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Thread: Μη με φωνάξεις - Ελευθερία Αρβανιτάκη (2 Replies, 15,823 Views) by Duffy Dack
I have nothing to share with you,
nor to share (with others)
the light in the living room is low
and my stomach folds
how I fit here?
I have nothing for us to explain,
nor to explain (my...
Thread: Looking for .... Complex.. (4 Replies, 17,064 Views) by Duffy Dack
Αεροπλάνο (αέρας+πλανώμαι / aeras+planome / air+err) = airplane
Τηλέφωνο (τήλε+φωνή / tele+foni / from away+voice) = telephone
Τηλέγραφος (τήλε+γράφω / tele+grafo / from away+wright) = telegraph...
Thread: Translation for Prosfigopoula by Marika Papagika (2 Replies, 14,116 Views) by Duffy Dack
Refugee girl, my sweety
You are my thought and my meaning
refugee girl, your eyes
become more beautiful by your frills
(and these eyes) tear to pieces my
little heart, refugee girl
Thread: Dimitris Mpasis (11 Replies, 16,567 Views) by Duffy Dack
Many of the old songs, were the bases for young artists to compose new songs.
That's for your mom...
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Thread: Seleimpeis (5 Replies, 6,170 Views) by Duffy Dack
Και μόνο η προσπάθεια φτάνει!:man_in_love_fun:
Thread: Thanos Petrelis - Aman Kai Oos -> Latin alphabet (4 Replies, 5,382 Views) by Duffy Dack
Στα όρια ζω
Sta oria zo
Κοιμάμαι και ξυπνάω
kimame ke xipnao
Μακριά σου εγώ
makria sou ego
Για πάντα θα πονάω
gia panta tha ponao
Στα όρια ζω
sta oria zo
Thread: I trygona i orfani (1 Replies, 5,476 Views) by Duffy Dack
You flying birds that you go in the air
those poor grievances
You very fast get married and become a couple
those poor grievances (birds)
And I, the orphan turtle dove, does not know where...
Thread: Dimitris Mpasis (11 Replies, 16,567 Views) by Duffy Dack
Actualy means: the morning star in their eyes (the sequin as you said)
Thread: manolis aggelepoulos - Όταν ακούω νύχτα τη βροχή englsih translation? (3 Replies, 6,263 Views) by Duffy Dack
When I hear the night rain
My eyes refuse to close
I remember when you left
And my breasts are made tracks
God cried with me
At night that you leave me my sweet girl
And I felt my...
Thread: Papadopoula leventonia (3 Replies, 6,197 Views) by Duffy Dack
actualy means: they want advice (youth)
Thread: Taha den imoun nios (2 Replies, 4,837 Views) by Duffy Dack
Thread: Dimitris Mitropanos — Sirina (2 Replies, 3,881 Views) by Duffy Dack
Σειρήνες / Sirines (sirens)
Σ’ ένα ταξίδι στα παλιά
ήσουν αγέρι στα πανιά
και γλάρος στα κατάρτια
κι όπως γλιστρούσα στα νερά
έβλεπα μπρος μου καθαρά
τα δυο υγρά σου μάτια
Πώς με πονούν τα...
Thread: Greek love translations (1 Replies, 2,390 Views) by Duffy Dack
"Αγάπη μου, είσαι η αιωνιότητα μου. Όταν η νύχτα έρχεται και όλα είναι σκοτεινά, όταν το φεγγάρι είναι το μόνο φως που βλέπεις, μπορείς να μετρήσεις τα αστέρια; Μου λείπεις τόσο πολύ ... σε βλέπω στο...
Thread: Melodically Repetitive Songs Rescued By Great Orchestrations (5 Replies, 16,750 Views) by Duffy Dack
Thread: When did Greek songwriters start using "chorus with hook" concept? (4 Replies, 14,529 Views) by Duffy Dack
That is correct
but since the composers had no talent, they used such tricks
Thread: Final version of Κυριε εισαγγελέα for re-translation here in this thread. (17 Replies, 21,453 Views) by Duffy Dack
Κύριε εισαγγελέα, στα σκαλία τα τελευταία
εγω είμουν της ζωής
σκοτωσα γιατί φοβόμουν, αν την πέρναν θα χανόμουν
τώρ' αυτό δεν θα συμβεί - now this won't happen(sound good also and has the correct...
