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Thread: Reda Taliani - Chinwi Khalwi ( i think) :) (8 Replies, 24,969 Views) by ELEEF
Anytime ^^'
Yeah I've read in newspapers that these kind of algerian songs became so famous and many other singers sing them in their concerts
They are also sung in the maroccan and tunisian...
Thread: Reda Taliani - Chinwi Khalwi ( i think) :) (8 Replies, 24,969 Views) by ELEEF
LOL :D Yeah I love malaysia too <3
Thread: Reda Taliani - Chinwi Khalwi ( i think) :) (8 Replies, 24,969 Views) by ELEEF
1st of all , I have to tell you that this song is a cheerleading song , and this type of music in Algeria usually dont have sense , like sometimes they put some words just to make it rhyme :D...
Thread: hi all iam from egypt an iam new here (4 Replies, 2,208 Views) by ELEEF
Welcome to the board Dangerous boy , hope you're not technically dangerous :D
Wish you have fun around with the ATL members!
Thread: Cheb Akil - Avis De Recherche (8 Replies, 4,645 Views) by ELEEF
Good job Sienna! & here's what's missing :
nasta3raf bik a khti 3raftini mon point faible tama3tini
Bravo girl! You knew my weak point , you made me lust for you
Thread: Fnaire - Golih Goleh (6 Replies, 5,165 Views) by ELEEF
Welcome ^^'
Thread: Douzi - Mani Za3fan (34 Replies, 16,454 Views) by ELEEF
:D Ay 5edma hun !
Yes it makes sense :eek: ya3ni makontish t7ebiha 9bel ? :eek:
Hehe "Tu eres un pez rojo?" Pensé que el es un hombre ! :D
Thread: Douzi - Mani Za3fan (34 Replies, 16,454 Views) by ELEEF
El lahja lmasriya tani ( also ) s3iba bezaf Adel ! :D:D ( Well at least for me :rolleyes: )
Yes welit = to become or to do something you're not used to do [Shami = sert]
For ex : Welit nahder...
Thread: Douzi - Mani Za3fan (34 Replies, 16,454 Views) by ELEEF
Yes Adel you guessed well , walet/nweli is from the verb walla in arabic , but it means to become :
For ex : Welit mo3alma fi el ATL :D
Meaning : I became a teacher in ATL
Ya3ni in general...
Thread: Douzi - Mazal chaka fiya (11 Replies, 7,538 Views) by ELEEF
Yes viva for I am not you can say :
Mashi - Mani - Manish - Manishni - Mesh :D
Thread: Douzi - Mani Za3fan (34 Replies, 16,454 Views) by ELEEF
Guys :D the moderators are gonna kill you !
Viva : Eh shami does rock! :D + bala ta5bis ta ma ejiki london e2tlik :mad:
Thread: Douzi - Mani Za3fan (34 Replies, 16,454 Views) by ELEEF
You still awake ! :D
Well I've heard "ktir" by egyptians , sounds more like "kettir" :p whatever , it's just a love word , the most important is that it can reach the heart :cool:
Thread: Douzi - Mani Za3fan (34 Replies, 16,454 Views) by ELEEF
Noor : ahla w sahla ;)
Adel :Hahaha Yeh so true , concerning the romantic expressions , you people of the middle east are the winners!:D .. I mean here they don't use alot of romantic words...
Thread: Douzi - Mani Za3fan (34 Replies, 16,454 Views) by ELEEF
LOL Adel , we'll make you learn north african dialects if you want :p
Ay 5edma ! :D:cool:
Thread: Douzi - Mani Za3fan (34 Replies, 16,454 Views) by ELEEF
Great job Noor you're improving , Here's my translation correcting some of your errors
But good wallah , keep it up ^^' :
اللي تمنيت لقيتو فيك
What I wished for I found in you
قاع دالزين و...
Thread: Lydia feat. Bouaa - La la la (6 Replies, 15,678 Views) by ELEEF
Welcome ^^'
Oh sorry , thought you try is gonna be horrible :D so saba2tik :p
Enjoy !
