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Thread: Found it - Fio Maravilha (0 Replies, 2,493 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Several years ago there was a thread where the member posted several songs or clips of them. 1 song, which was French, was familiar to me bcz it received a lot of airplay. I remembered it from the...
Thread: Decypher Song Part (2 Replies, 8,549 Views) by Music Lover 2010
You have the words right.
Thread: Name of the song in the background of movie (7 Replies, 10,800 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Sounds like it might be part of the score.
Thread: Help translate my rap into French! (2 Replies, 16,684 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Wrong. The -er and the é all sound like [ɪ], which is like the 'i' in the English 'pin'. And for that matter, the letter 'a' at the beginning or middle of a word is usually [æ], the letter 'o' is...
Thread: Universal Production Music - Simple Repetitive Tense Piano Track (2 Replies, 11,870 Views) by Music Lover 2010
You might be able to contact Universal about it.
Thread: Old song with „Lucky” reapeating continuously in lyrics (3 Replies, 13,147 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Unless it's: I should be so lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, I should be so lucky in love, by Kylie Minogue.
Thread: help "remember me" song.... (6 Replies, 18,233 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Sounds like it might be 'Do Lord, oh do Lord, oh do remember me, away beyond the blue,' which is a gospel song, and your Anita Bryant might be Anita Kerr, who is the performer, actually performers.
Thread: Two French Pop songs? (2 Replies, 9,947 Views) by Music Lover 2010
The 1st is Musique by France Gall from May, '77, music and lyric by Michel Berger. The 2nd is J'ai rencontré l'homme de ma vie by Diane Dufresne.
Thread: French Nostagia Medley (2 Replies, 13,510 Views) by Music Lover 2010
That's it alright. Thanks so much.
Thread: Neapolitan song. (1 Replies, 37,228 Views) by Music Lover 2010
This is the Neapolitan lyric.
Pesca d'ammore (o Pesca d'amore)
O pescatore in faccia re lo mare
che è comme 'st'uocchie ca tu tiene 'n fronte
de seta tengo certe rezze pronte
che ddinto agli...
Thread: Help identify a song (possibly in German) (1 Replies, 40,898 Views) by Music Lover 2010
The site is gone.
Thread: Please help identify this Italian song (1 Replies, 40,762 Views) by Music Lover 2010
The link doesn't work.
Thread: '64 French version of Swinging on a Star (1 Replies, 14,935 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Forgot to update. I found it. It's by Richard Anthony, and it's called A toi de choisir.
Thread: French Nostagia Medley (2 Replies, 13,510 Views) by Music Lover 2010
A French nostalgia song from the '70s incorporating a medley of golden oldies by a male singer. It's a pretty fast song. I've been looking for it for some time now, and I can't find it through a...
Thread: French to English: Jeane Manson - Les larmes aux yex (1 Replies, 20,375 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Her it is. I used DeepL to translate it and made the corrections.
-You're doing well?
-It's going OK... and you?
-Me? ... I'm doing OK!
You have tears in your eyes
And I have tears in my...
Thread: 2 songs to ID in this video (4 Replies, 7,196 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Thanks. Yes, it sounded like it was from Grease.
I listened to a full version of Blue n it's certainly 1 I heard before, but I somehow didn't remember the title nor performers, n I didn't...
Thread: 2 songs to ID in this video (4 Replies, 7,196 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Thanks a lot for the 1st song. Does EDM mean electron-dense matter (lol) or Euro-dance music or something else? I'm a big fan of Euro-dance. I may have been inaccurate about the 2nd song. It starts...
Thread: French Pop song? (2 Replies, 65,135 Views) by Music Lover 2010
It says 'le soleil, la pluie, et la poussière rompu'. But I don't know the song nor the performer.
Thread: 2 songs to ID in this video (4 Replies, 7,196 Views) by Music Lover 2010
At 4:40 and 10:30 in ByeBye Collège Laval 2013 by Julia Webb on You Tube.
Thread: Jeep Wrangler (0 Replies, 23,356 Views) by Music Lover 2010
The commercial now playing with part of the lyric that sounds like 'will the world one day ever be mine?'
Thread: 50s male singer (2 Replies, 6,322 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Great song, 1st time I hear it.
Thread: Solved - What's this song in English? (1 Replies, 5,352 Views) by Music Lover 2010
OK, I found it, it was, indeed, from Cabaret. I looked in my book Hollywood Musicals and tere was a list of songs from it, and 'Willkommen' rang a bell, so then I listened to it on You Tube, and...
Thread: Solved - What's this song in English? (1 Replies, 5,352 Views) by Music Lover 2010
In case the link doesn't work, it's called Borsalino and it's by les Parisiennes from '70. It sounds so familiar n like an English song , maybe from...
Thread: 70s Easy Listening (1 Replies, 29,146 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Could you provide it so that one doesn't have to create an account?
