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Thread: Necdet Kaya / yare gidin turnalar / please translate into english or german (2 Replies, 15,315 Views) by aydanur89
Sökün eğleyen turnalar...All the cranes..You crop up
Kulak verin figanıma...hear my groan
Çalakalem mektup yazdım...I dashed off a letter
Bağrımda acıyla gezdim..I wandered with my wailful...
Thread: oy garibim (1 Replies, 33,565 Views) by aydanur89
Ben de üç yaşında anadan yetim kaldım,
Ana dedim, dedim de yandım oy,
Yoksulluk yükünü sırtıma vurdum
Hayli bir zaman dolandım durdum oy,
Oy anam oy oy garibim oy
Bilmem ki bu dünyaya gardaş ben...
Thread: Turkish lyrics (1 Replies, 5,943 Views) by aydanur89
Ben Yunus’um yane yane...I'm Yunus burning
Aşk boyadı beni dyed me with blood
Ne âkilem ne divane...I'm neither wise nor mad
Gel gör beni aşk neyledi...come see me what love did to me...
Thread: Emre Aydın Eyvah (3 Replies, 3,008 Views) by aydanur89
shokran canım :)
Thread: Emre Aydın Eyvah (3 Replies, 3,008 Views) by aydanur89
I dropped sentences so that you'll be fine
so that days'll not get short
it's not lie that I'm exhausted like my heart's shattered
and I promised not to get on your way
but it's too hard to bear...
Thread: Sıla's song (cam) lyrics translation (2 Replies, 4,252 Views) by aydanur89
cama iyice sokulmus...he fully came up to window
bakiyor öyle uzaga..lookin far away
düsmüs gibi tuzaga..just like he fell into a trap
kendime sariliyorum...I embraced myself
der gibi...
Thread: Sezen Aksu - Son Bakış (8 Replies, 6,300 Views) by aydanur89
هههههههههههه enjoy it...I'm off too but gonna meet my monsters right after vacation again :)
Thread: Turkish to English - SILA DöN DEMEYI UNUTTUM LYRICS PLEEEEAAAAAZZZZE!!!!! (3 Replies, 7,695 Views) by aydanur89
Tum sevenlere gelsin...that's for all lovers
Thread: Sezen Aksu - Son Bakış (8 Replies, 6,300 Views) by aydanur89
dear Larosa sorry for your short span of memory lose :)
eat meat and stay healthy...we need you here
salam mwah :*
Thread: betül demir helalleşmedik (1 Replies, 3,232 Views) by aydanur89
Bıraktın ipin ucunu Bile bile her suç let it go hang...knowin all your faults
Bozmadın kalbimi hiç Bozmadım didn't break my heart...I never gave the game away
Bu dünyada...
Thread: Turkish poem to english translation need help (1 Replies, 3,060 Views) by aydanur89
Uzaktan seviyorum seni.. Kokunu alamadan, boynuna sarılamadan, yüzüne dokunamadan.. "Sadece seviyorum"
I love you from far away...without perceiving yur smell..without huggin your neck...without...
Thread: Barış Manço- Söyle Zalim Sultan (2 Replies, 3,027 Views) by aydanur89
Kuş uçmaz kervan geçmez bilinmez binbir yoldan ..... inthe middle of nowhere through hell and high water
Gel dedinde gelmedim mi söyle gelmedim mi söyle gelmedim told me to come..didnt...
Thread: Sezen Aksu - Son Bakış (8 Replies, 6,300 Views) by aydanur89
Bir söz bitişi gibi son buldu sevişler...making love ended like a saying ends
Bir yaz güneşi gibi eritir hep bu terkedişler...these leavings always make you melt like sun does
Bir yaz güneşi gibi...
Thread: Edip AKBAYRAM -HAVA NASIL ORALARDA (1 Replies, 3,241 Views) by aydanur89
Senden ayrı geçen günler.....days without you
Ha bugün, ha yarın biter...they end either today or tomorrow
Omzumda bunca yük varken...while I have such a burden on my shoulder
Sırtımda bunca yük...
