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Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,191,522 Views) by 3llawi
صاحبتك means ur friend (girl friend )
Thread: Habibati translated 2 Farsi (2 Replies, 2,953 Views) by 3llawi
thanxx allot azizam for ur replay ;)
Thread: Habibati translated 2 Farsi (2 Replies, 2,953 Views) by 3llawi
hii all this song is for Kathem alsahir it has been translated to farsi (not by me)
i hop u like it :D
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,191,522 Views) by 3llawi
do u ha a photo 4 u ??
can i see u ?
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,191,522 Views) by 3llawi
it's a new thread ;)
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,191,522 Views) by 3llawi
ra7 a3lmk , ana na6rk msh na6r shy thani
o ba3d mafi a'3ani kamla !! m8a6e3 bs ... i guess
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
glad that i helped :D
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
i didn't say they should ?!!! it's my opinion !!
and i'll say it again if someone wan't to learn Arabic so he can talk to people or listening to songs then Fus7a is waste of time
and u can't...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
GOT IT ?!! :rolleyes
i said that already that fus7a used in tv,newss :rolleyes
and no argument about reading & writting
But my point is he needs years 2 master Arabic then he will be happy 2...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
every body start learning Arabic with dialects nobody starts with fus7a ?!!
u learn fus7a from school . T.V , News Paper...etc
besides nobody speaks fus7a and basically most the dialects word are...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
let me tell you something :D
Arabic is the most complicated language in the world :D
these vowels they change the pronounce
Arabic is very accurate language that's why it's the Qur'an language ...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
Tmam -bkhair: all dialect says it
zain : khalij
kways : Egypet
minh : Lebanese & Surya
mlih : morocco- Tunisia not all of them says mlih they say minh too
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
Not a problem ;)
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
Thread: Naaa naaa na na (3 Replies, 5,564 Views) by 3llawi
i guess this is what u lokking 4
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
I like lebanese food.
Ana ahb altaa'am al lebnani
I cook lebanese food at home.
ana atbkh al taa'am al lebnani fi al manzel
I am cooking lebanese food.
ana atbkh al taa'am al lebnani
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
أنا احتاج الأمل و إلا انا لا شيئ
انت اثنيت علي امس ونسيتني للأبد بكره
قلبي حزين لأنك قاسي علي
يوم من الأيام راح تواجه مصيرك
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 630,144 Views) by 3llawi
thanxx for the clarifications :)
and if u have any questions in Arabic i'll be glad 2 help :cool:
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 630,144 Views) by 3llawi
hiii veryclever1980
it seems u got it all of that by ur self :D
so veryclever it's not just a name :p
for the accents only Bahrain has million accents hhhh :D
wa say ngol and Lebanese says...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
hhhh okk ana mawjood da2man fi 8sm al6war2 :D
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
God forbid etha halyom eja ana ra7 adl3k :D
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
hhhhhhhhhhhhhh eeeee mo bas chethy y3ni bayn ano 7bib ydl3 3a althani hhhhh
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh '97ktny 9ra7 al jmla al25irah mal almr'9
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 630,144 Views) by 3llawi
i have few questions :D
1- some times i get confused about the use of the Ro
i still don't know how to use it properly i thought i have to use it after
something tangible but it's not...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
merya i'm sorry i didn't see the word properly
عينيك means ur eyes to be specific ur 2 eyes
عينك is ur eye for both genders
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
what Wooden feeling all over me
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 630,144 Views) by 3llawi
hhh thankss ana mt2kd ena fi ashia2 ktheera at3lmha mnk ;)
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 630,144 Views) by 3llawi
wa 3rbi nsiti hhhh a93b l'3a fi al3alm hhhhhhhh :D
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 630,144 Views) by 3llawi
anti t2mri heheh ra7 a3mk ally a3fh heheheh 6b3n lel7een at3lm ya3ni
all by my self :cool: hehehe
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 630,144 Views) by 3llawi
hhhhhhhhhhh ma knt adri enha bnt ?!?!!:confused:
thanian msh ra aw23 bel'3ram l2n howa ally ra7 y6ee7 lma a7ki m3h farsi hhhhh
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 630,144 Views) by 3llawi
hhhh nicce but let veryclever be carful cause i will teach harir :D
he is gonna be the best heheeh
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 630,144 Views) by 3llawi
hhhhhhhhhhhh now who is showing off !!! hhhhhh wa b3d shlon yfhmo 3rbi ???
