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Thread: הראל סקעת - שיבואו עלינו (קליפ) (To English) (1 Replies, 50,908 Views) by yosis
פתאום נשכבנו שם תקועים במבטנו,
Suddenly we lay down, we are we were stuck in our glance
אתה באש אני שייך יותר לרוח.
you are in the fire
I'm more suitable for the spirit
אמרת ״אין לי בעיה עם...
Thread: Yehonathan-Belayla Ham Bakaitz (4 Replies, 20,076 Views) by yosis
hello the original version is this
belayla ham bakitze \in one night in the summer
in one night in the summer at the height of the party
one glance...
Thread: can someone tell me the name of this song (1 Replies, 17,898 Views) by yosis .......... SARIT HADAD LEV ZAHAV
Thread: lyrics translation sarit hadad yafe yafe and bali. (3 Replies, 19,221 Views) by yosis
this i make and this better from native hebrew :)
Thread: Can anyone translate this to english please? - די לשנוא by Nati Levi (2 Replies, 20,724 Views) by yosis
still u need ?
Thread: Eyal Golan - Shishi Batzooreim (0 Replies, 19,261 Views) by yosis
it is friday and the clock is shown that already arrived an noon time
i take a small bag and i am almost ready to out
to day we are going to the beach...
Thread: Help to find romanin song (1 Replies, 14,176 Views) by yosis somone know romanian version ?
Thread: Julieta - Ba li ba li (1 Replies, 18,213 Views) by yosis
julelita - ba li \ i want
let her to take you with her ,to buy for her gifts
ten la shtikah otha liknot la matnot
and she will make to all the other girls to not look at you
Thread: KYD - Candy (2 Replies, 20,952 Views) by yosis
to this song there are a lot of slang, it is difficult to translate it, but it is the primary interpretation of the song:
if you want more songs, I would love to translate for you
enjoy :)
Thread: אריק איינשטיין אני ואתה Arik Einstein English lyrics .... please ! (2 Replies, 22,183 Views) by yosis
here is the actually translation - ...
ani ve-ata, neshane et a-olam
both of us will change the world
(We are will make the lives of all the people to better
Ani ve-ata, az yavo-u kvar...
Thread: what languge this part in the song ? (0 Replies, 1,204 Views) by yosis
what languge its in : 1:17 - 1:37
Thread: Nikos Makropoulos - Asto (0 Replies, 1,811 Views) by yosis
please english
Να μη λέμε πολλά
σήκω τώρα και φύγε
κάπου αλλού πιο καλά
η αγάπη μας πήγε
Σε μια άλλη αγκαλιά
σε ένα άλλο ζευγάρι
και το δρόμο του πια
ο καθένας θα πάρει
Thread: Kostas Karafotis - Apergo (4 Replies, 11,446 Views) by yosis
i think its not good tranltion can someone give another ?
Thread: Giorgos Tsalikis - eimai mia xara (1 Replies, 3,335 Views) by yosis
please translate :)
Είμαι μια χαρά, στα καλύτερά μου
Μου ‘κανες καλό που είσαι μακριά μου
Κάτι βραδιές που πέρασα, κι όσα ξέρω ξέχασα
Για να σε...
Thread: Lior Narkis - Shoshanim (1 Replies, 6,153 Views) by yosis
this song i like a lot :)
tonight i found myself wait at down to your apartment
and i sing to you in front...
Thread: Lior Narkis - Yeled (1 Replies, 7,303 Views) by yosis
lior narkis - yeled \ a boy
lyrics by - yossi giaspan
music by - tomer hadadi
you laugh and it's hard for me that i can't laugh with you
אתה צוחק, קשה לי לא לצחוק איתך
you crying now and my...
Thread: Lior Narkis ft. Moshe - Mul kol ha-olam (1 Replies, 8,428 Views) by yosis
The summer is hot, i wake up and i find for myself a reason to arrive
קיץ חם אני קם ומוצא לי סיבה שאוכל להגיע
in the air have a music that reminds me a smille face and a cute gaze
באוויר יש...
