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Thread: Denemek Istersen - Serdar Ortac (1 Replies, 8,677 Views) by Berna
Thread: please translation please Ayşe Melih Görgün (2 Replies, 2,156 Views) by Berna
Nasıl sevdim içim buruk
How i loved, i am broken inside
Yağmur yağar ılık ılık
it rains warmly warmly
Rüzgâr eser geceler soğuk
the wind blows, nights are cold
Bir kız sevdim içim buruk
Thread: Kolpa - Düğüm (1 Replies, 2,480 Views) by Berna
Gitsem buralardan seni bir daha görür müyüm?
If I go away from here, will I see you once again?
Görmesem ne çıkar sanki ölür müyüm?
So what if I don't see, will I die?
Bilemem artık sensiz ben...
Thread: Nikos Aggelopoulos: Eli Eli (1 Replies, 2,618 Views) by Berna
It's not in far as i could hear, the singer says 'ya 7abibi' which means my darling in Arabic.
Thread: Translation of Sezen Aksu song please (2 Replies, 4,377 Views) by Berna
Sezen Aksu - Olmaz Olsun
Olmaz olsun cüzdanimda milyonlar
May not be millions in my wallet
Kalbimde sevgin oldukça
as long as there is your love in my heart
Zenginlik mal mülk para neye yarar...
Thread: List of all translated songs (6 Replies, 175,260 Views) by Berna
Birgit Ġigemeel
Varjude mäng
Lummatud Meel
Thread: Berksan - Büyük Yalan (2 Replies, 3,285 Views) by Berna
Kalbim eski bir valiz gibi,
My heart is like an old suitcase
Gidiyorum bu sefer son.
I'm going, this time is the last
Çok denedim denedik olmuyor,
I tried hard, we tried, it doesn't work...
Thread: English to Turkish - Warum soll ich dich lieben / Why should I love you (8 Replies, 3,236 Views) by Berna
oppps crossing time with Ercu, anyway now he got 2 translations :D
Thread: English to Turkish - Warum soll ich dich lieben / Why should I love you (8 Replies, 3,236 Views) by Berna
so Layla translated it into English and here in Turkish as you want :)
Ich will deine Spuren auslöschen
I want to erase your traces
İzlerini silmek istiyorum
ich will dich nicht wieder sehen ...
Thread: Grup Hepsi - "Uğraşma" english translation please :) (5 Replies, 3,375 Views) by Berna
rica ederim ;)
Thread: Grup Hepsi - "Uğraşma" english translation please :) (5 Replies, 3,375 Views) by Berna
Aldım verdim ben seni yendim demiyorum
I'm not saying i took, i gave, i beat you
Sana ait olan hiç birşeyi istemiyorum
i don't want anything that belongs to you
Ne oldu ne bitti
Thread: Mon homme_Celine Dion (3 Replies, 4,635 Views) by Berna
De rien :)
Thread: Mon homme_Celine Dion (3 Replies, 4,635 Views) by Berna
Il a le regard économe
He has the thrifty glance
Il a le verbe rare, ça me plaît
He has the rare word, i like it
Il aime le chant des colombes et l'odeur du café
He likes the sound of doves...
Thread: Yağmurun Kaderi - Gülay (1 Replies, 3,838 Views) by Berna
Kızıl kahveydi bu şehir,
This city was red brown
Biz büyümeden önce,
before we grew up
Her yanına mühür koyduk,
we affixed the seal everywhere of it
Aşıklar niceydi nice,
the lovers were so...
Thread: Hoy no---Shara Gavino (1 Replies, 2,483 Views) by Berna
Hoy no-Today No
Como se escriben
How they're written
donde se esconden
where they're hidden
cada verdad que quiero darte
every truth that i want to give you
Como el silencio
like the silence
Thread: Bengü: cesaret - need lyrics translation (2 Replies, 4,107 Views) by Berna
Bitti bitti diyebilirim
I can say it's over, it's over
Bizi ziyan edebilirim
I can make a loss for us
Geçecek gidecek kim duyacak
It'll be over, it'll be gone, who will...
Thread: Güntaç Özdemir - Benimle Yan (tr-eng) (1 Replies, 20,736 Views) by Berna
geri gelecek misin?
Will you come back?
günahın neyse onu bilelim
I don't know what your sin is
sevebilecek misin nefret gibi beni
will you able to love me like the hatred?
yoksa orada kal...
