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Thread: Milko Kalaidjiev - Ako te vidiat Zlatkite (4 Replies, 3,428 Views) by Narkissos
Бейбе в тебе е причината
Baby you are the reason
за глобалното затопляне
for global warming
в танците си ненадмината
you are second to none when it comes to dancing
и вдигна градусите с пет...
Thread: Azis - Nakarai me (BG-EN) (2 Replies, 2,541 Views) by Narkissos
Please note that накарай is imperative so Накaрай ме да крещя! will translate as Make me scream!
Good translation otherwise :D
Thread: Невена Цонева - Все така (bg > en) (3 Replies, 3,366 Views) by Narkissos
1. Без страх
Without fear
Качих се и на този влак
I boarded this train too
А накъде пътува той не знам,
But where is it traveling to I don't know
Може би към вас…
Maybe towards you...
Thread: Aksiniya - Novata Pepelyashka / Аксиния - Новата Пепеляшка (BG > EN) (2 Replies, 3,196 Views) by Narkissos
The new Cinderella
Цяла вечер пак и свалят звезди,
All night they keep flirting with her
в телефона няма памет почти,
there's almost no space left in her phone (to save the numbers)
Thread: Djordan - Stiga veche ( BG EN ) (4 Replies, 3,221 Views) by Narkissos
Yes it's correct.
Thread: Sofi Marinova - Omzi fatalen den (2008) (19 Replies, 9,021 Views) by Narkissos
Sanmayce, I give up. This is getting way too complicated. I don't know what the best way to translate it is.
I live in England (unfortunately) and if someone said to me I'm sick of love the first...
Thread: Mishel i Anabel - Miliarderche [BG - ENG] (3 Replies, 3,659 Views) by Narkissos
Sure I'm just saying :)
Thread: Мария - Всичко е платено / Mariq - Vsichko e plateno (2 Replies, 4,222 Views) by Narkissos
Mozart, my high school history teacher used to say ''Humans are subjects and therefore can never be objective, only subjective''. Wise words...
Thread: Costi ioniŢĂ - romānia mea (ro-en-bg) (8 Replies, 5,133 Views) by Narkissos
Marius, thanks for sharing some RO music. I quite like Romanian. It sounds interesting to me for some reason. :D
Thread: Ти ме лъжеш най-добре - Райна (6 Replies, 3,184 Views) by Narkissos
So why a new account?Did you forget the password to the old one? :P
ha ha too many passwords these days.
Thread: Sofi Marinova - Omzi fatalen den (2008) (19 Replies, 9,021 Views) by Narkissos
Sanmayce I will admit I have no idea what a Gamera corpus is.
What I was trying to say is that the two prepositions have different meanings altogether.
sick of = fed up, can't stand it anymore
Thread: Gergana - Facebook (BG>>EN) (11 Replies, 12,583 Views) by Narkissos
Haha Mozart I will ignore the homoerotic undertones of that scenario you've just described :D
Krasiva is right of course.As long as they are shaking their tits I couldn't care less what they were...
Thread: Sofi Marinova - Omzi fatalen den (2008) (19 Replies, 9,021 Views) by Narkissos
Sanmayce, I think you'll find Shakespeare isn't a good starting point if you're trying to translate something in contemporary English :)
I would also disagree with your choice of ''of'' as opposed...
Thread: Mishel i Anabel - Miliarderche [BG - ENG] (3 Replies, 3,659 Views) by Narkissos
it's not фаровете but баровете :)
Thread: Мария - Всичко е платено / Mariq - Vsichko e plateno (2 Replies, 4,222 Views) by Narkissos
It drives me insane when I hear another rip-off of a Greek song.Still, Maria is ****ing hot in that video.
Thread: Любов не прося - Райна (4 Replies, 2,743 Views) by Narkissos
Няма да те моля и любов да прося,
I'm not going to beg you and beg for love
вече ме изгуби обичта погуби,
you've lost me now, you destroyed the love
Няма да те моля и любов да прося,
I won't...
Thread: Ти ме лъжеш най-добре - Райна (6 Replies, 3,184 Views) by Narkissos
Mozart, you're back?What happened?Is that a new account?
Thread: Sofi Marinova - Omzi fatalen den (2008) (19 Replies, 9,021 Views) by Narkissos
Sanmayce, I was going to suggest ''make me sick with love'' but even that can be ambiguous I suppose.
Chalga lyrics don't always make sense and when you factor in the differences in how different...
