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Thread: anyone free to continue... (15 Replies, 11,325 Views) by Molotova
Sirfolsom, I don't agree with everything you say, but you have lots of talent ! Respect !
Thread: anyone free to continue... (15 Replies, 11,325 Views) by Molotova
Oops, sorry, posted twice
Thread: Alive ! (0 Replies, 2,252 Views) by Molotova
It's all good, I'm alive y'all ! I survived 21 december !
Much love from Belgium !
Thread: Translation please (2 Replies, 117,638 Views) by Molotova
Hello everyone,
I'm participating in a rap battle and I would like to integrate two Russian phrases.
Is it possible to translate this: When you talk you sound so stupid that it looks like your...
Thread: Rip It (Battle) *Available to join* (410 Replies, 77,582 Views) by Molotova
It's been a long time
So y'all forgot about the chick that's making major big hits ?
Y'all dunno about the bxtch that is taking care of business ?
Well y'all can front all y'all want,...
Thread: [Moroccan-Dutch]Rap'nB Flavor - Mon Akidi & Bedrogen Liefde <3 (5 Replies, 4,730 Views) by Molotova
If you could just get me the lyrics, I would be pleased to translate everything ! I feel like such a loser for not understanding my own language. Lol. But there are so many dialects and they speak so...
Thread: [Moroccan-Dutch]Rap'nB Flavor - Mon Akidi & Bedrogen Liefde <3 (5 Replies, 4,730 Views) by Molotova
Je hebt het moeilijk, maar je houdt jezelf in de situatie waar je in bent beland. Het is niet makkelijk om verder te gaan & het verleden te vergeten.
You're having a hard time, but you're keeping...
Thread: Molotova - Oe skjid et ? (2 Replies, 1,686 Views) by Molotova
Whut ? Y'all don't like it ? Atleast say something, dayumn !
Thread: Molotova - Oe skjid et ? (2 Replies, 1,686 Views) by Molotova
Some Dutch shxt for your xsses !
Thought I'd post something up here since I've been gone cruisin' the Dutch forums ...
Thread: The Man That Stole My Innocence (2 Replies, 1,797 Views) by Molotova
You're in the wrong section. This is the RAP lyrics review. Not the poetry corner.
Thread: Rip It (Battle) *Available to join* (410 Replies, 77,582 Views) by Molotova
I don't speak Finnish, Shaadow, it's Dutch. :)
And here's something of me in Dutch:
Thread: Rip It (Battle) *Available to join* (410 Replies, 77,582 Views) by Molotova
Yo bxtch, don't talk about yourself 'cuz they will when you gone
Your lyrics like what the hell ??? Yet you serious to the bone
Hahaa, I killed so many snitches, they call me Spitler
U gettin'...
Thread: What song are you currently listening to ? (49 Replies, 9,569 Views) by Molotova
Stay in touch with the Dutch !
Jizz - Punchline Rap
Thread: who vs. shaadow: FINISHED AND OPEN FOR VOTES (12 Replies, 2,601 Views) by Molotova
I am impressed by both of you. When I met y'all, y'all were rookies, hahaa, look at y'all now !
I think both of you hit hard, but Shadow came with more punches and lyrical content.
So my vote goes...
Thread: Haig Yazdjia - Bingeol (Armenian) (13 Replies, 30,353 Views) by Molotova
You're most welcome !
Thread: Letter to Bre - HTG (Unfinished) (2 Replies, 1,352 Views) by Molotova
If u gon' listen to Smooth, u better make sure u know to spit, otherwise it's a huge turn off.
Thread: makin up rhymes (11 Replies, 2,850 Views) by Molotova
U say I look like Michael but I'm in rightful denial
I'm your hottest rival so u give me your idol's title
I wasn't rhyming about u but u got a big ego
Thinkin' my lines are for u while I gave u a...
Thread: makin up rhymes (11 Replies, 2,850 Views) by Molotova
From a primus to STD ? Oh Rumor, go get typhus
I'm a timeless necessity, u go get a tumor or a virus
If u can't rap u shouldn't attack anyone's tush on paper
I stab a lyrical knife in yo' back,...
Thread: I write (2 Replies, 2,088 Views) by Molotova
Shxt is too long to read mayne.
Thread: YoungGoldie - O' Fan! (1 Replies, 1,182 Views) by Molotova
When I read this, I wasn't sure about it, but then I listened to it while reading the lyrics, u rock this shxt !
Made me laugh too
Thread: you kno who u are ;)(battle) (22 Replies, 6,543 Views) by Molotova
Thanks mayne,
I really feel like u've improved a lot since your first post and you're definitely one of my strongest opponents.
I'm still not in the mood for a battle, but I wrote something anyway...
Thread: you kno who u are ;)(battle) (22 Replies, 6,543 Views) by Molotova
You too, but I didn't expect it any other way :)
Thread: you kno who u are ;)(battle) (22 Replies, 6,543 Views) by Molotova
I will I will, just not in the mood for a diss right now.
Thread: Topic Rhyming (94 Replies, 18,477 Views) by Molotova
Welcome to Belgium, where Mary is a legal bxtch
So only seldom I travel but I bet y'all feelin' it
'Cuz Mary is my homegirl, she down when I need her
The greatest chick in the whole world, how can...
