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Thread: "Gotovo e" Tamara Todevska (Macedonian) (2 Replies, 5,134 Views) by Milka
This is the correct translation of the several lines acevsd pointed out:
нашево беше да се биде или не.
Our (thing) was to be or not to be
не немој, не ме сопирај, не, не
no don't, don't stop...
Thread: How would you say "May I wash the dishes" (1 Replies, 12,471 Views) by Milka
You can say it in several ways. It would depend whether you talking to one or more persons, and how close or formal the situation is. It is strange for a guest to do that, not part of the...
Thread: What does this word mean in Bulgarian? (5 Replies, 3,960 Views) by Milka
It most likely is a direct calling to a woman, Lena (Elena).
Thread: Lambe Alabakovski - Eh Da Mozam (4 Replies, 4,791 Views) by Milka
If you do not mind again, I offer several slight corrections:
Eh, da mozev togas = Oh, if I could then (not "if I had the possibility")
kje videv deka ti si = I would have seen ("I", not...
Thread: DNK - Taa Toa Go Krie (2 Replies, 4,843 Views) by Milka
The song is in Macedonian. Sorry Anasthasios, the Macedonian language is not a version of Bulgarian.
Slušaj gi site no jas ništo lošo ne ti napraviv
Listen to all, but I didn't do anything bad...
Thread: Please translate these pic quotes (4 Replies, 11,599 Views) by Milka
Couple of corrections:
2. Далечината може да ме спречи да те видам но никако не може да ме спречи и да те сакам
The distance can prevent me to see you, but it can not prevent me to love you. [да...
Thread: море два се змеја / more dva se zmeja (3 Replies, 5,344 Views) by Milka
Couple of corrections:
1. "покрај" means "next to", not "towards".
2. "руменеја" means a pinkish, rosy river
Thread: please translate (7 Replies, 2,977 Views) by Milka
If you guys continue at this rate, you will soon become certified Macedonian translators. ;-)
The only correction: "Не барајте вино" = "Do not ask for wine" [instead of "do not look"]
Also, the...
Thread: Id (1 Replies, 13,504 Views) by Milka
I am not certain what was the intention behind of posting 101 youtube videos of Albanian songs and asking for Bulgarian equivalents in the Macedonian discussion forum.
To answer: most of what...
Thread: Vlatko Lozanoski Lozano - Nema den, nema nokj & Lambe Alabakovski - Zar ne e dobro (7 Replies, 6,070 Views) by Milka
Great translation mariusmxm.
I hope you do not mind if I make several corrections:
поубави на светот ги нема знам
There are not more beautiful in the world, I know
дека се ќе направам
Thread: Please translate this quote (17 Replies, 19,147 Views) by Milka
1. Yes, it is correct.
2. Translation: "I like the Sun when it shines, I like yout soft tities, I like the moon when it awaits, in fact, I like/love only you."
Thread: Соња Тарчуловска - Предавници и Јунаци (mk > en) (16 Replies, 6,322 Views) by Milka
До вчера бевте браќа,
Until yesterday you were brothers
а сега вака му враќаш,
And now you give him back like this
со душман ортак се фати,
By becoming a partner to the enemy
затоа Господ ќе...
Thread: Соња Тарчуловска - Предавници и Јунаци (mk > en) (16 Replies, 6,322 Views) by Milka
It seems an explanation is in order before I translate it.
Sonja's song "Traitors and Heros" is about a doble betrayal. The song is addressing a man, Ljube Boshkovski, who set up her husband...
Thread: Leb i sol - skopje (7 Replies, 6,866 Views) by Milka
Bulgarians generally stick to their own language - and rightly so.
Skopje ima mikroklima,
Skopje has a micro climate
izgor leto kocan zima
A burning summer and a freezing winter
Thread: makedonian song needed (9 Replies, 19,221 Views) by Milka
Here are few calmer ones which I like to sing at parties with close firends:
Za kogo ti cuti Dano liceto (За кого ти цути Дано лицето) by two of some of the best Macedonian singers - Dobri...
Thread: makedonian song needed (9 Replies, 19,221 Views) by Milka
Hi again amaryn!
Belatedly, I am answering your request, and hope you do not mind. I will suggest few now and will continue to add more songs in the future.
If you play at parties, I...