Thread: Lior Narkis - Yoter me-hayay (1 Replies, 5,868 Views) by yosis
if I had the power to stop time
i would do it and now
and I was kissed you with white
and you were laughed like the sun in autumn
but here and now there is a man in love with you
and i scram...
Thread: Lior Narkis - Bati lehagid lah (1 Replies, 5,409 Views) by yosis
i came to tell you that you are so beautiful
in your eyes you hint to me and i'm yours
i came to tell you that you are so beautiful
in your eyes you hint to me nights of love
all my friends...
Thread: Lior Narkis - Az yalla (1 Replies, 5,587 Views) by yosis
If you are single just know to yourself that you not alone
the man who love you dreaming about you
and even if you didn't knew
he come to you slowly
he want to be close to you
but you have...
Thread: Lior Narkis - Kadurim Haim (1 Replies, 5,957 Views) by yosis
Lior Narkis -Cadorim Haime
lyrics by - Adi cabiri
music - naor sinwani
if you now hear this song
it's hint for you to come back to my arms
to come back to me fast
to be a wife for me
Thread: Lior Narkis - Nedira (1 Replies, 6,290 Views) by yosis
what is happens tonight?
מה קורה הלילה ?
there are someone who not told you that u r
מי עוד לא אמר לך ?
שאת יפה, מתוקה
Thread: Lior Narkis ft. KYD - Yahalom (1 Replies, 6,622 Views) by yosis
ליאור נרקיס, שרון בידר וישראל (רולי) אייזן. LIOR NARKIS \ SHARON BIDER AND ISRAEL EYZEN
i want to make u home and to bring u kids
Thread: Lior Narkis ft. Omer Adam - Mahapeha shel simha (1 Replies, 16,405 Views) by yosis
שמעתי שעושים פה מסיבה בלעדיי
I realized that there is a party without me.
אפ'חד לא עושה את זה יותר טוב ממני
But no one is doing it better than me
היי, נשים את הצרות מאחוריי
hey be forgotten from...
Thread: Welcome To The Life - Tamer Hosny (0 Replies, 1,299 Views) by yosis
hi can somone translte the arabic part :) ?
Thread: Tamer Hosny FT Akon -Welcome To The Life (1 Replies, 17,420 Views) by yosis
hi please arabic and english lyrics :)
Thread: ROBBY - Imi creste ADRENALINA (3 Replies, 15,526 Views) by yosis
Thread: ROBBY - Imi creste ADRENALINA (3 Replies, 15,526 Views) by yosis
Imi creste adrenalina cand te misti ca felina
Cred ca o faci intentionat
Mama ce bucata as manca-o toata
Ca o ciocolata
Thread: Bella Meri - Den Iparhi (0 Replies, 2,352 Views) by yosis
Όταν πονάει η καρδιά από προδοσία
Νιώθεις ντροπή, νιώθεις θυμό κι απελπισία
Στο θολωμένο σου μυαλό υπάρχει μόνο
Η λέξη εκδίκηση που αμύνεται στον πόνο
Νιώθεις στην πλάτη καρφωμένο ένα μαχαίρι...
Thread: Sofia Danezi - Vrika To Kleidi (2 Replies, 2,909 Views) by yosis
Thank :) :)
Thread: Triantafillos -Asto mi me halas (1 Replies, 3,603 Views) by yosis
please english ,thank :)
Τώρα λες, στεναχωριέσαι
και μακρυά μου πια δεν μπορείς.
Τώρα λες, ότι με θέλεις
και μακρυά μου άλλο δε ζεις.
Τώρα λες, πως...
Thread: הראל סקעת - בום (to english) (2 Replies, 5,827 Views) by yosis
People are talking
How could I say it without saying it?
