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Thread: DJ Layla ft. Malina Tanase - Ecou (Romanian to English) (1 Replies, 17,828 Views) by Lady_A
Simtἰ cum ne pierdem in ploi, in ploi.. in ploi..
You feel how we lose ourselves in the rain
Stergem iubirea din noi, din noi.. din noi..
We erase the love within us
Tu si eu, inimi ce bat...
Thread: Clouseau - Altijd Heb Ik Je Lief - Dutch to English please (0 Replies, 11,426 Views) by Lady_A
Clouseau - Altijd Heb Ik Je Lief
Elke keer als jij me aankijkt
Dan voel ik dat ik thuis ben
Elke keer als ik aan jou denk
Dan weet ik dat ik juist ben
Je redt me uit m'n bange...
Thread: Marco Mengoni - Ti ho voluto bene veramente (Italian to English) (0 Replies, 16,336 Views) by Lady_A
Marco Mengoni - Ti ho voluto bene veramente
Marco Mengoni - I really cared for you
Così sono partito per un lungo viaggio
I left for a long journey
Lontano dagli errori e dagli sbagli che ho...
Thread: RUNA - Blestem (Romanian to English) (1 Replies, 15,709 Views) by Lady_A
Ne imbatam cu apa rece tot asteptand schimbarea
We keep fooling ourselves waiting for the change to happen
Ca vinovatii fara vina negand mereu chemarea
Like the innocent culprits who deny the...
Thread: Buna Ziua Din Iran, Author: Dan Spataru, Song: Drumurile Noastre, EN Plz. (2 Replies, 15,503 Views) by Lady_A
Tot ce-a fost în viața mea odată
Everything that once happened in my life
Voi lăsa uitării
I will forget
Ani și luni și nopți, la rând, povară
Years and months and nights the burden
Thread: Marian Georgiou ft. Francesco Boccia - Roma - Atene (Italian Version to English) (1 Replies, 15,926 Views) by Lady_A
Sai, l'amore non muore
You know, love never dies
E il tempo che passa
And the time that passes by
Non passa per noi
It doesn't [pass by] for us
E siamo ancora qua
And we are still here
Thread: Grasu XXL ft. Ami - Te-astept diseara (Romanian to English) (1 Replies, 17,335 Views) by Lady_A
Sun, sun, sun
I keep on calling
Nu-mi raspunzi deloc
But you never answer
Nici macar un mesaj nu dai inapoi
You don't even send a text back
Si tot incerc sa fac cumva
And I keep on trying to...
Thread: Irina Rimes - Visele (Romanian to English) (1 Replies, 19,263 Views) by Lady_A
Cum eram noi, nimeni nu era
The way we were, nobody else was
Cum ne iubeam, nimeni nu iubea
The way we loved each other, nobody loved another
Inelul tau ramas sub perna mea
Your ring left under...
Thread: Carla’s Dreams - Sub Pielea Mea (Romanian to English) (1 Replies, 18,308 Views) by Lady_A
M-ai mintit cu vorbele
You lied to me with your words
Mi-ai aflat secretele
You've discovered my secrets
Si, ca un hot, ai intrat sub pielea mea
And, like a thief, you got under my skin
Thread: MIREASA CUNUNA TA - translation into english or italian (4 Replies, 27,922 Views) by Lady_A
Come promesso :) :
Mireasa cununa ta,
Sposa, la tua corona
Cum iti da randuiala/obiceiul,
Secondo il costume
Prin gradina la mama ta
Nel giardino della tua mamma
Culegi un buchet de flori,...
Thread: Zucchero - Terra incognita (1 Replies, 16,435 Views) by Lady_A
Quanti versi
How many lyrics
Ho versato x te
I've shed for you
Quanti cieli
How many skies
Ho celato x te
I've hidden for you
Preso a morsi
I have bitten
Thread: Zucchero - Partigiano Reggiano (Italian to English) (5 Replies, 20,101 Views) by Lady_A
It has English subtitles.
Thread: Please help me by traslating this Romnaian song into English (Raluka – Ieri Erai) (1 Replies, 17,510 Views) by Lady_A
Raluka – Ieri Erai/ Yesterday you were
Ti-am dat cam tot nu aveai nimic
I gave you almost everything, you had nothing
Si acum ma ai ti-am pastrat loc
And now you have me, I saved a place for...
Thread: Default traduzione italiano - inglese : Eugenio Finardi "Come Un Animale" (1 Replies, 18,323 Views) by Lady_A
Come Un Animale
Like a Beast
Stasera non ho voglia di uscire nè di vedere gente
Tonight I am not in the mood for going out or seeing people
no non ti preoccupare non è successo niente
Thread: Dj Ackym ft. Ileanu - Rasarit (Romanian) (1 Replies, 16,495 Views) by Lady_A
Yes, "briza" is the correct word.
Asta seara ma fac iar praf
Tonight I'm getting drunk again
Thread: Alina Eremia - Original (1 Replies, 15,999 Views) by Lady_A
E ploaie, e soare
Rainy or sunny
Cu tine, anul n-are anotimp
With you, the year knows no season
Eu sunt calma, tu n-ai stare
I am calm, you're restless
Noi suntem intotdeauna in contratimp...
