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Thread: English Translation needed(Kayahan - Atın Beni Denizlere) (1 Replies, 30,712 Views) by LoOlya
Hello. :)
You'll find the translation here.
Thread: Zeki Müren - Bir gönül hikayesi anlatırdı gözlerin - English translation needed, pls. (1 Replies, 18,253 Views) by LoOlya
Bir gönül hikayesi anlatırdı gözlerin
Your eyes would explain a story of a heart,
Uzaklarda olsan da senin, kalbimde yerin
Even if you're far away, my heart is your place.
Anlatamam kalbimin...
Thread: can someone translate this for me - Ey güzel İstanbul, benim sevgili yarim (1 Replies, 17,472 Views) by LoOlya
Here you go! :)
Ey güzel İstanbul, benim sevgili yarim
Oh beautiful Istanbul, my lovely beloved one
Güzelliğin aksetmiş boğazın sularına
Your beauty is reflected on the water of boğaz (strait)...
Thread: English translation needed, pls.) İbrahim Tatlıses Yanağı Gamze (1 Replies, 18,556 Views) by LoOlya
Here you go! :)
Bir güzel sevmiştim,yanağı gamze
I've loved a beautiful (girl), with a dimple on her cheeck
(Benziyordu gülüşleri saz ile söze (2)
Her laughters were similar to the sound of...
Thread: محمد الشحي - كشف المحبة (1 Replies, 6,698 Views) by LoOlya
Oh, long time no see!! Happy to see you around again.. :)
Here you go my friend.
طُلُعُ كَشْفِ المحبه الْيَوْمَ وَأُسْمِي مَا هُوَ بِضِمْنِهُ
The attendance sheet of lovers was...
Thread: anyone knows the lyrics / translation to this song "BALADI YA WAD" (4 Replies, 12,596 Views) by LoOlya
You're welcome my dear, there were only few corrections.. :)
Thread: عم بحلم برفيقه - هادي يونس Hady Younes (1 Replies, 5,148 Views) by LoOlya
Here you go. :)
عم أحلم برفيقة - هادي يونس
I'm dreaming of a soulmate
عم بحلم برفيقة تقلي
I'm dreaming of a soulmate,
مشي نطلع صوب الشمس
Who would tell me 'Let's go far away toward the...
Thread: anyone knows the lyrics / translation to this song "BALADI YA WAD" (4 Replies, 12,596 Views) by LoOlya
Good try dear hob.. :)
Actually the word Baladi here is the name of the dance the woman in the video is dancing already. :)
Baladi Dancing means (Country\Local\Traditional\Folk Dancing)..
Thread: Cem Adrian - Sen Gel Diyorsun Öf Öf (1 Replies, 13,326 Views) by LoOlya
Here you go. :)
Aramıza girmiş dağlar, denizler
Between us, there are mountains and seas
Gelemem diyorum öf öf,
I'm saying "I can't come", of of
Sen gel diyorsun
You're saying "come!"
Thread: 2 Sentences in Arab (1 Replies, 18,085 Views) by LoOlya
1) - The measure of love, is to love without measure -
مقياس الحب إنك تحب بدون مقياس
2) - A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge -
“بداية كل معرفة قلب محب” is it correct?
Thread: Kara - Dayan, English translation ? (4 Replies, 16,373 Views) by LoOlya
Sorry for being late! I wasn't around lately.
Here you go! Enjoy! :)
Bak yüzüme
Look at my face,
Dolmasın gözlerin sevdam
May your eyes not tear, my love
Kurban olurum
Gözünden akan
Thread: muslum gurses song Solmadan gel artık (seni yazdım kalbime) (2 Replies, 11,896 Views) by LoOlya
The original name of this song is: Seni Yazdım Kalbime.
Already translated here! Look at the second translation.
Enjoy! :)
Thread: Paramparca dizi song (1 Replies, 13,537 Views) by LoOlya
The name of the song is Fikrimin İnce Gülü.. :)
Here is the link:
Thread: Arabic friends can find this song? Please :( (1 Replies, 18,634 Views) by LoOlya
Bu programı nasıl seyretmedim önceden ya :) süperdi!
Şu istediğin şarkının ismi فوق يا شبه الجزيرة Foug ya şebh'el cezire ..
Malesef youtube'da bulamadım ama burda dinleyebileceksin...
