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Thread: Nizar Qabbani - Poetry (2 Replies, 11,388 Views) by ahmedisman
Has anybody done this poetry? Who likes his work?
Thread: Kazem Saher (with Assama Lamnwar) - El Mahkama (0 Replies, 6,942 Views) by ahmedisman
Has anybody already translated this song into English? Its really nice with this singer from morocco as a duet. Thanks in advance.
Thread: ILHAM AL MADFAI - 7 Songs (14 Replies, 13,490 Views) by ahmedisman
Mavii.... Really? Wow! you met Ilham Madfa3i? In which country and tell us about it? :) An allthelyrics exclusive :) :)
Thread: ILHAM AL MADFAI - 7 Songs (14 Replies, 13,490 Views) by ahmedisman
Hello everyone,
I have a treat for you. A song probably most people haven't heard. Who has heard of Ilham al Madfai? :) Can somebody give me the lyrics in Arabic, then the English translation?...
Thread: Rida Abdullah - Kermalak Ayounak ya Baladi (0 Replies, 3,515 Views) by ahmedisman
Amazing song. Listen to it!
Also I would appreciate lyrics to this gem. Thanks
Thread: Al Wasmy - Altarash (37 Replies, 13,265 Views) by ahmedisman
if people are looking for great iraqi song, here it is! Its the best (fast forward to the more upbeat song in the middle)
Hey Gole Yas and Sohuda! you...
Thread: Kazem Saher - Mneen inte (2 Replies, 3,213 Views) by ahmedisman
hey thanks.. huda ba3dich bil oman? whats up?? its 0 celsius today in toronto :(
Thread: Kazem Saher - Mneen inte (2 Replies, 3,213 Views) by ahmedisman
Heyyy everyone!! shlownkoum? mishtakeen...:P
has anybody translated this song, into english yet? its a nice songgggggg.
i hope they cant hear me playing it in my graduate office :P
Thread: Maged El Mohandes - Ensa & Yoom & Beyn edaya [*] (22 Replies, 9,961 Views) by ahmedisman
hey viva. when did u write that? hey i miss u guys. i wanna see u in a non ATL context ;)
Thread: Asala 2010 Album (55 Replies, 19,549 Views) by ahmedisman
lol its so nice to come back and read it all at once! cuz i have not been able to be online all that much... school!!!
yeah im totally into banat 3raby :P but i also kinda like all flavors and...
Thread: Mohamed Rahim - Fe 3eneiky (7 Replies, 4,680 Views) by ahmedisman
Gole or Sue or Daydream, how r uuuu. min zamannn :)
I want to know which website has streaming arabic music. Like a radio. any ideas?
Thread: Wesam El Mohandes & 3aly badr - 3oyouny tentazarik (6 Replies, 2,146 Views) by ahmedisman
thank you viva. min zaman ma hachayna :D mistaq! things are going good i trust. :D
Thread: Wesam El Mohandes & 3aly badr - 3oyouny tentazarik (6 Replies, 2,146 Views) by ahmedisman
yes can somebody translate this one please
Thread: Nawal Zoghby - Galbi Dag (3 Replies, 4,839 Views) by ahmedisman
relighting this candle. can somebody take a look for english translations? thanks
Thread: Kathem Al-Saher - Sh7elw 6olak (5 Replies, 2,705 Views) by ahmedisman
here's the link for the music video :)
if you click on the info, looks like a top 10 list of Kathem's timeless songs pop out. the king of arabian...
Thread: Sala7 7asan - La ltensany (11 Replies, 2,357 Views) by ahmedisman
thank you. im gonna leave u alone for little bit now :D
Thread: 7asam Alrasam - Enta rou7y (7 Replies, 2,879 Views) by ahmedisman
yes lol i think its impossible to control forum users and make sure theyre following rules
Thread: Nancy Ajram - Meen li ma 3ando (12 Replies, 11,511 Views) by ahmedisman
I cant it on youtube anywhere. can you put the link up for me or is it not available at the moment??
