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Thread: Fadel Shaker - El Hob El Adeem Translation (6 Replies, 23,578 Views) by Maviii
Thread: Loaabat El Mawt - Marwan Khoury (3 Replies, 5,315 Views) by Maviii
you are most welcome ;)
Thread: Geri don Erkan yilmaz (4 Replies, 17,140 Views) by Maviii
Here is the lyrics and my attempt of translation for some lines
hope a native turk translate it for you better than me :)
geri dön by erkan yilmaz
Thread: Loaabat El Mawt - Marwan Khoury (3 Replies, 5,315 Views) by Maviii
عم يبدى العد العكسي من بعد الانتظار
قرر عن نفسي بنفسي بإيدي آخد قرار
اخلق من حزني ويأسي من حبس الانتصار
كسر حيطاني وشمسي تضوي عتم المدار
After waiting the count down is starting
i will make up...
Thread: Arabic to english translation (1 Replies, 17,111 Views) by Maviii
i am spoiling you / flirtig you in kuweit
Thread: Geri don Erkan yilmaz (4 Replies, 17,140 Views) by Maviii
put the link of the song here because there is many songs that start with same line
Thread: Fadel Shaker - El Hob El Adeem Translation (6 Replies, 23,578 Views) by Maviii
Thank you gbasfora :)
Thread: Moeen Shreif - Ma Beterkik (1 Replies, 4,458 Views) by Maviii
ما بتركك ما زال فيي روح
ما زال في نبض بقلبي
والروح حتى لما مني تروح
باقي انا ع الوعد بحبك
As long i am alive i will never let you go
As long my heart is beating
and even if my soul gone...
Thread: Fadel Shaker - El Hob El Adeem Translation (6 Replies, 23,578 Views) by Maviii
والله مشتاقين
مشتاقين يا قلبي
والله مشتاقين يا قلبي للحب القديم
و الله مشتاقين يا قلبي دوبنا الحنين
i swear we are missing
oh my heart we are missing
missing and longing is melting us
Thread: Hikmet anil poem to english (1 Replies, 6,765 Views) by Maviii
Ve sevmektendir bilesin;
Her yağmur damlasına,
her ezan sonrasına,
Her namaz arasına yerleştirilen duâların
Ona bir şey olmasınla bitmesi...
Thread: ROCK 'n' Roll Halls of Fame (885 Replies, 480,170 Views) by Maviii
not sure if this song fits in this thread but just wanted to share what i am already listening to and say a quick hi to you guys ;)
Thread: ROCK 'n' Roll Halls of Fame (885 Replies, 480,170 Views) by Maviii
Thread: ROCK 'n' Roll Halls of Fame (885 Replies, 480,170 Views) by Maviii
And Here is my song ;) bababooom babababoom :music_fun::yahoo_fun::drink_fun::dirol_fun:
Thread: ROCK 'n' Roll Halls of Fame (885 Replies, 480,170 Views) by Maviii
Rock 'n' Roll Halls of Fame INDEX <<
I made it sticky thread ;)
Thread: ROCK 'n' Roll Halls of Fame (885 Replies, 480,170 Views) by Maviii
Without ''LIKE'' button its really unfair ..
posting great songs over here guys ..thumbs up ;)
Thread: Zaki Nassif - Ya ashikat al ward (7 Replies, 17,286 Views) by Maviii
Welcome anytime :)
Thread: [HELP!] Marwan Khoury - Mich Aam Bitrouhi Min Bali (1 Replies, 3,680 Views) by Maviii
Here you go .. :)
مش عم بتروحي من بالي
صاير عم لاحق خطواتك وين ما بتروحي
شغلة مش بأيدي بموت و أنتي بعيدة
و لما بتطلي يا روحي ترديلي روحي
You wont leave my mind
am chasing your steps where...
Thread: Warda - Dandana (1 Replies, 3,329 Views) by Maviii
Here you go ..:)
أنا غيرك ماليش بعدك مفيش
I have no one but you , no one after you
أنا مهما أقول بهواك
No matter how many times i say i love you
كل الكلام ما يكفينيش
no words will be...
