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Thread: Can some one translate this to english please? - סטלוס ואורן חן - מפונקת (2 Replies, 174,507 Views) by Sutaris
Here you go!
Mefuneket - Spoiled
at noheget beferari sport im gag shachor
you’re driving in a sport Ferrari with a black roof
jins shel Dolce veGabana sama Kristian Dior
jeans from Dolce...
Thread: Itzik Kala songs (3 Replies, 22,949 Views) by Sutaris
חי למענך (chay l'ma'anech)
I live for your benefit
God guard me,
my princess
I ask in my heart
because you are my day and night
I live for you
I live for your benefit
Thread: Itzik Kala songs (3 Replies, 22,949 Views) by Sutaris
גם באש וגם במים
(gam ba'esh vegam bamayim)
both in the fire and in the water
you're the happiness, you're the beauty, and I loved just you
all my life is in your two hands, my soul
in a holy...
Thread: Sarit Hadad - אותך (1 Replies, 2,731 Views) by Sutaris
Here you go :)
eich ata yodea bi laga’at
how you know to touch me
kshe’ani itcha yotzet mida’at
when I’m with you, I exit from my thought
belibi bo’eret lehava
in my heart burns a flame...
Thread: Sarit Hadad - אור כוכב (1 Replies, 2,886 Views) by Sutaris
Here you go :)
kshe’otcha pagashti kol kach hitragashti
when I met you, I felt like this
kmo mapal zorem balev, kmo chalom mulcha chzoer
like a waterfall flowing in my heart
elokim shalach...
Thread: Sarit Hadad - Mi Amor / אהובי (4 Replies, 4,900 Views) by Sutaris
Well, I tried... The song just doesn't make much sense...
ze hayom ha’idan zot hamoda
this is the day, the moment, this is the fashion
tashcheki kmo kulam et hapoza
play like everyone the pose...
Thread: Sarit Hadad משחק החיים (1 Replies, 3,438 Views) by Sutaris
I lived in silence
And I felt lonely before I knew you
And one crazy night
You came with a longing to love me
I lived alone too
Thousand pieces, my embrace
And yet you came
To give color to...
Thread: שרית חדד - בדד (3 Replies, 4,333 Views) by Sutaris
תודה רבה! :)
כמובן, תשלח לי את השיר ואנסה לתרגם לך
Thread: שרית חדד - בדד (3 Replies, 4,333 Views) by Sutaris
Here you go :)
ani adayin shelcha
I’m still yours
kol kach betucha veyoda’at
so into you and I know
ze mevi li nachat
it brings me pleasure
she’ata mabit be’einay
that you look into my eyes
Thread: Emir - Tutuşmayan Kalmasın (3 Replies, 7,765 Views) by Sutaris
Çok teşekkürler! :)
Thread: Poni - Laj fustanin + Cobanke (6 Replies, 25,058 Views) by Sutaris
I'm pretty sure it's 'he came' or else it had to be erdha and ika...
Thread: Emir - Tutuşmayan Kalmasın (3 Replies, 7,765 Views) by Sutaris
Lütfen, biri bu şarkıyı İngilizceye çevirebilir mi? :)
Yaşanması gerekiyorsa yaşanır
Ne yani şimdi benden çekiniyor musun?
Herkes ne düşünür diye susamam
Ben ne isen oyum
Thread: Poni - Laj fustanin + Cobanke (6 Replies, 25,058 Views) by Sutaris
Well... I tried, although the lyrics are a bit vague...
What are you doing there, daughter, downstream
Wash the dress with my lord
Wash the dress, wash the dress
Oh wash the dress with my lord...
Thread: (hd) רינת בר - חיכיתי לך | הקליפ הרשמי (1 Replies, 3,900 Views) by Sutaris
Here you go :)
Ani kvar lo yoda’at eych ze she’ata holech
Already I don’t know how it is that you’re going
Ve’eych ze she’ata chozer halev sheli shuv mechayech
And how it is that you’re...
Thread: Ruach tzfonit ruach dromit (5 Replies, 3,656 Views) by Sutaris
תודה תודה! :)
Thread: אני לרצות לומדים מילים עברית באותו משמעות (9 Replies, 4,481 Views) by Sutaris
אני יכולתי להפמציא רק את הדוגמה שאתה כבר נתת :)
חשבתי שהו רצה דוגמות של מילים שנכתבות אותו באופן...
Thread: Ruach tzfonit ruach dromit (5 Replies, 3,656 Views) by Sutaris
Here's is the translation :)
Hayom, hayom olim pirchey hagefen
Today, today the flowers of the grapevine rise
Nitzat harimon mul pirchey hatamar
The bud of the pomegranate facing the flowers of...
