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  • How To Break A Heart

    Thread: How To Break A Heart (0 Replies, 1,409 Views) by Jane99

    This song means really a lot for me so i hope you like it :)

    9th grade there was this new boy in class
    And then he sat next to me
    turned out...

  • a song i never wrote

    Thread: a song i never wrote (1 Replies, 1,231 Views) by Jane99

    HI:) please tell me what you think about it:)

    Waking up to the morning sun
    Faking a smile, pretending to be someone else
    It’s the same on and on
    Wearing clothes you never liked
    Go to school,...

  • I noticed that i used the wrong time after i...

    Thread: we choosed us (2 Replies, 1,083 Views) by Jane99

    I noticed that i used the wrong time after i posted it :D but thank you :) I just can't memorise when it's life and when it's live. I think i sang it right but i just wrote it wrong.

  • brave

    Thread: brave (5 Replies, 2,565 Views) by Jane99

    HI Smiley
    I know this song is long. longer as other songs i guess but i hope that's not bad?


    3 am and still can’t sleep
    thinking bout tomorrow...

  • we choosed us

    Thread: we choosed us (2 Replies, 1,083 Views) by Jane99

    Hey:) so this is my 20th song i wrote yeah Cheesy ok that's not that much but anyway please tell me what you think about it Smiley


    Do you remember when we just ran away cause we decided...

  • ending line

    Thread: ending line (5 Replies, 1,440 Views) by Jane99

    hi Smiley here is a bridge missing and I'm not quite sure if 'ending line' is rthe right term for what the song is about ? anyway here's the lyrics:

    It was the best time i had
    You’re the one i...

  • behind the next wave

    Thread: behind the next wave (1 Replies, 1,256 Views) by Jane99

    Hi:) please tell m ewhat you think about it :)


    Stand up when you fall
    You never know what’s behind the next wave
    Believe in the impossible
    You never know what’s behind the next wave...

  • Lisa-Marie Fischer

    Thread: Lisa-Marie Fischer (0 Replies, 7,730 Views) by Jane99

    Lisa-Marie Fischer is a 22 years old german country singer. she's so amazing. here's one of her songs :)

  • This one's calle d'Holding Hands When We Die'...

    Thread: Need romantic lyrics (16 Replies, 46,806 Views) by Jane99

    This one's calle d'Holding Hands When We Die' it's from Tom Beck. He's a german singer and i love all of his songs soo much. check this one out ;) :

  • Anna-Marie

    Thread: Anna-Marie (2 Replies, 1,448 Views) by Jane99

    hi :)

    here you can listen to my song I know i don't have the best voice and this isn't the best quality but anyway tel me what you think about it;)

  • this isn't a fairytale

    Thread: this isn't a fairytale (4 Replies, 1,634 Views) by Jane99

    Hey:) this is my first post and i have to say that i'm 14 and from germany so my english isn't the best so sorry for that :)


    I know i’m gonna fail the test
    Doesn’t matter how hard i...