Thread: Sala7 7asan - La ltensany (11 Replies, 2,357 Views) by ahmedisman
Song min zaman wa7ad raad. Allah 5aleekum, can someone double check? i think i got it all except for wa9eety,
صلاح حسن_ لا لتنساني
Sala7 7asan - La ltensany
اخاف يصير شبي بيه، وما...
Thread: Nancy Ajram - Meen li ma 3ando (12 Replies, 11,511 Views) by ahmedisman
im sorry but i cant find the link for this song. can u post it? thx :D
Thread: 7asam Alrasam - Enta rou7y (7 Replies, 2,879 Views) by ahmedisman
that was already i believe. watch out NNA, the songs might have already been done.
Thread: Sala7 7asan - La ltensany (11 Replies, 2,357 Views) by ahmedisman
Be sure to start another thread for the ali badr song. and tag it correctly too. tag id: ali, badr, yjlak, youm, bader
Thread: Rashed Al Majed - Noor 3ainy [album] (26 Replies, 19,339 Views) by ahmedisman
oh for those could u go back and go the english translation? shukran bas itha za7ama 3leech dont worry
Thread: Rashed Al Majed - Noor 3ainy [album] (26 Replies, 19,339 Views) by ahmedisman
Did anybody do the rashed majed translations into english?
-Elly Lega A7baba
-Noor 3ainy
-Wesh Jah
-Ya 7bek Lil Mishakel
-Ya Hala
Thread: Rowaida Attieh - Hayati Melki & Ana 3andi Lezi (6 Replies, 5,328 Views) by ahmedisman
I found the lyrics. Can somebody good do the translation into english?
انا عندى لذه تنطرى واحرقلك قلبك اعصابك
تولع كل مابتذكرنى وتطلع كرمالى من ثيابك
مالدنى ياعينى دولاب وبيمرم على الاحباب انا...
Thread: Hatim Iraqi - Abu Sameera (9 Replies, 4,099 Views) by ahmedisman
good. i hope u understood it and we didnt keep u waiting too long
Thread: Hatim Iraqi - Abu 3yoon Wsaa3 (4 Replies, 3,738 Views) by ahmedisman
susu shukran ya 7iluuuuuuuuu. and sohuda :D everytime i think about this song, i think its nothing special, but then i listen to it, and I LOVE IT :D
Thread: Shayma al Shayeb - Al Qareeb Minak Ba3eed (6 Replies, 6,298 Views) by ahmedisman
is there any other songs available for shaima?
Thread: Shayma al Shayeb - Al Qareeb Minak Ba3eed (6 Replies, 6,298 Views) by ahmedisman
القريب منك بعيد والبعيد عنك قريب
El2areeb minak b3eed wil b3eed 3anak areeb
The close one to you are far, and the ones far from you are close
كل ده وقلبي الي حبك لسه بيسميك حبيب
Kol da o albi...
Thread: Shayma al Shayeb - Al Qareeb Minak Ba3eed (6 Replies, 6,298 Views) by ahmedisman
english ya 3iney :P ya jameela ;)
Thread: Haytham Yousif - A7bak akthr (1 Replies, 2,154 Views) by ahmedisman
here is a lovely song i hope some habbiby out there will hear and come running to me :P
:) do do...dum diddidy dum loo.. waiting...
kul ma...
Thread: Hatim Iraqi - Abu 3yoon Wsaa3 (4 Replies, 3,738 Views) by ahmedisman
i gotta admit i had to strain my ears to hear, more than i would like to admit. so it is very hard. before i used to just listen to songs beats. but now with arabic songs its all about the lyrics of...
Thread: Hatim Iraqi - Abu 3yoon Wsaa3 (4 Replies, 3,738 Views) by ahmedisman
Here is song I need some help. I typed out the lyrics by myself, and as a self taught arabic reader Im gonna need corrections Im sure bigtime. thankss
Thread: Kathem Saher - il-jameela (8 Replies, 3,037 Views) by ahmedisman
the part of this song where it say "it suits her", is like this in Abu Sameera?
il-9'7ka hay it-lukeelak
الضحك هاي يتلوكييلاك
this kind of laugh suits you
Thread: Hatim Iraqi - Abu Sameera (9 Replies, 4,099 Views) by ahmedisman
haha she is really determined! i wonder why she didnt just post a thread in the forum...... i dont mind cuz it was a nice choice of song!
