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Thread: Elvana Gjata - Pak nga pak: please, compelling english or italian translation needed (6 Replies, 89,822 Views) by feuersteve
I went back to The English (and German) translations are posted now. :D By Little
I came, you...
Thread: Улетай на крыльях ветра (0 Replies, 2,688 Views) by feuersteve
Fly away on the wings of wind
Наташа Морозова - Улетай на крыльях ветра
Улетай на крыльях ветра
Ты в край родной, родная песня наша,
Туда, где мы тебя свободно пели,
Thread: Дарья Волосевич и артисты ПЦ Эколь - "Родиl (0 Replies, 4,027 Views) by feuersteve
Дайте мне текст, пожалуйста.
Thread: FAUN - Federkleid (0 Replies, 15,683 Views) by feuersteve
Solche Music ist populär in Deutschland?
Über die Heide
im ersten morgendlichen Schein
Ziehen die Vögel
wo mögen sie wohl Morgen sein?
Thread: Баллада о трех сыновьях (0 Replies, 3,911 Views) by feuersteve
прикрасно, прав?
Она такая молодая
Вкраю средь гор и цветущих долин
Текларека, исчезая вдали.
Прекрасней небыло страны,
Где рождались баллады исны.
Thread: Ойся ты ойся (1 Replies, 5,868 Views) by feuersteve
This is why you shouldn't mess with Russian women. :D
I want to learn how to do that with swords. :cool:
Can someone check the lyrics and give me a good translation, please.
Thread: Терские казаки . Казачья лезгинка (0 Replies, 2,796 Views) by feuersteve
Good dancing
Song is Ойся ты ойся
Thread: Снежочки - казачья лезгинка (Caucasian Cossacks' Dance) (0 Replies, 4,038 Views) by feuersteve
Lyrics also posted in clip.
Real Лезгинка style dancing, not like the modern clips.
Полно вам, снежочки, на талой земле лежать
Полно вам, казаченьки, горе горевать
Thread: An Innis Aigh - gaelic traditional song - in Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic) language (0 Replies, 11,079 Views) by feuersteve
I can't believe I haven't posted this song yet. I love this song.
One of the verses doesn't sound like it is correct. Other verses seem out of order. Can someone advise?
Thread: Mix - 'An Ròn' and 'Ann an Caolas Od Odrum' lyric video //Julie Fowlis YouTube 3:55 (0 Replies, 6,228 Views) by feuersteve
Thread: Traditional Celtic song, FILL-IÚ ORO HÚ Ó (0 Replies, 12,025 Views) by feuersteve
Haven't been here in a while. Enjoy.
Lyrics included in clip.
Thread: Knar & Kardeş Türküler (Armenian) (3 Replies, 23,740 Views) by feuersteve
I just found this song.
Here is a beautiful rendition.
Thread: КУМУШКИ - Пелагея (1 Replies, 4,703 Views) by feuersteve
Сзфсибо Марина :rose_fun::rose_fun::rose_fun:
Текст песни Пелагея - Кумушки
Ой,кумушки кумитеся
Кумитеся и любитеся,
Кумитеся и любитеся
Любите и меня
Thread: КУМУШКИ - Пелагея (1 Replies, 4,703 Views) by feuersteve
Русский текст пожалуйста.
Не нашёл в форум
Thread: Hello - le Adele as Gaeilge (0 Replies, 6,955 Views) by feuersteve
These kids are great.
Thread: New Artist Μαρίνα Σάττι (2 Replies, 15,692 Views) by feuersteve
Marina Satti is a new artist. Her father is from Sudan and her mother from Heraklion Crete.
Μου’ πε μάντισσα πως για να σε βρω
Θα’πρεπε φτερά να έχω
Και πως για να πιω...
Thread: Amhrán na gCupán - When I'm gone as Gaeilge (1 Replies, 7,677 Views) by feuersteve
Enjoy :)
For lyrics click "show more"
Thread: Swiss (?) rap song with indian vocal sample (1 Replies, 41,576 Views) by feuersteve
Do you have a link or a name of the song?
Thread: To tragoudi ton gifton... (5 Replies, 14,537 Views) by feuersteve
Translation, Amethyystos?
Google is no good on this one.
The other link is no good. This link is better:
Thread: Vasillaq Gremi- Kenge per Ali Kalin (1 Replies, 20,213 Views) by feuersteve
No replies?
Thread: Looking for lyrics of a few Armenian Folk songs (1 Replies, 11,015 Views) by feuersteve
This is a job for Armenia The Beautiful
Thread: Paola - Koubena stin koubena (6 Replies, 7,411 Views) by feuersteve
Here is the song for you to enjoy. :)
Thread: Там шли два брата (1 Replies, 7,114 Views) by feuersteve
Текст песни, пожалуйста
тоже английский язык.
Thread: Hab' ein blaues Himmelbett (3 Replies, 22,901 Views) by feuersteve
Albruna, please post the links to the songs for others to enjoy. :)
Thread: Hagalaz’ Runedance - Labyrinth (9 Replies, 47,276 Views) by feuersteve
Centus, please post the links for others to enjoy. :)
Thread: Кукушка - Полина Гагарина (1 Replies, 2,569 Views) by feuersteve
Могу ли я получить слова к этой песне в русском языке, пожалуйста? может быть, английский тоже.
ПРЕМЬЕРА! Битва за Севастополь
комплектный фильм
Thread: Learning Russian language (534 Replies, 311,599 Views) by feuersteve
Or the Bulgarian keyboard.
