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Thread: Νίκος Απέργης - Ένα Κι Ένα New Song 2014 (1 Replies, 3,823 Views) by Neslihan
One plus one
Artist: Nikos Apergis
Song: Ena ki ena
Ena ki ena
Ένα κι ενα κανουν δυο,
δυο κι οι επιλογες
Thread: Aggeliki Iliadi - Oso anapnew (1 Replies, 3,277 Views) by Neslihan
I'll tell you a story thats old and dusty
Υοu and I, in the heavens, tightly embraced
Τell me as you wish how the myths/stories sadly fall apart
Let me just live in a fairy-tale
As long as I...
Thread: Mixalis Xatzigiannis - Genesis to english please (4 Replies, 3,658 Views) by Neslihan
lol you're welcome. Glad you liked it.
Im from Turkey but I speak Greek fluently. :) x
Thread: Mixalis Xatzigiannis - Genesis to english please (4 Replies, 3,658 Views) by Neslihan
Aww... just listened to it. Music is just as great as the lyrics. It's a pity Cyprus never gets the credit they deserve because of god damn politics :(
Thread: Mixalis Xatzigiannis - Genesis to english please (4 Replies, 3,658 Views) by Neslihan
Παράξενη και αλλόκοτη αγάπη
strange and bizarre love
Ελπίδα στον ανέμων το χορό
hope in the dance of the wind
Πανέμορφη θέα στο σταυροδρόμι
Beautiful view at the crossroads
Αρχαίων παντοδύναμων...
Thread: Help: translation of Keskin bicak, Ibrahim tatlises (2 Replies, 4,679 Views) by Neslihan
Geldim yarım, kaldım yarım
I arrived incomplete, I stayed incomplete
Neydi, ne oldu şu tez canım
my impetuous heart, what is was, what it is now
Ertelendim hayattan, sevdim yarım
I got...
Thread: Özgür Akkuş & Gökhan Türkmen (6 Replies, 6,110 Views) by Neslihan
oh yes, sorry my bad! there is supposed to be a 'you' in that sentence.. oupsy!
Thread: (Georgian) Kazim Koyuncu - Didou nana (35 Replies, 29,687 Views) by Neslihan
YES I found it on the internet ALREADY TRANSLATED into TURKISH!!!! and translated it from TURKISH into ENGLISH!!!! (i only understand these two languages. I have no idea what language the song is...
Thread: (Georgian) Kazim Koyuncu - Didou nana (35 Replies, 29,687 Views) by Neslihan
how the f*ck do you expect me to translate a a language i dont know a word of into another language without making any mistakes?!?! Cant you read the msgs above???? Or do you need a glass eye?
Thread: Sezen aksu - töre (2 Replies, 8,464 Views) by Neslihan
Can Per Perişan Eşim Dostum Uyansın
Wake up folks, a life is dishevelled
İmdadımın Vakti Elime Biri Uzansın
Its the time of my calling for a helping hand
Başı dumanım Çare...
Thread: Please English (1 Replies, 1,255 Views) by Neslihan
Çok Sevmiştim Seni
I had loved you alot
Engin bir denize bakar gibi
As if staring at a vast open sea
Sessizliğe bürünür ruhum gözlerinde.
My soul surrounders to the silence in your eyes...
Thread: Χάρις Αλεξίου - Ο τηλεφωνητής (8 Replies, 4,516 Views) by Neslihan
Amethystos you are a very patient man and a good teacher!! I have no idea what you look like but i imagined you as an old and wise man with grey hair and beard ( abit like a prophet) Hence the...
Thread: Why nobody translates this song ? :( O Vangélis - Katerína Papadopoúlou (6 Replies, 1,763 Views) by Neslihan
lol with a vagina of this size... its kinda difficult to concentrate on the baby... lol well then again i guess i just have a dirty mind.. :D i ll stop commenting on your avatar now.. before i get my...
Thread: Χάρις Αλεξίου - Ο τηλεφωνητής (8 Replies, 4,516 Views) by Neslihan
Feistica you have to understand that Greek and English are two different languages and you can not expect literal translation with exact grammer quite simply because what makes sense in greek would...