Thread: Yaşar - Beni Koyup Gitme (tr-eng) (1 Replies, 2,587 Views) by Berna
Beni koyup gitme ne olursun
Don't leave me please
Durduğun yerde dur
stay where you are
Kendini martılarla bir tutma
Don't consider yourself equal to seagulls
Senin kanatların yok
you don't...
Thread: Zaferlerim- Can anyone translate this song (turkish -english) plz ! (2 Replies, 3,090 Views) by Berna
nice song :)
Thread: Mireille Mathieu Une Place Dans Mon Cur (2 Replies, 4,438 Views) by Berna
Quel est ce sentiment
What is this feeling
Qui soudain nous retient
which suddenly holds us
L'annonce d'un rivage
The announcement of a shore
Au terme d'un long voyage
after a long journey...
Thread: Anna Lesko - Inseparabili (2 Replies, 4,098 Views) by Berna
Pense à moi, et moi comme ça
Think of me, and me like this
Tu sais, nous sommes inseparables, inseparables
you know, we are inseparable, inseparable
C'est vrai...
This is true
Thread: Please help me to translate this into english!! (2 Replies, 2,243 Views) by Berna
The past can't be forgotten my father, you think you've forgotten it but it always remains somewhere, it's hiding in a corner of your mind. If you forget then i don't forget, if i forget then someone...
Thread: Estonian song (2 Replies, 3,701 Views) by Berna
I translated this song but then the forum said something about a 'server timeout' then i got angry and went offline after that :D If you still need the translation, you may send me a message
Thread: Pınar Aydın Git Şimdi translate it (2 Replies, 2,402 Views) by Berna
İçine atıp üzsende karaya sapladım
even you endure in silence, you sadden i dug into dark
Isıtıp bir taş yuttun diyemi ağladın
did you cry thinking that you swallowed a stone?
Gözüme girmenin...
Thread: Yalnızlığım - Baha (2 Replies, 2,232 Views) by Berna
Bir yıldızla bir çiğ tanesi
a star and a drop of dew
Paylaştılar karanlığı
(they) have shared the darkness
Bir ayazla dağ ateşi
a frost and a fire of mountain
Bölüştüler yalnızlığı
Thread: Sezen Aksu - Seni Kimler Aldi (1 Replies, 3,626 Views) by Berna
Yürüyorum hasretin acının üstüne
I'm walking on the yearning, on the pain
Sığmıyorum dünyaya dar geliyor
I can't fit into the world, it has been too tight
Geceler mi uzadı bu karanlık ne
Thread: Şebnem Ferah - Hoşçakal Aşk (1 Replies, 2,300 Views) by Berna
Thread: Delinin Tekiyim (Berdan Mardini) english translaton plz (1 Replies, 3,413 Views) by Berna
Yağmursuzum, aysız, güneşsizim
I am without the rain, without the moon, without the sun
Susuz, ateşsizim meğer sen
i am without water, without seems that
Her şey demekmişsin
you mean...
Thread: Hande Yener - Aşk Beni Hep Değiştirecek (2 Replies, 2,716 Views) by Berna
Bu defa işim çok zor
This time it's so hard for me
Aşağıda, en dipteyim
i'm going down, i'm at the bottom
Öyle bir bekletti ki beni
he made me wait so much that
Yalnızlığın içindeyim
i am...
Thread: 3.1 - Film (2 Replies, 2,323 Views) by Berna
filmimin sonu bir hüsran // My film's ending is a disappointment that's correct and you can also translate like 'my film has an unhappy ending'
bu rol bana göremiydi // was this role for me?/was...
Thread: Sancak - Ben de Yalancıyım (3 Replies, 9,251 Views) by Berna
ahhh bebe how many mistakes you made, you should have asked for my help :P I LOVE YOU MY HUSBAND <3
Thread: olur ya bazen (2 Replies, 4,927 Views) by Berna
Olur ya bazen sarar tüm bedenimi akşamın karası.
perchance sometimes the darkness of the night covers all my body
Birden bire hüzün çöker belkide hicran yarası.
suddenly the sorrow falls down,...
Thread: Hande Yener - Kal Kal (3 Replies, 2,466 Views) by Berna
Don't mention it ^^
Thread: Hande Yener - Kal Kal (3 Replies, 2,466 Views) by Berna
Kal Kal Stay Stay
Kötü bir an için hemen mahvoldum deme
don't say that you're destroyed at once for a bad moment
Dalga geç hayatla, kalma kendi kendine
make fun with the life, don't stay...
