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Thread: please help me with some ancient greek (2 Replies, 21,039 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Thread: please help me with some ancient greek (2 Replies, 21,039 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Hi all !
In a writing by Lucian of Samosata the text is presented doubled, something like that (i give you an excerpt) :
Ἑταίραν δέ τις παραλαβὼν πέντε δραχμὰς τὸ μίσθωμα δοὺς καθεύδει...
Thread: Винтаж - Роман (2 Replies, 3,054 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
This song is already translated here.
Thread: Shahzoda — Жизнь, скажи (Russian) (1 Replies, 1,927 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Shahzoda ~ Life, please tell me // Жизнь, скажи
the work of this world // Делам этого мира,
the fate is preordained // Предначертанной судьбе своей,
as if it wouldn't be there, every person //...
Thread: Shahzoda — Любовь это (Russian) (1 Replies, 2,143 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Shahzoda ~ What love is // Любовь это
the love is a glance which shined // Любовь ‒ это блеснувший взгляд,
and also a peaceful pleasure // И то, что зовется - покой тще́тен.
the love means to...
Thread: Shahzoda --- Сожаление (Russian) (1 Replies, 2,039 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Shahzoda ~ Such a pity // Сожаление
i try to remember // Я, вспоминая,
but i can't find out // Не могу додуматься.
i'm thinking, turning the question continuously // Думаю, непрерывно крутится...
Thread: Shahzoda --- Моя Душа (Russian) (1 Replies, 2,063 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Shahzoda ~ My dear // Моя Душа
near you, i'd like to sing to you like a bird // Рядом с тобой мне как птичка хочется тебе петь
i'd like to light your roads // Как луна мне хочется светит твои...
Thread: Shahzoda - Нет (Russian) (1 Replies, 1,840 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Shahzoda ~ No
Шахзода ~ Нет
our separation is terrible, hurtful, and the heart pays with sorrow
Наша разлука жестокая от страданий, печалью платит сердце.
what has happened to us, my dear ?...
Thread: Gulyaru - Ты ли как гранатинка(Russian) (1 Replies, 2,317 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Gulyaru ~ You are like a pomegranate // Ты ли как гранатинка
the thoughts of the lover about the teapot // Думы любимого о чайнике -
the water boils away in the teapot // Вода выкипает в чайнике....
Thread: Ruhshona — Пределы есть ли(Russian) (1 Replies, 2,417 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Ruhshona ~ Are there limits ? // Рухшона ~ Пределы есть ли
My honey, my sweet! Your speeches/gossips // «Моя медовая, моя сладкая! Кривотолки твои
are a burden on my shoulders, my dear! // Грузом...
Thread: Shahzoda --- Каждый миг (Russian) (1 Replies, 2,059 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
As i have seen, this song (originally: Shahzoda ~ Har Dam) is already translated here. But probably you already know.
Thread: Gulyaru - Яблочко, граната твои (Russian) (1 Replies, 2,395 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Gülyaru ~ The apple and the pomegranate // Яблочко, граната твои
i'm playing (singing) at the lute, sitting // Играю, сидя, на дутаре,
whilst you come in my mind // В думу мою ты пришел. (2х)
Thread: Viktoria Bolonina - Ожидание любви (1 Replies, 2,740 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Viktoria Bolonina ~ Expecting the love // Виктория Болонина ~ Ожидание любви
the drumming thaw of the spring nights // Вешних капель дробь ночная
avoids (prevents) the closing of the eyes // Не...
Thread: Денис Майданов - ОРАНЖЕВОЕ СОЛНЦЕ (1 Replies, 4,547 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Denis Maidanov ~ Orange sun // Денис Майданов ~ Оранжевое солнце
all you think about, all you think about // Всё, о чем ты думаешь, всё, о чем ты думаешь –
i know, i'm also thinking about this //...
Thread: Shahzoda --- Ялалла (Russian) (1 Replies, 2,218 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
it doesn't go off my mind // Из дум моих не уходит,
my glance doesn't rest // Взгляды мои не успокаиваются,
the road of impatience is interminable // По дороге вашей томление не прекращается.
Thread: Yulia Savicheva - Ne Uhodi (Russian) (2 Replies, 2,926 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Yulia Savicheva - Don't go
little piece by little piece, fragment by fragment, syllable by syllable
i'm gathering what has remained to me from you
i still look through the window and i don't...
Thread: Tamer Ashour - Leya Nazra [album 2011] (24 Replies, 23,908 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
You are great! The greatest teacher! Thanks a lot! Without your help, I'd never find out.
Thread: Tamer Ashour - Leya Nazra [album 2011] (24 Replies, 23,908 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
About the song Tamir Ashour - ha2dar , can someone explain me some questions ?
1. In the proposition نادر تلاقى زى (it's rare to find like me), what are the root letters of the verb تلاقى and...
Thread: Anna Sedokova & Misha Krupin - Nebezopasno (Russian) (2 Replies, 9,607 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Anna Sedokova & Misha Krupin - Dangerous
How much I'd wanted, but I'm depending of you
How much I'd wanted to forget you (your appearance)
How much I'd wanted ... But it's in vain
Give me at...
Thread: رغد - نن عينه (0 Replies, 1,394 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Hi! Can someone find the lyrics of the song نن عينه by رغد ?
The melody is here :
Thread: Shaima Hilali - Min Bye3sha2 Bed2i2a (13 Replies, 4,520 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
I have learnt a lot from you. Thanks!
Thread: Shaima Hilali - Min Bye3sha2 Bed2i2a (13 Replies, 4,520 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Can someone explain me some questions ?
