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Thread: Learning German language (254 Replies, 163,344 Views) by TheNuttyOne
What does a 'S-Fehler' refer to when speaking?
Thread: Juli - Du luegst so schoen / Elektrisches Gefuehl (1 Replies, 3,605 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Mach das Pflaster nicht ab
Führe mich hinter das licht
Auch wenn wir verloren gehen, bitte sag es mir nicht
Auch wenn das glück uns verlässt
Auch wenn wir ohnmächtig sind
Bitte lass mich im...
Thread: Culcha Candela - Monsta (5 Replies, 10,227 Views) by TheNuttyOne
The night is young I want to experience something
I head for the dance floor since I need to move
I see an awsome chick
And she sees me too
She waves me over - d*mn I go crazy
The thoughts go...
Thread: Sido - Ein Teil von mir (2 Replies, 3,185 Views) by TheNuttyOne
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you :D
Thread: Sido - Ein Teil von mir (2 Replies, 3,185 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Ich hab deine Mutter kennengelernt als ich noch ein Niemand war,
ich hatte nichts,ich hatte niemanden,doch Sie war da.
Ich hab bei ihr gewohnt,Sie hat sich um mich gekümmert,
doch ich merkte...
Thread: English to russian (2 Replies, 113,897 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Почему ты всегда так странно себя ведёшь, а потом на следуещий день как-будто всё нормално и забыл(а) что ты меня обидил(a).
забыл(а) / обидил(a) - to a guy: забыл/обидил // to a girl:...
Thread: Maks Barskih Agoniya ENGLISH please! (6 Replies, 2,768 Views) by TheNuttyOne
prochital kak 'zastavila' and ne 'zastyla' :)
Thread: Maks Barskih Agoniya ENGLISH please! (6 Replies, 2,768 Views) by TheNuttyOne
I waited because it was very hard and thought someone else would do it.
Остаться в живых застыла кровь,
Blood made me stay alive
Остаться в живых застыла кровь,
Манит голод,
Hunger lures...
Thread: Maks Barskih Agoniya ENGLISH please! (6 Replies, 2,768 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Остаться в живых застыла кровь,
Остаться в живых застыла кровь,
Манит голод,
Я за плоть и за кровь,
Губы холод,
Разжигают любовь,
Не выходит,
Thread: Держи меня за руку (5 Replies, 1,603 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Is this the right one?
IKA - Ты держи меня за руку текст песни
Полчаса и мы уже прошлое,
На губах сомнения ложные,
Не прячь глаза... ты всё сказал.
Я не отдам… тебя ветрам, дождям, богам…
Thread: German Misc. Translations (136 Replies, 69,828 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Just asking because one of my former college professor's name was Langsam :eek:. Is that last name common in Germany?
Thread: German Misc. Translations (136 Replies, 69,828 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Does 'langsam' only mean physically slow, or can it mean mentally slow
Thread: without you-mariah carey (18 Replies, 5,195 Views) by TheNuttyOne
When an adverb (answers question how?, in what way?, when?, where?) is first in the sentence the subject and verb switch:
Heute Abend gehe ich ins Kino - Tonight I will go to the movies
Thread: Bridge ? (16 Replies, 137,083 Views) by TheNuttyOne
I thought you were talking about when the 'bridge' is written before the block of lyrics:
[Bridge - Eminem]
So why in the world do I feel so alone
Nobody but me, I'm on my own
Is there anyone...
Thread: Bridge ? (16 Replies, 137,083 Views) by TheNuttyOne
In music, especially western popular music, a bridge is a contrasting section which also prepares for the return of the original material section ~~Wikipedia
It is a musical term that can't be...
Thread: Hi-Fi - Нам пора (1 Replies, 1,159 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Hi-Fi - Нам пора
It's our time
Кто из нас откроет новые миры
Who of us is going to discover new worlds
Нам нужно всё и всё сейчас
We need everything, everything right now
А завтра будем...
Thread: The winter dream(Зимний сон) - Alsou (Алсу) (2 Replies, 2,394 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Translated here
Thread: Хиллсонг - Один Путь (5 Replies, 1,668 Views) by TheNuttyOne
lol no problem, thought 'path' was more poetic for some reason :|
Thread: Хиллсонг - Один Путь (5 Replies, 1,668 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Also I think that a better translation for 'путь' is path instead of way
Thread: Hey Du!-Sido (6 Replies, 23,330 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Are apatchen and aldis names?
Turns out Aldi is a store, and there's 1010 of them in the U.S. (according to wikipedia). Closest one to me is 15 miles (25 km) from me, maybe thats why I didnt...
Thread: The translation of these 2 songs (9 Replies, 5,018 Views) by TheNuttyOne
well, good luck to everyone who still is the tournament :D
Yes this time is different.
Thread: Belle, Notre dame de Paris, Russian version (4 Replies, 11,528 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Ozaril moju bol'nuju dushu!
Tvoj pokoj ja strast'ju ne narushu.
Polnochnyj bred terzaet serdce mne opjat'!
O, Jesmeral'da, ja posmel tebja zhelat'!
Moj tjazhkij...
