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Thread: looking for full lyrics and singer and song name of video (2 Replies, 10,883 Views) by aksios
Ahmet Enes- Dön gel
Dön gel
Akıyor, geçiyor, gidiyor günler sebepsiz
Dön gel
Kalmadı yarına inancım, durgun hayatım
Dön gel
Umuyor, anıyor, bekliyor, bile bile insan
Dön gel
Thread: Aris San's songs (4 Replies, 4,093 Views) by aksios
I don't even know it, that's something, don't worry. :) Thank you anyway
Thread: Alona Daniel's songs (2 Replies, 2,989 Views) by aksios
thank you shhora.
I am writing again, since I cannot read hebrew letters, I want translation and transliteration both, if possible.
Thread: Aris San's songs (4 Replies, 4,093 Views) by aksios
I guess, these are the lyrics of the songs. Thank you shhora for these.
Let me add, since I cannot read hebrew letters, I want translation and transliteration both, if possible.
Thread: Aris San's songs (4 Replies, 4,093 Views) by aksios
Again, since i am literally illiterate for Hebrew, I will give the links of the songs.
אריס סאן / 'ערב ערב' (זוג או פרד) 1970 ARIS SAN:
Thread: Alona Daniel's songs (2 Replies, 2,989 Views) by aksios
First of all, I don't know a sign of Hebrew. I might be mistaken. So I will give the youtube links of the songs.
אלונה דניאל על גגות תל אביב(especially if you help with just one of them, please do...
Thread: Tu-En Nazan öncel from from Göç albümü (3 Replies, 2,772 Views) by aksios
Çocuk kalbim, Nazan Öncel - my childish heart
Çocukluğum uzaklarda- my childhoos is so far away
Bana sanki gelsen diyor- it is like it calls me to come
Benim şehrim, çocuk kalbim- my city, my...
Thread: Tu-En Nazan öncel from from Göç albümü (3 Replies, 2,772 Views) by aksios
İşiniz gücünüz yok mu yani, Nazan Öncel Dont you have any business
Son günlerde halinizi- Lately, (i dont like) your manners
Beğenmiyorum gidişinizi - I dont like your way of life
Bahar mı...
Thread: Tu-En Nazan öncel from from Göç albümü (3 Replies, 2,772 Views) by aksios
Nazlı ay, Nazan Öncel
Ay nazlı ay gelin ay
Git ona söyle
Ah gücüme gidiyor yalnızlığım böyle
Ah bu inadından
Az mı ağladım ben
Ay ay nazlı ay
Git onun ülkesine
Thread: Shahrizoda - Oynasin (Uyghur Turkish / Uygur Türkçe > TR > EN) (6 Replies, 3,982 Views) by aksios
Rica ederim. Neden 1. parçayı çevirmemişim anlamadım. Kusura bakmayın. Ama siz de gayet iyi çevirmişsiniz. İyi günler dilerim.
Thread: Shahrizoda - Oynasin (Uyghur Turkish / Uygur Türkçe > TR > EN) (6 Replies, 3,982 Views) by aksios
Keliñlär dostlar oynayli
Geliniz dostlar oynayın
Hiçkim çättä qalmasın
Hiçkimse dışta kalmasın /x2
Kimniñ mäyli kim dä bolsa
Kimin meyli kimde olsa - Whomever has the desire for anyone...
Thread: Boşver Be Yaşı Başı (4 Replies, 6,926 Views) by aksios
Rica ederim ;) My pleasure!
Thread: Boşver Be Yaşı Başı (4 Replies, 6,926 Views) by aksios
Don't care about age...
Don't care about age!
Tell me about how much your heart is classy.
Throwing away the dark-greys and black in the morning,
Tell me if you can put a yellow scarf on your...
