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  • I was trying something new. I guess what I had...

    Thread: Stained (3 Replies, 3,340 Views) by farnum

    I was trying something new. I guess what I had in my head doesnt really come across in a post. I was reading every third verse line at a faster pace than the rest. This is just a first draft...

  • Stained

    Thread: Stained (3 Replies, 3,340 Views) by farnum

    This skin.
    A shell and empty void
    It's all that's left, and all I feel
    Emotionally destroyed

    This carcass.
    Bones bleached white by sun
    Nothing left but skeletons,
    You're just another one.

  • Yeah. Every word after "Shhhhh..." is "It". ...

    Thread: Deafening (3 Replies, 2,703 Views) by farnum

    Yeah. Every word after "Shhhhh..." is "It". lol.

    'It keeps out silence that you shout.' - This is what I meant by that. Their lack of communication is basically shouting what they want,...

  • Deafening

    Thread: Deafening (3 Replies, 2,703 Views) by farnum

    ...It seems like every sound is so subdued,
    Since you went away,
    Wishing just for silence,
    How heavy silence weigh.

    ...It was all the things I said,
    You don't wanna...

  • Thank you both! I've always enjoyed writing, but...

    Thread: Cognition (4 Replies, 1,903 Views) by farnum

    Thank you both! I've always enjoyed writing, but this was my first attempt at song lyrics. I have another one that I will post once I clean it up a bit and a third one I just started. I've posted...

  • Cognition

    Thread: Cognition (4 Replies, 1,903 Views) by farnum

    A chemical reaction, a process of evolution.
    Its always been a problem, never a solution.
    We hunt, bleed and kill for it, the myth that it can be true,
    The folly that is our white whale, the...