Thread: ragheb alama -habeebi ya nasi (2 Replies, 2,856 Views) by aydanur89
shokran alby ;)
Thread: Bülent Ersoy -Ablan kurban olsun sana (2 Replies, 3,146 Views) by aydanur89
Görmedi şu deli gönlüm görmedi hiç böyle gü very heart's never ever seen such a beauty like that
Sana öyle bir yandı ki yangınlardan daha burnt for you worse than fires
Thread: Orhan Ölmez İki Elin Kanda Olsa Da Gel (6 Replies, 3,576 Views) by aydanur89
you dont need to actually :) cos such a meaning is used in only songs ;) la tahzan
Thread: ragheb alama -habeebi ya nasi (2 Replies, 2,856 Views) by aydanur89
coluld someone write these lyrics in Latin letters..thanks in advance
Habeebi Ya Nasi:
ازاي اطفي ناري حبيبي يا ناسي
و يا مين يا خدلي تاري من قلبك القاسي
و لمين انا اشكي حالي ما الكل عذالي
Thread: Orhan Ölmez İki Elin Kanda Olsa Da Gel (6 Replies, 3,576 Views) by aydanur89
never mind ukhty :) yes ''iki elin kanda olsa da gel'' literally ;)
Thread: Ebru Gündeş - Anlatamam (3 Replies, 2,746 Views) by aydanur89
she means 'everything is monotone without you ' saying 'face of the sun is sun'
Thread: Could someone help please (3 Replies, 3,063 Views) by aydanur89
Marivkan - Manaliyim 2011 (feat. Cankan)....Manalıyım...I'm expressive
Ates kop yüregimden...fever flied off my heart
buruk buruk ben oldum...I became myself heavily
koptu kalbim
Thread: Orhan Ölmez İki Elin Kanda Olsa Da Gel (6 Replies, 3,576 Views) by aydanur89
Orhan Ölmez – İki Elin Kanda Olsa Da Gel....come no matter how tied up you are
Kimseleri görmedi kördü deseler,...if they say he saw nobody..he was blind
Aklını seninle bozdu deseler...if they...
Thread: Ebru Gündeş - Anlatamam (3 Replies, 2,746 Views) by aydanur89
Ebru Gündeş - Anlatamam...I can't tell
Ayrılık ölüm değil...break up is not death
Hükmünü sürer goes on
Yaşamak yaşamaktı is living
Ama zor çok zor nefes...
Thread: Song in the background (13 Replies, 2,496 Views) by aydanur89
got it..anyway..hope you can find out soon :)
Thread: What is the name of this great turkish song? (4 Replies, 1,600 Views) by aydanur89
never mind ;)
Thread: Song in the background (13 Replies, 2,496 Views) by aydanur89
wht abt the one I've found? not match?
Thread: Aysu Baceoglu - 10 Numara Translation Please (4 Replies, 3,181 Views) by aydanur89
ne aşkın umrumda hadi bas git....I don't even care your love..just step on it
yok olurun da durma don't seem to do better either...don't stop...leave
şu saatden sonra hiç durma...don't...
Thread: What is the name of this great turkish song? (4 Replies, 1,600 Views) by aydanur89
Thread: Song in the background (13 Replies, 2,496 Views) by aydanur89
actually it's just like Howie's mum in the Big Bang Theory(the serial)...check this out
Thread: What is the name of this great turkish song? (4 Replies, 1,600 Views) by aydanur89
dear it's not's Arabic...
Thread: Whats the name of this TURKISH song? (5 Replies, 41,271 Views) by aydanur89
it's not Turkish...still searchin
Thread: Murat - Dosligimiz (8 Replies, 8,513 Views) by aydanur89
Derdimni éytsam, könglümni bersem. -- derdimi söylesem gönlümü versem...if only tell my suffer..give my heart
Jürigimni pare - pare, zede qilding sen. -- yüreğimi pare pare zede(?) kıldın
Thread: translation Burcu Güneş Unutma Beni Çiçekleri (2 Replies, 6,688 Views) by aydanur89
Düet: Enbe...feat Enbe
İçimden hiçbir şey yapmak gelmiyor yine bugün...I'm in such a mood that I don't wanna do anything
Aynı artık zaten gözyaşı ya da tebessüm....tears or smile..all the same...
Thread: please translate SEVEMIYORUM to english... :( (2 Replies, 4,104 Views) by aydanur89
SEVEMIYORUM...can't love
Sandigimdan zor geciyor günlerim...I spend days more tough than I thought
günes dogsada karanlik bu yü heart is still dark even if sun rises
alin yazim buysa...
