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Thread: Giorgio Moroder featuring Joe Esposito - "A Love Affair" (1983) (1 Replies, 5,099 Views) by pianoman74
This is from the Solitary Men album, and they cranked up the reverberation so much, that I am just having a hard time to understand the words. Maybe that's what they liked in '83; but with today's...
Thread: Sultana - Vahşi Doğu (4 Replies, 3,495 Views) by pianoman74
Sorry for exhuming this again, but could it be this is about a woman rather than a man?
Your translation (albeit pretty well done) always uses the "he" pronoun, whereas I remember that in...
Thread: [SOLVED] Danish 80's pop tune female voice, please ID (3 Replies, 3,985 Views) by pianoman74
News, so it is Danish THANK YOU! I was looking all over for a solo artist!
Thread: A song with lyrics Amore Amore in the chorus (12 Replies, 34,611 Views) by pianoman74
Well, "Legende" by Gipsy Kings is not a song I would ever call "happy"... :unsure_fun:
Thread: A song with lyrics Amore Amore in the chorus (12 Replies, 34,611 Views) by pianoman74
Gipsy Kings - "Legende" ?
Thread: [SOLVED] Danish 80's pop tune female voice, please ID (3 Replies, 3,985 Views) by pianoman74
Hey there,
I too need some help of you guys again...
The similarity of DK and NO just make it impossible for me to keep these two languages...
Thread: Looking for this pop rock song around 1980 ("Get Out"?) (1 Replies, 1,543 Views) by pianoman74
Hey there,
this is from a set of two songs I got e-mailed by a user from another forum, one of which I solved by myself. This second one, due to its lyrics not overly distinct, made it hard for...
Thread: Wenche Myhre - Man får ta det som det kommer (1970) [Swedish] (0 Replies, 1,793 Views) by pianoman74
Hey there,
I actually think that especially in German-speaking countries, Norwegian singer Wenche Myhre has too often been branded a "schlager singer". However, those who look over the rim will...
Thread: Looking for two songs, could someone help please (3 Replies, 1,682 Views) by pianoman74
At least for Song #1 I found a short sample on an ancient though still existent forum thread.
This is it:
Then I had the not-so-bad idea of...
Thread: Question: Liu Fang (劉芳) - There seem to be two in music? (0 Replies, 2,754 Views) by pianoman74
Hey there,
since Chinese/Japanese/Korean section unfortunately does NOT have a chit-chat subforum for discussion of other topics (unlike Turkish, which does have that), the only way will be to...
Thread: 80's French house/dance song (6 Replies, 7,551 Views) by pianoman74
Yeah! Not a bad guess. Guesch Patti would be "too rock" I guess ;)
And .. uh .. if the OP just misheard the lyrics (due to being so hard to hear because of the distortion effect) it could even be...
Thread: Old German recording (5 Replies, 2,762 Views) by pianoman74
Don't mention it :) Especially because they will not effect in anything by 'googling' them...
Thread: 80's song ID, maybe Asian language (0 Replies, 2,642 Views) by pianoman74
This ... could be Korean.
Unfortunatly the only thing I have is this snippet:
Please, if possible, don't go posting lyrics bits "you think that...
Thread: Italian song to id (2 Replies, 2,762 Views) by pianoman74
Thanks for the credits (or "props", as the hip-hoppers say).
As I always say, they always come back. User A (member of forum X) picks 'em up from User B, who is member of forum Y. Eventually, nobody...
Thread: Old German recording (5 Replies, 2,762 Views) by pianoman74
Thanks Tahira.
Although I could have had a go first on this, I thought it's better to let you do the first step, for it's usually those very fragments of yours that I can't make out, giving me the...
Thread: Song presumably from the 90s (9 Replies, 3,630 Views) by pianoman74
"Video not available"
Hmm, does that mean you've found the song meanwhile?
