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Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,191,867 Views) by masr1520
translation please:
كيد الرجال يهد الجبال وكيد النساء يهد الرجال
and this:
هناك من الناس من:
كلما راعيت ظروفهم ذلوك
كلما راعيت إحساسهم جرحوك
وكلما أعليت من شأنهم إحتقروك
وهو لاء لن يعرفوا...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,191,867 Views) by masr1520
كيد الرجال يهد الجبال وكيد النساء يهد الرجال
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,191,867 Views) by masr1520
هل وجدت في حياتك من يفهمك؟
Thread: algier/french (1 Replies, 2,246 Views) by masr1520
translate please:
nafham rou7i moi meme
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,191,867 Views) by masr1520
translation please:
هل أنت؟؟؟
١) لم أثق فيها يوما
٢) بدأت تشكّ
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,191,867 Views) by masr1520
آدم خرج من الجنه بذنب واحد .. و إبليس خُلّد في النار بذنب واحد .. !
فما أدراكـ أن تُؤخـذ أنت بذنب واحـد ..!
translation please anyone?
Thread: translate anyone? thank you :) (1 Replies, 15,821 Views) by masr1520
Il y a quelqu'un qui te manque ?
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,191,867 Views) by masr1520
هل تتزوج فتاة تعر ضت للا غتصاب*
ida katfouha w dawha man trig w heya beyna ki dayra "akla balak mai ida kima galat moumi faute de son mec ,,,hadi f lamnam psq le fait que 3andha mec sa suffit;;gi...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,191,867 Views) by masr1520
translation plaese ..thanks :)))
اكثر صفة تكرهها في الإنسان هي
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,191,867 Views) by masr1520
can someone translate please ..thank you xD
تقدرو تدخلو المستطيلات الثلاثة متساويين ؟
Thread: please translate: (1 Replies, 3,391 Views) by masr1520
C'est dure de voir les personnes que tu connais devenir des personnes que tu connaissais. De voir quelqu'un passer à cote de toi sans te parler en sachant qu'il à déjà été une grosse partie de ta...
Thread: Learn Algerian dialect (10 Replies, 14,780 Views) by masr1520
هل تتزوج فتاة تعر ضت للا غتصاب*
ida katfouha w dawha man trig w heya beyna ki dayra "akla balak mai ida kima galat moumi faute de son mec ,,,hadi f lamnam psq le fait que 3andha mec sa suffit;;gi...
Thread: meaning please :) (1 Replies, 5,847 Views) by masr1520
هل تتزوج فتاة تعر ضت للا غتصاب*
ida katfouha w dawha man trig w heya beyna ki dayra "akla balak mai ida kima galat moumi faute de son mec ,,,hadi f lamnam psq le fait que 3andha mec sa suffit;;gi...
Thread: Randa Hafedh - Bi2albi erta7 (4 Replies, 2,400 Views) by masr1520
ياقلبي ارتاح انا حبيت وحاعمل ايه
كفاية تزيد عليا حنين
وليه مشتاق وانا وياه
على دا الحال كأني باقابله فين وفين
يومين ياقلبي امانه تسيبو يبقى معانا
خلاص مادام ويانا بتتعب فيا ليه
ياقلبي ارتاح انا...
Thread: Amr Mostafa - Kell sana & Ya 2albi erta7 (2 Replies, 2,652 Views) by masr1520
*kol sana
*ya alby ertah
Thread: Amr Mostafa and Fadl Shaker / Elissa (3 Replies, 3,155 Views) by masr1520
amr mostafa- kol sana
amr mostafa- ya alby ertah
fadl shaker and elissa- jowa rouh...
Thread: Amr Diab - Khaleek fakerny (1 Replies, 2,366 Views) by masr1520
Thread: what does this mean? ANYONE..... (4 Replies, 2,547 Views) by masr1520
ok, thanks anywayz daydream...i was told you're the expert here in egyptian arabic :)
so ill be coming to you for translations if u dn't mind..
Thread: translate please :) (1 Replies, 1,997 Views) by masr1520
عندما أكون الحاضر..
كنت في عداد المفقودين
Thread: what does this mean? ANYONE..... (4 Replies, 2,547 Views) by masr1520
ok, i assume nobody's able to translate this, but if anyone understands a bit of it..please share with me!
Thread: what does this mean? ANYONE..... (4 Replies, 2,547 Views) by masr1520
translate this below please:
"The opening reel at 7 pm if Mufthch Alamil Reel that not sincere Aheclmk"
Thread: Amr Mostafa - Kelmet hob (4 Replies, 3,313 Views) by masr1520
but i want both the lyrics...
Thread: Amr Mostafa - Kelmet hob (4 Replies, 3,313 Views) by masr1520
amr mostafa- kelmet hob (english and arabic lyrics please- thank u)
Thread: help! (7 Replies, 2,724 Views) by masr1520
i needed to knw that, ure a great help ;)
Thread: help! (7 Replies, 2,724 Views) by masr1520
thank u eva so much larosa
is it possible to translate the arabic in english characters:
"Anagazh Ptaaday Htbda on Sunday at 2 pm Call me if Aizh beyond me a message Aureny Graduate
Thread: help! (7 Replies, 2,724 Views) by masr1520
can someone kindly translate the above msg plz asap. it would mean alot...thnks
Thread: help! (7 Replies, 2,724 Views) by masr1520
طيب بص خيلكو معايا ونكمل دقيقه من وقتك ردد معي: اللهم صلي على محمد وعلى أل محمد كما صليت على ابراهيم وعلى أل ابراهيم وبارك على محمد وعلى أل محمدكما باركت على ابراهيم في العالمين انك حميد مجيد وارسلها...
Thread: help! (7 Replies, 2,724 Views) by masr1520
is anyone (fluent in english) willing to help me translate MSA/egyptian arabic to english. it's an emergency...
Thread: hi (0 Replies, 1,214 Views) by masr1520
ramy ayach- efrah fiki