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Thread: mahar fayez translation please (0 Replies, 3,855 Views) by linkin85ale
مع كل طلعة حق في يوم والأية بتشقشق راح أقوم
وأقول ليأسي لأ اليوم أكيد هكون واحد تاني
إلهي قادر يحييني ويعديني من الموت بأمان
ويشفي نفسي ويرفعني ويشجعني ورجع فرحان
إلهي قادر يغسلني ويحررني...
Thread: n (0 Replies, 1,143 Views) by linkin85ale
مع كل طلعة حق في يوم والأية بتشقشق راح أقوم
وأقول ليأسي لأ اليوم أكيد هكون واحد تاني
إلهي قادر يحييني ويعديني من الموت بأمان
ويشفي نفسي ويرفعني ويشجعني ورجع فرحان
إلهي قادر يغسلني ويحررني...
Thread: can someone translate this please ? (2 Replies, 2,652 Views) by linkin85ale
thank you so much hob :) you are very kind thanks for helping us :)
Thread: can someone translate this please ? (2 Replies, 2,652 Views) by linkin85ale
لما بفكر في الشمس والنجوم
السماء والأرض الهواء والميه وكل الكون
مش باقدر أفهم ازاي دول صنع ايديك
بأمرك الكل صار وأصبح ليك
لكن الأصعب فهمه ازاي بتبص لي
ازاي بكل عظمتك دي بتفكر في
شايف كل لحظة...
Thread: Don Omar - Soledad (1 Replies, 6,702 Views) by linkin85ale
she got tired of cry
and she condemned her heart in a cell
to protect it from love
she is never close to the danger
she sentenced herself
to the loneliness an eternal life
she refused to all...
Thread: translation please :) (0 Replies, 1,286 Views) by linkin85ale
(يا نهر النعم الفياض إن جفت أرض الإنسان
ترويها بفيض الأمجاد بالنعمة في أرض الإيمان)2
1- (عطشي لحبك ما يرويه إلا النبعة إللي بتعطيه
قلبي إشتاق لك وإنت ماليه يعطش لك ويقول عطشان)2
2- (مهما إن...
Thread: Can someone please translate 2 english Romeo Santos Eres Mia (2 Replies, 21,662 Views) by linkin85ale
they told me your boyfriend is boring
that you are like fire and he is like ice
your friend told me he is jealous and he doesn't want me to be your friend
he has second thoughts I'm a pirate and...
Thread: I love you my god Maher Zain احبك ربي ماهر زين (3 Replies, 4,021 Views) by linkin85ale
thank you so much aila <3 :D
Thread: بالدموع يارب كلمتك translate this lyrics please (4 Replies, 4,155 Views) by linkin85ale
thank you so much Gole yas, <3 <3 i am happy to see you again :D welcome back :D
Thread: بالدموع يارب كلمتك translate this lyrics please (4 Replies, 4,155 Views) by linkin85ale
بالدموع يارب كلمتك
بالدموع يا رب أنا عاهدتك
يا من قبلت الموت من أجلي
ها عيناي خذها و كذا قلبي
عيناى بالدموع قد امتلأت
نفسي من الأوجاع قد انسكبت
بالخطايا يا رب عاملتك
Thread: I love you my god Maher Zain احبك ربي ماهر زين (3 Replies, 4,021 Views) by linkin85ale
أحبك إني أحبك
وتعرف عني سري و علني
تعرف عني سري و علني
بعقلي و قلبي .. أحبك ربي
أحبك ربي أحبك
أحبك اني أحبك
Thread: El Perdedor(bachata) (2 Replies, 4,026 Views) by linkin85ale
Qué más quieres de mí
What more do you want from me
Si el pasado está a prueba de tu amor
If the past is proof of your love
Y no tengo el valor
and I have no the courage
De escapar para...
Thread: Qadeesa Barbara - Ha salah el tawbah fi shofti (2 Replies, 1,398 Views) by linkin85ale
oh thank youuuuuuu :D you are very kind thanks for helping me <3 <3
Thread: Qadeesa Barbara - Ha salah el tawbah fi shofti (2 Replies, 1,398 Views) by linkin85ale
ها صلاة التوبة في شفتي وصراخ من عمق الاحشاء
يتفجر يتقد لهيبا ينتشر في كل الارجاء
يا الهي دعوتك انجدني برئني واشفني من الداء
ابليس ربطني بقيود وجعلني عبد الاشياء
فلتكسر شوكته ربي من مثلك...
