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Thread: Nawal El Zoghby - Walla Bahebak (2 Replies, 5,837 Views) by randa434
ma fi tarjeme la hayde o8niye?
Thread: what does Adrap here mean (3 Replies, 2,855 Views) by randa434
thanks viva:heart_fun:
what does Adrap here mean? "Adrap mn mbari7 w a7san mn bokra"
Thread: translation please (1 Replies, 2,384 Views) by randa434
shu 7a3ni zaha2?
Thread: translation please (1 Replies, 2,576 Views) by randa434
merci la kil sha5es fasarli kilme " ZO3RAAN" :d:D
ana fahemt hay kilme lebneniiiiii w el correct is zoraan mesh za3raan:)))
mn tafasilkon ana fahmet zo3raan ya3ni: el Az3ar bikoon 7ayawan... ma...
Thread: yes3ad masakon (12 Replies, 3,966 Views) by randa434
wallahe ana bmout b tafasilak mvnr2:))))))))soooooooooooooo naas za3raan means peaple who are unreliable?
Thread: yes3ad masakon (12 Replies, 3,966 Views) by randa434
wa7ed nos kom????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Thread: yes3ad masakon (12 Replies, 3,966 Views) by randa434
ma fhamet:( 2asdik bala asl aw zebala?!
Thread: yes3ad masakon (12 Replies, 3,966 Views) by randa434
yes3ad masakon
shu ya3ni:naas za3raan?:confused:
Thread: What are you listening to now - Persian edition (249 Replies, 230,682 Views) by randa434
Ba To Aroomam by Mohammadreza Hedayaty
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 627,308 Views) by randa434
happy norouz to all Iranians and evreyone who celebrates Norouz:)
Thread: r u ready kareeem? (33 Replies, 8,783 Views) by randa434
ok viva,because there is no THANK botton appears for me ,i did i will wait until it appears!:)
Thread: r u ready kareeem? (33 Replies, 8,783 Views) by randa434
ahaaaaaa thanks viva i croped this from 5abar siyasi:))))
and i also added a q on my previous post
have a look at it please:)
Thread: r u ready kareeem? (33 Replies, 8,783 Views) by randa434
& the complete sentence is this:
كانت بتنسيق اعلامي واضح
what is the root of this verb?tansi2
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
there is no need to confirm hahaha :p.lemman ana 2ara'at your post ana de8ri 3araft ente Mvnr1 due to the way you wrote:mail1_fun::happy_fun:
Thread: r u ready kareeem? (33 Replies, 8,783 Views) by randa434
ehem ehem awel soal! r u ready kareeem?:D:D
shu ya3ni :
كانت بتنسيق؟
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
ahleeeeeeeen ,kifkon?eshta2telkon :)
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
im way too happy to see you here again my dear friend
oh yea you are right i disappeared:))))))
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
hi all a7babi ,Loolya,viva ,&.....
miss u kteer
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
R u mvnr1?
we have a friend here ,ente ta7ki ekteeeer metlo:)
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
shou ya3ni مطووشه؟
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
hi,momken 7ada mnkon translate hayde el jemle ?
شعرت بأن هذه الجائزة كانت لفتة كافية دون الوقوف عند أعمال وردة وأرشيفها الفني كما اتخذوا من مارلين مونرو شعاراً لمهرجان «كان» أخيراً مثلاً؟
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
any correction will be wellcomed:D
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
thx ,yeaaaa ekteeer complicated!
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
Dear Oriee
yhx for the correction and tafasilak :D
b sera7a I've just leart that 3ish means bread in egyption accent ,i like this word :D:D
by the way is it 3eesh or 3eish? i think 3eish is to...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
momken tosa3edouni ta btarjem hayde ma2ta3?
بل كوني كالعيش الفينو = but be like a marsh live
فین = marsh?
ماتتطلعيش من الكوباية غير وانتي شافطة الشاي كله = doesn't go out of a cup of tea...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
hi shabaab:)
badde ba3ref kif b2oul "letter of invitation " in arabic ?
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
thx w noss Dear Maviii:D:D:D
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
shu ya3ni : قدوة ?
fi hayde jemle: هل كنت تحلمين بقدوة فنية معينة؟
law samahtou write the pronunciation kamen
thx in advance
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
قاللهم: هسى رح تموتوا من الرعب
أنا سواق القطار يا ولاد الهبلة
هسى = now?!