Thread: Natasa Theodwridou-Telika den aksizeis* (6 Replies, 10,977 Views) by aksios
it is already translated
Thread: Mongolian Song Translation (2 Replies, 4,925 Views) by aksios
i sent mail to that site, thank you very much, but still any translation here will be appreciated, again thank you ukulele
Thread: Mongolian Song Translation (2 Replies, 4,925 Views) by aksios
Hi everyone, I wonder if there is anyone who knows Mongolian, if there is a Mongolian friend, I would like to learn the translation of this song:
The link:...
Thread: Needing Trans "Lucha de gigantes" Span/Engl -> Turk (14 Replies, 7,650 Views) by aksios
Well done to us =) We did a good job mate=)
Thread: Needing Trans "Lucha de gigantes" Span/Engl -> Turk (14 Replies, 7,650 Views) by aksios
HERE YOU GO!!! =) I hope you like it!
Thread: Needing Trans "Lucha de gigantes" Span/Engl -> Turk (14 Replies, 7,650 Views) by aksios
The air into natural gas - Doğal gazın içindeki hava
A wild duel warns me - Çılgınca bir düello beni uyarıyor
How close I am of going into - Varmaya ne kadar yakınım?
An outrageous world - Zalim...
Thread: can my friends help me please please (4 Replies, 3,272 Views) by aksios
You are welcome =) and thanks for your nice words
Thread: i want it please (5 Replies, 1,974 Views) by aksios
Np =)
Thread: please (13 Replies, 3,258 Views) by aksios
=i see it has been already done! I am going for the other now =)
Thread: can my friends help me please please (4 Replies, 3,272 Views) by aksios
Behlül: BihterBihter
Bihter: Beni bekliyor gibisinYou look like you have been waiting for me
Behlül: Hayır beklemiyordum gel!No, i have not, come in
Bihter: Dün gece bana telefonda söylediklerin...
Thread: i want it please (5 Replies, 1,974 Views) by aksios
I am translating the part you want me to:
After a long silence on 5:30
Nihal: Why have you come here?
Behlül: I wanted to see you
And she cries.
Behlül: Honey, hush, don't cry, please, nobody...
Thread: i want it my friends (7 Replies, 2,303 Views) by aksios
some part translated, check it out
Thread: i want it please (5 Replies, 1,974 Views) by aksios
+yes, nihal made herself believe that you loved her and you let it by speaking with Mr. Adnan, but I never trust your love, never trust you, I don't know what feelings made Mrs. Bihter say the same...
Thread: Gökhan Özen the whole translation of Civciv Album * (12 Replies, 13,759 Views) by aksios
You're all welcome
Thread: Hi, could somebody pleas help me translate this turkish song? (3 Replies, 2,768 Views) by aksios
You are welcome! Anything you want, come again!
Thread: Hi, could somebody pleas help me translate this turkish song? (3 Replies, 2,768 Views) by aksios
Here is the right lyrics of the song, what you posted has some word spelling mistakes.
Akın - Adrenalin
Bir günah mı bu bir hata mı bu
Bir deböyle sevmek suç mu
Mecburum mu ben dengesizliğe...
Thread: Mustafa Sandal- Seni Seviyorum Askim (2 Replies, 7,699 Views) by aksios
You've already found it huh, nice! =)
Thread: alah senin versim (9 Replies, 7,854 Views) by aksios
It is ok, have fun!
Thread: Sibel Can - Çantada Keklik :) (4 Replies, 6,898 Views) by aksios
No problem, have fun! =)
Thread: Emin misin? (1 Replies, 1,226 Views) by aksios
When you refuse the suggestions done by others, you don't think that they will not like you and refuse...
When you object to them, you don't feel guilty...
You don't get scared from them and not...
Thread: Sibel Can - Çantada Keklik :) (4 Replies, 6,898 Views) by aksios
And the rest :
Şimdi yan hadi yan - Now, burn ( means be regretful and done,...
Thread: Grup Yorum - Kayıpların ardından (4 Replies, 4,527 Views) by aksios
You are welcome! Have fun!
