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Thread: Azaz Kaboria (0 Replies, 24,117 Views) by celiadaniele
Could anyone translate this song?
Azaz Kaboria Ahlam (از از كابوريا أحلام)
الاها اها ايه
الاها ايه
انا في اللابوريا
Thread: Weld 3Ami - Zouhir Adha (0 Replies, 22,231 Views) by celiadaniele
Hi, I would like to know the translation of this song:
I didn't find the...
Thread: Rumi - Poem of the Atoms (0 Replies, 21,897 Views) by celiadaniele
I am very unchanted about this melody version of Rumi poem, Poem of the Atoms I:
I have the lyrics in arabic...
Thread: Rumi - Poem of the Atoms (1 Replies, 22,025 Views) by celiadaniele
I am very unchanted about this melody version of Rumi poem, Poem of the Atoms I:
I have the lyrics in farsi...
Thread: Bassam Ayoub - Melaya Laff (3 Replies, 5,606 Views) by celiadaniele
Could anyone translate this song entirely?
Thread: Hakim - Oyouno Nar (2 Replies, 2,714 Views) by celiadaniele
Thanks a lot!
Thread: Ehab Tawfik - Meen (0 Replies, 1,516 Views) by celiadaniele
Hello guys,
Could anyone translate this song? Lyrics down here:
English font: min elly lamma tedi2 fi 3enina nro7lo Allah w negry lih webelshakwa n2ol w nbo7lo Allah elly fate7 bab el ra7ma...
Thread: Hakim - Oyouno Nar (2 Replies, 2,714 Views) by celiadaniele
Hello guys,
could anyone translate and put transliterated lyrics of this songs? Thanks in advance! :*
Thread: Basim Al karbalai - Wade3ony (0 Replies, 2,867 Views) by celiadaniele
Hi guys,
I am researching about shi'ism and a friend said this song tells about the 12 imans of them. Can anyone translate this for me?
Thread: Do you know this historic song? (3 Replies, 2,004 Views) by celiadaniele
That's it, Larosa! You are very clever! Thanks a lot.
Thread: Do you know this historic song? (3 Replies, 2,004 Views) by celiadaniele
A friend told me this video is an old poem from Prophet Mohamad time which became a song. I am very curious about its meaning and also lyrics transliterated. Thanks in advance!
Thread: Mashrou Leila - Lil Watan (0 Replies, 2,851 Views) by celiadaniele
Can you translate this song? :)
غيرنا روض أعاصير ليتحكم بالمصير
ونحن من نسيم منطير ومنرتد على التدمير
Thread: Which song is that? (0 Replies, 1,317 Views) by celiadaniele
Can you help me?
Thread: Mustafa Amar - Law Saalouni [*] (5 Replies, 6,882 Views) by celiadaniele
لو سألوني لو سألوني انت حبيب عيوني انت حبيب عيوني
اييييييييييييييه اووووووووووووووه لو سألوني
لو سألوني انت حبيب عيوني
انت وانا مكتوب لنا اييييييييييييييه اييييييييييييييه غير حبنا
كام سنه...
Thread: Mustafa Amar - Law Saalouni [*] (5 Replies, 6,882 Views) by celiadaniele
Lyrics, please!!!
Thread: Mostafa Amar - Eskenderani (7 Replies, 2,679 Views) by celiadaniele
You're amazing, Larosa! Thanks a lot!
Thread: Mostafa Amar - Eskenderani (7 Replies, 2,679 Views) by celiadaniele
Thanks, Larosa!
But I think a made a mistake, there is another song from him named Eskenderia, but which I was looking for is "Eskandarani", I wrote wrong and now I can't change the title!
Thread: Mostafa Amar - Eskenderani (7 Replies, 2,679 Views) by celiadaniele
Hello guys!
Can anyone get lyrics from this song:
Shukran ktir!!
Thread: Do you know this song? (0 Replies, 2,070 Views) by celiadaniele
Thread: Do you know this song? (2 Replies, 3,061 Views) by celiadaniele
This song is very nice!! I want to know who is the singer and its name!
I wish also this lyrics and translation, if possible. XD
Thread: Unusual Request (2 Replies, 2,190 Views) by celiadaniele
I was thinking if could be possible translate this video:
I wish to understand this interview... :p
Thread: Sa3d Al-Soghayar - El Bortokal (0 Replies, 3,036 Views) by celiadaniele
Please, I need lyrics from this song and also its translation:
Thread: Do you know this song? (3 Replies, 2,020 Views) by celiadaniele
I was looking for this song to download! :p
Now I have a long work to do till I find it!
Thanks for your help!
Thread: Do you know this song? (3 Replies, 2,020 Views) by celiadaniele
I want to know this song's name!!
Thread: Zein Al-Jundi - El Ozubiyya (3 Replies, 2,871 Views) by celiadaniele
Shukran ktir!!
Thread: Zein Al-Jundi - El Ozubiyya (3 Replies, 2,871 Views) by celiadaniele
Hi guys! There is a song usually known through Fairouz's version, named "Bint al Shalabia". But the singer Zein Al-Jundi sings another version of this song, named El Ozubiyya.