Thread: Please identify this 80s or early 90s ballad tune (female singer, smooth voice) (6 Replies, 5,613 Views) by pianoman74
Many thanks for your effort! I must say I'm not a role model when it comes to updating expired URLs - probably because the finding of these songs isn't so top priority for me ATM. (Which also shows...
Thread: Old German Pop song (7 Replies, 3,627 Views) by pianoman74
You bet it's the former! (Song from 1930s/1940s)
Since the original post says '78s, so shellacs, and they were way outdated in the mid-1960s. :)
Thread: 90s song that contains "star" in lyrics (3 Replies, 10,554 Views) by pianoman74
totally out of the blue
Pharao - There Is A Star
eurodance tune from around 1994 which got nearly overplayed in European dance radio stations back then
Thread: Any 80's Club/Disco song expert please !! (5 Replies, 4,303 Views) by pianoman74
Well I've heard it many times "come on, that was posted 6 years ago, so it's certainly not worth the trouble".
WRONG. It actually IS.
Because even after a decade, other people searching for the...
Thread: Need help Identifying! (3 Replies, 1,251 Views) by pianoman74
This could be almost anything. FWIW, I remember a 90s song that fits into the description: "If I Could" by Anne Clark (with Ida Baalsrud on violin).
Thread: I've been after this song for years! (7 Replies, 5,285 Views) by pianoman74
Would even exclude "Would You..." by Touch & Go, which is yet another one that mainly consists of this jazzy trumpet/sax stuff. And yes, it IS up-tempo.
Thread: Song presumably from the 90s (9 Replies, 3,630 Views) by pianoman74
Does this happen to be "The Look" by Roxette? :D (I got some certain doubts, though...;))
Thread: SOLVED : Wurlitzer song 1980-1986 : "Baby turn off the lies" Please help :-) (17 Replies, 5,888 Views) by pianoman74
A good catch, as well. I think we can agree on the fact that the singer/band must be a non-native English speaker, since the phrasing and the overall use/arrangement of words feels a bit foreign (at...
Thread: country by country (2 Replies, 2,941 Views) by pianoman74
Well, let me dig out this ancient thread again, to tell you that there was a new submission with this album on Discogs just a little time ago, see
Thread: Can you help me identify this 80s/early 90s song? (4 Replies, 2,458 Views) by pianoman74
I agree, but in the louder parts, the singer truly has got some decent Bono/U2 flavor . :)
Thread: Help identifying song? (3 Replies, 3,404 Views) by pianoman74
your "Czech" band is from Århus, Denmark :)
By the way, if you had put this on a worn-out tape, and said you recorded it in 1981/82, I would have gladly believed it :D
However, incredibly...
Thread: help recognizing a turkish song :) (3 Replies, 3,117 Views) by pianoman74
Ah OK, you're right I had missed the fact there was a 'r' before the 'ş' (looking like a 'v' in that 'gifted' hand, btw, lol). This changes the meaning, obviously.
Thread: SOLVED : Wurlitzer song 1980-1986 : "Baby turn off the lies" Please help :-) (17 Replies, 5,888 Views) by pianoman74
By the way, you can not only "turn off the LIES" but also "turn off the LIGHTS".
Thread: Shakira - Loca (9 Replies, 22,322 Views) by pianoman74
And a question to all Spanish speakers:
Could this be a DIALECT she sings in?
It does not sound like the common castellano you'd hear in European cities like Madrid, Valencia or Valladolid at...
Thread: Shakira - Loca (9 Replies, 22,322 Views) by pianoman74
Definitely! In English it's much more pointless "This girl is crazy" like some crazy dancer or something, so just crazy for fun. But in the Spanish version, the message and the meaning of the...
Thread: SOLVED : Wurlitzer song 1980-1986 : "Baby turn off the lies" Please help :-) (17 Replies, 5,888 Views) by pianoman74
Nah! Missing Persons not a in a million years. I know their stuff quite well.
Thread: Does anyone know the name of this song?? (8 Replies, 2,311 Views) by pianoman74
Hardly, because I can't seem to think of any Sting song whose lyrics hasn't yet been transcribed :)
I was merely saying the voice timbre is very close to his's.
