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Thread: Mohammadreza Sharjarian - Mara chashmist khoon afshan... (3 Replies, 24,474 Views) by afsaneh
Poem by: Hafez
maraa cheshmist khoon asshaan, ze dast-e aan kamman abroo
i have eyes raining blood because of that who has curvy (like a bow) eybrows
jahaan bas fetne khaahad deed, as aan...
Thread: Homeyra - Aman Az Dard Doori (3 Replies, 11,475 Views) by afsaneh
You're welcome,:)
when you say "aman az..." it shows that you're complaining about something, it's like an exclamation showing you're fed up tolerating something and you don't know what to do about...
Thread: Delkash - Asire Ghafas (1 Replies, 5,873 Views) by afsaneh
Man gereftaram o to gereftari --------------------------- I’m distressed and you are distressed
Man ghami daram o to ghami dari ----------------------- I have a grief and you have a grief
Vay az...
Thread: Homeyra - Aman Az Dard Doori (3 Replies, 11,475 Views) by afsaneh
تو اونجا و من اینجا امان از درد دوری ------------------- you there, I here, what am I going to do with separation?
من ماندم و رویاها نه شوق و نه سروری -------------- I remained with dreams, not a...
Thread: Bijan Mortazavi - Azizam (1 Replies, 149,160 Views) by afsaneh
یه احساس قشنگه مثه رویا همون لحظه که من تو رو میبینم ----- a beautiful feeling like a dream the moment I saw you
خود آرامشه اون لحظه ای که میام پیشت کنار تو میشینم -------- the moment I sit next to...
Thread: A girl I like has said to me "kheili pesareh bad hasti" - what does it mean (1 Replies, 11,844 Views) by afsaneh
Yes, it means "you're a very bad boy" :D
it's not clear if it's a joke or she's serious, you have to decide it according to the context
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,811 Views) by afsaneh
father figure
Thread: Ali Zibaei - Zamoone (1 Replies, 5,703 Views) by afsaneh
تو بند این زمین دلم عجب گرفتاری شده ------------in the prison of this earth my heart is captured
همرنگ مردمش شدن این روزا اجباری شده -------- being like its people has become compulsory
خسته ام از...
Thread: Ebi - Gheble (3 Replies, 17,616 Views) by afsaneh
by "the circle of your drunken eyes" I think the songwriter means the iris of the eye, muslims pray toward ghebleh worshipping God, so it means he's worshipping his beloved's eyes, also since ghebleh...
Thread: Ebi - Gheble (3 Replies, 17,616 Views) by afsaneh
Poshte divare shab ye rahi dare ---------------------------- behind the night’s wall there’s a way
Ke mire ye rast dare khuneye setare ---------------------- that goes straight to the star’s house...
Thread: Parisa : Ma Beraftim (1 Replies, 6,278 Views) by afsaneh
Poem by Hafez
Ma beraftim o to dani o dele ghamkhare ma ------------------ we went so you know and my sympathetic heart
Bakhte bad ta be koja mibarad abeshkhore ma --------------- up to where bad...
Thread: Nooshafarin - golhaye kabul |نوش آفرين - گلهای کابل (3 Replies, 7,548 Views) by afsaneh
You're welcome
Khahesh mikonam :)
Thread: Delkash- Hal Keh Rosva shodeam (1 Replies, 5,452 Views) by afsaneh
poem: Emad Khorasani
Hal ke rosva shode’am miravi ----------------------- now that I’ve become infamous, you’re going
Valeh o sheida shode’am miravi -------------------- [now] that I’ve become...
Thread: Shahram Nazeri - Selfless (3 Replies, 12,365 Views) by afsaneh
Sure, but is it in kurdish? because I don't know the language I found the farsi translation somewhere and turned it to english.
Thread: Amin Habibi translate (2 Replies, 5,093 Views) by afsaneh
last night right this minute you were beside me
I didn’t believe you’d go away this soon
last night right this minute I was beside you
tonight I’m in fire and ashes and smoke
tonight without...
Thread: Nooshafarin - golhaye kabul |نوش آفرين - گلهای کابل (3 Replies, 7,548 Views) by afsaneh
روشنی سازه، شب تارم تویی ----------------------- the lightener of my dull nights is you
تا سحر به دیدهء بیدارم تویی ------------------------ the one who my sleepless eyes are seeking is you
یاد قدت...
Thread: Mohammad Alizadeh- Joz To (2 Replies, 5,852 Views) by afsaneh
جز تو --------------------------------------- except you
کی می تونه عزیز من باشه ------------------------ who could be my darling?