People are talking
Boom, there is no delicate\ \ soft hitting
Restraints were released from the legs
boom there is an long way
Thread: Νίκος Απέργης - Ένα Κι Ένα New Song 2014 (1 Replies, 3,840 Views) by yosis TRANS PLIZ
Ένα κι ενα κανουν δυο,
δυο κι οι επιλογες
αποφασισε τι κανεις
μενεις φευγεις πες τι θες..
Σε εμαθα να ακους το ναι
δεν σου ειπα εγω ποτέ...
Thread: Tamer Nafar & Murad Abo Ahmad - Super Lancer - سوبر لانسر (0 Replies, 7,211 Views) by yosis
Thread: Thanasis Vasilakos - O Proin Ki O Tora (1 Replies, 2,767 Views) by yosis
Thread: משינה - מכונית (mashina - mechonit) (3 Replies, 4,448 Views) by yosis
כמה נקודות לשיפור ,התרגום שלך טוב אבל צריך להסביר את המשמעות של המילים ... ..
good trans but u have to explain the mean of the word .....
I want to even have a plan -* i even have a plan...
Thread: what is the greek version ? (1 Replies, 1,522 Views) by yosis
Thread: what is the greek version ? (1 Replies, 1,522 Views) by yosis
Thread: Веселина и Ерик - Хайде, почвай (1 Replies, 11,304 Views) by yosis
Ти си малък инат, а аз съм голям.
И как се търпим - изобщо не знам!
Ядосвам ти се, крещим си без жал.
Но знак за любов е всеки скандал!...
Thread: ВЕСЕЛИНА - Лошо ти се пише (1 Replies, 11,249 Views) by yosis
Не, не ме докосвай, а замълчи за малко в тъмнината!
Сякаш спирам да дишам, усещам те във въздуха.
Не ми звъни, отивам си - дори след огъня...
Thread: אייל גולן --- שובי ילדונת (1 Replies, 4,478 Views) by yosis
I stand in front of the sea
from far away i dreaming about you
and from the white moon i can to see your face
i will rember your beauty forever
the waves are drowned Your ship
On the dock I...
Thread: כשאת איתו - אייל גולן (3 Replies, 4,618 Views) by yosis
Pit’om halacht mimeni, halach itach gam achalom
suddenly you left me , you took with yourself even my dream
El bayit rek chazarti, michtav hish’art li
I returned to an empty house,and you left a...
Thread: is there arabic version ? (1 Replies, 18,154 Views) by yosis ??
Thread: Mohamad Eskandar - Marie Rose (1 Replies, 2,922 Views) by yosis
Translte please ....
Thread: Sarit Hadad - Mi Amor / אהובי (4 Replies, 4,802 Views) by yosis
Hey it difficult to understand the meaning
Here I explained to you the meaning of each sentence
Hope you understand, if you have any questions feel free to ask
Thread: ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΚΩΣΤΟΠΟΥΛΟΣΠΟΣΟ ΜΟΥ ΛΕΙΠΕΙΣ (0 Replies, 1,624 Views) by yosis
please trnalste
Απόψε η νύχτα μου θυμίζει
Η σκέψη σου να με δακρύζει
Και να με πνίγει σαν θηλιά η μοναξιά
Απόψε η σκέψη σου πονάει
Η νύχτα...
Thread: נתנאל - כלב בוכה (3 Replies, 3,760 Views) by yosis
:) if you want more songs ask free :)
Thread: Where all the thread of forum ?.... (3 Replies, 1,446 Views) by yosis
?? to where ?
Thread: Dayana - Priznay Si (BG - ENG) Lyrics Translation please (2 Replies, 5,210 Views) by yosis
Thread: il9 - אני צריך עזרה בתרגום מאנגלית לעברית :) (5 Replies, 8,990 Views) by yosis בינתיים אני צריך תרגום של זה :)
No matter how hard I try
You keep pushing me aside
And I can't break through
There's no talking to you
It's so sad...