Thread: Rami Khalil - Nhebek barcha & Douzi - Habibi (3 Replies, 9,763 Views) by ELEEF
Translation :
Mani na7kilkom fi 7kaya
I'm not telling a story
Mani nghanilkom fi ghnaya ( x 2 )
I'm not singing a song
Hadi 7kaya t3ish m3aya
This is a story that lives with me
7ata fi 7sasi...
Thread: Rami Khalil - Nhebek barcha & Douzi - Habibi (3 Replies, 9,763 Views) by ELEEF
Rami Khalil - N7ebek barcha :
Mani na7kilkom fi 7kaya
Mani nghanilkom fi ghnaya ( x 2 )
Hadi 7kaya t3ish m3aya
7ata fi e7sasi makhfiya
7kaya zadetni fi hnaya
wenta 3lash t3adeb fiya
Thread: Lydia feat. Bouaa - La la la (6 Replies, 15,678 Views) by ELEEF
Bouaa & Lydia - La la la
Tellement nebghik
Since I loved you that much
3titek galbi w dertek fil bal
I gave you my heart & kept thinking of you
bkit 3lik
Cried over you
Bla bik enti nkemmel...
Thread: Lotfi Double Kanon - America (Algerian) (12 Replies, 8,739 Views) by ELEEF
Hahaha Of course you won't have any trouble , people from the west love the accent of the east & vise versa :p
Ow Souad Massi , I've heard about her but never listenned to any of her songs , I...
Thread: Lotfi Double Kanon - America (Algerian) (12 Replies, 8,739 Views) by ELEEF
Ow that's great .. & It'd be awesome if you come Algeria ! ^^'
Lotfi & I are from Annaba in the east , our accent is a bit different from Algiers' & Oran's accent .. But since your teacher is from...
Thread: Lotfi Double Kanon - America (Algerian) (12 Replies, 8,739 Views) by ELEEF
Noor : :o Hehe sorry ,I'll use it next time inshallah :p .. Missed you too <3 Larosa 's gone to uni ? I'll join her soon :D Allah y3inna :(
hoojacks : :eek: Wow you speak algerian even better than...
Thread: Lotfi Double Kanon - America (Algerian) (12 Replies, 8,739 Views) by ELEEF
Wa 3aleykum assalem ! Ow-kay! an american that listens to Lotfi dk & wants to learn the algerian dialect? nice !! ana tani nesma3 lotfi w n7ebo & I'm from the same city as him ;)
Noor :D Wallah I...
Thread: Cheba Maria - Celibataire (3 Replies, 5,920 Views) by ELEEF
Hi weld Leblad , Sa7a ftourek!
I appreciate your translation but here's my try .. Hope you don't mind ^^' :
[Cheba maria - Célibataire ] :
صايي نولي سيليباتار يالا لا
That's it!I'll just...
Thread: Cheb Rayan - Rani Halef Ana (1 Replies, 4,106 Views) by ELEEF
Here you go , hope you like it ^^' :
Rani halef ana nel7eg b 7bibti waah
I swear I’m going to join my beloved
Welit 3ayesh fi ghbina ra7et sa7ti aa
I’m living in grief ( without her ),I’m not...
Thread: Lotfi DK - Ghazza (Album Klemi) 2009 (3 Replies, 1,867 Views) by ELEEF
Am I always late or what ?Sorry for being too late to post the translation Noor , but I did it anyway ( See I kept my promise :p ) , Oh and a special THANKS to Larosa who opened this thread which I...
Thread: Reda Taliani - Partir Loin (6 Replies, 20,276 Views) by ELEEF
Mashallah Weld bladi very good job ! ^^' keep it up !