Thread: Endri ft. Fero - Sdu me ni (1 Replies, 20,939 Views) by feuersteve
I found the lyrics here: :)
Dikush ju lutem të përkthehet në gjuhën angleze dhe rumune.
[ENDRI x2:]
Je ka m'rren, hala qe...
Thread: I need some native English speaker, Help?? (1 Replies, 22,988 Views) by feuersteve
Already written here:
Thread: Sasna Tsrer (1 Replies, 9,315 Views) by feuersteve
Can you explain this song to me, ArmeniaTheBeautiful? I believe it is your language.
Other nice songs
Thread: Artmania - Время не Ждет (3 Replies, 5,469 Views) by feuersteve
Can you post the link to the song, please?
Thread: Can anyone translate the song Религия by Винтаж, please? (1 Replies, 3,920 Views) by feuersteve
Please post your links for others to enjoy, Emanuel :)
Thread: Elvana Gjata - Pak nga pak: please, compelling english or italian translation needed (6 Replies, 89,822 Views) by feuersteve
Update, I found a German translation. I can do something with that! (I think the translation was a little off, I fixed it best I could.)
Stück für Stück
Ich kamm, dachte ich lüge mich an ...
Thread: Grüss mir mein Wien (Gräfin Mariza) (1 Replies, 28,181 Views) by feuersteve
The German lyrics seem to have a couple of typographical errors
Grüss mir mein Wien (Gräfin Mariza)
Greet me, My Vienna (Countess Mariza)
Wenn es Abend wird, wenn die Sonne sinkt,
When it...
Thread: Dein ist mein ganzes Herz! (1 Replies, 17,838 Views) by feuersteve
Dein ist mein ganzes Herz!
Yours is my whole heart
Wo du nicht bist, kann ich nicht sein.
Where you are not, Icannot be
So, wie die Blume welkt,
So, how the flower wilts
wenn sie nicht küsst...
Thread: Sofia Rotaru - Было, но прошло (Rus to Eng) (3 Replies, 4,321 Views) by feuersteve
Мне очень нравится эта песня, спасибо Algebra & vuoklis.
новый студент русского языка :)
Here is the song:
How is this?
Деньможет разбиться, как стекло, day can break like...
Thread: ciljeta ft vani sonte me dhemb zemra (1 Replies, 19,347 Views) by feuersteve
Here is the link, dmitrisdany. Please post the links for others to enjoy the music. :)
Thread: דודו טסה - הגולה - Dudu Tassa - Hagole (2 Replies, 24,546 Views) by feuersteve
Here is the song
Thread: Sevak Amroyan - Akhpers u es (5 Replies, 18,241 Views) by feuersteve
Thank you very much for the translation ARMENIAtheBEAUTIFUL. :rose_fun::rose_fun::rose_fun:
But I have a question:
Do you mean: If one day you see a pair of eagles?
Thread: Runrig - Chi M'In Geamhradh (1 Replies, 9,931 Views) by feuersteve
Traurig, oder?
Thread: Bothan Airigh Am Bràigh Raineach (2 Replies, 9,521 Views) by feuersteve
Did you check this link out, Amethystos?
It's tough to learn, believe me.
(You know Gaelic and Greek are my two favorite languages...
Thread: Sevak Amroyan - Akhpers u es (5 Replies, 18,241 Views) by feuersteve
Are you asking for a translation? :confused: You don't say.
Please post links for others to enjoy. Here is the song.
Thread: Rock Mi Flashmob und Offizieles Video + Songtext Bairisch (0 Replies, 18,433 Views) by feuersteve
Geiles Lied, gäll?
Wenn der Maibaum wieder am Dorfplatz steht und sich alles um die Madeln dreht, wenn sie ihre heissen Dirndeln zeign,
Thread: Darrell Scott: You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive (0 Replies, 7,689 Views) by feuersteve
Can't stop listening to this song!
Transatlantic Sessions recording
Read the comments in the video, then look at the history of American Coal Mining.
Check out Patty Lovelace's...
Thread: Sarah Jarosz, look at the talent. (0 Replies, 7,306 Views) by feuersteve
She has been composing her own songs since high school, and is a fantastic artist with multiple instruments. Lately the Octave Mandolin and 6 string banjo played claw hammer style..
And she sings...
Thread: Festim Avdia - Te Dashuroj (3 Replies, 20,025 Views) by feuersteve
Here is a good link for Albanian music lyrics and sometimes translations into various languages
Many song lyrics are listed, but many or not.
If you can't figure it out, there is an English...
Thread: Festim Avdia - Te Dashuroj (3 Replies, 20,025 Views) by feuersteve
Here is the song. Sorry, can't translate.
Welcome to ATL, Nicole. :)
Thread: Title and lyrics of this Chechen (?) song (2 Replies, 10,604 Views) by feuersteve
I've heard and seen this video before. I 'm sure it is Chechen language from the comments, sound and the music. (The comments are in Russian)
Chechen Republic, the village of Old Atagi-street...
Thread: Scottish-Gaelic (GÀIDHLIG) - Julie Fowlis: "Smeòrach Clann Dòmhnaill" (4 Replies, 13,713 Views) by feuersteve
Oh yeah, here is the song. :heart_fun:
Thread: O mikros mou adelfos (6 Replies, 9,444 Views) by feuersteve
Is this the difference?
o mikros mou adelfos - Οrfeas Peridis
Nana Binopoulou - O mikros mou aderfos