سواق = driver?
momken please oktobli the pronunciation kamen?
thx in advanced
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
one of the meanings for la5bat is to mix
did you hear that song bet2oul: sha5bat sha5aabit, la5bat la5aabit,mesek el alwaan w resam 3al 7it:D:D:D
شخبط شخابيط لخبط لخابيط مسك الالوان ورسم ع الحيط...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
ana ma2dart efham this part: blood is precious, come and take the death from here!
momken oktobili bl 3arabi kamen?
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
hiiiii Loolya 7abibet albi kifik?ishta2telik kteeeeeeer
7abibti which phrase means if i were you and law sam7ti ektebli the pronunciaton.
merciiiii kteeer
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
akeeeed 2asdi while/when
in standard arabic it means : اذا= لمّن
laaaa laaaaa mvnr1 mesh ba5eel ,akeed howwe ya3tena kil shi elli badna
ana metakde al-lila mvnr1 yiji ma3 7alib ma3 laban &...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
akhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ya weiiiili ma3ak 7a2
ya3ni bta3ref kam marraaaaaa ente tetzakkar 3an "ب" before verb???ana ba3ref aktar mn 110000000 marraaaaa:D:D:DD:ana bou3adak 3omri ma ra7 ba3mol hay ghalat...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
ehem ehem
b sera7a badna mneshrab koobayya 7alib ma3 laban ma3 kit-kat lemman mojoudin b hal forum:acute_fun::acute_fun:mo heik czarek?;)
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
When you want to make sm nervous you can say انت مالك يا بارد=enta maalak ya baared:)[/QUOTE]
:crazy_fun:thx for new slang czarek:D
5ali bfakker la meen ana lazem b2oul heik?:shout_fun:...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
la czarek 7ada sa2al mnni ,hayde mesh oghniye:stop_fun:
eh 8areeb
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
merci my dear...
shou ra2yak 3an:و رعشه ایدینی یا خلی تشکی
i think hayde jomle ma tentahi.sa7?
thats my try:
..... & my hands trembling ...let me (you?) complain?
its somehow 8areeb
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
thx czarek for the meaning and correction:)
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
kif ana fiyyi betshakkarak 3anjad?
tafasilak kamle w mofide metel 3ade:)
ana saaltak hadool mn oghniye "batwanes bik" mn sayyede wara al jazaeriye.its just wowwwww ana metakde ennak sametaha.
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
3 fekra you taught me new thing for today:yes_fun:
the preposition for verb ittasal is fi NOT MA3:)
another q: shou ya3ni: صوتك مال الدنيا
aslan badde a3ref kil ma3ani lal...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
yeeeeeeeeeeesssss raja3t bl 2owwe:D:D:D
i miss your lessons ya estez:)
ehem ehem:D
estaez? shou ya3ni tif hon: أشوف منك طيفك
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
[QUOTE=CZAREK2581;931543]Here is my try
thx czarek and here is mine:)
1. men 2abl 7akaytele kol youm wa halla ma 3aad,esh2 3'areeb
ettasal/ettassalat ma3i youmiyan 2abel bs halla2 ma ba2aash(?im...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
i think shfthm means i saw them
thx czarek
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
@mvnr1 & aila:
thanksssssss a7babi:)
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
ahleeeeeen biiiiik Czarek:) kifak ente? sorry 3an 8iyabi,bs hiyye shwai zoroof 5aas my mum kenet bl mashfa ....7amdellah halla2 kil shi min7.....:)
wein mvnr1 & loolya?
thx for your translation...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Arabic <-> English Translations (2,417 Replies, 5,187,288 Views) by randa434
yemken 7ada mnkon help me to translate this phrase?
و أنا من البداية يا ساقعة بتحمل .. و خلاص كفاية صوابعي بتنمل
thx in advanced:)
Thread: Practice Your Egyptian/Syrian/Lebanese Arabic (96 Replies, 139,137 Views) by randa434
ah la7za shway
ana nassit 2a3te boosa la ailaaaaaa
Thread: Practice Your Egyptian/Syrian/Lebanese Arabic (96 Replies, 139,137 Views) by randa434
ya alaaaaaaaaah
mofaja2a hal topicccc
kareeeem 3anjad da7aktani b hay modouuuu3 walla sadde2ni
ana mni7aaaaaaa ana hooooooooon mesh day3a :D
bs roht ta beshtari lal mvnr1 kam...
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 627,308 Views) by randa434
very good:)
where are you from dear albruna?:)