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Thread: Giannis Ploutarxos - Den Me Pairnei (4 Replies, 16,860 Views) by bateli777
Μου 'πες πως θέλεις να ζήσεις
Ανέτειλες για να με δύσεις
Έχεις μια ψυχή που όλα τα μπορεί
Τρέξε λοιπόν να προλάβεις
Μια μέρα θα καταλάβεις
Ίδια σ' αγαπούν φίλοι και εχθροί
Δε με παίρνει να...
Thread: Giannis Ploutarxos - I Dunami Tou Erota (7 Replies, 5,701 Views) by bateli777
what a great song....
the power of love
the vocals are die for
the sharp and accurate
the if he was 15 practicing the guitar for Junior High school band......
Thread: Giannis Ploutarxos - I Dunami Tou Erota (7 Replies, 5,701 Views) by bateli777
דווקא מתאים לי שהוא מתרגם אוטומטית מיוונית לאנגלית...זה חוסך לי הרבה
copy paste
החג....בלתי נסבל
זרם בלתי פוסק של אנשים
אוכל בלי הפסקה
רעש של מנגלים
מחרתיים , בחזרה לעבודה
Thread: Giannis Ploutarxos - I Dunami Tou Erota (7 Replies, 5,701 Views) by bateli777
my bad
google chrome translates my pages without asking me...
Thread: Giannis Ploutarxos - I Dunami Tou Erota (7 Replies, 5,701 Views) by bateli777
English to English? :)
Thread: Kateva ligo na se do - Yannis Plutarhos ( Giannis Ploutarxos ) (15 Replies, 12,224 Views) by bateli777
מה הקשר בין כתיבה ושירה?
בכל תרבות יש טקסטים טובים ופחות טובים
הדיון היה על בחירות שיאניס פלוטרכוס עושה , וההעדפה שלו את הדימויים הספרותיים.
לפעמים על חשבון תקשורתיות של הטקסט
דודו אהרון לא...
Thread: Kateva ligo na se do - Yannis Plutarhos ( Giannis Ploutarxos ) (15 Replies, 12,224 Views) by bateli777
In general most of singers are not college graduates....still, yiannis often says how sorry he is for not mastering the Greek language as well as he wished ...this is , I think, why he tends to...
Thread: Kateva ligo na se do - Yannis Plutarhos ( Giannis Ploutarxos ) (15 Replies, 12,224 Views) by bateli777
you went the distance ...nice :)
I do ask from time to time ... and this community of Greek translators is indeed the kindest , yet at times I feel uncomortable
bothering people.
I thank you...
Thread: Kateva ligo na se do - Yannis Plutarhos ( Giannis Ploutarxos ) (15 Replies, 12,224 Views) by bateli777
כן , אבל לא בשביל לתרגם בכוחות עצמי
Thread: Kateva ligo na se do - Yannis Plutarhos ( Giannis Ploutarxos ) (15 Replies, 12,224 Views) by bateli777
As Amethystos rightfully said further down this page ...I was referring for the general meaning of the first verse ...
But Thank You for the free Greek lesson :)
Thread: Kateva ligo na se do - Yannis Plutarhos ( Giannis Ploutarxos ) (15 Replies, 12,224 Views) by bateli777
You don't accept my observation yet you bring proof of it :) :)
You are impression of translators getting tired of trying to figure out what the hell the lyricist wanted, is based on that...
Thread: Kateva ligo na se do - Yannis Plutarhos ( Giannis Ploutarxos ) (15 Replies, 12,224 Views) by bateli777
I know many translators get pissed off over the poetry in his songs...
I relate it to his humble beginning and his lack of formal's a kind of over compensation....
vroxi ta asteria...
Thread: Kateva ligo na se do - Yannis Plutarhos ( Giannis Ploutarxos ) (15 Replies, 12,224 Views) by bateli777
it's perfection Thank You very much.
I hope Israeli audience gets the poetic touch of "dress yourself in my endless hours"....
Thread: Σαν να είσαι εδώ - Γιάννης Πλούταρχος (59 Replies, 14,027 Views) by bateli777
O morfi mera ...xatzigiannis optimistic song ...or have I read the lyrics upside down?
Thread: can you translate Ploutarxos? (7 Replies, 7,043 Views) by bateli777
I just love your translations...they're so clear and user friendly :) to non greek speakers.
I'm looking for a translation of the song KATEVA LIGO NA SE EDO.......
I'm the admin of the Israeli ...