Thread: Why nobody translates this song ? :( O Vangélis - Katerína Papadopoúlou (6 Replies, 1,763 Views) by Neslihan
lol... if it was yours yours you would be the only person in this forum whose vagina is more publicised and easily recognised than their face!! :)
Thread: Why nobody translates this song ? :( O Vangélis - Katerína Papadopoúlou (6 Replies, 1,763 Views) by Neslihan
ourgh.. with all due respect what kinda avatar is that?? Is that a picture of a vagina ?? showing us all how to pop it out.. lol
Thread: Berkay_Gozlerin (2 Replies, 1,696 Views) by Neslihan
Gözlerimde Hüzün Bulutları
sorrowful rain clouds in my eyes
Yalnızlık Koynumda
loneliness in my bed (in my arms)
Yanımda Olsaydın Sevseydin Beni Keşke Kaldım Bir Başıma
I wish you were next to...
Thread: Χάρις Αλεξίου - Ο τηλεφωνητής (8 Replies, 4,516 Views) by Neslihan
Πήρα εκατό φορές
I called you a hundred times
για να μάθω αν ζεις
to know that you are alive
μου απάντησε που λες τηλεφωνητής.
your voicemail greeting answered (my calls)
Πήρα να σου πω φιλιά...
Thread: Metin Senturk - Sitem translation please (to english) (1 Replies, 2,726 Views) by Neslihan
oh hello Omri!!! We have a lot of Omri's in my family too.. hahaha perhaps we are related! lol lol lol Are you Morrocan??
Here you go...
Vurgun yemiş misali gönlüm tutuldu...
Thread: Sertap Erener ----Bir Damla Gözlerimde on english pleaseee (4 Replies, 6,122 Views) by Neslihan
:) It is an emotional song with nice lyrics. Im glad you liked it. You are very welcome. :)
Thread: Pasxalidis miltiadis - kakes synitheies (3 Replies, 3,099 Views) by Neslihan
Oh thats so sweet. You're welcome! :)
Thread: Pasxalidis miltiadis - kakes synitheies (3 Replies, 3,099 Views) by Neslihan
Από παιδί θυμάμαι προσπαθώ
From childhood I remember, trying
να κλέψω το γλυκό μέσα απ' το βάζο
to snuffle the sweet from the jar
με ξύλινα σπαθιά να πολεμώ
with wooden swords I would make war...
Thread: Sebnem Ferah - Eski (10 Replies, 4,269 Views) by Neslihan
:) oh well i type very fast and its normal to make minor typing mistakes! lol for picking that up!!! lol
Thread: Sebnem Ferah - Eski (10 Replies, 4,269 Views) by Neslihan
κουτσά στραβά τα έμαθα κι εγώ μόνη μου τα Ελληνικά... :) !!! Μ’ αρεσει παρα ΠΟΛΥ η Ελληνική γλώσσα!!! :):);)
Thread: Sertap Erener ----Bir Damla Gözlerimde on english pleaseee (4 Replies, 6,122 Views) by Neslihan
Bir Damla Gözlerimde
A tear in my eyes
Çok geç oldu belkide düşündük taşındık
Perhaps its too late, we thought
Bir çok şeyi birbirimizden sakındık
We held ourselves aloof
Bir şey eksik...
Thread: Roads (1 Replies, 1,853 Views) by Neslihan
We told tales that shouldnt have been told in the daylight. Perhaps we made promises that wouldnt last until the dawn. With the feathers of a dreamy-bird, we craved *love's name into the wind. Now I...
Thread: Sebnem Ferah - Eski (10 Replies, 4,269 Views) by Neslihan
:):)δεν ηξερα οτι ησουν Ελληνας. :) Nαι eχεις δικιο! Η Τουρκικη γλωσσα διαφερει πολu απo την Ελληνικη τοσο στη γραμματική, οσο και στη σuνταξη και στο λεξιλογιο.
Εσυ μαθαινεις Τουρκικα; :O
Thread: Maskott - Yalnız Ben (1 Replies, 1,817 Views) by Neslihan
Bir deste dört renkte
in a deck four colours
Bilinmez hangisi üstte
cant be known which is on top
Yaşarken anlılar solmamki
Will not die whilst the memories are alive
Solduramamki korkusuz dik...
Thread: Sebnem Ferah - Eski (10 Replies, 4,269 Views) by Neslihan
You are very welcome japetus. This song quite a difficult one to get your head around because there are too many inverted sentences. But it is great that you were at least making the effort to try to...
Thread: Sebnem Ferah - Eski (10 Replies, 4,269 Views) by Neslihan
Eski bir hikaye,
and old story
Eski bir ezgi,Var aklimda.
and old melody is on my mind.