Thread: Is ήταν μόνο μου δική OK in Greek for English "she was mine alone" (5 Replies, 13,851 Views) by Duffy Dack
Κύριε εισαγγελέα, στα σκαλιά τα τελευταία
εγω είμουν της ζωής
σκοτωσα γιατί φοβόμουν, αν την πέρναν θα χανόμουν
απ' τον πόνο της πληγής
this sound better
Thread: Whoops! How did a hasapiko get into this zeibekiko clip?! (1 Replies, 13,101 Views) by Duffy Dack
The video is from another song and he who made it is... irrelevant!!
Thread: What is the Greek word for "kitsch"? (12 Replies, 18,029 Views) by Duffy Dack
This is not kitsch, this is fake and supposed that is good.
Hadjidakis probably would laugh
Thread: Το μονοπάτι (4 Replies, 4,086 Views) by Duffy Dack
Μες στη ζωή δρόμοι ανοίγονται σωρό
κι όποιον γουστάρεις τον τραβάς κι όπου σε βγάλει
μα είναι κι ένα μονοπάτι πονηρό
που πάει ντουγρού στην κατηφόρα τη μεγάλη
There are so many open roads in...
Thread: Vasilis Papakonstantinou "Mama" translation? (3 Replies, 5,583 Views) by Duffy Dack
Έβαζες ψεύτικες φωνές, γελούσες κι έκανες πως κλαις
κι εγώ παιδί, α, ρε μαμά.
You were screaming with fake voices, you were laughing and you were pretending that you cry
and I was a kid, eh...
Thread: Thread for questions about particular composers, lyricists, singers, musicians (32 Replies, 22,692 Views) by Duffy Dack
The song says that happiness is a difficult concept, somekind of philosophy· so the Zambetas says: "I thought it very much, so - from now on - I'll treat like crazy".
Το έχω ρίξει στην τρελή...
Thread: "Uptown" (The Crystals 1962) - will someone try to translate TO Greek? (2 Replies, 2,681 Views) by Duffy Dack
He gets up each morning and he goes downtown
Where everyone's his boss and he's lost in an angry land
He's a little man
Σηκώνεται κάθε πρωί και πάει για το κέντρο
όπου καθένας είν' αφεντικό κι...
Thread: Thread for the best "neo"compositions accompanied by the best bouzouki soloists (51 Replies, 25,485 Views) by Duffy Dack
Το έχω ξαναπεί, δεν μπορούμε να βάλουμε όλους τους συνθέτες στη λίστα, επειδή έχουν γράψει μερικά καλά τραγούδια. Τέτοιοι υπάρχουν πάρα πολλοί.
I've said before, we can not put all the composers...
Thread: Thread for questions about particular composers, lyricists, singers, musicians (32 Replies, 22,692 Views) by Duffy Dack
The Rebel called Marinos Antipas (surname)
The singer called Antipas Mazloumidis (surname)
All the Greeks knows the second, but few of them knows Marinos.
I do not want to talk about him because...
Thread: Πάλιωσε το σακάκι μου (1948) Τσιτσάνης - tr. from German by Halitsky (3 Replies, 4,078 Views) by Duffy Dack
Correct, "I can't take more pain"
Thread: Another pair of song cousins: Πάλιωσε το σακάκι μου and Nobody knows you ... (2 Replies, 14,228 Views) by Duffy Dack
Yes, I believe that the two songs have the same meaning and feeling.
Thread: Πάλιωσε το σακάκι μου (1948) Τσιτσάνης - tr. from German by Halitsky (3 Replies, 4,078 Views) by Duffy Dack
Πάλιωσε το σακάκι μου
θα σβήσω απ’ το μεράκι μου
και καημό έχω μεγάλο
δεν μπορώ να πάρω άλλο
My jacket is finished
I will die because of my sorrow
and I have a lot of pain
I can not take more
Thread: Ψεύτρα κοινωνία 1977 - Λαύκας; translated by Halitsky (3 Replies, 2,988 Views) by Duffy Dack
Throw your masks onto the fire,
society you are Liar (That's the meaning and nothing else)
Thread: Cases of composers copying themselves (4 Replies, 10,432 Views) by Duffy Dack
I believe that for some reason must you are right. But what does it matter?
Thread: Thread for questions about particular composers, lyricists, singers, musicians (32 Replies, 22,692 Views) by Duffy Dack
Yes he making fun, but likes also koutsavakides.
Thread: Great "international" compositions by Duffy's best "neo" composers (29 Replies, 16,366 Views) by Duffy Dack
No, the singer is Armenian and sometimes say: gia sou Armenia / hello Armenia and confess that likes the greek music.
Thread: Great "international" compositions by Duffy's best "neo" composers (29 Replies, 16,366 Views) by Duffy Dack
This thread is the better for these songs.