1. What means عم (the first word of the song)
2. Why it's مين and not من (it's just about dialect ?)
3. Why are both ب and ي at the begining of the verbs...
Thread: شيماء هلالي - مين بيعشق بدقيقة (2 Replies, 2,229 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Thread: شيماء هلالي - مين بيعشق بدقيقة (2 Replies, 2,229 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Hi! Has someone time to translate this song :
Singer : شيماء هلالي
Title : مين بيعشق بدقيقة
عم بحلم او حقيقة
مين بيعشق بدقيقة
يمكن انا اول وحدة
Thread: The story كل شجرة بثلاث (4 Replies, 3,853 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
For everyone who is interested, here is the entire collection of stories, with audio included :
Thread: The story كل شجرة بثلاث (4 Replies, 3,853 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Thread: Can someone explain to me (1 Replies, 2,529 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
I have figured out: صوت means not only "voice", but also "sound" (besides, "saut" and "sound" are quite similar in pronounciation).
So, the translation is: "The lion woke up hearing feet sound on...
Thread: Can someone explain to me (1 Replies, 2,529 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Hi! Can someone explain me this sentence :
استيقظ الأسد على صوت أقدامٍ على الجسر
I can't understand it. "The lion woke up ??? voice ??? feet on the bridge."
Can someone explain me ? Thanks.
Thread: The story كل شجرة بثلاث (4 Replies, 3,853 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Hi! Has someone time to translate this story :
Thread: Has someone time to translate this (2 Replies, 2,778 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Thanks a lot!
Thread: Has someone time to translate this (2 Replies, 2,778 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Hi! Has someone time to translate this :
Thread: Has someone time to translate this (2 Replies, 3,036 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Thanks a lot!
Thread: Has someone time to translate this (2 Replies, 3,036 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Hi! I try to learn arabic, and i have found some vowelized texts. Has someone time to translate them? I have attached one:
Thread: arabic audio recordings (5 Replies, 6,047 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
But look. I have found something more short and more nice and cute. Look here :
Thread: arabic audio recordings (5 Replies, 6,047 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
I'm sorry, I didn't want to offend nobody. If necessary, I'll delete it. Sorry again!
Thread: arabic audio recordings (5 Replies, 6,047 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Look, here is "The story of Aladdin" حكاية علاء الدين أبو الشامات
(one story of those told by Sheherezade during the 1001 nights)
حكاية علاء الدين أبو الشامات
قالت: بلغني أيها الملك...
Thread: arabic audio recordings (5 Replies, 6,047 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Hi! Can someone make some audio-recordings of some arabic texts ? I have a few texts in arabic , whith translation , and I would be very very happy if I have the audio-recordings of them. But , of...
Thread: Tamerlan & Alena Omargalieva - Hochu S Toboy (5 Replies, 7,426 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Подарить все на свете, я тебя люблю
????, I love you (?)
I'll give you all you want in this world , I love you
Thread: Ti vspomnish obo mne/Ты вспомнишь обо мне đăng: maradonalopez Young (2 Replies, 1,445 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Youtube :
Singer : Ирина Шотт ( Irene Schott ) - kyrgyz singer
Song : Ты вспомнишь обо мне ♥♥♥ You will remember about me
♫♫♫ VERSE 1
Thread: Наталия Морозова - Run (2 Replies, 1,164 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Bite your lip , constrict your eyes
All the words which he said are (or : let them be ) like through a pipe/trumpet
Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run
Run, Run, Run, baby, push/press on the pedal,...
Thread: dyvchina vesna (2 Replies, 1,527 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Наталія Бучинська - Дівчина-Весна ★★★ Natalia Buchinska - Spring-girl
Ой палає зірками нічка ★★★ The night stars are burning
і лунає спів, (2) ★★★ And the songs are pealing
березневий спів. ★★★...
Thread: Ukrainian to English, please (1 Replies, 1,432 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Youtube :
Singer : Поліський хор "Льонок" ( The Polesian choir "Lyonok" - in translation : little flax )
( note : Polesia is the north region of...
Thread: ♫ ♥ Руслана - «Дикі танці» ♥ ♫ with ukrainian captioning (3 Replies, 2,335 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Напевно, даремно ★★★ Probably, in vain
Була я надто чемна ★★★ I was too obedient
Не знала, що змала ★★★ I didn't know what straitened
Твоїм коханням стала ★★★ your love to exist
Без жалю...
Thread: ♫ ♥ А.Р.М.И.Я. - «Вызываю на бой» ♥ ♫ (2 Replies, 2,280 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
purplelunacy , many thanks for translation !
Thread: ♫ ♥ Тимати - «Одноклассница» ♥ ♫ (2 Replies, 2,793 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
purplelunacy , many thanks for translation !
Thread: ♫ ♥ Руслана - «Дикі танці» ♥ ♫ with ukrainian captioning (3 Replies, 2,335 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Thread: Fadel Shaker - Elbi Aish (1 Replies, 2,144 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Hard-subbed captioning :
Soft captioning :
Thread: Потап и Настя Каменских - Не люби мне мозги (3 Replies, 4,643 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Sorry for I couldn't understand some words at the begining (00:05 ... 00:25) , and also at the end (03:55 ... 04:08). If someone would have gentleness to complete the missing words ,...
Thread: ♫ ♥ А.Р.М.И.Я. - «Вызываю на бой» ♥ ♫ (2 Replies, 2,280 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM
Thread: ♫ ♥ Тимати - «Одноклассница» ♥ ♫ (2 Replies, 2,793 Views) by bornJUSTforERROTYZM