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Thread: Jaz Dhami - Munda Like Me & Zulfa-Please help with a translation! (0 Replies, 28,316 Views) by Crisa
Hello! Can anyone please, translate these 2 songs of Jaz Dhami ? Thank you !!
Munda Like Me
Munda like me mutiyar like you,
Munda like me mutiyar like you,
Thread: Florian Rus - Cat inca ne iubim (Romanian to English) (1 Replies, 17,160 Views) by Crisa
Stiu c-am zis
Ca nu ne mai sunam
Eu din reflex formez numarul tau
Si ai promis
Ca n-o sa ne cautam
Dar cu orice gand ajungi la mine din nou
I know that I've said
Not to call each other...
Thread: Voltaj - Anotimpuri (1 Replies, 14,903 Views) by Crisa
Inca ma simt cu tine ca-n prima zi
Esti al meu curcubeu atunci cand ceru-i gri
Esti linistea mea, ca o plaja pustie
Imi esti cer senin in loc de colivie
Inca ma simt cu tine ca-n prima zi
Thread: Raxstar & Zack Night -Queen English translation (0 Replies, 15,633 Views) by Crisa
Can anyone translate the Punjabi part of the song? Thanks!
I need to whisper in your ear can you lean forward?
If I call you by your name does it mean more?
I'll give you something...
Thread: majid-al-muhandis-ana-blayak (2 Replies, 6,712 Views) by Crisa
The video was filmed in Romania :) Still can anyone translate the song in English? Thank you!
Thread: Majed Al Mohandes-Tesalni (3 Replies, 4,305 Views) by Crisa
Anyone? :)
Thread: Majed Al Mohandes-Tesalni (3 Replies, 4,305 Views) by Crisa
Could anyone translate Majed's song? If it's already translated, my bad...I've search it on the translated songs but I didn't find it :).
Thanks !
Thread: Mihaela Minune & Don Genove - Scufita Rosie (4 Replies, 19,693 Views) by Crisa
You're welcome! I don't know how she looks, never heard of her before (I don't listen to this type of music).
Well what i wanted to mean by "it's getting up" is that he's sexually aroused. Now...
Thread: Mihaela Minune & Don Genove - Scufita Rosie (4 Replies, 19,693 Views) by Crisa
Here you go. I imagine that they thought a lot to write these lyrics :rolleyes::dash_fun:
vam prins!
pa cine credeti voi ca asteptati aici?
ca nui nici o scufita (asa)
e doar mihaela si...
Thread: Imran khan -Satisfya (1 Replies, 18,844 Views) by Crisa
Could anyone translate the Punjabi parts in Imran Khan's song? Thanks !
Thread: Farqah Al Mazyood Al 7arbiyya - Thek Al Ayam / فرقة المزيود الحربيه - ذيك الايام (3 Replies, 5,639 Views) by Crisa
Thank you so much for the translation! Can you, please do the transliteration ?
Thread: Farqah Al Mazyood Al 7arbiyya - Thek Al Ayam / فرقة المزيود الحربيه - ذيك الايام (3 Replies, 5,639 Views) by Crisa
Could anyone translate this song ?
Thread: Connect-R - Noi ne potrivim (1 Replies, 3,405 Views) by Crisa
Tu spui "da", eu zic "nu",
Tot mereu facem cum vrei tu
Eu zic "hai", tu zici "mai stai",
Tu spui destul cand eu cred c-ar mai,
Tu calculata, eu mana sparta,
Tu linistita cand eu vreau cearta,...
Thread: Liviu Hodor & Mona - Unde-i dragostea (1 Replies, 5,836 Views) by Crisa
Here you go !
Liviu Hodor feat Mona-Unde-i dragostea / Where is the love ?
Lasa-ma sa cred ca totul va fi bine
Nu vreau sa ma pierd in lacrimi si cuvinte
Astazi inca sper ca dragostea va...
Thread: Nek si Copilul De Aur - La maxim eu la tine tin (2 Replies, 4,038 Views) by Crisa
Daca as fi american, spaniol sau indian
Daca as fi african sau macho italian
Tot la fel eu te-as iubi, iubirea mea
Te-as iubi la fel ca si cum as fi
Tot o inima iti voi darui
Si nimeni niciodata...