"Τί σε μέλλει εσένανε"
"Γιέ μου - γιέ μου"
Thread: Song similar to Eleftheriou's one (22 Replies, 25,665 Views) by Duffy Dack
Απόψε, όπως κάθε βράδυ,
στα χέρια θα σηκώσει
το βάρος της θλίψης μας,
όπως τα χέρια του Χριστού
το βάρος των αμαρτιών μας
Tonight, like every night,
he will get in his hands
the burden of...
Thread: Thread for questions about particular composers, lyricists, singers, musicians (32 Replies, 22,692 Views) by Duffy Dack
Οι Κουτσαβάκηδες έλεγαν: "αδρεφέ μου" και ο Ζαμπέτας λέει: χάσαμε τ' αρεοπλάνο (αεροπλάνο)!:biggrin_fun:
Thread: Thread for questions about particular composers, lyricists, singers, musicians (32 Replies, 22,692 Views) by Duffy Dack
In fact they are two siblings (αδερφοί or αδελφοί = brothers) Christos and Costas Sinogiannis.
There were good singers, but they became not very famous.
Thread: Thread for questions about particular composers, lyricists, singers, musicians (32 Replies, 22,692 Views) by Duffy Dack
He's prety good to me too.
Thread: Any Greek word for "bouzouki-player" that is not a compound word? (6 Replies, 15,453 Views) by Duffy Dack
Thread: A general comment: Greek songs paint pictures - they don't tell stories. (12 Replies, 19,156 Views) by Duffy Dack
Αμέθυστε γίνε ζωγράφος για λίγο. Ένα ωραίο παράδειγμα για τον φίλο μας.
Όλα τα κυπαρίσσια δείχνουνε μεσάνυχτα
Όλα τα δάχτυλα
Έξω από τ'...
Thread: Any Greek word for "bouzouki-player" that is not a compound word? (6 Replies, 15,453 Views) by Duffy Dack
We have no bars like US's and we do not drink every Friday until we get stoned, so there is no similar term for the drink. But in any case when this is done, then we say: (Σερί = "streak" / "break" /...
Thread: Great "international" compositions by Duffy's best "neo" composers (29 Replies, 16,366 Views) by Duffy Dack
"Η βελανιδιά θα μεγαλώσει από μικρά βελανίδια"
Thread: A general comment: Greek songs paint pictures - they don't tell stories. (12 Replies, 19,156 Views) by Duffy Dack
That's right and began since Theodorakis put great poetry in his songs in 1960 with "Epitafios / funeral".
Thread: Το τρένο φεύγει στις οχτώ (we need to do a good idiomatic translation) (13 Replies, 6,155 Views) by Duffy Dack
Πώ πώ φίλε, καλά που δεν ζητάει εξήγηση για τα ποιήματα του Ελύτη!:eek:
Thread: And now, how about a little credit for the "boys in the band" ????? (8 Replies, 11,853 Views) by Duffy Dack
Ο Χρήστος Νικολόπουλος στα πρώτα του βήματα.
Thread: Το τρένο φεύγει στις οχτώ (we need to do a good idiomatic translation) (13 Replies, 6,155 Views) by Duffy Dack
I wrote about the meaning.
Thread: Το τρένο φεύγει στις οχτώ (we need to do a good idiomatic translation) (13 Replies, 6,155 Views) by Duffy Dack
There is no political message . The song (poem) talks about the dark and icy days,
which the soldiers had in those times. Many were in love and lonely in the cold.
This is the song for the...
Thread: Any Greek word for "bouzouki-player" that is not a compound word? (6 Replies, 15,453 Views) by Duffy Dack
The single word for "bouzouki player" is: Μπουζουκτζής / Bouzouktzis
Thread: Μιχάλης Βιολάρης - Ήμουνα 20 χρονών (3 Replies, 2,544 Views) by Duffy Dack
Ήμουνα είκοσι χρονών (right is: χρόνων) but...poetic licence
Ήμουνα 20 χρονών, κι είπα να σεργιανίσω
στην γειτονιά των κοριτσιών, λουλούδια να τρυγίσω.
I was twenty years old, and I said to...
Thread: Lyrics for rixte mou nero na sbiso (ριξτε μου νερο να σβησω) (4 Replies, 2,854 Views) by Duffy Dack
No, just for that song:p
Thread: Lyrics for rixte mou nero na sbiso (ριξτε μου νερο να σβησω) (4 Replies, 2,854 Views) by Duffy Dack
Please don't ask more...