Thread: Need a few songs translated (2 Replies, 3,945 Views) by Milka
Go kries sonceto
You hide the Sun
Go nosis moreto
You carry the sea
Za mene povtorno znam
I know for myself, again
Go palis srceto
Thread: Lambe Spasi Me MACEDONIAN to ENGLISH please! (6 Replies, 2,745 Views) by Milka
I hope Natasa will not mind if I offer few corrections (in bold):
i nesakam da znam, nokva kade si ti,
And I don't want to know where are you tonight
patuvam vo sni, niz stari spomeni,
I travel...
Thread: Tatijana Stefanovska Bitolcanka (1 Replies, 16,382 Views) by Milka
Bitola woman
Gore na Pelister sonceto si gree
Up there on (Mount) Pelister the sun shines
Pej duso pesna da ti zapee
Sing my soul, so that it (the sun) will sing you a song
Thread: (request) how to say... (basic and short) (2 Replies, 14,242 Views) by Milka
Zdravo, kako si?
Te molam bidi nezhna.
Ti blagodaram, prijatno.
Thread: Gonce - Posleden zdiv (5 Replies, 4,860 Views) by Milka
Vo bezsoznanie padnav
I fell unconsious
od tvoite dopiri kako okovi
From your touches (which are) like shackles
Mornica ostana na mojta pernica,
A tremmor is left on my pillow
tebe te zameni...
Thread: Gonce - Posleden zdiv (5 Replies, 4,860 Views) by Milka
Morisa = mornica (морница)
lyubovta = ljubovta
Kako od soite = kako od solite
The last phrase makes no sense. I hear it several times, that is what it says ("solite"), but it is...
Thread: Mihaela Iancu' "Dragu mi-i la veselie" (0 Replies, 2,884 Views) by Milka
Dear firends,
Can you please provide the Romanian lyrics and the closest translation of the song "Dragu mi-i la veselie":
In advance, I thank you...
Thread: Ram tam tam - Martin Srbinoski (1 Replies, 2,978 Views) by Milka
Од старо, до младо
Old and young
секој своја рака подава
Everybody their own hand they extend
од Њујорк до Скопје
From New York to Skopje
ритам води, заразува
The rhythm leads, gets under our...
Thread: "Mi smo ta ekipa" - lyrics needed in Serbian (3 Replies, 4,124 Views) by Milka
One more question - what does "ratija po kodeksu" mean? Ratija?
Thread: "Mi smo ta ekipa" - lyrics needed in Serbian (3 Replies, 4,124 Views) by Milka
I never was able to get the entire and correct lyrics of this Beogradski Sindikat rap song.
Can somebody please listen to the song carefully and write it down.
Thread: Aneta & Molika - Ajshe, mori Ajshe (MK > EN) (13 Replies, 17,470 Views) by Milka
Sorry for the late response. Here is my input:
Aberot mi e storen = the message/request was sent (for me to marry)
Ajde, vecher ke me grabat = they will take me away tonight (meaning will...
Thread: lyrics denis ex i jovan jovanov & Bobi simonovski (1 Replies, 2,761 Views) by Milka
Sto na saat
Hundred per hour
Cuka srcevo
My heart beats
Stom si vo blizina ti
When you are close
Mmmm ne mozam da se oporavam
Thread: English to Macedonian Translation/ Англиски-Македонски преводи (9 Replies, 19,595 Views) by Milka
I may.
Did you mean "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"?
If so: Ubavinata zavisi od okoto na toj sto nabljuduva/Убавината зависи од окото на тој што набљудува.
I translated the word...
Thread: TEODULIJA - Zaigrale Mamo Devojčinja (5 Replies, 7,040 Views) by Milka
Great translation!
1. This song is sang in the Kumanovo dialect of the Macedonian language (clearly not Serbian) with some influences from other dialects. Obvoiusly there may be other...
Thread: Darko Ilievski ft. DNK - Edno Telo (1 Replies, 17,562 Views) by Milka
Vidov dobro mi e
I saw that I am well
Koga sum so tebe
When I am with you
So eden zbor so pogled
With a word, with a look
Nie se razbiravme
We undertood each other
I togas isto...
Thread: English to Macedonian Translation/ Англиски-Македонски преводи (9 Replies, 19,595 Views) by Milka
Тие што ме мразат без причина се побројни од влакната на мојата глава. ...Многу се моите непријатели кои што се обидуваат да ме уништат.
Tie sto me mrazat bez pricina se pobrojni od vlaknata na...
