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Thread: Allah Allah Allah la ilaha illa Allah - Islamic Revolution in Iran (3 Replies, 12,461 Views) by Hanisa
You're welcome:)
Thread: Benyamin Bahadori- Mehdoodiat (3 Replies, 5,201 Views) by Hanisa
You're welcome my dear
I am so glad that I could help you:)
Thread: Mohammad Alizadeh - Shahre Baran (3 Replies, 5,641 Views) by Hanisa
Your welcome
Khahesh mikonam:)
Thread: Allah Allah Allah la ilaha illa Allah - Islamic Revolution in Iran (3 Replies, 12,461 Views) by Hanisa
الله الله الله الله
God God God God
لا اله الا الله
There is no god but God
لا اله الا الله
There is no god but God
الله الله الله
God God God
الله الله الله
God God God
Thread: Mohammad Alizadeh - Shahre Baran (3 Replies, 5,641 Views) by Hanisa
To you and your wife , Hope to help you
منم مثل تو مات این قصه ام
'manam mesle to mat in ghesse am'
I am confounded from this story just like you
تو هم مثل من امشبو دعوتی...
Thread: Benyamin Bahadori- Mehdoodiat (3 Replies, 5,201 Views) by Hanisa
واسه دل بریدن از من
For abandoning me
پی یک بهونه بودی
You were in search of an excuse
تومن رو زدی شکستی
You broke me
شبی که دیونه بودی
That night that you were crazy
خودتو دیونه کردی
Thread: Hossein Zaman--Be to miresam dobareh (2 Replies, 2,853 Views) by Hanisa
Hossein Zaman - I Achieve You Again
فکرِ چشمای تو بودم وقتی که این خونه می سوخت
I was in thought of your eyes when this home was burning
وقتی شب ستاره هاشو به یه ابرِ تیره میفروخت
When night...
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,518 Views) by Hanisa
Man bazi ro didam va vaghean heife vaght . faghat dargiri va khata dasht :D
Thread: Nazi Afshar - Yek Darmiyan یک در میان (1 Replies, 2,089 Views) by Hanisa
Nazi Afshar - Decussate
دلم یه در میون میزنه
My heart beats decussate
آخه یکی واسه من یکی واسه اون میزنه
Because one of it for me the other is for him
دل آهنگ جنون میزنه
Heart plays madness...
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,518 Views) by Hanisa
Go to your dad/mom = Boro pishe bābāt/māmānet
Go to your room = Boro too otāghet
Sit next to you dad/mom = Pishe bābāt/māmānet beshin
Sit down = Beshin
Listen to me = Be man goosh kon
We go...
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,518 Views) by Hanisa
It's not a complete sentence . But If we use if mostly means : Now it's right.
Thread: Sigen - Parie Bandar (4 Replies, 3,747 Views) by Hanisa
Sigen - Bandar's Angle
تو خودوم نشسته بودوم که دیدوم
I sat with myself then I saw
قایقی داره اینوری میاد
A boat comes this way
رفتم ای جاشو این کیه؟
I went & said O Seaman who is she?
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,518 Views) by Hanisa
Here is what you want
Thread: Jahan - Do Seh Shabeh (0 Replies, 3,479 Views) by Hanisa
" Friends request "
دو سه شبه که چشمام بدره
It's two or three night that my look is on door
خدا کنه که خوابم نبره
God helps me I can awake
تو این قفس که زندونه منه
In this cage that is my...
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,518 Views) by Hanisa
My simple heart
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,518 Views) by Hanisa
Hi Denoz
Congratulation .
We'll do everything we can.
Do you mean "eat your food" ?
eat your food = Ghazāt ro bokhor
it is à boy = in yek pesare
Thread: Shahrokh - Mimiram (3 Replies, 3,021 Views) by Hanisa
Shahrokh - I will die
اَگه بی وفـا بشی ،رفیق نیمه راه بشی ،با کـَسی آشنا بشی ،میمیرم
If you become disloyal , become Halfway friend ,Be familiar with someone , I will die
اَگه منو جا بذاری ،رو...
Thread: Soroosh - Bi Ensaf (2 Replies, 2,999 Views) by Hanisa
Soroosh - Unfair!
بی انصاف درک کن ، درک کن احساسم رو
Unfair! Undestand , Understand my feeling
بی انصاف درک کن این قلب حساسم رو
Unfair! Undestand my sensetive heart
می دونی بدون تو می میرم...
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,518 Views) by Hanisa
As pinky-girl said this sentence is for a dialect , almost we can say that this sentence is an Arabic sentence
Thread: Payam - Yeki Peyda Nemishe Asheghe Ma She (2 Replies, 2,755 Views) by Hanisa
Payam - You cant find a person who loves me
یکی پیدا نمیشه عاشق ما شه
You cant find a person who loves me
یه چیزایی رو بگه باور ما شه
That says the things I can believe them
اهل هر مذهب و...
Thread: Ali Takta - Madyoonam Nakon (2 Replies, 2,896 Views) by Hanisa
Ali Takta - Dont make me indebted
mano bebaksh age sade
gozashtam az kenare to
'Forgive me if I passed from you simpely'
taneh zadam be chesmaye
vafadare to ...
'I teased your loyal eyes'...
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,518 Views) by Hanisa
How much do you like Duff pictures ? Add some variety and like some thing different
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,518 Views) by Hanisa
Ta Hala Shode = Is this happen till now?
koma = Coma
Delam Ye Dar Mioon Mizaneh = My heart beats decussate
Thread: Amitis - summer help to translate (1 Replies, 2,518 Views) by Hanisa
Amitis - Summer
چشمات خود تابستونه
Your eyes are the same as summer
گرمات منو می سوزونه
Your heat burns me
قلبم واسه تو می زنه
My heart beats for you
حالم حال تابستونه
My feeling is the...