Thread: Raige feat. Annalisa - Dimenticare (Mai) (Italian to English) (1 Replies, 26,616 Views) by Lady_A
Per non dimenticare mai
In order to never forget
per non dimenticare che
In order not to forget that
per non dimenticare mai
In order to never forget
per non dimenticare mai
In order to never...
Thread: Lucky Charmes ft. Andres Sierra - Estrella Fugaz (Translate to English) (2 Replies, 5,535 Views) by Lady_A
Siente el viento acariciándote,
Feel the wind caressing you
Esa luna iluminándote
That moon lighting you up
Más profundo buscando ese lugar
Deeper, searching for that place
No estás solo en...
Thread: Spanish to english please (6 Replies, 5,152 Views) by Lady_A
It's my try of a (somewhat) free translation:
No me preguntes cuánto te quiero
Don't ask me how much I love you
si mis ojos tienen celos de una lágrima tuya
if my eyes are jealous of a tear...
Thread: Marco Carta - Splendida Ostinazione (Italian to English) (1 Replies, 18,472 Views) by Lady_A
Sei importante per me
You are important to me
Devo farti una confessione
I have a confession to make
In balia di te questa è la mia situazione
I am at your mercy, that's the situation I am in
Thread: Ivan Kliver ft. Jota Mendoza - Te Pido Perdón (1 Replies, 4,306 Views) by Lady_A
Con el paso del tiempo
With the passing of time
Soy sincero
I am honest
Y soy consciente
And I am aware
De que he cometido un error
That I have made a mistake
Forgive me
Thread: from Italian to English- please help! (2 Replies, 9,373 Views) by Lady_A
Cosa rimane poi dei giorni miei
What is eventually left of my days
solo l'ipocrisia che in verità direi:
just the hypocrisy, because what I'd truly say is:
rimani tu... dentro me...
you are...
Thread: Fabrizio Moro - Sangue Nelle Vene - translation from Italian to English (4 Replies, 10,177 Views) by Lady_A
You are welcome.
No, I didn't know the song before, but yes, I do like it. It has a meaningful message.
Thread: Fabrizio Moro - Sangue Nelle Vene - translation from Italian to English (4 Replies, 10,177 Views) by Lady_A
A chi lotta a pugni chiusi contro un muro di cemento
To those who fight a concrete wall with bare fists
ed è convinto che insistendo prima o poi cadrà.
and are convinced that if they insist it...
Thread: Ligabue - Siamo chi siamo (Italian to English) This song please (2 Replies, 9,153 Views) by Lady_A
Conosco una ragazza di Torino
I know a girl from Turin
che ha un occhio mezzo vuoto e un occhio pieno
who has one half empty and one full eye
e parla sempre di partire
and she's always talking...
Thread: Tu Che L' Amavi - Al Bano (2 Replies, 10,296 Views) by Lady_A
Tu che l'amavi non parlar con lei,
You who used to love her, don't speak to her
non farla piangere per niente.
don't make her cry for any reason.
Non vedi che vuol bene ancora te
Can't you see...
Thread: Alex Sirvent - Bajemos la guardia mujer - Spanish to English translation (0 Replies, 4,776 Views) by Lady_A
Bajemos la guardia mujer
Let's lower our guard, woman
Bajemos la guardia mujer
Let's lower our guard, woman
amèmonos como fue ayer
let's love each as if it were yesterday
hacerle un...
Thread: Maga & Tudoran feat. Aylin Cadir - Dezbracati (1 Replies, 19,356 Views) by Lady_A
Oare de ce nu suntem dezbracati
Why aren't we naked
Atunci cand ne certam
When we have a fight
Poate o sa ne fie frig
Maybe we'll get cold
In brate ne luam
We'll hold each other
Si ne-mpacam...
Thread: Francesco Renga - Vivendo adesso - Italian to English (0 Replies, 13,256 Views) by Lady_A
Un’altra immagine di te
Another image of you
Un nuovo modo di vedere le cose.
Another way of looking at things.
Eccone una che non sai
Here's one you don't know
Ecco il mio modo di parlarti...
Thread: Elisa "Ecco che" - translation from italian request (2 Replies, 6,945 Views) by Lady_A
Distratto passeggi dentro il mondo.
Distracted, you have a walk inside the world
Tu non vivi fino in fondo
You don't live throughly
e speri che il tempo passi accanto,
and you hope time will...
Thread: Antony Santos - Como Te Voy a Dejar (2 Replies, 4,102 Views) by Lady_A
Como te voy a dejar si vives dentro de mi
How am I supposed to leave you if you live within me
nunca podre olvidar lo que luche yo por ti
I will never be able to forget how I fought for you
Thread: Toto Cutugno - Figli (2 Replies, 4,547 Views) by Lady_A
Beautiful song!!