Herkes hayattaydi,Bildigim herkes,
back when everybody I know was alive
Hic korku yoktu,Yoktu aklimda,
Thread: Özgür Akkuş & Gökhan Türkmen (6 Replies, 6,110 Views) by Neslihan
lol just listened to it on youtube.. didnt like it.. lol anyway, hope you enjoy :)
Thread: Özgür Akkuş & Gökhan Türkmen (6 Replies, 6,110 Views) by Neslihan
Kayıp Şehir
Lost City
Ben gönlümü bir kere sana verdi
I have given my heart to you once
Ömrümü uğruna heder ettim
I can dissipate my life for your sake
Son durak, liman seni seçtim
I have...
Thread: Χάρις Αλεξίου - Φτάνει φτάνει (11 Replies, 5,774 Views) by Neslihan
Thread: Χάρις Αλεξίου - Φτάνει φτάνει (11 Replies, 5,774 Views) by Neslihan
for gods sakes.. thats enough, enough, enough stop dwelling on it.. pffff
Thread: Pınar Aylin - Birileri Gelse De (TR > EN) (3 Replies, 2,798 Views) by Neslihan
You're welcome :)
Thread: Χάρις Αλεξίου - Φτάνει φτάνει (11 Replies, 5,774 Views) by Neslihan
hello and welcome to the commentators corner.....
Thread: Pınar Aylin - Birileri Gelse De (TR > EN) (3 Replies, 2,798 Views) by Neslihan
Ben dalarım yine
Im staring away blankly again
kanadım kolum oynamaz
my arms, my wings are stagnant
Ah bir küçük çocuk olsaydım
I wish I was a small child
yaptığım suç sayılmaz
what i did...
Thread: Turkish translate free (3 Replies, 1,124 Views) by Neslihan
You are the hero partizanka... lol! Lets 'Turkish translate' free!! :D
Thread: pls help me for translating this Kutsi song (2 Replies, 1,779 Views) by Neslihan
Değer mi
is it worth it?
Nasıl geçtim huzurundan gururundan
how i gave up on your peace and your pride
Buna değer mi
is it worth it?
Seçtiğin yolda bir yolsa bari
and they way you've chosen is...
Thread: Turkish translate free (3 Replies, 1,124 Views) by Neslihan
lol Savas no one seems interested... Kankalarin let you down ey? lol :)
Thread: Marika Ninou-Gennithika gia na pono-Turkish translatation (1 Replies, 4,446 Views) by Neslihan
Γεννήθηκα για να πονώ
Gennithika gia na pono
Aci cekmek icin dogmusum
Γεννήθηκα για να πονώ
Gennithika gia na pono
aci cekmek icin dogmusum
και για να τυραννιέμαι
kai gia na tiranniemai
Thread: greek to english (1 Replies, 1,166 Views) by Neslihan
Hmm when greek poetry mentioned first poem that comes to mind is Cavafy's Ithaca. It is my favourite poem of all time.
When you set out on your journey to Ithaca,
pray that the road is...
Thread: (Georgian) Kazim Koyuncu - Didou nana (35 Replies, 29,687 Views) by Neslihan
lol lol lol
Thread: Karntasia+ Translation & Lyrics (3 Replies, 2,663 Views) by Neslihan
lol like your comment joseph... u r cool! :) :D
Thread: (Georgian) Kazim Koyuncu - Didou nana (35 Replies, 29,687 Views) by Neslihan
and frederico pointlessly restarts the discussions that ended a looog time ago all over again.... pffffffffffffff....... boooorrrrrriiiinnnnnggg!!!!!!
Thread: Funda Arar - Affet (6 Replies, 5,580 Views) by Neslihan
Yok sandıklarım aslında var mıydı hayatta
translates as ' perhaps the things i thought never existed, infact existed in life.' :)
Thread: En guzel gercek ask sarkilar? (2 Replies, 2,758 Views) by Neslihan
Here is one song that I love.. In fact i love it so much that despite his hopeless Turkish pronounciation and voice my parner sings this song for me in every anniversary. Its an amazing love song..
Thread: One Kurdish and one Turkish song - titles unknown - help needed (9 Replies, 3,930 Views) by Neslihan
Its in Kurdish. This the Turkish lyrics translation page. Send it to the miscellaneous lyrics translation, someone might help you there.
Thread: Funda arar-Neyse (3 Replies, 3,028 Views) by Neslihan
You are welcome. :)
Thread: Tanos Petrelis - Timizis kati apo Ellada (12 Replies, 10,154 Views) by Neslihan
you are welcome. How lovely to receive a thank you even after such a long time after i translated this song. btw nice profile pic :)