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 630,144 Views) by 3llawi
hhh la la ma y7tag t2sf heheeh
agool a7a glbna almodo3 3rbi heheh :D
bas digh farsi harf bzn :p
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 630,144 Views) by 3llawi
hhhh ana 8lt ymk 3ala ani 5aliji heheh
l2n a7na ngoll llbnt (ch) wa al wald (k)
y3ni 7g wld hala beek
wa llbnt hala beech
fa k2na anti sweeteeni bnt hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :D
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
in classic arabic yah
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 630,144 Views) by 3llawi
beech ?? hhhh
laykon m5tl6a 3leech al lhga :P
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 630,144 Views) by 3llawi
man digh mikham farsi yad bigerm :D
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
merya this classic arabic so i cant change letters to make it look for man
it just pronounce differently
for example
اشتقت إلى كلامك الجميل
for man: ashtqato ela klamoka al jameel
for women...
Thread: Amr Diab - Masr a'let (6 Replies, 4,950 Views) by 3llawi
thanxx viva
i forgot 2 write it in latin :D
Thread: hello!! (15 Replies, 3,578 Views) by 3llawi
1-every year u r my love
2- love u to death ... to whom i love
Thread: Amr Diab - Masr a'let (6 Replies, 4,950 Views) by 3llawi
مصر قالت صوت ولادي كلمة الحق في بلادي
Egypt said :my son's voice is the right voice in my country
هما دول سر التحدي, هما دول زهرة جهادي
these are the secret of the challenge , these are the flower...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,890 Replies, 317,680 Views) by 3llawi
I'll correct 4 u
مولد نبوى مبارك من غير حسنى مبارك
blessing prophetical birthday ( Profit Mo7amed) without Hosni Mubark
مولد نبوى لطيف من غير احمد نظيف
A kind prophetical birthday without...
Thread: hello!! (15 Replies, 3,578 Views) by 3llawi
this is the first song
Thread: Help here Please. (23 Replies, 5,585 Views) by 3llawi
he is not saying anything i barely heard ( ya hyati habibi ) the rest are groans !!
Thread: Dariush - Mo'jezeye Khamoosh (4 Replies, 5,369 Views) by 3llawi
thanxxx alooot
Thread: Dariush - Mo'jezeye Khamoosh (4 Replies, 5,369 Views) by 3llawi
any one ?!!
Thread: Dariush - Mo'jezeye Khamoosh (4 Replies, 5,369 Views) by 3llawi
طعم خیس اندوه و اتفاق افتاده
یه آه خداحافظ ، یه فاجعه ی ساده
خالی شدم از رویا ، حسی من و از من برد
یه سایه شبیه من پشت پنجره پژمرد
ای معجزه ی خاموش ، یه حادثه روشن شو
یه لحظه ، فقط یه آه ، هم...
Thread: Saber El Rona3i - At7da al3alm (0 Replies, 1,980 Views) by 3llawi
hii this is a translation of At7da al3alm (I challenge the world) for saber al-rba3i
Thread: Marwan Khoury - La Tfaker (1 Replies, 3,294 Views) by 3llawi
Latfakker innak enta ou raye7
don't think when u are leaving
Ra7 erkod ou ellak waynak raye7
i will run after u and ask u where r u going ? (don't think)
Iza enta bteb3ed 3anny
if u r going...
Thread: Hamid Bouchnak - Lkass Hlou (3 Replies, 11,463 Views) by 3llawi
thanksss for the translation