Thread: El Bueno y El Malo - Colmillo Norteno Featuring Banda Tierra Sagrada (2 Replies, 25,307 Views) by Crisa
Hi! I'll give it a Spanish is not very good so any corrections are welcomed :)
Hola que tal...
recibe mi serenata
pues canto aquí en tu ventana canciones de amor...
así te quiero...
Thread: Zehava Ben-Mayeiah (Buddha Bar) (5 Replies, 12,409 Views) by Crisa
I've listen to the song and I didn't like it. I think that Mayeiah will be the only song that i like :)
Thread: Andreea Banica feat. Kio - Bumerang (1 Replies, 4,062 Views) by Crisa
Sa ma trezesc in patul tau
E ilegal e bine zau
Si pare complicat nu e cum vreau eu
Ca un refren ce-mi place rau
Tu vrei sa pleci din capul meu
Si pare amuzant pentru ca fac ce fac
Si ma intorc...
Thread: Zehava Ben-Mayeiah (Buddha Bar) (5 Replies, 12,409 Views) by Crisa
Thank for the translation!
Honestly I've found about this singer today so I don't know any other songs from her:redface:. I'll try to find the song you've recommended and let you know if i like it....
Thread: Zehava Ben-Mayeiah (Buddha Bar) (5 Replies, 12,409 Views) by Crisa
Could anyone translate this beautiful song ? Thank you very much !
Thread: Nell Evans - Du Jamais Vu (2 Replies, 5,527 Views) by Crisa
Thank you Enoo!
Thread: Dj Sava feat Raluka & Connect-R - Aroma (3 Replies, 11,031 Views) by Crisa
Si sunt vise interzise
Unde te gasesc cum imi doresc
Si sunt vise mult prea triste
Caci ma trezesc langa ce nu iubesc
And there are forbidden dreams
Where I can find you as I want
And there...
Thread: Mihaita Piticu – Eu din suflet te-as ruga (1 Replies, 4,030 Views) by Crisa
Eu m-am indragostit de tine
I've fallen in love with you
Si stiu ca poate nu e bine
And I know that maybe it isn't right
Ce sa fac …
What should I do ....
Doamne, ce sa fac … ?
Lord, what...
Thread: Grasu XXL ft. Ami - Deja Vu (1 Replies, 7,741 Views) by Crisa
Mi-ai zis că nu mă mai cunoşti
You told me that you don't know me anymore
Că tot ce-a fost s-a dus şi suntem nişte foşti
That all what was now is gone and we are ex (lovers )
Doi proşti
Thread: Nell Evans - Du Jamais Vu (2 Replies, 5,527 Views) by Crisa
Hello !
Could anyone translate this song? If possible to give the French lyrics too . Thank you !
Thread: Mr Alama & Ligia - Viteza luminii (1 Replies, 3,401 Views) by Crisa
Daca ma-ntrebi cat ne iubim
Am sa-ti arat universul si poate
N-ar fi de-ajuns , ca scriu ce simt
In versuri , minim , note si toate
If you ask me how much we love each other
I'll show you the...
Thread: plecaciune (2 Replies, 3,454 Views) by Crisa
@Mimi : să vie= să vină and it's used in prayers and church songs.
Thread: Adrian Sina - Arde ceva (4 Replies, 6,156 Views) by Crisa
Mai apar si eu din cand in cand , draga tigress :)
Thread: Proconsul ft. El Proyecto - No matter what (1 Replies, 3,109 Views) by Crisa
Here you go:
No matter what
I’m gonna keep
My head up my head up
No matter what
I’m gonna keep
My head up my head up
No matter what
I’m gonna keep
Thread: Puya - in lumina reflectoarelor (1 Replies, 4,205 Views) by Crisa
This song has bad words in it. I'll try to translate the bad words too. I hope atl will censure them :rolleyes:
Puya - In lumina reflectoarelor/ In the flashlight
Lumea lor
nu-i si a mea ...
Thread: Pact - Nicio Zi Fara Tine (2 Replies, 3,987 Views) by Crisa
Here you go:
Se lasa seara inca o zi a mai trecut
Parca te-aud dar stiu ca doar mi s-a parut
Am inteles ce insemni pentru mine
Si nu mai vreau inca o zi fara tine
The night is coming and...
Thread: Adrian Sina - Arde ceva (4 Replies, 6,156 Views) by Crisa
Some small corrections!