Thread: Douzi - Yalli nasini (5 Replies, 10,414 Views) by ELEEF
Glad you do .. well .. enjoy the translation!^^'
Thread: Douzi - Yalli nasini (5 Replies, 10,414 Views) by ELEEF
yalli nassini ou 3lach hakda m3adabni
Oh you the one who forgot me , why are you torturing me ?
yalli kawini lemen baghi tkhalinni
Oh you the one who cauterized me , for who are you intending to...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,504 Replies, 251,335 Views) by ELEEF
Teslami 7ayati <3
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,504 Replies, 251,335 Views) by ELEEF
Ahh thank you Nunu! ^^' Isn't it "ejree" or something ?
check this video , time 3.40 :...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (1,504 Replies, 251,335 Views) by ELEEF
Daydream:D how do you say moneybox in lebanese ?:confused:
Thread: Jalal El Hamdaoui feat. Driver - Nzour Nabra (5 Replies, 35,137 Views) by ELEEF
Sure! Here you go dear , hope you like it ^^' :
Lève ta main si tu aime ta mère , Jalal et driver , toutes les mains en l'air .. Laissez moi dédicacer à toutes les mamas
Raise up your hand if...
Thread: Jalal El Hamdaoui feat. Driver - Nzour Nabra (5 Replies, 35,137 Views) by ELEEF
Yes it's mixed up , some parts in maroccan dialect , & some others in french language ..
Tell me if you need the translation ^^'
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 169,130 Views) by ELEEF
Loulou : Oui super bien merci
Mais non!Tu le parles très bien! ça te manque quelques pratiques peut-etre , c'est tout ^^'
Leen : Haha!:D It's your right to do that , since you always help people...
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 169,130 Views) by ELEEF
Et voilà Ana aussi :p
Bienvenue chez toi ma belle :D ça va j'espère?
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 169,130 Views) by ELEEF
Ow you're here too!
Haha thanks! Glad it was correct :o
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 169,130 Views) by ELEEF
Look who's here!:D
Leen , this isn't french , it's spanish .. I think it means :
This life isn't getting better ( or isn't improving )
Ask Anna to make sure of the translation
See you arround...
Thread: Lutfen x) (3 Replies, 1,699 Views) by ELEEF
çok çok Teshekkurler fistik
thank you so much
Shukran jazilan
Merci infiniment
Muchas gracias
Thread: Lutfen x) (3 Replies, 1,699 Views) by ELEEF
Merhaba everyone!
I found a beautiful turkish song called "Cezayir" , loved it :D
So if anyone can help me translate it I'd be very grateful
Here's the link : ...
Thread: hello ....i am new (4 Replies, 1,950 Views) by ELEEF
Ahla b weld bladi :D
Bessah wech dak li la chine?lol
Allé passe de bons moments et si tu veux , jpourré etre ton guide ici ^^'
Salutations de Annaba =)
Thread: Haifa baby album 2 new songs (6 Replies, 3,803 Views) by ELEEF
aaaaaaaaaand the sweet larosa has finally come back to us :D:D
Thread: Hello, New Egyptian Member ^_^ (28 Replies, 5,934 Views) by ELEEF
You're welcome
your sist your sist , ya akhi! :D
Thread: New:d (3 Replies, 1,776 Views) by ELEEF
Welcome & hope you have fun!
Thread: Hello, New Egyptian Member ^_^ (28 Replies, 5,934 Views) by ELEEF
Welcome to the board Eso ^^'
I like your pic :D:D
Greetings from Algeria ~
Thread: Haifa baby album 2 new songs (6 Replies, 3,803 Views) by ELEEF
Je t'en prie ma puce! ^^'
Thread: Haifa baby album 2 new songs (6 Replies, 3,803 Views) by ELEEF
Hi L'italienne ;)
Your link didn't work with me , so I looked for another one & that's what I could find :
It contains only some parts of both the two...
Thread: Cheb Khaled - Abdel Kader [*] (10 Replies, 9,184 Views) by ELEEF
Alright :D
You're welcome !
LOL yeh Taliania like Reda taliani's wife?:p
Thanks again for opening the thread
Thread: Speaking French - A place to practice and exchange (511 Replies, 169,130 Views) by ELEEF
Plaisir partagé Anna ^^'
Thread: Cheb Khaled - Abdel Kader [*] (10 Replies, 9,184 Views) by ELEEF
Haha je t'en prie ^^'
Wow you're like half-algerian?
That's nice but maybe complicated for you these days ,you know what I mean!;)
:mad: You forgot because you didn't revise your lessons :p