Thread: Hatim Iraqi - Abu Sameera (9 Replies, 4,099 Views) by ahmedisman
i lovve abu sameera loool thank you veryyy much. im going to send it to the person who requestd it from me in email. somebody in romania..... :D
Thread: Kathem Saher - il-jameela (8 Replies, 3,037 Views) by ahmedisman
lol yeah i noticed that last night.. confusing. loool\
thanks again. inte a7la :)
Thread: Kathem Saher - il-jameela (8 Replies, 3,037 Views) by ahmedisman
changes welcome ;)
6al3a yawm il-jameela
طالعة اليوم الجميلة
the beauty today went out (outside)
sh6al3a esh 6al3a
طالعة اش طالعة
what brought out the beauty?
Thread: Abdel Karim - Men bain al nas (9 Replies, 2,485 Views) by ahmedisman
hahaaaaaaa. did i really write that down . good thing i have all you girls to give me advice. tip #1 dont boil ur habbibi :P LOLO
Thread: Kathem Saher - il-jameela (8 Replies, 3,037 Views) by ahmedisman
yes please. sawyha ya a7la banat. thanksssssssssssss
Thread: Hatim Iraqi - Abu Sameera (9 Replies, 4,099 Views) by ahmedisman
may 5aalef ya 3iney :P of course 3la ra7tich :)
you have to listen to the song though because im not confident in that ability yet
Thread: Hatim Iraqi - Abu Sameera (9 Replies, 4,099 Views) by ahmedisman
Abu Sameera by Hatim Iraqi!! i love it... hopefully huda can do this one for me :D <3 shukran jazeelan :)
Thread: Abdel Karim - Men bain al nas (9 Replies, 2,485 Views) by ahmedisman
Thank you for this song! Kuwaiti I suppose? kulish 7ilew walla. post some more!
من بين الناس حبيتك من بين الناس
From amongst the people I liked you, from amongst the people
وبكل احساس...
Thread: Asalah - Nos Hala [album] 2008 [*] (25 Replies, 22,505 Views) by ahmedisman
Same translation earlier in this old thread but in a better format now.
Yesmaholy El Kol
تعرف حبيبى بس لما تطل
You know my love, when you appear,
بشعر انا ان الدنا صارت ضحك ع الحلم
I feel...
Thread: Kathem Saher - Ma7roos (2 Replies, 3,439 Views) by ahmedisman
I found this song on youtube. and I lovee the Kathem Saher look from ayam zaman. i think i like the old songs better than the new ones with voice reverbs and electronic sound. tell me...
Thread: Kathem Saher - il-jameela (8 Replies, 3,037 Views) by ahmedisman
Can someone help me out with this song. Recommended by sohuda actually in an old thread I was reading :) and it turned out i quite liked it. BUT I cant make out a lot of the words. please sa3dny any...
Thread: Mohamed Mounir - Embareh kan omri eshreen (4 Replies, 8,148 Views) by ahmedisman
reminding... im not gonna try this song if sohuda couldnt get it. she's smarter :) so can any other banaya do it. PLEASSEeeeEEeEEEEe
Thread: Rashid Al Majid - Ya bakht alby (2 Replies, 2,951 Views) by ahmedisman
Here my best shot! Recommendations/corrections are appreciated. BYEBYE
يا بخت قلبي فيك وبحبك عيني تبيك وروحي تحبك
oh fate of my heart, in you I love, my eyes want you, and my soul loves you
Thread: Hatim Iraqi - 7ilween (3 Replies, 3,951 Views) by ahmedisman
wow i got the rest right? thanks my friend :D
Thread: Hatim Iraqi - 7ilween (3 Replies, 3,951 Views) by ahmedisman
this is for all the 7ilween on this site, bil kul makan; maghreb, tunis w sooriya, UK, bahrain and oman :D
7lween rghm il-7zn
حلوين رغم...