Thread: Can someone please translate 2 english Romeo Santos Cancioncitas de Amor (1 Replies, 7,851 Views) by linkin85ale
Your official love station.
Baby baby how long can I wait for you.
from this day I hate the radio stations
because they only play love songs
songs that tell perfect stories
Maybe these...
Thread: Can someone please translate 2 english Romeo Santos ft. Marc Anthony Yo Tambien (1 Replies, 7,854 Views) by linkin85ale
Romeo Santos]
Who are you
To brag and boast, it's better you ask her
Who is the man who takes her to the stars?
which one of us made her feel like a woman
[ Marc Anthony ]
Who are you to...
Thread: Can someone please translate 2 english Romeo Santos Hilito (1 Replies, 13,018 Views) by linkin85ale
Tell the time to forgive
In the years that delay
tell him that months have 30 more days
I need a century, a forgetting pill
Something useful to help me to forget
Without you I have become a...
Thread: Maslob shoofoo (2 Replies, 1,382 Views) by linkin85ale
[QUOTE=LoOlya;1020694]Well, it's a Christian hymn that talks about Crucifixion of Jesus .. :)
oh thank you so much for helping me!!! :D
Thread: Maslob shoofoo (2 Replies, 1,382 Views) by linkin85ale
مصلـوب شـوفـوا يـا بشـر كـرمال ذنـبي يـنـغـفـر
عـريان والجسـم انضـرب والشوك اكليل انـضفـر
بــريء مـع لــص انصـلب مــذلـول.. ومـحـتقــر
كرمالي يـا بشـر
إذا عارف إنـك غـلطان ونـاوي التـوبة من...
Thread: wael kfoury (2 Replies, 2,426 Views) by linkin85ale
shokran geddan geddan ya mavii :)
Thread: Arcangel ft De La Ghetto - Sola (3 Replies, 8,116 Views) by linkin85ale
you´re welcome :) i am sorry for any mistake
Thread: Arcangel ft De La Ghetto - Sola (3 Replies, 8,116 Views) by linkin85ale
Mami yo sé que
baby I know that...
Yo sé que tú te sientes sola
I know you are feeling lonely
Deseándote pasar las horas
you want the hours pass quickly
Y tú no tienes que sentirte así
And you...
Thread: (*) Monitor - Volovan (5 Replies, 6,244 Views) by linkin85ale
we talk (chat) but we don´t know
if this is possible (if there is a hope for us)
trapped in this illusion, my mind flies away in a second
today I need to be sitting from here
and we were both...
Thread: Ayman Kafrouny - Dayes 3la 3salak help me to translate this short conversation (0 Replies, 1,660 Views) by linkin85ale
I need help please, i am learning arabic, so i want to know the meaning of this conversation at minute 1:50- 2:04
Thread: someone can write the lyrics please? I don´t need the translation just the lyrics :) (2 Replies, 2,910 Views) by linkin85ale
oh thank youuuuuuuuuu :D
Thread: Arcángel Contigo Quiero Amores translate to english plz (1 Replies, 21,154 Views) by linkin85ale
Hey baby it´s me
What are you doing?
I'm coming to your home
is your husband there?
he just left 20 minutes ago
come on!
with you, I want loves
Thread: someone can write the lyrics please? I don´t need the translation just the lyrics :) (2 Replies, 2,910 Views) by linkin85ale
Thread: Wisin - Adrenalina ft. Jennifer Lopez, Ricky Martin - Spanish to English translation (3 Replies, 24,450 Views) by linkin85ale
sorry if i made many mistakes, my english is not good, but i really wanted to help :)
Thread: Wisin - Adrenalina ft. Jennifer Lopez, Ricky Martin - Spanish to English translation (3 Replies, 24,450 Views) by linkin85ale
I love when you come to me sexy
and when you transmit me
Your seduction when you are dancing
the fire that your hips has
it can make any man delirious
your body is just adrenaline, is trapping...
Thread: wael kfoury (2 Replies, 2,426 Views) by linkin85ale
translation please :)
Thread: Frankie j - Imposible (1 Replies, 4,464 Views) by linkin85ale
Hace tiempo que escuche
some time ago I heard
alguien que me aconsejo cuídate con el amor
to someone who told me: take care about love
& así yo vi que;
well that I saw,
eras fuerte & yo no ...