Thread: Grup Yorum - Kayıpların ardından (4 Replies, 4,527 Views) by aksios
adını verdim durgun göllere
düşmeyesin diye oğul, uzak yollara
I gave your name to the calm lakes
So that (my) son will not set off long road
sesini verdim akarsulara
dalmayasın diye oğul,...
Thread: Nev - Dem Translation Please :) (2 Replies, 2,095 Views) by aksios
Nev - Dem
Öyle bir dem ki ruhum
Hiç olayim derken meger hep olmusum
Kelam edip dertlesip nagmelerle
Sana da sebep olmusum
Bu dem
Var git sor halin nedir?
Ben olayim derken meger sen...
Thread: Solved: Geia Sou!! Papakonstantinou Basilis Prin To Telos English Translation* ? (6 Replies, 5,995 Views) by aksios
This song was one of the first Greek songs that I heard and loved. I never tried to translate it from the beginning, it was enough as much as I understood, though I know that it has really "heavy"...
Thread: C:real (4 Replies, 2,989 Views) by aksios
Είναι κάποιες φορές που θυμώνω Einai kapies fores pou thimono
κι είναι κάτι στιγμές που αδιαφορώ / Ki einai kati stigmes pou adiaforo
μα όλα γύρω μιλούν για σένα μόνο / Ma ola yiro miloun gia sena...
Thread: Plz translate this for me (Seviyorum by ismail) (13 Replies, 5,878 Views) by aksios
No problem!
Thread: Cafe Tacuba - Eres Needing Turkish subs pls (9 Replies, 2,916 Views) by aksios
Good share seviedo, thanks. Youtube says the video is not available in my country. So I watched it from Yahoo. Thank you again!
Thread: Cafe Tacuba - Eres Needing Turkish subs pls (9 Replies, 2,916 Views) by aksios
I did not realize that I left a line, I am sorry! But fortunately, Berna came to my help
Cada minuto en lo que pienso, eso eres |* Her an düşündüğümsün, işte o sensin |# What I think on in every...
Thread: Cafe Tacuba - Eres Needing Turkish subs pls (9 Replies, 2,916 Views) by aksios
Bu dünyada en çok istediğim şeysin, işte o sensin
En derin düşüncelerim de sensin
Sadece ne yapmam gerektiğini söyle, işte seninim
Uyandığımdaki ilk düşüncemsin, işte o sensin...
Thread: Tuba Erdem - Bana birşeyler oluyor (english) (2 Replies, 2,198 Views) by aksios
Some things are happening to me, my rose
My heart does not understand your law
Some things, to me, my rose
While being wounded day by day
My heart, by the pain (While my heart is wounded by the...
Thread: Aslı Güngör ft Ferhat Göçer - Kalp kalbe karşı derler (27 Replies, 60,262 Views) by aksios
You are welcome Gümüş*ümit. You can learn much from these translations. Make good use of them!
Thread: Alkinoos Ioannidis (4 Replies, 6,391 Views) by aksios
Thank you Maria, I am glad I have less mistake relatively, and it is great pleasure to translate Greek songs for me.
Thread: Alkinoos Ioannidis (4 Replies, 6,391 Views) by aksios
Παίρνω απόσταση απ' το χθες
να 'ρθούνε κι άλλες εποχές.
Να 'ρθουνε λύπες και χαρές
καινούριες να σου τις χαρίσω.
I keep distance from yesterday
For other seasons to come
For sorrow and...
Thread: Berksan - Sen Degil misin (3 Replies, 2,253 Views) by aksios
You are welcome dear!
Thread: İlkay Akkaya - Kalp Ağrısı translation by request (0 Replies, 2,447 Views) by aksios
Ey kalbimin ağrısı
Ver elini
Çıkalım seninle
Bu karanlık uğultulu ormandan
İçimin acısı
Kalbimin ağrısı
The ache of my heart
Give me your hand
Let's get out of
Thread: Berksan - Sen Degil misin (3 Replies, 2,253 Views) by aksios