Thread: few songs to name, pop from 80's (8 Replies, 2,587 Views) by pianoman74
If my language detector is still working correctly, could it be that the first song is in JAPANESE?
Language is definitely NOT English, that's for sure.
Thread: Please identify this 80s or early 90s ballad tune (female singer, smooth voice) (6 Replies, 5,613 Views) by pianoman74
None of the above, no. I'm sorry.
Thread: SOLVED: Please help me find this song! (17 Replies, 10,093 Views) by pianoman74
* standing ovations *
Thread: Does anyone know the name of this song?? (8 Replies, 2,311 Views) by pianoman74
sounds very much like Sting, the singing too
Thread: Please identify this 80s or early 90s ballad tune (female singer, smooth voice) (6 Replies, 5,613 Views) by pianoman74
Hey there,
here's another of the never-solved-to-this day kind. Sample was posted somewhere else many years ago, and nobody has ever managed to nail it down.
For what I can say, the voice reminds...
Thread: Please Help identify this VERY obscure song about gadaffi ~1980s (3 Replies, 1,607 Views) by pianoman74
yet another two ideas:
Thread: SOLVED : Wurlitzer song 1980-1986 : "Baby turn off the lies" Please help :-) (17 Replies, 5,888 Views) by pianoman74
Could as well be a song penned by ABBA guys Bjorn & Benny. Seriously. You could utterly imagine the two girls sing on top of the backing groove.
Thread: 80s french pop, uptempo, male singer? (14 Replies, 9,792 Views) by pianoman74
UN GRAND MERCI to stefanto, as the French say!
You're fantastic. I was not sure if you would be able to get the song with such few known things at hand.
But these forums have been known to make...
Thread: Can anyone tell me the name of this Song!?!?! (15 Replies, 5,010 Views) by pianoman74
Sorry for OT, but you can (unfortunately) strike zshare from your list now. It's dead. (R.I.P.)
Thread: [SOLVED] Girl that whispers in non-English language (French?) (3 Replies, 9,534 Views) by pianoman74
talkin' about this all-time 1960s classic "Je T'aime (moi non plus)" by Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin ?
Does not seem to fit into your time-frame, but WTH :D
Thread: SOLVED: 28 years of searching (15 Replies, 6,698 Views) by pianoman74
good catch :) nothing wrong with it
Thread: Solved: 90s, Dream Pop Female Singer. I AM DESPERATE. (28 Replies, 12,399 Views) by pianoman74
Cocteau Twins? Well, now I see clearer, thanks.
Thread: Please ID this 80s pop rock tune (Australian) (3 Replies, 2,464 Views) by pianoman74
Thanks a lot to the both of you, Mixalopoulos and wurzlsepp!
I had missed this one. Nailed, and case closed.
Thread: Shakatak - "Down On The Street" (7'' version) - background chorus? (2 Replies, 3,177 Views) by pianoman74
Yup, and it always makes you want to take out the VINYL and listen to the real thing, non-overcompressed! :)
In any case, thanks not only for stopping by but also for your confirmation. as well...
Thread: 80s mystery pop/wave tune (Scandinavian language perhaps?) (2 Replies, 3,670 Views) by pianoman74
Thanks a lot for your efforts, that's really miles clearer now (and yes, the low freq were just a little too much...).
Thread: SOLVED: 28 years of searching (15 Replies, 6,698 Views) by pianoman74
Well I can clearly hear an Eastern European accent with the guys singing on the OP's sample. Hence, a duo from Poland (or the former East Bloc) may still be probable. It may be a good idea to ask on...
Thread: Looking for song title/artist. Have some details. Please help? (8 Replies, 3,446 Views) by pianoman74
Whew, we're getting closer. Some goth-style influence perhaps, too? With a spoonful of industrial maybe even?
Tiamat? Project Pitchfork?
Come to think of it, Die Krupps would also not be a bad...