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,518 Views) by Hanisa
Sare Sazesh = compromise
Thread: Benyamin - '85' Album (71 Replies, 25,920 Views) by Hanisa
It was better that you create a new topic for your request , But :
Benyamin-Also Forget it
هوا بوی نم گرفته
The air smells humidity
دوباره دلم گرفته
Again I feel sad
صدای گریه ی بارون
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,518 Views) by Hanisa
Tannaz = is a name for girls
Tannaz khanoom = Miss Tannaz
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,518 Views) by Hanisa
به واژهای نمیرسی ..
You won't receive to the words
اینجوری پرس و جو نکن ..
Don't search like this
فاصله ها مال منن ..
The distances are mine
تو فاصله نگیر ازم
Don't take distance from me
Thread: Morteza Pashaei - jadeye yek tarafe (6 Replies, 26,730 Views) by Hanisa
Your welcome my friend
Thread: Morteza Pashaei - jadeye yek tarafe (6 Replies, 26,730 Views) by Hanisa
Morteza Pashaei - One-way road
باز دوباره با نگاهت
Again with your looks
این دل من زیرو رو شد
My heart changes
باز سر کلاس قلبم درس عاشقی شروع شد
Again starts lesson of love in my heart...
Thread: Maxiyar - Chi Shode (1 Replies, 2,356 Views) by Hanisa
What happened? Maxiyar
صدای خواب آلود و خستت ، هنوز تو گوشمه
Your sleepy & spent voice , Still is in my ear ( I still hear it)
یادم نمیره هر شب صدام می کردی تند و تند تر می شد، ضربان قلبم
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,518 Views) by Hanisa
Hi there
I came back after about 1 year and my English becomes so weak ( weaker than before)But if I can I like to help people who wants to learn Persian
To ps
Congratulations , Your Persian so...
Thread: Sami Beigi - Boro (6 Replies, 7,802 Views) by Hanisa
I am exactly here .. Because I am studying for Konkour :( also this site in unable (filter) so I can rarely come
(I almost forgot English :D)
I missed you too , dear
My English is not so...
Thread: Sami Beigi - Boro (6 Replies, 7,802 Views) by Hanisa
Sami Beigi - Go
'setare baroon kono'
Make the stars rain
' daghoon kono'
Make me Shatter
'bia halamo degargoon kono'
Come and change my mood
(Then) Go
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,518 Views) by Hanisa
as pinky-girl told we do every thing we can do ;)
You're Welcome :)
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,518 Views) by Hanisa
I didn't understand the second part :confused:. I think it should be " Shayad to bashi"
If it is , the meaning is :
My donkey has lost , Maybe it's you (Means U R a donkey:D)
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,518 Views) by Hanisa
Really I couldn't understand any word of it ...
Thread: Helali - To Ra Didam (3 Replies, 3,717 Views) by Hanisa
When I was translating I was crying too :(
Really the sadness of Karbala won't be old any time .
You're welcome my friend :)
Thread: Helali - To Ra Didam (3 Replies, 3,717 Views) by Hanisa
Helali - I Saw You
'to ro didam ru neize'
I saw you on the spear
'sare neize to budi'
You were on spears
'to ro didam ru be sahra'
I saw you in the desert
'shekaste par to budi'
Your wings...
Thread: question help please (3 Replies, 13,350 Views) by Hanisa
You're welcome :D
Thread: question help please (3 Replies, 13,350 Views) by Hanisa
Can we get more familiar with each other, please?
Thread: BEAUTIFUL SONG !! Begoo - Hamid askari (3 Replies, 3,669 Views) by Hanisa
Khahesh mikonam :)
Thread: BEAUTIFUL SONG !! Begoo - Hamid askari (3 Replies, 3,669 Views) by Hanisa
Say-Hamid askari
'What would I say that it be just like your love?'
'What would I write that it be just like you?'
Thread: Shadmehr aghili - halam avaz mishe - translate to english?? (3 Replies, 9,546 Views) by Hanisa
Behtarini :
Man ageh nabasham...
Thread: Pouya Bayati Lyrics (8 Replies, 8,983 Views) by Hanisa
Calendar Without Spring -Pouya Baiati
'begin bebare baroon'
Tell , rain
'delam havasho karde'
I need it
'begin tamoom shodam man '
Tell , I am finish
'begin ke barnagarde'
Tell that she...
Thread: sami beigi- in eshghe (1 Replies, 7,558 Views) by Hanisa
Here :
Thread: Pouya Bayati Lyrics (8 Replies, 8,983 Views) by Hanisa
You're welcome my friend
Thread: Sami Beigi - In Eshghe (1 Replies, 22,456 Views) by Hanisa
Sami Beigi - This love
baz dobare mizane ghalbet too sine sazamo
'Again your heart in your chest makes my song
too sokootet mishnavi zemzemeye avazamo
'In your loneliness you hear whispers of...
Thread: Pouya Bayati Lyrics (8 Replies, 8,983 Views) by Hanisa
Separation suffering-Pouya Baiati
I am fan of Pouya Baiati , his songs are perfect , But I think the best song is :...
Thread: istambulda sonbahar (3 Replies, 2,873 Views) by Hanisa
I think this lyric is related to Turkey .
You should post this topic in Turkey forum .