کی می تونه تو قلب من جا شه ---------------------- who could be in...
Thread: sattar - gole pooneh english translation (8 Replies, 13,602 Views) by afsaneh
Hi khal,
Thank you for reminding me the mistakes, I usually translate from the lyrics that are provided here and don't check it with the song. Therefore I don't know if there are some mistakes.
Thread: Ramin Bibak - Asheghoone Dooset Daram (9 Replies, 8,083 Views) by afsaneh
دلم می خواد همه ازت دور بشن -------------------- I want everyone be far from you
دلم می خواد فقط تو باشی بامن --------------------- I want there to be just you and me
این همه عاشقونه دوست دارم...
Thread: Mohammadreza Shajarian - Ghasedak (3 Replies, 7,015 Views) by afsaneh
Oh cool, I'm so happy you recognized it buddy ;)
Thread: Majid Kharatha - Mano Bebaksh (3 Replies, 7,168 Views) by afsaneh
mano bebakhsh be khateret cheshmam dobaer shode khis
ya mesle man age kasi be fekre dardaye to nist
khodet miduni ke baram az khodam ham mohemtari
bebakhsh ke har shab az tuye fekr o khiyalam...
Thread: Salam - Fereydoun: Please help translate! (1 Replies, 7,201 Views) by afsaneh
Begu sargarme chi boodi ke inghadr saket o sardi --------------- tell we what you were doing that you’re so quiet and cold
Khodet aramesham boodi khodet delvapasam kardi ----------- you were my...
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,811 Views) by afsaneh
Merci azizam
inja chizi ke motevaje shodam ro neveshtam:
علاقه ی شدید، علاقه ی واقعی، علاقه ی نزدیک شدن به یک نفر است. از آن هنگام به بعد، همه چیز تغییر می کند. از این پس مرد و زن هر دو...
Thread: Abdollah Davami- Anke Halak (1 Replies, 4,698 Views) by afsaneh
Poem: Sadi
Ănke halăke man habib, khăhad o man salămatash ----------------- the one who wants my death, oh beloved, and I her health
Har che konad ze shăhedi kas nakonad malămatash...
Thread: (Please translate lyrics) Viguen - Shah Doomad (3 Replies, 16,848 Views) by afsaneh
No, it's more about the families discussing over the "Mehrie": the money groom gives the bride and if they agree there'll be dancing too
engagement is after that, and some days later, when they've...
Thread: (Please translate lyrics) Viguen - Shah Doomad (3 Replies, 16,848 Views) by afsaneh
Khonche biarid -------------------- bring khonche
Lale bekarid ----------------------- grow tulips
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,811 Views) by afsaneh
Khahesh mikonam: You're welcome
Thread: Mohammadreza Shajarian - Ghasedak (3 Replies, 7,015 Views) by afsaneh
Poem: Mehdi Akhavan Sales
Song: Parviz Meshkatian
Ghăsedak, hăn, che khabar ăvardi? ------------------ Lo, dandelion, what...
Thread: Delkash- Kot Va Shahvaar ( Mazandarani) (2 Replies, 5,187 Views) by afsaneh
This is in Mazandarani accent
I can't get anything from this song except "kot o shalvar" (a jacket and trousers, ie a suit)
Thread: Iraj Bastami - Didam Sanami (0 Replies, 5,111 Views) by afsaneh
Poetry and song: Aref Ghazvini
Didam sanami sarv ghadi rooy cho mahi ----------------------- I saw an idol, tall like a cypress, face like a moon...
Thread: Dreamcatcher ~ Bahramji; lyrics & Translation needed (7 Replies, 35,312 Views) by afsaneh
Poem by Aref Ghazvini:
دیدم صنمی سرو قدی روی چو ماهی
افکنده به رخسار چو مه زلف سیاهی
بشینم سر راهی به امید نگاهی
خدایا تو گواهی
Poem by Molana:
زهی عشق و زهی عشق که ما راست، خدایا
چه نغز است...
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,811 Views) by afsaneh
Hi, here it goes:
1. Kheyli lashi -------------------------- you’re so loose
-khodahafeziam ke nakardi ----------- you didn’t even say goodbye
-chi bet begam ------------------------- what...
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,811 Views) by afsaneh
Hi Guven
است means "is"
سارا یک دانش آموز است
Sara is a student.
while هست usually means "to be present, to exist" its English equivalent is "There is"
خدا هست
God exists. There is God....