Thread: one more from ferman (1 Replies, 1,821 Views) by aydanur89
Canin hic yanmadi mi?..didn't you get hurt
Cok sevdigin Askini satip yalan Elleri tuttun ya...sellin out your best lover you held betrayer hands
Icin sizlamadi mi?...didn't you feel remorse...
Thread: Alişan Dünya Evi (1 Replies, 2,343 Views) by aydanur89
Bazı Şeylerin İkincisi Olmaz...some things ain't have a doublet
Bitmiş Aşkın Davası Olmaz...ended love ain't trouble
Yineleyemem Sana Güvenemem...I can't repeat..can't trust you
Hatır İçin...
Thread: Emre Altuğ - Gidecek Yerim mi Var (5 Replies, 3,476 Views) by aydanur89
never mind mwah :)
Thread: Grandma to baby poem in Turkish (1 Replies, 2,101 Views) by aydanur89
İlkyazda uçar kelebek...butterfly flies in spring
Kanatları benek benek...whose wings are spotted
renkler yer kokular iç eats colors...drinks smells
Doydum demez...
Thread: Emre Altuğ - Gidecek Yerim mi Var (5 Replies, 3,476 Views) by aydanur89
Senden bihaber geçer mi ömrün kalanı? ...unaware of you,does the rest of life last?
Belki öyle can bulur yarım kalan hikayemiz...maybe our unfinished story revives that way
Thread: Sibel Can - Bitmeseydi O Gece Şarkı Sözü (5 Replies, 2,580 Views) by aydanur89
Sensiz seni yaşadım...without you I've had you
seni içtim her gece...every night what I drank was you
Şu ömrüm tükenseydi...wish my very lifetime ended
Bitmeseydi o gece...if only that night never...
Thread: Ahmed Ezzat - Ba7ibik Kol Sanya (2 Replies, 2,924 Views) by aydanur89
I wrote what I heard directly I don't know Arabic :) it sounds weird but just wanna help :D
ya amali histanne youm
aw sif liq fi mashari
wa ool bahibik ad di eih
baool ha qol li youm
oshar ta...
Thread: Yıldız Tilbe - Aşkımı Sakla Şarkı Sözü (6 Replies, 12,625 Views) by aydanur89
Thread: Seksendort - Uzun Ince Bir Yoldayım (7 Replies, 3,868 Views) by aydanur89
Şaşar veysel işbu hale......Veysel is just surprised at this event
Gah ağlayan gahi güle......sometimes cryin sometimes laughin
Yetişmek için get the destination
Gidiyorum gündüz...
Thread: Seksendort - Uzun Ince Bir Yoldayım (7 Replies, 3,868 Views) by aydanur89
yes just jokin man :D
Thread: Seksendort - Uzun Ince Bir Yoldayım (7 Replies, 3,868 Views) by aydanur89
exactly! bon apetit ;)
Thread: Seksendort - Uzun Ince Bir Yoldayım (7 Replies, 3,868 Views) by aydanur89
Uzun İnce Bir Yoldayım...I'm on a short or long way
Gidiyorum Gündüz Gece...going day and night
Bilmiyorum Ne Haldeyim...don't know how I am
Gidiyorum Gündüz Gece...going day and night
Thread: Yıldız Tilbe - Aşkımı Sakla Şarkı Sözü (6 Replies, 12,625 Views) by aydanur89
Belma is a name :)
Thread: Yıldız Tilbe - Aşkımı Sakla Şarkı Sözü (6 Replies, 12,625 Views) by aydanur89
ask meger...sevipte kaybetmekmis! is caring and losin it to my surprise
bunu kaldırır mısın...can you remove it
belma senmi yazdın bunu?...Belma you wrote this?
Thread: Ali Ashabi - Mahshare Kobra (12 Replies, 7,163 Views) by aydanur89
no,actually it's better to say 'commemoration'...thx for touched a sore spot!
Thread: Ali Ashabi - Mahshare Kobra (12 Replies, 7,163 Views) by aydanur89
Karbala is a battle which took place on Muharram 10 (a month in Islamic calendar..meets October 10).
The battle came into being between a small group of supporters of Muhammad's grandson Hussain...