You can listen to...
Thread: Turki - Wenah Wenah (4 Replies, 2,500 Views) by celiadaniele
Thanks a lot! Shukran Kathiran!!
Can anyone put arabic phonetic?! *______*
Thread: Lamone Elnass - Faed Mohammed (0 Replies, 2,223 Views) by celiadaniele
Hello guys, I need lyrics transliterated, I've found translation on google:
People condemn me for being in love. It is not my fault that I feel this way.
Because it is my heart that...
Thread: Ayazono (0 Replies, 2,578 Views) by celiadaniele
Weird video! What are they singing? Can anyone translate this?
Thread: Do you know this song? (0 Replies, 1,769 Views) by celiadaniele
I really want to know its singer and its name! Please!
Thread: Ayazzono - Emad Ba3ror (0 Replies, 2,060 Views) by celiadaniele
Can anyone translate this song?!
Video here:
It seems completely lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Thread: Sa3ad el Soghayar - Bel Balady (2 Replies, 6,767 Views) by celiadaniele
I have the translation BUT its from the subtitles of the film it is from-Inner City Story. I don't speak Egyptian Arabic and the subtitles of these films are not always either 100% accurate for...
Thread: Sa3ad el Soghayar - Bel Balady (2 Replies, 6,767 Views) by celiadaniele
bel baladi, el baladi hwa elli hayksab
la orobi wlal gharbi sali 3al nabi teksab
2osr el kalam a7san mn tolo
hatshof el ra2s 3ala osolo
w 7yat de el ne3ma ma hate2dar teghamd...
Thread: Bathaddak - Natacha Atlas (1 Replies, 3,274 Views) by celiadaniele
Thread: Bathaddak - Natacha Atlas (1 Replies, 3,274 Views) by celiadaniele
Does anyone can translate this song and also put arabic phonetic lyrics?
video here -
Thread: Amani Fi Al Saiid (0 Replies, 1,584 Views) by celiadaniele
Can anyone translate this song?
Thread: Abdel Halim Hafez - Nebtidi mini el Hikaya (4 Replies, 9,667 Views) by celiadaniele
You see that love is just,
Glances, and touches,
But I see that,
The most beautiful words,
Of lovers, my darling,
Is the words comprised of lips.
You see...
Thread: Abdel Halim Hafez - Nebtidi mini el Hikaya (4 Replies, 9,667 Views) by celiadaniele
And we met, you an I,
In our journey, many things
That wounded others.
Jealousy, and it�s worries,
And what happens as a result.
And we met, you an I,
Thread: Abdel Halim Hafez - Nebtidi mini el Hikaya (4 Replies, 9,667 Views) by celiadaniele
And we met, you an I,
In our journey, many things
That wounded others.
Jealousy, and it�s worries,
And what happens as a result.
And we met, you an I,
Thread: Abdel Halim Hafez - Nebtidi mini el Hikaya (4 Replies, 9,667 Views) by celiadaniele
I am looking for lyrics of this song:
I found its translation:
If we were to tell the story,
Where would we begin the tale?
Thread: Bushra - Metgannenah (6 Replies, 3,041 Views) by celiadaniele
Does anyone can put arabic fonetic for this lyrics?
Thread: Bushra - Metgannenah (6 Replies, 3,041 Views) by celiadaniele
No doubt this is time to think about Egypt and its people there!
Out Mubarak!!!
Egypt Free!!!!!
Thread: Aaz El Nas - Abdel Halim Hafez (1 Replies, 4,412 Views) by celiadaniele
Does anyone know this lyris and translation?
Thread: Sou3ad Mohamed - Wahashtini (3 Replies, 12,078 Views) by celiadaniele
Wahashtiny adad nugum is sama
Wahashtiny adad kalam il hauwa
Wahashtiny fi kuli youm
indana indana
Wahashtiny aktar u aktar
Wachna sawa
Taala n'kulli helwa haie taala taala
Taala nawad kulli...
Thread: Turki - Wenah Wenah (4 Replies, 2,500 Views) by celiadaniele
Hi people!
Can you help me? Can you tell me lyrics and translation of this song?
Shukran! :D
Thread: [solved] Do you know this song? (2 Replies, 1,484 Views) by celiadaniele
Shukran jazilan!!
Thread: [solved] Do you know this song? (2 Replies, 1,484 Views) by celiadaniele
I am looking for this song (first at video)!
Does anyone know its name?
Thread: Essam Karika - Boilaika (5 Replies, 2,639 Views) by celiadaniele
shukran kathiran, ya sadiqati!
Thread: Bushra - Metgannenah (6 Replies, 3,041 Views) by celiadaniele
Hello guys and girls!
This video touched me. I guess she is singing for every muslim women who live opressed, but I am not sure, because I need this translation!
At the end she cries... I just...
Thread: do you know this song? (1 Replies, 1,439 Views) by celiadaniele
I am looking for this song:
Does anyone know what its name? :D