Thread: Recent Foreign Song On American Radio? Amor or Amore (1 Replies, 43,750 Views) by Music Lover 2010
You might try Romina Power (Tyrone Power's daughter) and Al Bano, but they're not so recent.
Thread: Elite Singles Song (0 Replies, 30,744 Views) by Music Lover 2010
What is the song in the Elite Singles TV commercial?
Thread: Who sings ?? (1 Replies, 1,613 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Contact the Fox Crime Network. They might have that info.
Thread: Does anybody know this French song? (4 Replies, 55,438 Views) by Music Lover 2010
It's now on You Tube. Btw, she's one of my faves, n I saw their marriage on TV in '70.
Thread: beautiful song..what is it called? (2 Replies, 44,330 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Love Me With All Your Heart in English.
Thread: French song - I believe it's a well known one but cannot work out the lyrics (1 Replies, 42,707 Views) by Music Lover 2010
What video?
Thread: possibly french song (1 Replies, 39,964 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Could be female singer version of the Spanish song Ay, Ay, Ay, which was done in English by E. Humperdicnk in '67 as How Near is Love?, or Cielito Lindo.
Thread: PLEASE HELP! unknown french song. (9 Replies, 72,680 Views) by Music Lover 2010
It's probably Un Homme et une femme, like Tulip said.
Thread: Old French waltz- accordion music (1 Replies, 42,358 Views) by Music Lover 2010
It's Under Paris Skies (Sous le ciel de Paris) or it sounds very much like it.
Thread: Sweet dreaming of you (3 Replies, 3,714 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Thanks a lot. Unfortunately, these You Tube videos aren't available, but I found it on Sound Cloud, but it's a remix, not the original. I found another great song by him at Shazam. Unfortunately,...
Thread: Sweet dreaming of you (3 Replies, 3,714 Views) by Music Lover 2010
I found the song, so you can hear it, but it's still not identified and the singer isn't either. There is no contact information for the production co.
Thread: SOLVED:Please help identify background song from this youtube video (4 Replies, 1,899 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Sounds really great, but I don't know it.
Thread: Documentary opening song identification (2 Replies, 29,781 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Possibly a piece by Rimsky-Korsakoff. You might try contacting the production company.
Thread: Title of the music used for this commercial? (1 Replies, 28,309 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Great song. Maybe it was written for the ad. You might contact the company.
Thread: Can someone please translate this french message into english (2 Replies, 22,386 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Actually, it should bespelled 'vas' and 'simplifier.'
Thread: French Music (3 Replies, 16,928 Views) by Music Lover 2010
I would recommend France Gall, Muriel Dacq, Alizée, Dalida, Françoise Hardy, Gilbert Bécaud, Julien Clerc, Sylvie Vartan, Chantal Pary, Renée Martel, Michèle Richard, Michèle Torr.
Thread: "Pas bien dans sa vie" by Michele Torr (2 Replies, 17,349 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Actually you just have to find the lyric on the Internet (title+paroles), copy it and paste it to Google Translate or something similar.
Thread: Trumpet Thing - Deeper (2 Replies, 20,457 Views) by Music Lover 2010
The words are too hard to make out very well, and it sounds like it's a strange lyric, but I think it says:
It's a worm hole.
The sun of the proud mountain.
It's a little vale that foams with...
Thread: Sweet dreaming of you (3 Replies, 3,714 Views) by Music Lover 2010
These are the only words I remember, which might be the title. It's by a male singer. It was regularly played on WHIP 1350 AM Mooresville,NC way back when, apparently a country song. I called the...
Thread: '64 French version of Swinging on a Star (1 Replies, 14,935 Views) by Music Lover 2010
It's done by a male singer with probably a boy n styled after the Big Dee Irwin and Little Eva version from a year earlier. I don't remember the French title nor the French performers so I can't...
Thread: 1 Song to ID (7 Replies, 3,112 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Thanks to all of you for ur responses.
Thread: 1 Song to ID (7 Replies, 3,112 Views) by Music Lover 2010
"Shoot Me Down" by the Vinewood Rollers sounds like it might be it, but it should have the line, "Ur gonna shoot, shoot, shoot me down."
Thread: 1 Song to ID (7 Replies, 3,112 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Thread: A funny song for French Speakers (1 Replies, 18,794 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Essentially he's saying that he saw the guy's mother on a website called Chat Roulette.
Thread: 1 Song to ID (7 Replies, 3,112 Views) by Music Lover 2010
Neither 1. I don't remember when it's from, maybe the '70s.
Thread: 1 Song to ID (7 Replies, 3,112 Views) by Music Lover 2010
An update on my thread "2 Songs to ID" from 4 yrs. ago. I found the 1st one last year. It was When the World Belongs to You by the Coronados in '68 n Love is for the 2 of Us by Sandy Shaw in '71, n...