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  • Unsurpassed Сasual Dating - Actual Women

    Thread: Roof repair (3 Replies, 3,182 Views) by Fifo

    Experience carefree connections with the top-rated site for casual dating adventures.
    Genuine Damsels
    Optimal casual Dating

  • Anyone?

    Thread: To Gouest or Sacramento Boston Nea Yorki (1 Replies, 14,130 Views) by Fifo


  • To Gouest or Sacramento Boston Nea Yorki

    Thread: To Gouest or Sacramento Boston Nea Yorki (1 Replies, 14,130 Views) by Fifo

    Can someone translate this song about America into English?

    First version

    Πήγα και στο Σαν Φραντσίσκο,
    όλο μερακλήδες βρίσκω
    Σακραμέντο και Βαλέο,
    τι έχω πάθει δε στο λέω
    Σακραμέντο και...

  • Syre na peis tis manas sou / Melahrino me tis elies

    Thread: Syre na peis tis manas sou / Melahrino me tis elies (0 Replies, 5,154 Views) by Fifo

    Please help with the English translation. These two traditional songs often have significant overlap in lyrics when sung. I even once heard a version were "San ta marmara tis polis" was included,...

  • (Ena pouli mana mou) Matzourana

    Thread: (Ena pouli mana mou) Matzourana (0 Replies, 4,163 Views) by Fifo

    Maybe someone can help translate it to English. Which region is this traditional song from?

    Ένα πουλί μάνα μου
    ματζουράνα μου μάνα,
    ένα πουλί απ’ το χωριό μας, ένα πουλί απ’ το χωριό μας...

  • Thank you for that! But that is only oneversion....

    Thread: Halasia mou (sta ksena na min pas) in English? (4 Replies, 16,954 Views) by Fifo

    Thank you for that! But that is only oneversion. Can you or someone else also please translate the other version about immigration?

  • Halasia mou (sta ksena na min pas) in English?

    Thread: Halasia mou (sta ksena na min pas) in English? (4 Replies, 16,954 Views) by Fifo

    I know this song comes with two different lyrics. Can you please translate them to English? Does halasia mean spoilage?

    Version 1:

    Δε στο 'πα χαλασιά μου
    στα ξένα να μην πας, χαλασιά μου

  • Thank you! Because I know that aderfi means...

    Thread: O mikros mou adelfos (6 Replies, 8,991 Views) by Fifo

    Thank you! Because I know that aderfi means sister.
    Did Thodoris Gonis really write this song about his little brother? Has he ever commented on it?

  • O mikros mou adelfos

    Thread: O mikros mou adelfos (6 Replies, 8,991 Views) by Fifo

    I have seen this song as both O mikros mou adelfos and aderfos and wanted to ask if there is a difference in using the words, like is one of them more formal or older, maybe?

    Ένας άνθρωπος...

  • Roben to kameno dason

    Thread: Roben to kameno dason (2 Replies, 4,991 Views) by Fifo

    by Orfeas Peridis, of course. Robin of the burnt woods is the correct translation of the title, right? Can someone help with the song?

    Γεννήθηκα μες τη σπηλιά του τσιμεντένιου δράκου
    από το στόμα...

  • thank you so much, dear niko! have you heard the...

    Thread: O katifes (3 Replies, 6,139 Views) by Fifo

    thank you so much, dear niko! have you heard the very oldest lyrics to this song, from giorgos asikis?

    Το Κατιφεντένιο Σου Μαντώ,
    Μ'(ε) Έχει Κάνει, " Παλαβό ",
    Έλα (Ε)'δω Τσαχπίνα Μου, Όπου Να...

  • Question about (related?) songs from Ipirus

    Thread: Question about (related?) songs from Ipirus (1 Replies, 5,173 Views) by Fifo

    For the traditional Ipirotan song Zalizomai, I found those lyrics:

    " Ζαλίζομαι ζαλίζομαι όταν σε συλλογίζομαι
    ζαλιάρικο ζαλιάρικο μικρό και...

