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Thread: L'etoile d'or - Camino Del Sol (4 Replies, 10,822 Views) by Dhani Ramírez
L'Étoile d'Or
J'ai largué mes frêles amarres
Et je pars pour une odyssée
Où le soleil sera mon phare
D'ouest en est, soir au matin
Je reste fidèle à son chemin
Qui me dispense d'autres...
Thread: Hi can anyone help me (2 Replies, 6,224 Views) by Dhani Ramírez
Hi I need the lyrics of the French version of HeartBreaker by Mia Martina
Thread: Hi can anyone help me (0 Replies, 2,841 Views) by Dhani Ramírez
Hi I need the lyrics of the French version of HeartBreaker by Mia Martina
here's the video