Figli innamorati che ti svegliano di notte
Sons in love who wake you up at night
e non ti fanno dormire
and won't let you sleep
Figli spaventati, dalla droga violentati...
Thread: Ivana spagna- Il cerchio della vita. (2 Replies, 4,972 Views) by Lady_A
Ommetti sempre la "s" per la terza persona singolare...
Thread: Sotto il Bambù (1 Replies, 4,326 Views) by Lady_A
Sotto il bambù, al tempo che fu,
Under the bamboo, once upon a time
c'era un pirata che ormai non c'è più.
there was a pirate who does not exist anymore
Gli avevano detto dov'era il tesoro:
Thread: Da Italiano a Inglese (2 Replies, 4,377 Views) by Lady_A
Mi piace mangiare ridere e bere
I like eating, laughing and drinking
prendere dalla vita quello che ha da dare
taking from life everything it has to offer
se mi piace...
Thread: Anya ft. Matteo - In ochii mei (1 Replies, 4,339 Views) by Lady_A
Aaaa, in ochii mei.
In my eyes
Sarutul tau dulce pe buze-mi aduce
Your sweet kiss brings to my lips
a bit of love
Inima se-aprinde cand esti langa mine
My heart ignites...
Thread: FROM TO ENGLİSH-ITA PLse (1 Replies, 3,867 Views) by Lady_A
Ti ho amata quando il tuo respiro ha trovato rifugio nel mio.
Ti ho amata nelle parole che scorrevano come un colore nero..
Anche se tu esistavi, ti ho amata pensandoti assente
Ti ho amata con i...
Thread: Laura Pausini - Limpido (1 Replies, 4,815 Views) by Lady_A
Forse noi non siamo fatti per cambiare
Maybe we are not made to change
Forse noi non lo saremo mai
Maybe we will never be
Ma non è principio imprescindibile
But it is not the essence
Di ciò che...
Thread: Conchiglia bianca - Cugini Di Campagna (2 Replies, 5,470 Views) by Lady_A
Tu, conchiglia bianca tu che da quell'onda sei venuta giù.
You, white shell that came down from that wave
Tu che chiudi nel tuo guscio i tuoi pensieri
You hold inside the case your thoughts
Thread: Traduzione da inglese a italiano (3 Replies, 5,910 Views) by Lady_A
Ho provato... :)
Ripped Jeans, only drinks whiskey:
I find him by the fire while his girl was getting frisky, oh...
I say we go this road tonight.
Jeans strappati, solo beve whisky:
Lo trovo...
Thread: Traduzione da inglese a italiano (3 Replies, 5,910 Views) by Lady_A
Bravo! :)
Thread: Can someone please translate 2 english Marc Anthony Hipocresía (1 Replies, 8,947 Views) by Lady_A
Con otro amor así sonriendo tanto
With another love, all smiling just like that
Yo me quedé indiferente
I am left indifferent
Lo que hubo entre los dos, murió para siempre
The thing between...
Thread: VH2 - Cand vine vara (1 Replies, 3,373 Views) by Lady_A
E arsita afara
It's scorching hot outside
Chiar din zori si pana-n seara
From dawn till dusk
Parc-am fost uitati demult
It's like we've been forgotten a long time ago
Intr-un cazan la fiert...
Thread: Da Italiano a Inglese (1 Replies, 4,819 Views) by Lady_A
Sono venuta qui
I came here
per arrivare a te
to reach you
Non m’importa del mondo
I don't care about the world
poteva contenere più di un secondo
it could've had more than one second
Io so...
Thread: Arisa La Notte (1 Replies, 5,396 Views) by Lady_A
Non basta un raggio di sole in un cielo blu come il mare
A ray of sun and a sky as blue as the sea are not enough
perché mi porto un dolore che sale, che sale...
because I carry a pain inside that...
Thread: Traduzione da Inglese a Italiano (1 Replies, 5,525 Views) by Lady_A
My try:
Nothing is so good it lasts eternally
Niente e' cosi buono da durare eternamente
Perfect situations must go wrong
Le situazioni perfette devono andar male
But this has never yet...
Thread: Noemi - Poi inventi il modo da italiano a inglese (1 Replies, 4,851 Views) by Lady_A
E' notte e la città
It's night and the city
si è spenta sotto un temporale
was put off under a storm
Io non dormo perché
I am not sleeping because
tu potresti arrivare
you could come
Thread: Antonia - Nu stau in Hawaii (1 Replies, 4,118 Views) by Lady_A
Nu stau in Hawaii, I don’t know why
I don't live in Hawaii, I don't know why
Dar nu conteaza daca sunt in tramvai.
But it doesn't matter if I am in the tram
Spre Costinesti sau poate Ploiesti,...
Thread: Ruby - Doua Suflete (4 Replies, 4,022 Views) by Lady_A
Exactly! My message was for asasas who maybe would like to know it's not literal. Other than that, it's ok.
Thread: Ruby - Doua Suflete (4 Replies, 4,022 Views) by Lady_A
You must know it's not a literal translation and here and there it's not quite accurate, but you get the point :)