Thread: אני לרצות לומדים מילים עברית באותו משמעות (9 Replies, 4,481 Views) by Sutaris mean in pronunciation or in writing?
Thread: אני לרצות לומדים מילים עברית באותו משמעות (9 Replies, 4,481 Views) by Sutaris
What do you want to know exactly? ...and please just answer in English :p
Thread: מה שם שיר זה פרסומת סלקום? (2 Replies, 4,579 Views) by Sutaris
מה לך בחוץ ילדה?
ma lach bachutz yalda?
what's there for you outside, girl?
Thread: אייל גולן כשאת איתו (6 Replies, 22,014 Views) by Sutaris
Eyal Golan
Kshe’at ito
When you’re with him
Pit’om halacht mimeni, halach itach gam hachalom
Suddenly you went away from me, with you the dream went too
El bayit rek chazarti, michtav hish’art...
Thread: Rinat bar לילה חגיגה (5 Replies, 3,738 Views) by Sutaris
אני חושב שהתרגום שלך בסדר :)
isha vdek ty mos me t'pa
הייתי מתה לא לראות אותך
ike, në zemër më ke vra
עזבת, בלב הרגת אותי
אבל המילים של השיר לא כל כך ברורות :p
Thread: בכלולותייך Stalos & Oren Chen Lyrics Translation Request (2 Replies, 3,372 Views) by Sutaris
Here you go :)
At your wedding
Like in all fairy tales, with first gaze, we knew
That the heart wants the limits to our dreams
With another small gaze, I saw my life with you
And now we're...
Thread: Rinat bar לילה חגיגה (5 Replies, 3,738 Views) by Sutaris
כן כמובן. :)
?השירים הם בפורום אלבני
Thread: Rinat bar לילה חגיגה (5 Replies, 3,738 Views) by Sutaris
Rinat Bar - A night of celebration
Come dance bride
Because the joy is great
How pretty you are
This is a night of celebration
Come dance bride
Because there’s joy tonight
How pretty you...
Thread: Berkan Ahmeti - Te Dashuroj (to English) (3 Replies, 5,255 Views) by Sutaris
You're welcome :)
Thread: Berkan Ahmeti - Te Dashuroj (to English) (3 Replies, 5,255 Views) by Sutaris
Here you go :)
I’m not guilty
If I just think about you wherever I go, wherever I am
Only you are guilty
I love you madly, I’m dying for you
I want to shout with my voice
World let her know
Thread: יהורם גאון - יש מקום - Yesh Makom - Yehoram Gaon (1 Replies, 5,795 Views) by Sutaris
Here you go :) I've left the translation as literal as possible, so maybe somebody else can create a more poetic translation ;)
There’s a place far away, beyond the sea
There the sand is white,...
Thread: ♫ רגב הוד - קסם מיוחד ♫ (3 Replies, 3,195 Views) by Sutaris
You invaded my heart
And conquered me with your gaze
All night how
Without you it won’t go
And i just become confused
Tell me
In your beauty I’m a prisoner, feeling alone
I want to approach...
Thread: בן עמנואל - נרקוד הלילה (2 Replies, 2,723 Views) by Sutaris
Here you go :)
I won’t forget the very moment
That we met
Something in my heart said to me
that we were meant to be
Your beautiful eyes hypnotize me
They tell me
I want you with me, I want...
Thread: Sarit hadad - ABA - שרית חדד - אבא (5 Replies, 9,194 Views) by Sutaris
The song was already translated by yosis, but I edited some things so you'll understand it better :)
תל אביב פינת בן גוריון / Tel Aviv pinat Ben Gurion / Tel Aviv, the corner of Ben Gurion Street...
Thread: Sarit hadad - ABA - שרית חדד - אבא (5 Replies, 9,194 Views) by Sutaris
You want the Hebrew lyrics or the translation?
Thread: Margalit Tsanani - Halayla (3 Replies, 4,001 Views) by Sutaris
Here you go :)
halayla hu sheli veshelcha
the night is mine and yours
ki ata bishvili va’ani bishvilcha
because you are for me and I am for you
lo niten le’af echad laharos lanu et halayla,...
Thread: צליל קליפי - לא מזיז לך (4 Replies, 3,364 Views) by Sutaris
Here you go :)
I tried it, also this time
Maybe he’ll wake up
With him the logic stops
With me this still burns
I searched for the way
Straight to the goal
With him everything approximately...