Thread: wael kfoury (2 Replies, 2,395 Views) by Maviii
Thread: Forum update (4 Replies, 13,926 Views) by Maviii
I miss the ''thank you'' and ''like'' button / now whenever we like something we will have to reply with a quote
and so on.. its sad
Thread: Ingush /song from the Caucasus (12 Replies, 49,244 Views) by Maviii
first song is not chechen nor ingush else i would helped u out with translation ..second song strating from minute 2:38 is chechen ;)
sorry nazran ..hope u find help soon
Thread: idle curiosity..... (4 Replies, 18,779 Views) by Maviii
It's standard Arabic as aila said :)
shes reading an article i guess :D about food/herbs that helps you to sleep and relax
its too much talking NERE so i cant translate all this .lol
Thread: George Wassouf- Kol al Nas (1 Replies, 5,038 Views) by Maviii
For now here is the Arabic lyrics
خسرت كل الناس علشانه
علشانه استحملت اللوم
إزاي بعد ده كله يسيبني
متصورتش غدره في يوم
كانت روحي في ايده وخني
رجعت روحي وهوة خسرني
Thread: anwar el amir - el 7oriye (3 Replies, 3,457 Views) by Maviii
For now here is the lyrics in arabic :)
حبك غمض عنيه
سكر البواب عليه
لو البك كآن السجآن وضلوعك هن الاضبان
شو بدي بالحريه
Thread: I really need everyones help with the lyrics of these songs (14 Replies, 14,781 Views) by Maviii
@JordanianMaestro i hope next time you ask for each song in separated post
because this way it wont be helpful for others to find the songs lyrics
too many songs in one post is a total mess and...
Thread: Assi Al Hillani - Ya Teir (8 Replies, 15,084 Views) by Maviii
yes its same song but acoustic version
Thread: Amr Diab - El leila 2013 album (44 Replies, 43,990 Views) by Maviii
Thread: Geçer Zaman - Ogün Sanlısoy (2 Replies, 2,944 Views) by Maviii
@Tatjana Tanya Dodevska Please open new thread with the second song link
and make the title :
Erkan Oğur - İsmail Hakkı - "Zahit Bizi Tan Eyleme"
Thread: Ibrahim tatlises - Beyaz gül kırmızı gül (4 Replies, 4,142 Views) by Maviii
Thread: Ahat- Khaled Abdul Rahman (1 Replies, 2,654 Views) by Maviii
this type of songs are so hard to translate but i gave it a try .. enjoy :)
آهات - Groans
آهات من طول العنـا طاولتنـي
ونفسي من الفرقا وحالي صخيفه
Groans has been a part of me from...
Thread: Zaki Nassif - Ya ashikat al ward (7 Replies, 17,286 Views) by Maviii
Here you go .. :)
يا عاشقة الورد ان كنت على وعدي
فحبيبك منتظر يا عاشقة الورد
You who adores roses if you are still keeping my word
your lover is waiting ''you'' who adores roses
Thread: Ebru Gündeş - Ben Olmayınca (6 Replies, 4,438 Views) by Maviii
Olmayacak - will be
Olmayan - non
As there is ben before olmayinca so it refers to himself/herself
its means like ''without''
without me being there
something like this ..hope it helps
Thread: Fairouz - Boukra lamma byerja3ou elkhayali (2 Replies, 2,350 Views) by Maviii
You are most welcome bro ;)
anytime 24/7
Thread: Malek Alaya Yameen - Nawal El Zoughbi (3 Replies, 2,329 Views) by Maviii
// Malak 3aleyya yameen // ما لك عليا يمين
I dont owe you any oath's
*mean she don't have to swear god about her situation
Nefsi azdag zounouni // نفسي اصدق ظنوني
I wish to believe my own...
Thread: Can you identify this song? (2 Replies, 19,349 Views) by Maviii
تحت الشباك - فضل شاكر
fadel shaker - taht alshobbak
Thread: Najwa Karam-Shams al Ghiniah (شمس الغنية) (1 Replies, 1,604 Views) by Maviii
Here you go
شمس الغنية/ the song sun
طلى طلى علينا طلى
متل الشمس البتدفينا
وبتضوى كل ليالينا
ياشمس الغنية هلى
هلى علينا علينا هلى
appear and look over us
Thread: Hello: Magida El Roumi - El Alam Elna (4 Replies, 3,685 Views) by Maviii
i loved the clip you made its perfect i also add it to my favorite list..thank you
Thread: Hello: Magida El Roumi - El Alam Elna (4 Replies, 3,685 Views) by Maviii
Here you go ..its a beautiful song :)
غمض عينيك تصور ان هالعالم النا
واني بايديك
وان الليل المجنون مغازلنا
تصور سهمك بقلب واني هالقلب
هيك نحب وهيك نحب
Close your eyes and imagine that the...
