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Thread: please help (4 Replies, 3,260 Views) by viu
hey, nemaipomenit. ce surpriza placuta, nu ma asteptam asa repede
multumesc mult de tot, dya.
am primit-o cadou, imi place in mod deosebit si vroiam sa fac o surpriza cuiva care nu stie romaneste...
Thread: La multi ani Layla ! (5 Replies, 4,359 Views) by viu
La Multi Multi Ani Frumosi !
Multa Fericire !
Thread: please help (4 Replies, 3,260 Views) by viu
lyrics de Gabriel Liiceanu
ma poate ajuta cineva cu o traducere in engleza
"Fiecare om isi alcatuieste de-a lungul
vietii un edificiu afectiv. Masura in care
el este e data de consistenta...
Thread: Portuguese lyrics translations (583 Replies, 242,740 Views) by viu
he he multumesc mult de tot, Layla
was a nice pleasure to find here your translation
Thread: Si tan solo - Frida Kahlo (3 Replies, 8,825 Views) by viu
hey I really thank you
you made my day
Thread: Song suggestions: Greek songs you like (21 Replies, 24,973 Views) by viu
I'm looking for Angelique Ionatos musique and lyrics
could someone help me with a link ?
Thread: Si tan solo - Frida Kahlo (3 Replies, 8,825 Views) by viu
could someone help me to translate and/or to find that song from Frida Kahlo.
Here sings Angelique Ionatos from Greece
Thread: Portuguese lyrics translations (583 Replies, 242,740 Views) by viu
could someone help me with a translation for a song sang by Amalia Rodriguez and now Cristina Branco
Meu amor meu amor (Meu Limão de Amargura)
Meu corpo em movimento
Minha voz à procura
Do seu...
Thread: Portuguese lyrics translations (583 Replies, 242,740 Views) by viu
nice to meet you jadedarknight
I didn't expect to see it so fast.
It's exactly what I hoped.
jadedarknight, thank you
Thread: Portuguese lyrics translations (583 Replies, 242,740 Views) by viu
I have a little question for you. Where's possible to find the translation for some portuguese or brazilian lyrics or if you can help me with an on-line portuguese-english free translation...