Thread: Can someone please translate lyrics of "Nedendir" to English please. THANK YOU :) (4 Replies, 3,282 Views) by Berna
lol i had already translated this song in a private message, now s/he has double translation..Good job ercu :)
Thread: i need translation to " Aşkın Olmasa-Gökhan Kırdar" (1 Replies, 6,664 Views) by Berna
Aşkın Olmasa Döner Miyim Bir Başıma,
if your love doesn't exist, do i turn round all alone?
Olmasa An Durur Zaman Gelir
if it doesn't, the moment stops, time comes
Aşkın Olmasa Güneş Donar Ay...
Thread: İlhan şeşen-Beni aldatma (3 Replies, 2,837 Views) by Berna
Yaşamın bir anlamı olmalı
Life should have a meaning
Senden başka benden başka
other than you, other than me
Bana görünmeli sende olmalı
it should seem to me, it should be in you
Sevginin bir...
Thread: Please translate this song "Nayino" to English for me (6 Replies, 17,279 Views) by Berna
This is obviously Turkish, just with another dialect
Gece gökte yildizlarda
at night, in the sky, at the stars
Dinleyun dertlerumi
listen to my sorrows
Yarde iman kalmadi hoy nayino
Thread: Sezen aksu (AH ISTANBUL) (1 Replies, 3,503 Views) by Berna
Thread: Alejandra Guzmán - Día De Suerte on english please (2 Replies, 4,656 Views) by Berna
Dia de suerte-Lucky Day
tengo un pobre corazón que aveces se rompio , se apago
I have a poor heart which sometimes is broken, fades away
pero nunca se rindio..
but never gives up
Thread: Safiye Soyman- Bu fasulye7.5 lira (2 Replies, 4,319 Views) by Berna
LOL Amnah, i don't know where from you are finding these funny, weird old folk songs :D
bu fasulye yedi buçuk lira
This bean is 7,5 liras
Bu fasulye 7, 5 lira
this bean is 7,5 liras
Thread: Selim Gülgören - Cennet (5 Replies, 7,563 Views) by Berna
not at all :)
Thread: Özlem Tekin - Aslan Yarim * (5 Replies, 8,296 Views) by Berna
I liked her cover for this old folk song :)
Aslan Yarim-My Brave Lover
Hey on beşli on beşli,
hey quinzieme, quinzieme/fifteen-year-old
Tokat yolları taşlı,
the roads of Tokat are rocky...
Thread: Selim Gülgören - Cennet (5 Replies, 7,563 Views) by Berna
Hani fani bu hayat ümit bağlayamam
so this life is mortal, i can't set my hopes on
olmadı diye oturup ağlayamam
i can't sit and cry thinking that it didn't work
gönlü geniş...
Thread: Dejarte de amar ENG+SPA --> TUR Please ! (6 Replies, 3,517 Views) by Berna
Güzel çeviri ercüment :) yalnız bu cümleyi İspanyolca'dan çevirdiğimde anlam farklı oluyor..Solo nos quedó dolor flotando en el silencio : Bize yalnızca sessizlikte dolaşan/yüzen (floating) acı kaldı
Thread: Nazlı - Beni Sevme (3 Replies, 2,838 Views) by Berna
This is not a translation exactly, rather my own questions about these lyrics. Imagine question marks after almost every line, because I'm not sure for most of them. But maybe some answers will make...
Thread: eylem aktaş "dalgakıran" (1 Replies, 3,650 Views) by Berna
aşk herkesi kırar biraz
Love hurts everyone a little bit
eksilmesin acısı şükret
be thankful so that its pain won't go down
varsın ağlasın dalda kiraz
let it be, let cherry cry in branch
Thread: Paso el tiempo ESP+ENG -> TUR please ! (4 Replies, 2,485 Views) by Berna
Don't mention it, i'm watching it right now :D
Thread: Paso el tiempo ESP+ENG -> TUR please ! (4 Replies, 2,485 Views) by Berna
Hola, seviedo..tanto tiempo sin verte aqui y traducirte una canción:)
Belanova - Paso el tiempo
Paso el tiempo en mi habitación / I watch the time go by in my room
Zamanımı odamda geçiriyorum...
Thread: Cem Adrian & Halil Sezai - Nereye Gidiyorsun (2 Replies, 15,813 Views) by Berna
Gölgeni ismini sil yavaş yavaş
erase your shadow, your name slowly
Giderken bu kentten tükür yüzüne yalnızlığının
while going away from this city, spit to the face of your loneliness