Thousands of feelings, thousands of faces
Hundreds of glances, who could learn them ?
You break me and you squeeze me... and you're still the one who cries
You can't...
Thread: Durere fara sfarsit (3 Replies, 3,391 Views) by Crisa
You're welcome!
Thread: Durere fara sfarsit (3 Replies, 3,391 Views) by Crisa
Here you go:
Durere fară sfărşit
Endless Pain
stofa 1:
Cad în genunchi
Thread: Vunk si Antonia – Pleaca (3 Replies, 5,196 Views) by Crisa
Here you go:
Vunk si Antonia – Pleaca
Vunk and Antonia - Leave
Era miercuri spre joi
Ma iubeai pan’ la cer si inapoi
Doua nopti mai tarziu
Nu puteam sa zbor sau sa mai fiu…
Thread: Al Mayasi song translation needed! (3 Replies, 3,723 Views) by Crisa
Aila thank you for the Arabic letters. Could someone, please translate them ?
Thread: Al Mayasi song translation needed! (3 Replies, 3,723 Views) by Crisa
Hello !
Is there anyone who could translate this song for me ? If possible Arabic font & the transliteration.
Thank you!
Thread: Ultima Noapte I don't know who sings (3 Replies, 3,276 Views) by Crisa
You're welcome! Glad I could help .
Thread: Ultima Noapte I don't know who sings (3 Replies, 3,276 Views) by Crisa
Here you go. The song is sung by O-Zone, that's what I found (I knew that voice sounded familiar to me :) )
O-Zone-Oriunde aş fi/Wherever I Will Be
Am privit-o in ochi ultima oara
I looked...
Thread: Ajutatima cu o mica traducere (1 Replies, 3,206 Views) by Crisa
Here you go:
Ei si-au cumparat bilete de la agentia de voiaj.
They brought tickets from the travel agency.
Toti calatorii trebuie sa schimbe aici.
All travelers have to change their clothes...
Thread: " A Rom end a Home" Taraf de Haidokus" (3 Replies, 3,762 Views) by Crisa
You're welcome! Glad I could help.
Thread: " A Rom end a Home" Taraf de Haidokus" (3 Replies, 3,762 Views) by Crisa
Hi , here you go:
Un ţigan avea o casă
A gypsy man had a house
Trei copii şi-o nevastă
Three children and a wife
Ţiganul lucra şi venea seara cam beat
The gypsy had a job and he came...
Thread: Marcelo D2 & Claudia -Desabafo / Deixa Eu Dizer translation needed (2 Replies, 64,573 Views) by Crisa
Fabryccio thank you for helping me with the translation .
Thread: Marcelo D2 & Claudia -Desabafo / Deixa Eu Dizer translation needed (2 Replies, 64,573 Views) by Crisa
Is there someone who can translate this song? I understand some words but not all of the lyrics....If the song has been translated , by bad.
Here are the lyrics:
Thread: Florin Peste & Diana - Doar tu (4 Replies, 4,225 Views) by Crisa
Just a small correction, I hope you don't mind :)
Thread: Sorinel Pustiu - Banii n-aduc fericirea (5 Replies, 4,331 Views) by Crisa
Some corrections , I hope you don't mind :)
Thread: Mahala Raı Banda, Kibori. and if possible other song from this band? (2 Replies, 5,180 Views) by Crisa
Dear Maria sorry I can't help you , but you should post this song in the Indo-Aryan Languages thread or to the Lyrics Translation thread.Gypsies language comes from India (as far as I know). If I'm...
Thread: Angela Similea - Sa mori de dragoste ranita (5 Replies, 5,280 Views) by Crisa
Pacat has many meaning in Romanian , and sin it's one of them. I don't think in the song it's used this meaning.
Ce păcat că n-a venit cu noi !-It's a pity that he haven't came with us.
Thread: Angela Similea - Sa mori de dragoste ranita (5 Replies, 5,280 Views) by Crisa
You're welcome!
Cu placere !
But I have to correct myself , I was so tired when I made the translation and I've made some mistakes :redface::redface:
So here you go again :
Thread: Angela Similea - Sa mori de dragoste ranita (5 Replies, 5,280 Views) by Crisa
Here you go. I did my best:)
The image tear , it's life sometime