Thread: תמיר לדני בואי אלי (1 Replies, 3,393 Views) by Sutaris
If you just tell me that you just love me
I’ll bring the moon and you’ll light the sun
I’ll take you and I’ll leave a flower in your hand
In this love only we will win
You’ll know, my love, U...
Thread: בן אל תבורי אולה אולה (2 Replies, 3,645 Views) by Sutaris
Here you go :)
Hey, tell me what's worthwhile
To tell all and that's it
Or that I'll be silent forever
If she laughs at me
Or that she'll say goodbye to me
The wound will never form a crust
Thread: Burim Aliu Mbahu shpirt ALBNIT ENGLTSH (6 Replies, 4,231 Views) by Sutaris
כי זה פחות קשה לי לתרגם מעברית אל שפה אחרה... אני לא בטוח שבחרתי את התרגמים טובים למילים אלבניות
אתה מבין ?
Thread: אלמנה שחורה (4 Replies, 3,676 Views) by Sutaris
Here is the first translation :)
שקר עז מרחף על כתפי ואני אין לי אלוהים
sheker az merachef al ktafay ve’ani ein li elohim
a strong lie hovers on my shoulders and I have no God
מלאה חששות את...
Thread: Hebrew Folk Song - Rizhaya (ריז'איה) (5 Replies, 5,620 Views) by Sutaris
I'm not completely sure it's correct, but here's the translation of the Hebrew song :)
In a white dress with pearls
The whole night for me and her
She raised her hand and danced in the rhythm...
Thread: Burim Aliu Mbahu shpirt ALBNIT ENGLTSH (6 Replies, 4,231 Views) by Sutaris
למדתי אלבנית לפני שלש שנים אבל לא זוכר בשביל מה... :p
ניסיתי לתרגם את השיר אבל אני לא בטוח אם זה נכון
בעיניי יש לי הרבה חשק
יש לי כאב בלב
כי אחר קרא לשםך
למה הכאב הזה לא חונק אותי
למה פותחת...
Thread: Burim Aliu Mbahu shpirt ALBNIT ENGLTSH (6 Replies, 4,231 Views) by Sutaris
פה התרגום :)
Nsy kam shum mall
In my eyes I have a lot of longing
dhembje kam ne zemer
Pain I have in my heart
se ty tjetri te thirr ne emer
Because another called you by name
pse kjo...
Thread: Regev Hod - Ulay | רגב הוד אולי (5 Replies, 4,123 Views) by Sutaris
תודה רבה!
כן באמת, כנראה עברית פחות קשה מאשר חשבתי :p
אבל יש עדיין הרבה דברים שאני צריך ללמוד...
Thread: Regev Hod - Ulay | רגב הוד אולי (5 Replies, 4,123 Views) by Sutaris
you're welcome :)
Thread: Regev Hod - Ulay | רגב הוד אולי (5 Replies, 4,123 Views) by Sutaris
Here you go :)
I’m drawn to you, the light that’s in your eyes
You don’t know what’s in my heart
I’m always thinking about you
It’s so hard for me without you
I need you here by my side
Thread: Shalom to you all (2 Replies, 4,064 Views) by Sutaris
It was already translated somewhere, but here you go :)
hachiyuch bamabat she’ata sholeach
the smile in your look that you send
kshe’ani itcha halev sameach
when I’m with you my heart is...
Thread: Elvana Gjata- Me ty (5 Replies, 34,469 Views) by Sutaris
falemnderit shumë :)
Thread: Elvana Gjata- Me ty (5 Replies, 34,469 Views) by Sutaris
Here you go :)
Një million arsye
A milion reasons
Po të kisha unë
I had you
Nuk do të doje kurr
You would never love
Si doja dikur .
Like I loved at some time
Thread: Zahi Moshe - Ani ohev otach yoter (5 Replies, 5,074 Views) by Sutaris
לעולם אני ואת באהבה ללא פחד
le’olam ani ve’at ba’ahava lelo pachad
forever me and you in love without fear
בלי בערך או כמעט זאת נוסחה שמנצחת
bli be’erech o kim’at zot nuscha shemenatzachat...
Thread: Zahi Moshe - Ani ohev otach yoter (5 Replies, 5,074 Views) by Sutaris
nasi latet li et kulech ve’az
tir’i eich she’ani
nischaf itach letoch chalom bishnayim
nasi latet kmo she’ani noten
ve’az hakol yifrach
ve’ahava tiv’ar mitoch einayich
bo’i venitz’ad lanu...
Thread: סאבלימינל ולירן אביב מאוהב (5 Replies, 6,182 Views) by Sutaris
השיר הזה באמת נורא :p
אבל אני אהב את הורסיה בעברית