Thread: Translation English Cvetelina Yaneva - Po Strashno (2 Replies, 3,939 Views) by Narkissos
Не мъж но те описва, не флирт далеч отивам,
Not a man but it describes you, not a flirt (because) I'm taking it too far,
с теб не гарантирам как се държа.
I can't guarantee to be able to behave...
Thread: Preslava - Kato za final (7 Replies, 12,644 Views) by Narkissos
Marius, I think what she means is kiss me until the place turns blue, until it leaves a bruise (bruises are blue right).
притесни ме в себе си и...
Thread: Траяна - Още по-горещо (11 Replies, 2,912 Views) by Narkissos
да не си меря думите - it means to speak freely, to say what you think basically
Thread: HELP PLEASE - THIS STIL NOT Transltion (8 Replies, 2,906 Views) by Narkissos
Митко, като ще се поправяме, хайде да ти задам аз един въпрос.Без да се заяждам нали... :Д
Какво означава ''aband''?А ''wardrobe''?
Thread: Gergana - Facebook (BG>>EN) (11 Replies, 12,583 Views) by Narkissos
Oh God you know we've reached the bottom when they start making chalga songs about facebook :P
Thread: Stefani 2011 - Ne sum takava kato bqh (4 Replies, 3,613 Views) by Narkissos
Hey Marius long time no see :D
готиния, сваляния refers to a male
the cool one, the one who women hit on is roughly the meaning
Thread: Emilia - Shtom taka go iskash (BG-EN) (1 Replies, 3,661 Views) by Narkissos
Щом така го искаш, ще съм готова
If you want it like this/that, I'll be ready
със силен дъх на уиски събличам се!
With a strong smell of whisky I take off my clothes.
Хайде измори се от мен и...
Thread: Djena i Andreas - Da te prejalia (BG-EN) (4 Replies, 6,834 Views) by Narkissos
В очите ти видях какво
I saw in your eyes what
за тебе съм била...
I was for you...
И от дете не бях плакAл аз
And I haven't cried since I was a child
а виж ме сега!
but look at me now!
Thread: Vera Brezhneva - Real'naja zhizn (1 Replies, 4,346 Views) by Narkissos
Ласточка моя, ты же видела солнце только по tv,
My swallow (the bird), you've only seen the sun on TV
А выгляни в окно, дарю тебе лучик, ладно.
Look through the window, I'll give you a ray,...
Thread: Kali - Sedem (3 Replies, 5,884 Views) by Narkissos
Защо ми се иска това между нас,
Why do I want this thing between us
по лесния начин да стане не знам.
to happen easily I don't know.
Защо очите ти с очите ми се разбират сами,
Why do my eyes...
Thread: Nana Mouskouri - Kapou iparhi h agapi mou (4 Replies, 6,236 Views) by Narkissos
No problem berrytr.
xiscap I don't have any of Nana's songs.I got the translation from the internet.I can't say I'm familiar with her work.
Thread: Milko Kalaidjiev i Tedi Aleksandrova 2011 - Hei, Malkata 2 BG>ENG (2 Replies, 3,075 Views) by Narkissos
Хайде бе малката лапай близалката,
Let's go honey put the lollipop in your mouth,
ще ти хареса, ще искаш пак.
you'll like it, you'll want it again.
Ох батко много ще е сладко,
Oh daddy it will...
Thread: Dj Damqn i Vanq 2011 - Probvai se s druga (3 Replies, 2,648 Views) by Narkissos
Я се виж, кой си ти, че ме занимаваш?
Кой си, к'ъв си, че се заиграваш?
И стойки чупиш ми, да си оригинален? (Ха!)
Мислиш, че си ВИП, ала си банален!
С лъскаво бентли, яко вървежен,
Thread: I need your help:Айя Садырова - Любовь,любовь(Russian->English) (8 Replies, 6,646 Views) by Narkissos
Ha ha cool I had a feeling it was a football player :)
Thread: I need your help:Айя Садырова - Любовь,любовь(Russian->English) (8 Replies, 6,646 Views) by Narkissos
No problem.I just hope we got the meaning right.
Btw why do you have a Spanish nick and an Asian in the avatar?Just wondering :D
Thread: Liqna / Liana - Kato Veshtica --- Лияна - Като вещица Bg to Eng/Ger please! (3 Replies, 2,841 Views) by Narkissos
No problem :)
Thread: Liqna / Liana - Kato Veshtica --- Лияна - Като вещица Bg to Eng/Ger please! (3 Replies, 2,841 Views) by Narkissos
В любовта гордостта е грях...
