helping too :)
Thread: Need help finding this song (40 Replies, 10,880 Views) by jsam
Please check your inbox and respond :)
Thread: Please translate this song.... (1 Replies, 1,459 Views) by jsam
English Translation:
Don't believe him when he said he forgot all about me
I swear he can never ever get over me
I bet if he can leave me
Poor him, whenever I pretend that I would heave, he...
Thread: Wael Kfoury - Masada2t 3youni (Mawal) (5 Replies, 8,947 Views) by jsam
Najwa Karam - Wrood Eddar
might this work; as it starts with a mawal and completes as a song
Thread: help! leb (I think) to english, english to leb (3 Replies, 2,924 Views) by jsam
I suggest this thread to be deleted. Thanks.
Thread: Forever Palestinian in phonetic Arabic (12 Replies, 7,130 Views) by jsam
Hey Rhonda,
Many thanks for the blessings.
The story you mentioned about your relatives in Scotland is... actually... so depressing.. and so sad!
May God bless all good people's souls..
Thread: Need help finding this song (40 Replies, 10,880 Views) by jsam
Dear friend,
The words you wrote don't sound correct, but I understand that you don't speak arabic...
I really don't know how would I be able to help!!!
Is the singer a girl or guy? Do you...
Thread: [solved] please help identify this song (5 Replies, 2,200 Views) by jsam
So,, solved,,,
No more guesses..
It was "Mahlana Sawa"
Thread: Wael Kfoury - Masada2t 3youni (Mawal) (5 Replies, 8,947 Views) by jsam
Najwa Karam & Wadih El Safi - Wa Kbirna
Amazing one.. brings tears to eye every single time one listens to it...
Thread: Wael Kfoury - Masada2t 3youni (Mawal) (5 Replies, 8,947 Views) by jsam
I didn’t believe my eyes
Is it you or not?
I thought my eyes had betrayed me
But no, it was really you
I didn’t believe my eyes
Is it you or not?
I thought my eyes had betrayed me
But no, it...
Thread: [solved] please help identify this song (5 Replies, 2,200 Views) by jsam
Could it be "Helle Ya Dar El Hana"?
"Mahlana Sawa"...
I will send you links to your inbox to listen to
Thread: Forever Palestinian in phonetic Arabic (12 Replies, 7,130 Views) by jsam
No one but God can know how Palestinians feel for their land :(
Thread: Sabah - Ya dala3 (3 Replies, 10,410 Views) by jsam
You're welcome :)
Thread: Tayseer Al Safer song (4 Replies, 2,635 Views) by jsam
The Song is by Iraqi singer "Tayseer Al Safeer"
Lyrics in Arabic
مو موضوعنا
مو موضوعنا هسة انسى العتاب
دخيلك ولو اخر مرة اشوفك
لا اقدر اسامح وارجع وياك
ولا اقدر على بعادك واعوفك
Thread: Haytham Nabeel - Mashi lewa7di (1 Replies, 1,301 Views) by jsam
Song is by Egyptian singer called "Haytham Nabeel"
Song in Arabic
ماشي لوحدي
ماشي لوحـدي في يوم عادي جدا ولقيتوا جاي بعيد
هاين عليا اجري عليه واخدو فى احضاني
لكن في قلبي جرحوا كل يوم بيزيد...
Thread: Sabah - Ya dala3 (3 Replies, 10,410 Views) by jsam
This singer is from Lebanon and she's a legand from the oldies. (she's old now, and still alive). Her Name is Sabah.
Song in Arabic:
يا دلع
يا دلع يا دلع ادلع بين الحلوين اتطلع x2...
Thread: please help me (1 Replies, 2,416 Views) by jsam
Song 1 (Originally by the great Lebanese artist: Fayrouz)
يا قلبي لا تتعب قلبك
يا قلبي لا تتعب قلبك
يا قلبي لا تتعب قلبك وبحبك على طول بحبك
بتروح كتير بتغيب كتير
وبترجع عادراج بعلبك
Thread: Which song is this? (7 Replies, 1,996 Views) by jsam
English Translation:
Deep love and peace
Reside in the heart and emotions
My soul is missing you
And sends you all the colorful poems
We were on the road
So accidently, and at first we met ...
Thread: Which song is this? (7 Replies, 1,996 Views) by jsam
Lyrics in Arabic:
سلام العشق وأعماقه ...
يضم القلب وأشواقه ..
تجيك الروح مشتاقه ...
وتهديك القصيد ألوان ...
على درب الهوى جينا ..
من أول ما تلاقينا ...
تغير كل ما فينا ....
Thread: Which song is this? (7 Replies, 1,996 Views) by jsam
Nice song. Never came across it.
I found that it's called "Salam El Eshg" and mostly called "Ala Ya Hobbe El Sami". BY someone called "Al Wasmy".
Thread: Can anyone please translate this song in english for me... (2 Replies, 2,439 Views) by jsam
should post it in the french section!
Thread: Wael Jassar - Tew3edy Leih [*] (9 Replies, 8,128 Views) by jsam
You're welcome! :)
Thread: What's the name of this song? (3 Replies, 2,772 Views) by jsam
The above lyrics are:
La tsadegonah youm ele gal naseene
Wallahe ma yegdar abad youm yensany
Ana tehaddah etha yegdar yekhaleene
Maskeene kel ma sed ana anhe nadane
Dom ateghallah wemen...