Thread: Topic Rhyming (94 Replies, 18,477 Views) by Molotova
Lookin' back at my raps to criticize my lines
Matter of fact, I was killin' rhymes all the time
While now I realise that to write is to find
Peace of mind in any kind you feel it's right
Thread: you kno who u are ;)(battle) (22 Replies, 6,543 Views) by Molotova
It's title, not tittle, now who has got sex on his mind ?
Won the final and I did it just to let you smell succes from time to time
What was that 2 cents line 'cuz I don't get what u meant
Thread: you kno who u are ;)(battle) (22 Replies, 6,543 Views) by Molotova
Awhhhh shxt bxtch ?
Thread: you kno who u are ;)(battle) (22 Replies, 6,543 Views) by Molotova
All I see is envy in what u wrote for me,
U can't cope with me so u didn't vote for me,
Man you're so fxcked up your name should be pxssy
Sxck it up and swallow, defeating you gets cushy
Thread: 1st Verse of my new rap (3 Replies, 2,263 Views) by Molotova
I think u have potential but it reads like a poem indeed.
Read some more lyrics and compare them to yours.
Thread: Official Battle Thread. (363 Replies, 57,700 Views) by Molotova
Whatever JD, it shouldn't stop you from posting on this site. I always loved your lyrics.
Thread: Working on new material (10 Replies, 3,023 Views) by Molotova
I should be the good guy, the kind you'd like
I could be the cool guy but why ? 'Cuz I'm too fly ?
They say that I'm the man with the jokes
But all I am is a man who cherishes hopes
So here I...
Thread: Working on new material (10 Replies, 3,023 Views) by Molotova
First of all, it's way too short to be an actual song. U need to add more lyrics if you want to make this sound right.
Also, your lines don't really flow that well. Everyone has his own style, and I...
Thread: Rip It (Battle) *Available to join* (410 Replies, 77,582 Views) by Molotova
U just rhyme all the time to disguise that u can't improvise
Got vitcimized by ur own mind, what u devise is never right
Friends come and friends go but ennemies accumulate
And I feel a certain...
Thread: Rip It (Battle) *Available to join* (410 Replies, 77,582 Views) by Molotova
Tre is back ! I missed u mayne, ur lyrics always put a smile on my face.
Thread: sick n sadistic (edits) alot to read but im proud of the transformations (8 Replies, 2,407 Views) by Molotova
I want audio !
Thread: memories (2 Replies, 1,451 Views) by Molotova
I liked the first two sentences.
Dunno how you managed to fxck up after that.
Thread: this is a verse i wrote (1 Replies, 1,543 Views) by Molotova
U ain't the shxt honey.
Thread: Sarah (the little latin girl) (3 Replies, 1,563 Views) by Molotova
I love it. I love the story you tell and I hope it's not based on a true story ...
I just don't really see how this would flow on a beat ? Unless u got a mad delivery, I think it's really hard to...
Thread: Awareness music... (2 Replies, 1,508 Views) by Molotova
Wow wow wow, try using enter here and there ... People won't review your lyrics if you keep droppin' em like this. Try something like this, you'll see u'll get more reviews:
Yes i will grace the...
Thread: At Lost (1 Replies, 1,278 Views) by Molotova
One love
Thread: She Will Remix *AUDIO!!!* (10 Replies, 3,126 Views) by Molotova
It means I'm downloadin' your shxt and puttin' it on my Ipod. 1 <3
Thread: F*ck It ^ Think Im qettinq the hand of it now *Still comment for some edits* (5 Replies, 2,456 Views) by Molotova
You're right.
Maybe he's just not into multi's at all.
But for me, personally, multi's make or break a rap ...
Thread: She Will Remix *AUDIO!!!* (10 Replies, 3,126 Views) by Molotova
This is Ipod material.
Thread: Just a few short ryhmes, Feedback please! (2 Replies, 1,337 Views) by Molotova
U know I love the way u tell a story with your rhymes.
I just miss a few multi's and some wordplay here and there, but I still love the message you are bringing with your rhymes.
Thread: Rip It (Battle) *Available to join* (410 Replies, 77,582 Views) by Molotova
Y'all wanna rip it ? Zip it, this chick is in the building
I shxt hits, get big flicks but bxtch I'm still chillin'
Saybers ain't killin', he's just fillin' us with hate
I'm drillin' these kids,...
Thread: Grand Final> Molotova vs SK'nDeep (69 Replies, 9,979 Views) by Molotova
Great battle Sk'n, I'm happy it's finally over, no more checkin' this thread 10 times a day. And you know how I feel about it, to me, both of us are winners no matter what. Thanks for the votes guys,...
Thread: Grand Final> Molotova vs SK'nDeep (69 Replies, 9,979 Views) by Molotova
He already did Mix, why don't u explain ur vote instead ? :p
Thread: Grand Final> Molotova vs SK'nDeep (69 Replies, 9,979 Views) by Molotova
Ok, well I meant my period. (the point at the end of my sentence, that's why I added a . after period) kills his phrases. So whenever I end a phrase, it kills what he said.
When u have diarrhea,...
Thread: new song... Fireflies (2 Replies, 1,632 Views) by Molotova
The thing with this is, I really like it but it doesn't look like a rap to me ?
Thread: F*ck It ^ Think Im qettinq the hand of it now *Still comment for some edits* (5 Replies, 2,456 Views) by Molotova
I think he just doesn't really get the concept of multi's. I mean, he improves everytime, but still no multi's. Multi's is when you make a whole sentence rhyme instead of just the ending word(s).