  • Wedding song from Ipirus

    Thread: Wedding song from Ipirus (1 Replies, 4,069 Views) by Fifo

    Τρώτε για να πίνουμε, μωρέ παιδιά,
    τρώτε για να πίνουμε, ντουλμπέρια μου,
    κι αύριο στράτες έχουμε, μωρέ παιδιά,
    κι αύριο στράτες έχουμε, ω ντουλμπέ - ντουλμπέρια μου.

    Στράτες και στρατέματα,...

  • Can you please translate the rest of the song,...

    Thread: Papadopoula leventonia (3 Replies, 6,154 Views) by Fifo

    Can you please translate the rest of the song, too?

    So you say ta niata theloun ermineia is the correct line? The recording of the song I have at home is so old, it was very hard to understand...

  • Ok! Can you help translate?

    Thread: Seleimpeis (5 Replies, 6,132 Views) by Fifo

    Ok! Can you help translate?

  • No, it's a pop song from the 1990s and Hristos...

    Thread: Dimitris Mpasis (11 Replies, 16,490 Views) by Fifo

    No, it's a pop song from the 1990s and Hristos Nikolopoulos the bouzouki player composed it.

  • Papadopoula leventonia

    Thread: Papadopoula leventonia (3 Replies, 6,154 Views) by Fifo

    Can you help translate? Thanks!

    Παπαδοπούλα λεβεντονιά
    µην τα μαλώνεις τα παιδιά
    εσύ τρελαίνεις τα παιδιά
    βρε παπαδιά

    Ρίξε τα μάτια χαμηλά
    και μην κοιτάζεις πονηρά
    βρε παπαδιά

  • I trygona i orfani

    Thread: I trygona i orfani (1 Replies, 5,454 Views) by Fifo

    This is such a lovely folk song! Can someone translate it to English?

    Εσείς πουλιά πετούμενα που πάτε στον αγέρα
    τα καημένα τα παραπονεμένα
    Εσείς ταχιά παντρεύεστε και γίνεστε ζευγάρι

  • O lioulios

    Thread: O lioulios (3 Replies, 4,409 Views) by Fifo

    Ποιος είναι εκείνος
    που είναι εκεί πέρα
    αχ Λιούλιε καημένε, καημένε Λιούλιε

    Λιούλιε μου και μανουσάκι
    τ’ασπρο σου το γελεκάκι
    μην είναι ο Γιώργος
    μην είναι ο Κώστας

    Λιούλιε καημένε,...

  • O katifes

    Thread: O katifes (3 Replies, 6,139 Views) by Fifo

    Στον κατιφένιο σου οντά, αμάν
    θέλω να `ρθω μια βραδιά
    να σου πω τα πάθη μου
    να με κλαις, άντε να με κλαις αγάπη μου
    Μ’ έκαψες

    Τα ωραία σου τα μάτια, αμάν
    στον καθρέφτη μην τα δεις
    γιατί μόνη...

  • Alexandriani felaha

    Thread: Alexandriani felaha (1 Replies, 4,567 Views) by Fifo

    Αλεξανδριανή φελάχα
    πως μπερδεύτηκα
    Τ’ αράπικα σου μάτια

    Αραπίνα με γλυκαίνεις
    Αχ με το γιαλέλι
    Και τα χειλάκια σου
    Στάζουνε μέλι

  • Seleimpeis

    Thread: Seleimpeis (5 Replies, 6,132 Views) by Fifo

    Αχ Σελήμπεη, Σελήμπεη, Σελημπεη,
    γιος του Κατση μπέη, γιος του Κατση μπέη.
    Με τα φρυ τα φρύδια τα γραμμένα, κλαίνε’
    τα μα τα μάτια μου για σένα.
    Σελημπεη μπεοπουλο, μικρο μου αρχοντόπουλο.


  • Papalampraina

    Thread: Papalampraina (1 Replies, 4,538 Views) by Fifo

    Really famous dimotika song! I get it's about kleftes and a preist, but... I'm lost what papalampraina is!

    Στου παπαλά- παπαλάμπραινα,
    στου παπαλάμπρου την αυλή,
    κόσμος είναι μαζεμένοι...

  • Taha den imoun nios

    Thread: Taha den imoun nios (2 Replies, 4,811 Views) by Fifo

    I would love to know this song in English. Can you help?