Thread: ترانيم سركيس دياربي - اتي اليك يا يسوع (0 Replies, 1,885 Views) by linkin85ale
can someone write the lyrics please??????????
Thread: Preguntale A La Luna - Pacho & Cirilo ft Divino (3 Replies, 3,764 Views) by linkin85ale
you´re welcome :D sorry if I made many mistakes I am not good in english but I want to help :)
Thread: Preguntale A La Luna - Pacho & Cirilo ft Divino (3 Replies, 3,764 Views) by linkin85ale
Ask To The Moon
Sé que te han dicho de mí que estoy bien
I know they tell you that I am fine
no aparento al igual que tu
I pretend so well as you do
no se cómo lo asimilas tan bien
I don´t...
Thread: Naji Osta -Mesh Tabi3i -Video Clip 2013 - ناجي أسطا مش طبيعي فيديو كليب (0 Replies, 2,857 Views) by linkin85ale
Thread: Nassif Zeytoun - Larmik Bbalach / ناصيف زيتون - لرميك ببلاش (0 Replies, 6,796 Views) by linkin85ale
فتّحت عيوني لما شِفتك يا عيوني
جايي تحللي بِعيوني
دِنيتنا بكلّ شَي فيها
شمّيت ورودي إِنتَ
وحلّيت وجودي
حُبّك توَّجلي وعودي
وكِلمتنا لا ما محيها...
Thread: Wael Jassar (Albi W Albak) - وائل جسار (قلبي وقلبك) (5 Replies, 13,576 Views) by linkin85ale
shokran gedan gedan :D I love this song, you make me happy girl :) thanks for helping me, enty tayba ;)
Thread: Wael Jassar (Albi W Albak) - وائل جسار (قلبي وقلبك) (5 Replies, 13,576 Views) by linkin85ale
thank you I will be waiting :D
Thread: Wael Jassar (Albi W Albak) - وائل جسار (قلبي وقلبك) (5 Replies, 13,576 Views) by linkin85ale
Thread: Help (287 Replies, 116,287 Views) by linkin85ale
"SABEN QUE, luego"
" SI NO ME ANIMO A darte el sí, es porque nunca me has dicho que vamos a tener una casa"
"buscarla A VER SI ERES tan...
Thread: Help (287 Replies, 116,287 Views) by linkin85ale
"No, no, PUES QUE BUENO OYE, parece que la compañía de Hernan le hizo bien"
sorry I really tried to help but it´s sooo hard to understand what the man...
Thread: Help (287 Replies, 116,287 Views) by linkin85ale
wow you are pretty good in spanish :)
Thread: Help (287 Replies, 116,287 Views) by linkin85ale
"él ES EN QUIEN no puedo confiar nunca"
"sin INQUIETUDES y remordimientos"
"me enseñaron amar...
Thread: Help (287 Replies, 116,287 Views) by linkin85ale
"porque tú siempre lo has PROCURADO"
"nuestros corazones QUEBRANTADOS, de todos"
"Pero por...
Thread: Help (287 Replies, 116,287 Views) by linkin85ale
wow yo tengo un canal de youtube tambien :D jeje, muy buen canal chico ;)
Thread: Help (287 Replies, 116,287 Views) by linkin85ale
mucho gusto :D yo me llamo Lexa y yo soy de México :) y busque este foro porque estoy aprendiendo árabe y tu?
Thread: Help (287 Replies, 116,287 Views) by linkin85ale
"No estoy seguro que TE LAS HAYA DICHO CON el corazón"
"no puedo creer que SEAS tan cruel"
"Después de QUE A TU LADO VIVÍ LOS Momentos mas hermosos de...
Thread: Help (287 Replies, 116,287 Views) by linkin85ale
momper de donde eres? :)
Thread: Help (287 Replies, 116,287 Views) by linkin85ale
Lolo says " si no lo sabe que lo dice mejor callase VIEJA REVOLTOSA Vayase a casa mejor A HACER SUS QUEHACERES pero no se meta mas"
"es una mujer de BIEN,sí"
"Dios mio todA...
Thread: علمني انتظرك يا رب (1 Replies, 2,207 Views) by linkin85ale