In love, pride is a sin...
Горд ли си, сега, че те боли?
Are you proud now that you're hurting?
Разрушен от своите слабости
Destroyed by your weaknesses
Щастлив ли...
Thread: Там где мы будем (5 Replies, 3,756 Views) by Narkissos
No problem.I saw it had no replies so I thought I'd see if I can be of help :D
Thread: DenYo - Vse taka li? (BG-EN) (5 Replies, 2,616 Views) by Narkissos
Right, never mind here's the rest.This part is retarded.Makes no sense.
Дори да има две луни слънцето силно да гори.
Even if there are two moons, the sun must burn brightly
Леда когато се топи...
Thread: DenYo - Vse taka li? (BG-EN) (5 Replies, 2,616 Views) by Narkissos
Marius are you 100% sure about the lyrics?
Any idea what this is supposed to be ''сомати''
Thread: Там где мы будем (5 Replies, 3,756 Views) by Narkissos
Там, где мы будем (х2)
There where we will be
Там, где мы будем ночью и днём
There where we will be day and night
Там, где мы будем (х2)
Там, где мы будем ночью и днём
Там, где на море сияет...
Thread: Teodora - onazi BG>ENG (2 Replies, 5,506 Views) by Narkissos
Виж ни само полудели с тебе,
Just look at us, me and you have gone crazy
да си мисли за любов по всяко време,
thinking about love all the time
хайде смей се, но не си завиждам,
go on laugh, but...
Thread: DenYo - Vse taka li? (BG-EN) (5 Replies, 2,616 Views) by Narkissos
Огледах се, доста неща съм съборил
I looked around, I've destroyed a lot of things
спокоен заради това обаче, че във тъмното съм се борил
I am content however, that I fought in the dark(ness)...
Thread: I need your help:Айя Садырова - Любовь,любовь(Russian->English) (8 Replies, 6,646 Views) by Narkissos
Your translation is very good.
Some minor changes maybe:
пороги = boundaries
вела = led
Посланье в небо шлёт = sends a message to the sky/heaven
О том, что помнит дождь,
About what the rain...
Thread: I need your help:Айя Садырова - Любовь,любовь(Russian->English) (8 Replies, 6,646 Views) by Narkissos
I can't find the lyrics man.Otherwise I'd do it.
Thread: Там где мы будем (5 Replies, 3,756 Views) by Narkissos
''The URL contained a malformed video ID. ''
Thread: Диана Гурцкая - Первая любовь (1 Replies, 2,973 Views) by Narkissos
Я искала тебя в тишине
I was searching for you in the silence
И в глубоких причудливых снах
And in the deep strange dreams
Поцелуи искала твои на жарких губах
I was searching for your kisses on...
Thread: Triantafillos - Monacos lyrics (4 Replies, 2,269 Views) by Narkissos
Εγώ στο είπα πως περνούσα αυτά που εσύ περνάς
εγώ στο είπα δεν ζητούσα αυτά που δεν ζητάς
εγώ στο είπα είχα κλάψει και γέλασε αυτή
εγώ τον κίνδυνο σου λέω που έχει η ζωή
Μοναχός θα βρεθείς
Thread: Please translate to english- Ploutarxos - To Kalytero Paidi (1 Replies, 3,158 Views) by Narkissos
Τα 'χω με τον εαυτό μου
που στο ψέμα πίστεψα
που ενώ ήσουν τα πάντα
την ψυχή μου λήστεψα
Έχω κάνει τόσα λάθη
μα πολύ σ' αγάπησα
κι αν μακριά σου έχω φύγει
την καρδιά μου άφησα
Thread: Milko Kalaidjiev - Shte povqrvash li BG -EN (3 Replies, 2,907 Views) by Narkissos
Ще повярваш ли, ако чуеш за мен?
Are you going to believe (it), if you hear about me?
Изтрих те от живота си за ден!
I erased you from my life in a day!
Ще повярваш ли на очите си ти?
Are you...
Thread: Азис - Гадна порода (2 Replies, 4,797 Views) by Narkissos
Че без тебе мога, още мога още мога!
That I can (live) without you, I still can I still can!
И без теб ще продължа заклевам се в това
I will go on even without you I swear
и да дишам мога още...
Thread: Denyo - Zashto Jiveq (3 Replies, 3,588 Views) by Narkissos
Един ден мечта роди се в главата ми
One day a dream formed in my head
да бачкам това, което не бачкаха родата ми
to work that, which my family did not work (in)
по клиповете само виждах я
I only...