    Taha den imoun nios:

    Τάχα δεν ήμουν νιος και `γω, δεν ήμουν παλληκάρι.
    Τάχα δεν επερπάτησα τις νύχτες με φεγγάρι.

    Βλέπω τους νιους...

  • Christos Konstantinou - Mana Petra, beautiful song

    Thread: Christos Konstantinou - Mana Petra, beautiful song (2 Replies, 4,699 Views) by Fifo

    Can someone please translate this into English? Thank you. I sense it's a sad song about a past life in Smyrna.

    Απ’ τη Σμύρνη μια μανούλα
    του παλιού καημού μου χώρα
    Άκουσε, μού `πε, γαβρίμ...

  • Zeybek song?

    Thread: Zeybek song? (0 Replies, 2,482 Views) by Fifo

    Beautiful dance. Can somebody help identify the song and interpret who sings it? Possibly a translation? Thanks!

  • Yes, I figured but they are always impressive to...

    Thread: A song in the Thracian dialect (2 Replies, 3,660 Views) by Fifo

    Yes, I figured but they are always impressive to learn from, though. I only understand a little Greek and it is impossible to understand the folk songs! Whether they are in a dialect or not........

  • A song in the Thracian dialect

    Thread: A song in the Thracian dialect (2 Replies, 3,660 Views) by Fifo

    I need a translation in English for this. I saw it called Stis salonikis to tsarsi, Sti saloniki sto tsarsi and what I think is Thracian dialect, Stou...

  • Stergious pismanipsi from Thrace

    Thread: Stergious pismanipsi from Thrace (0 Replies, 2,231 Views) by Fifo

    I have a question about songs from Thrace:

    I often hear some which mention a guy named Stergious or Stergiou... All about the same guy, is this a tale?...

  • Wow, thanks! Very nice of you.

    Thread: Karagatsiani song from Thrace (2 Replies, 2,962 Views) by Fifo

    Wow, thanks! Very nice of you.

  • Karagatsiani song from Thrace

    Thread: Karagatsiani song from Thrace (2 Replies, 2,962 Views) by Fifo

    Could somebody translate this to English? Thanks.

    Πως χαράμισες τα νιάτας Καραγατσιανή
    παίρνοντας αυτόν τον άντρα κόρη ζηλευτή

    Είναι κρίμα τέτοια νιάτα Καραγατσιανή
    να ναι τόσο αδικημένα...

  • Na s'agapo kosme - Manolis Lidakis

    Thread: Na s'agapo kosme - Manolis Lidakis (0 Replies, 1,797 Views) by Fifo

    Could somebody help? Thanks!

    Μέσα απ' τα σύρματα τα σύνορα περνάω
    και την πατρίδα που μου στέρησαν ζητάω
    άφησα πίσω μου έναν τόπο ρημαγμένο
    κι ούτε ένα γράμμα από 'κει δεν περιμένω
    Κι αν με...

  • Thanks, Niko! But is Diamanto being serious about...

    Thread: Siko Diamanto - Traditional from Peloponnese (3 Replies, 2,006 Views) by Fifo

    Thanks, Niko! But is Diamanto being serious about being ill, or is she being lazy?

  • Ponemeni Kardia translation needed

    Thread: Ponemeni Kardia translation needed (1 Replies, 2,170 Views) by Fifo

    Originally from Crete, written by Stelios Foustalieris... It sounds very sad and the bits that I understand seem to be about a cruel person who does not acknowledge other people's feelings and "plays...

  • Siko Diamanto - Traditional from Peloponnese

    Thread: Siko Diamanto - Traditional from Peloponnese (3 Replies, 2,006 Views) by Fifo

    My Greek is not good enough to understand whether Diamanto is really feeling bad or simply does not want to get married :D
    Please, translate! I have been wondering about the exact meaning of this....

  • I agapi einai karfitsa - Traditional from Thrace

    Thread: I agapi einai karfitsa - Traditional from Thrace (1 Replies, 1,817 Views) by Fifo

    I do understand that the name means "love is like a pin/brooch". What is meant exactly with this, that it is sharp and can sting? Or that it can be applied and easily taken off again?