Thread: Ragheb Alama - Eshta2nalak lyrics (2 Replies, 2,944 Views) by Maviii
here you go :)
اشتقنالك اشتقنالك
يالي بعادك غير حالك
استنينا استنينا
رد علينا رد علينا
لو مرينا يوم في خيالك
إمتى في ليلنا يهل هلالك
اشتقنااااااا لك
Thread: Wael Kafoury El hob fenoun (2 Replies, 2,321 Views) by Maviii
الحب فنون
Love is art
الحب فنون والفن جنون
وانا في حبك سيدتي كالهارب من وجه القانون
Love is art and art is madness
and in your love my lady i am like a fugitive
Thread: Hello Everyone [Rashed Al Majed-Jani Habibi] (6 Replies, 4,925 Views) by Maviii
@Aila good try :D
here is the translation with correction ;)
جاني حبيبي من بعد غيبة سنين
My love has came to me after years of absence
يقول سامحني بأرد لمكاني
saying: forgive me i wanna...
Thread: julia boutros - besara7a / جوليا بطرس - بصراحة (0 Replies, 1,731 Views) by Maviii
بصراحة ياحبيبي
frankly my love
بصراحة ياحبيبي إنسيتك ماعد يجمعنا شي
بالماضي يمكن حبيتك لكن هلا ولاشي
فكرك مش على فكري أبدا
Thread: Bassima - Dawabni Doob/ باسمة - دوبني دوب (2 Replies, 7,099 Views) by Maviii
دوبني دوب - he melts me away
ويلي من الشوق
دوبني دوب
سهرني كتير
وانت يا دوب
oh from yearning
it melts me away
it made me sleepless
and you are still..less
Thread: Rashed Al Majed gal el wada3 قال الوداع (6 Replies, 133,073 Views) by Maviii
Here you go :)
قال الوداع و مقصده يجـرح القلـب
He bid farewell and he meant to hurt the heart
محال قلبي ينجـرح مـن وداعـه
no way my heart get hurt from his goodbye
أن حبني يا مرحبا براعي...
Thread: Abdel majeed abdallah - Ana ma asheer bl farga (3 Replies, 3,374 Views) by Maviii
frankly i wasnt so sure about that word either but i considered it means betray from the previous verses
or maybe it also means to give up /leave
like someone leave you when in need or gives you...
Thread: Mohammed Abdu - Esma 7elli yal' gharam (2 Replies, 3,545 Views) by Maviii
I did my best... enjoy :)
اسمحيلي يا الغرام
Allow me love
اسمحيلي يالغـرام العف يالوجـه السموح
pardon me love who have that forgiving kind face
ان لزمت الصمـت او حتى لبست الاقنعـه ...
Thread: Mohammad Abdo - Awin o rya7 ellayali tewin (2 Replies, 4,118 Views) by Maviii
أون ورياح الليـالي تون ...
والبرد في جوفي كما الغار خـــاوي
I whimper and the night wind groans ..
and the cold inside me like an empty cave
ماكن لي قـــلب ولاعقل كني ...
جذع وقف في وجـه...
Thread: Abdel majeed abdallah - Ana ma asheer bl farga (3 Replies, 3,374 Views) by Maviii
أنا ما أشير بالفرقا ولا أحدك على المقعاد
am not pointing to separation neither pushing you to stay
تخير في طريق الوصل والا درب هجراني
you are free to choose between staying connected or the...
Thread: Mohammed Abdu - Ya mustajeeb lil da3i (1 Replies, 3,674 Views) by Maviii
This song doesn't give sense when translated but i did my best :)
here you go ...
يامستجيب للدَّاعـي
جب دعوتي بإسـراعِ
وأشفي جميع أوجاعي
يامرتجـى يارحـمـان
you who respond to the one who...
Thread: Mohammed Abdo - Ta3al (1 Replies, 3,043 Views) by Maviii
Translation is Here