Thread: Baba left us with a poem, help translating (1 Replies, 5,196 Views) by afsaneh
I'm sorry to hear about your father, this is a remarkable writing, I hope this can be a good translation:
At a cold wintry night
I opened my eyes for the first time
And for the first time...
Thread: Benyamin Bahadori- Tazahor (1 Replies, 4,882 Views) by afsaneh
ما تظاهر کردیم که به هم بی ربطیم ------------------ we pretended we are not related (pretended there’s nothing between us)
آدما فهمیدن ما دو تا لو رفتیم ----------------------- people found out, we...
Thread: Mohammad Yavari - Tie Kal (Green Eyes) (1 Replies, 5,417 Views) by afsaneh
This is in Lori language, I don't know the language, I just wrote down whatever was similar to Farsi. I'm not sure about some lines and I didn't get some lines at all. So, this translation is...
Thread: Learning Farsi (13 Replies, 26,835 Views) by afsaneh
You're welcome hazel,
Of course, you can ask anytime ;)
Thread: Benyamin Bahadori - Man be to ehsase malekiat daram (2 Replies, 4,703 Views) by afsaneh
من به تو احساس مالكيت دارم --------------- I have a possessive feeling toward you
تو نترس از حرفم حسن نيت دارم ------------ don’t get afraid of what I say, I have good intentions
همه قلبت رو من...
Thread: Learning Farsi (13 Replies, 26,835 Views) by afsaneh
I think it should've been
یه مشت جوجه هستن جاي من اينجا نيست
These are a bunch of babies, I'm out of here ( it's not my place)
Thread: Benyamin Bahadori- Havasam Be Toe (3 Replies, 6,084 Views) by afsaneh
Ha! Don't worry Zunera I'm not a good dancer myself, thanks and happy dancing ;)
Thread: Benyamin Bahadori- Havasam Be Toe (3 Replies, 6,084 Views) by afsaneh
Here it goes Zunera jan:
تو یه ماه نگاه به راه منو -----------------------it's a month that these anticipating eyes of mine
نمیبینی نمیشنوی آه منو ------------------------ you don’t see them and...
Thread: Elaheh- Khodaya (1 Replies, 4,681 Views) by afsaneh
Manam majnune kuyat ---------------- I’m Majnun (1.) of your alley
Toyi leilăye leilă ------------------------ you’re Leila of the night (2)
Ze sholeye negăham ------------------- from the flame of...
Thread: Ali Zibaei - Bi Andazeh (2 Replies, 6,021 Views) by afsaneh
من دنیام با عاشقی درگیره -------------- my world is dealing with being in love
دست من نیست اینکه دلم میره ----------- when my heart goes it’s not in my control
میره تا رویای قشنگی که...
Thread: Translation from Farsi to english. Please (1 Replies, 15,012 Views) by afsaneh
a: khob khodaro shokr biohare zahremaresh shod oonshab
well thanks God that night everything for ?( biohare) turned dreadful,
or ?( biohare) became dreadful for him/her
b: rasti topoli khanom...
Thread: "O Holy Night" in transliterated Farsi (2 Replies, 8,530 Views) by afsaneh
Dar ăn shabe moghadas o foruzăn
Monjie man molud gasht dar in jahăn
Teshnegăne ălam dar entezărash
Tă oo zăher shavad dar jalălash
Kalame jesm gardid o ăshekar shod
Nuri az oo bar mă tolu namud...
Thread: Can anyone please translate this (Ghomare Zendegi by Mahasti) قمار زندگی (2 Replies, 4,875 Views) by afsaneh
koja beram khodaya be ki begam ghamam ra --------------------------- where should I go oh God, who should I say my sorrows to?
Ke gham zabunamo suzunde ----------------------------------------------...
Thread: Ayda - Age Ye Rooz (1 Replies, 4,100 Views) by afsaneh
Check here:
Thread: Learning Farsi (13 Replies, 26,835 Views) by afsaneh
Hello my life, happy birthday, I wish you turn 1000 years old, today is a n important day for you, I’m sorry I’m nt there, you know I’m stuck
But I promise to make it up for you
I promise to hold...
Thread: zindagi (3 Replies, 14,693 Views) by afsaneh
You're welcome, Ndor, it's a nice song ;)
Thread: Emad Talebzadeh - Age Ye Ashegh (6 Replies, 5,885 Views) by afsaneh
You're welcome leila dear, I'm happy you that like iranian songs :)