Thread: makedonian song needed (9 Replies, 19,221 Views) by Milka
I can suggest several, but to find the right one please be a little more specific about what genre you want and what is the occasion?
Are you playing on stage or for friends in a gathering?...
Thread: area - ti dadov se (8 Replies, 3,908 Views) by Milka
The short answer is: Macedonians and and Bulgarians speak different but close languages.
The long answer requires context, both historical and linguistic. It has to do with the fact that the home...
Thread: area - ti dadov se (8 Replies, 3,908 Views) by Milka
That is true, it was mostly your English though some mistakes concern Macedonian (e.g., "you are losing everything" vs. "losing yourself").
As for your comment about the sixth verse, you are...
Thread: A mozevme - Elena Risteska (8 Replies, 6,882 Views) by Milka
Yet more corrections to the corrections (presented in bold): ;-)
Во мала соба јас
In a small room, I
Сама на крај на вечноста
am alone at the end of eternity
И една желба, една солза,
Thread: area - ti dadov se (8 Replies, 3,908 Views) by Milka
Allow me offer corrections to the following lines:
Дали таков си отсекогаш / Dali takov si otsekogas / Have you been like that forever?
Ноква е пеколна / Nokva e pekolna / The night is...
Thread: Please help me ! (1 Replies, 1,778 Views) by Milka
I was going through the thread and saw this older request, so I am answering now.
Ti mi go davas tocno toa sto mi treba, o bejbi
You give me exactly what I...
Thread: Tose Proeski's songs- Lyrics and translations (1,677 Replies, 383,180 Views) by Milka
OK, will explain later and let us not monopolize the thread with personal conversation.
Is there anything else you need translated?
Thread: NEW macedonian music (8 Replies, 9,419 Views) by Milka
Prolet leto, esen zima
Spring, summer, autumn winter
Kaj li te Gospod prati
Why on Earth did God sent you
Ti me izlaza
You lied to me
Thread: Ofra Haza - Chai (2 Replies, 4,346 Views) by Milka
Dear friends,
After a very long time I had the opportunity to listen to Ofra Haza recordings. This is a woman that has touched my heart a lot when I was growing up.
I would be grateful if...
Thread: Tose Proeski's songs- Lyrics and translations (1,677 Replies, 383,180 Views) by Milka
Sorry, he does not say, nor can I discern between which two songs he spoke.
"najubavo" -- did you mean best translation, or as a greeting "[se'] najubavo" or something else? I assumed the first...
Thread: Jelena Karleusa - Gili gili (1 Replies, 4,934 Views) by Milka
E hej, sta ti mislis ko si ti?
Hey, who do you think you are?
da mozes svaku
To be able to
za hiljadarku
For a thousand [in currency]
sve do zore gledati.
Look at everythinbg until dawn.
Thread: Tose Proeski's songs- Lyrics and translations (1,677 Replies, 383,180 Views) by Milka
The URL contained a malformed video ID.
Try another one.
And thanks for the rank characterization. ;-)
Thread: Tose Proeski's songs- Lyrics and translations (1,677 Replies, 383,180 Views) by Milka
Tose is joking here, speaking in jest:
" Come here, honey…come here so that I can hug you, and that would be it…only to hug you… Wow, there are some that do not like me. They [probably] say 'get...
Thread: Tose Proeski's songs- Lyrics and translations (1,677 Replies, 383,180 Views) by Milka
I heard the recording once and in passing, so I wrote down the following:
Tose says he wants to send two kisses: "one to you [the audience], the other to the one up there [God] for allowing me a...
Thread: Pelistersko Oro (1 Replies, 4,472 Views) by Milka admire the newest sensation, the three best guitar players in the Balkans: Damjan Pejcinoski (Macedonia), Muris Varajic (Bosnia and Hercegovina) and Dragomir Herendic "Dragianni" (Croatia),...
Thread: Help (5 Replies, 1,008 Views) by Milka
Here it is in Macedonian:
In your darkest hour
Во твојот најтемен час
In your darkest nights
Во твоите најцрни ноќи
Whatever life will do
Што и да направи животот
I am here for you
Јас ќе...
Thread: Learning Macedonian language - учиме македонскиот јазик (278 Replies, 127,541 Views) by Milka
You say: Sakam da bidam so tebe OR Sakam da sum so tebe.
Give us the context though.
Thread: I need transaltion for the song "Aman, Makedonlu" please (2 Replies, 1,270 Views) by Milka
Thank you very much.