Thread: Ploutarxos Hebrew translations (24 Replies, 11,788 Views) by bateli777
באהבה גדולה
כל מעריץ של יאניס הוא חבר שלי
משפחת פלוטרכוס הישראלית
Thread: Eleni Foureira (2012 Album) (12 Replies, 8,317 Views) by bateli777
RobStar ....It takes one to know one ! So........right back at ya :) :rose_fun:
Thread: Eleni Foureira (2012 Album) (12 Replies, 8,317 Views) by bateli777
Regardless of the level of accuracy of this song ...your presence here brings a lot of smiles joy and F U N :)
Thread: can anyone translate a ploutarxos's song called " eisai uperoxi " (6 Replies, 6,735 Views) by bateli777
Good Morning Blackheart :) ..... by helping out so kindly you certainly color "black....(heart)" with big clouds of pure white :heart_fun:
Greetings from Israel :rose_fun:............oh yes...I...
Thread: can anyone translate a ploutarxos's song called " eisai uperoxi " (6 Replies, 6,735 Views) by bateli777
Thank you for this translation....I mean THANKS A LOT ... :)
I'm trying to understand something here though....
the first phrase ....will it be ok to say that he meant to say "everything will be...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
that's the song !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perfect lyrics !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ska'at is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
omp...I'll never understand the circumstances that put the two of them in the same band...they were WORLDS apart ...intelect wise....
John is more to my liking ....even from the stand point of...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
It's actually a name we give our meeting place ...a venue that enables us to not limit ourselves to one language or yes..general sounds good.
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
-----------------------> to the Greek Edition thread<-----------------------------
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
:greeting_fun:Go Ofratko :wink_fun: Go Ofratko.....:ok_fun:
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
what will we do with the likes of John Lennon who doesn't fit the description? :)
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
Maybe the new thread would be called ....Peace Love and Music .....this way we'll be able to wander around in our stream of consciousness, hop from one topic to the other and not limit ourselves to...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
Thank you for the referal to this book...I've read similiar books and articles but I'll look it up online or on my next trip ...I just love Mandela like a member of my family...I wish him the best...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
You can send it to my e mail...I promise I won't tell Sony or Universal :) See? no more excuses :)
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
Martin Luther King....great minds think alike....I've taught his speech in class today...
Thank God for end of the year lessons...all tests have been cards are in...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
(big sigh of relief.........thank you for letting me keep my Yiannis)
Thank you Patt for existing :heart_fun: ....for taking a stand in favor of all cultures and showing that there is HOPE in youth...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
I dare you to record it and upload here......... :)
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
I found this video completely by accident...a wonderful display of emotions on the part of the MAGNIFICENT Idan...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
A M E N !!!!!!
There was no video ...just a the way ...if you want to join an Israeli-Greek radio's the link
Paul already...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
Ladino and Arabic ..............oh Yasmin.............speaking of proofs of God's's another......she should do the entertainment segment in peace talks....will make them all...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
I can't say it enough...this disc is pure magic....the melodies brought his vocal abilities and emotional delivery to a pick of performance....
Keep fighting for him and for Ska'at .......thank God...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
I'm afraid a dream thread will turn into a fantasy one...and I don't want to even start imagining your've already divided singers like candies not to mention the fact that you've...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
Do you have/want the lyrics to this song...I think i've translated it's a wonderful piece of music appropriate these days...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
He is such a sweetheart..........his voice is a river of honey ....I can't get enough of him....his latest disc is packed with beautiful songs ...some would call them hits but for me they are moments...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
I'm relaxed....I usually read artists' bio to learn more about them....not necessarily about their nationality or religion....I couldn't care less about that...
I'm on my way to I'll...
Thread: Panos Kiamos - Krystalla (6 Replies, 38,575 Views) by bateli777
You're right.....I completely forgot about it ...I guess what has been left in my memory is the sense of not understanding even after your work.........hmmmm........nothing to do with you...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
Why would you think that? haven't you read her bio...she's Israeli...used to be an officer in the army....
in this clip she's singing with Koby Perez (can't apologize enough for his hair...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
Yasmin is a freaking force of nature ...and in this duet with :rose_fun: Eleni Vitali :rose_fun: ............even God is taking some time off to listen music
Thread: Panos Kiamos - Krystalla (6 Replies, 38,575 Views) by bateli777
Will you give Vroxi ta asteria of Ploutarxos a try ? they are completely enigmatic ...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
Gila's voice is indeed unique in its strength and clarity...she reminds me of mountains....
In this disc my brother is doing some back vocals :)
This is if you will the tragedy of Israeli...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
same song...but a much powerful mom heard it just now...we're overwhelmed a bit .....I'll...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
I just love Yemenite female singing ...they hid so many feminine secrets and messages in these songs....
this song...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
I come from a very musical family...also from Yemenite origin.
My brother is a singer song writer whose songs are often heard on the sister sings in a unique choir which performs all over...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
Shabbat Shalom to you all :)
The story goes like this...
It was my brother's birthday...some 20 years around 2 am the guests had left and I started cleaning up ...
I finished around...
Thread: What are you listening to? - Hebrew edition (806 Replies, 242,586 Views) by bateli777
My not so decorative posts are also my silent way of protesting the poor changes done in this format ...
I'm all for changes when they better things...this is not the case....