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Thread: Classical music - Vivaldi, Bach, someone else (0 Replies, 4,077 Views) by Nowy
Does anyone know what music this is ?
Thread: Greek song with lyrics (1 Replies, 39,830 Views) by Nowy
It seems that this is the song "Lathos" by Nikos Karakalpakis.
Thread: Balkan music - identification (1 Replies, 33,360 Views) by Nowy
What languages are that, what the songs, titles and performers ?
Does anyone recognize it ?
Thread: Przekład z polskiego na rosyjski (0 Replies, 9,187 Views) by Nowy
Fragment piosenki:
Oczy nasze nocą zaszły, aby w waszych dzień nowy zaświtał
Księżyc w nasze oczy patrzy, w oczach waszych dzień wstaje do życia
Prośba o przetłumaczenie na...
Thread: Перевод с польского на русский (0 Replies, 2,230 Views) by Nowy
Fragment piosenki:
Oczy nasze nocą zaszły, aby w waszych dzień nowy zaświtał
Księżyc w nasze oczy patrzy, w oczach waszych dzień wstaje do życia
Prośba o przetłumaczenie na...
Thread: Я ищу текста политической песенки русски (6 Replies, 5,931 Views) by Nowy
Спасибо, спасибо Чебурашка ... передаваю привет ... крокодилка Гена тоже пожалуйста приветствуйте ... :-)) ...
Ps. (постскриптум):
1) "я грав" - я думал что это относятся к боярском титуле...
Thread: Я ищу текста политической песенки русски (6 Replies, 5,931 Views) by Nowy
Спасиба, но как я написал предварительно я ищу текста песни по русскому языку, русскими буквами. Меня не интересует английский текст потому что я изучаю русский язык.
Thread: Я ищу текста политической песенки русски (6 Replies, 5,931 Views) by Nowy
Сильный и резкий текст ... :-/ ... то поэтому никто не хотел написать этого текста.
Но ничто ... может кто хотел бы добавить недостающие слова которых я не узнаваю (в скобках ниже) из слуха ?
Thread: Я ищу текста политической песенки русски (6 Replies, 5,931 Views) by Nowy
Простите за ошибки в правописании этого текста.
Я ищу текста песни Александра Харчикова "Ворован Ворованович Путейкин", но по русскому языку, русскими буквами.
Я знаю что это политическая...
Thread: Song of Fratii Petreus - Mult ma-ntreaba frunza-ngusta (4 Replies, 3,648 Views) by Nowy
Never mind (nic nie szkodzi).
I'm not Russian but I know a little bit this language.
Each Slav knows it to some extent.
Thread: Song of Fratii Petreus - Mult ma-ntreaba frunza-ngusta (4 Replies, 3,648 Views) by Nowy
Well, thank you very much !
I thought that no one will undertake the translation and transliteration.
(No, dziękuję bardzo
Już myślałem, że nikt nie podejmie się tłumaczenia i transliteracji.)
Thread: Song of Fratii Petreus - Mult ma-ntreaba frunza-ngusta (4 Replies, 3,648 Views) by Nowy
I'm looking for transliteration and translation of Fratii Petreus song "Mult ma-ntreaba frunza-ngusta" (also sung by Csokolom).
Poszukuję transliteracji...
Thread: Author and title for this Greek song (5 Replies, 1,345 Views) by Nowy
OK !
Thanks !
Thread: Author and title for this Greek song (5 Replies, 1,345 Views) by Nowy
Thank You very much! Magic touch !
Can You tell me else if translation/transliteration (in latin fonts of course) and oryginal tekst (in greek of course) of this nice greek melody is available in...
Thread: Translation and oryginal tekst (0 Replies, 1,450 Views) by Nowy
Can anybody give translation/transliteration (in latin fonts of course) and oryginal tekst (in greek of course) this nice old greek melody from seventies ?
Thread: Author and title for this Greek song (5 Replies, 1,345 Views) by Nowy
Did anybody know who's singing this Greek song ?
Thanks for help.
Thread: Amar Ezzahi, Mohamed Fouad-Arabic songs notation (11 Replies, 13,152 Views) by Nowy
Thank You, All, who wanted to help me.
Thank You, Daydream, for text and words to my defence.
Thank You, Citlalli, for interest in this subject (theme).
Shookran, tashar'rafna 'ya Daydream,...
Thread: Amar Ezzahi, Mohamed Fouad-Arabic songs notation (11 Replies, 13,152 Views) by Nowy
Thank You, so ...
Amar Ezzahi - Slat Ala Mohamed:
Still looking for latin transliteration (also translation is welcome)
Thread: Amar Ezzahi, Mohamed Fouad-Arabic songs notation (11 Replies, 13,152 Views) by Nowy
Nobody ? That is Who ?
What do you mean ?
Are you from orient (east) ? From Arabia ?
I don't think so
I have found short samples of those songs:
Amar Ezzahi - Slat Ala Mohamed...
Thread: Amar Ezzahi, Mohamed Fouad-Arabic songs notation (11 Replies, 13,152 Views) by Nowy
I'm still looking for Arabic songs notation/transliteration in latin fonts (arabic words in latin fonts). It can be also in polish or russian language:
1) Mohamed Fouad - Allah Akbar
2) Amar...
Thread: Mohamed Fouad-Arabic songs notation in english fonts (4 Replies, 7,661 Views) by Nowy
Really, but ...
... Latin alphabet this is not only english alphabet.
I'm Slav (Poland = Polska) and my alphabet is more rich (richest) as poor english language. But english in our modern world is...
Thread: Learning Serbian /Croatian/Bosnian (944 Replies, 239,175 Views) by Nowy
Bardzo podobny do polskiego (очень похожий польскому языку):
I - Ja - Ja
You - Ti - Ty
He - On - On
She - Ona - Ona
It - Ono - Ono
We - Mi - My
You - Vi - Wy
Thread: Mohamed Fouad-Arabic songs notation in english fonts (4 Replies, 7,661 Views) by Nowy
Thank You εγώ! for this one !
But do you know maybe what are these digits (numbers 2, 3, 7) in some words ?
And how read these digits in combination with letters, e.g. words:
1) 7aba ?
Thread: Mohamed Fouad-Arabic songs notation in english fonts (4 Replies, 7,661 Views) by Nowy
I'm looking for Arabic songs notation in english fonts (arabic words in english fonts):
1) Allah Akbar
2) Tayeb tayeb
It can be also in polish or russian language.