Thread: The translation of these 2 songs (9 Replies, 5,018 Views) by TheNuttyOne
a better questions is whether the next song will be:
54, 74, 90, 2010, 2014
54, 74, 90, 2014
Thread: German Misc. Translations (136 Replies, 69,828 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Meine Freizeit verbringe ich meistens mit meinen Freuden
Freunden :p
Thread: Hana Hegerová - Lásko prokletá (5 Replies, 4,910 Views) by TheNuttyOne
english, french, german or russian plz !
fluent in 4 languages? WOW
Thread: Светлана Лобода - Жить легко (1 Replies, 1,108 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Translated here
Thread: Culcha Candela - Eiskalt (8 Replies, 4,151 Views) by TheNuttyOne
I have an idea, maybe that's how teachers scare little children, by writing a long word like this :rolleyes::
Thread: Video to Text corrections plz :) (1 Replies, 13,949 Views) by TheNuttyOne , Kinda long but I skipped the Sido parts because he talks to fast :(
Zeitreise mit Sido, zurueck in seine Kindheit, zurueck in an? Osten-Berlins. Denn...
Thread: Виа-гра - Пошел вон (3 Replies, 2,727 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Link to the translation better?
Thread: Learning German language (254 Replies, 163,344 Views) by TheNuttyOne
is 'der' 'die' 'das' used to mean 'he', 'she', or 'it' ?
"Siehst du. Der ist so dumm, dass er nach Hause fährt und schaut ob er zu Hause ist."
Der ist so dumm - He is so dumb, right? Is that a...
Thread: Eurovision 2010 - Russia (24 Replies, 115,118 Views) by TheNuttyOne
:o soooorrrrryyyyy
Thread: Culcha Candela - Eiskalt (8 Replies, 4,151 Views) by TheNuttyOne
icecold should be ice cold but otherwise it's perfect :) tnx
You german-speaking people do love to connectwordsthatarehardtoread :D
Thread: Eurovision 2010 - Russia (24 Replies, 115,118 Views) by TheNuttyOne
ya sprashivam ne o 'formate' a o 'politike' pro kotoroi ty govorila
EDIT: konechno format vsegda vazhen, esli brat umenie pet' togda dolzhno bylo...
Thread: Culcha Candela - Eiskalt (8 Replies, 4,151 Views) by TheNuttyOne
wow, thanks for the detailed translation
Thread: Eurovision 2010 - Russia (24 Replies, 115,118 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Ne znayu chto ty imeesh v vidu, no eto ponyatno chto golosuyut sa stranu bol'she chem za pesnyu. Vot kto progalosoval za Rosiyu:
12 Belarus, 10 Ukraine, 10 Moldova, 10 Estonia, 10 Armenia 10...
Thread: Culcha Candela - Eiskalt (8 Replies, 4,151 Views) by TheNuttyOne
T..t..tau mich auf.
Ah,ah eiskalt.. eiskalt..
Freeze- ich laufe, ich gleite,
ich Step in den Club und die Crowd geht zur Seite.
Ich bin der neue King Frost für New Kids on the Eisblock,...
Thread: Kent Stetler - Schlaflos to English (49 Replies, 9,281 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Thread: Some Ukrainian Help? (4 Replies, 2,706 Views) by TheNuttyOne
The cultural differences (if any) are not very different from what you're used to. Ukraine is in Europe. :) Compared to Asian and African countries where the customs are very different, the...
Thread: Eurovision 2010 - Russia (24 Replies, 115,118 Views) by TheNuttyOne
A rybak ne byl klounom chto-li. Kuvyrkalis kak bytto gymnasticheskaya programma olympiiskih igr, da escho stol'ko pointov poluchil. Elsi tot kloun vyigral to i etot mozhet.
Thread: Learning German language (254 Replies, 163,344 Views) by TheNuttyOne
'nix' is nichts (I think), but what is 'ham'
Thread: Reminder (0 Replies, 756 Views) by TheNuttyOne
/ Start of Announcement
The List of Translated Lyrics thread exists for a reason. So before posting lyrics and asking it would be a good idea to check if the song has been translated.
Thread: verb sein (4 Replies, 14,673 Views) by TheNuttyOne
In the present tense sein is used like to be is used in English.
sein - to be:
Ich bin ein Lehrer (I am a teacher)
Du bist gesund (You are healthy)
Er/Sie/Es ist klein (He/She/It is small)
Thread: [Russian > English] Сектор Газа - Вечером на лавочке (5 Replies, 23,174 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Сектор Газа - Вечером на лавочке
At night on the bench
Как бы мне её обнять,
How can I hug her,
Эх, боюсь, ядрена мать,
But I am afraid, damn it
Я ведь женщин никогда не обнимал.
Thread: Learning Russian language (534 Replies, 301,917 Views) by TheNuttyOne
russians say something when they drink? It goes like this: drink, drink, drink, eat, sleep, drink, drink .... :)
bum - popa ( fraza: v popu :-\ )
Thread: Sido - Wahlkampf (3 Replies, 2,298 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Thread: Sido - Wahlkampf (3 Replies, 2,298 Views) by TheNuttyOne
bump .
Thread: Челси - Точка возврата (3 Replies, 19,111 Views) by TheNuttyOne
has been translated before here
Thread: Sido - Wahlkampf (3 Replies, 2,298 Views) by TheNuttyOne
Ich hab bei Aggro unterschrieben,
ohh, jetzt ist es amtlich,
meine Pläne
ich reiß die Weltherrschaft an mich.
Der neue Kanzler nenn’ mich G-Hot Schröder,
die Frauen lieben mich,
Thread: И я хочу текст для этой песня (8 Replies, 20,114 Views) by TheNuttyOne
1. I am not 100% sure, but I think y- indicates that the action is finished. For a simpler comparison:
улетать: Он улетел вчера в Австралию (He flew to Australia yesterday)
летать: 20% людей...
Thread: И я хочу текст для этой песня (8 Replies, 20,114 Views) by TheNuttyOne
В миг, когда разрушается мир
In the moment when the world is being destroyed
Ведь Ты Господь нам надежду дал
After all You, Lord, gave hope to us
И не угасить огня
And the fire will not go...