Thread: Websites For Online Series Watching (10 Replies, 24,957 Views) by LoOlya
Hello! I moved your post to this place into a new thread form so that more people may see it and help. :)
I wonder why you open Shahid-Plus, where the normal is already free!
I watch...
Thread: Gülyaru - Derdi var(Turkish) (1 Replies, 7,819 Views) by LoOlya
Here is my try with this song. :)
Bu dünyada her adamın
In this world, every person has a problem,
Özüne göre, sözüne göre derdi var yar ey.
According to himself, according to his words, he...
Thread: A Question ? (1 Replies, 18,562 Views) by LoOlya
First of all welcome to Allthelyrics. :)
I suggest you to get the English translation, and then re-post it in the Urdu section >HERE< to get it translated from English into Urdu.
Thread: Fairouz - Kenna netla2a min 3ashyi (3 Replies, 33,455 Views) by LoOlya
You are always welcome :) You know that every translation you do is highly appreciated.
Thread: Fairouz - Kenna netla2a min 3ashyi (3 Replies, 33,455 Views) by LoOlya
Awesome job as usual, George! :)
My favorites of Fairouz are uncountable, and this is one of them.
I found this translation. Sharing it would be beneficial I guess, though your translation is...
Thread: Hello (3 Replies, 12,897 Views) by LoOlya
Namaste! :)
You're welcome between us.
Thread: Stranger (3 Replies, 11,689 Views) by LoOlya
You're welcome between us! :)
Thread: Arabic song to id (1 Replies, 4,547 Views) by LoOlya
The song isn't Arabic. It's Kurdish I believe. :)
Thread: Can someone help me translate this Dari word pleeeeeaaase!!! (6 Replies, 11,187 Views) by LoOlya
Merhaba canım! Türksün galiba, isminden farkettim. :)
Maghroor (originally Arabic word), gururlu demektir. Biriye 'gurulusun' deyince küfürdür sanırım :D.
So It's almost an insult.
Thread: Saad Lamjarred ft Salah Kurdi - Ya Ensan (3 Replies, 6,888 Views) by LoOlya
3afwan 7abibty.. anytime!! :kiss_fun:
Thread: Please translate this nasheed ( ياصاحبي امانه صليت الفجر - محمد الحدا& (3 Replies, 3,283 Views) by LoOlya
You're welcome :)
God bless you too!!
Thread: Please translate this nasheed ( ياصاحبي امانه صليت الفجر - محمد الحدا& (3 Replies, 3,283 Views) by LoOlya
Here you go. :)
ياخي على ايش الكدر
Oh bro, for what reason all these sorrows?
والضيقة والهم والضجر
(For what those) worries, sadness and boredom?
ابسألك يا صاحبي !
Let me ask you, my...
Thread: Khlset Begad by Marwa Nasr (1 Replies, 2,551 Views) by LoOlya
Wa alaykum assalam. :)
Here you go!
خلصت بجد المرادى
This time it's seriously done
فهمت حبى ليك غلط
I misunderstood your love
انا كنت غلطانة وعادى
I was mistaken, and it's ok
Thread: Habiet El Donia by Marwa Nasr (1 Replies, 2,217 Views) by LoOlya
Wa alaykum Assalam :)
Here you go dear!
قال وفاكره روحى عايشه
I thought I was alive
انا كنت يظهر مضحوك عليا
I guess I was fooled
ياحبيبى قبل منك
Oh my love, before you..
Thread: Saad Lamjarred ft Salah Kurdi - Ya Ensan (3 Replies, 6,888 Views) by LoOlya
Dear aila :) good job but unfortunately lots of mistakes.
Some important comments :
1- You translated every 3am as year, while it's a helping verb to express present continuous in the Syrian...
Thread: Daydream if ur there (12 Replies, 7,457 Views) by LoOlya
It's a part of a famous song's lyrics.
It means "Who's my lover? Reply to me and say it! (It's absolutely you)"
Here is the Lebanese dialect section. :)
Thread: Oscar by Marwa Nasr (1 Replies, 2,480 Views) by LoOlya
Such a challenging song actually. :)
The song is about a woman who has been betrayed by her lover, who was acting to her and lying to her all the time.
So she's telling him these in a case of...
Thread: Can someone translate this to English?נתי לוי - דוד ויהונתן (2 Replies, 20,848 Views) by LoOlya
Hello :)
I wrote the lyrics in Latin alphabet, hope you get the translation soon!
רועה מבית לחם אדמוני
ro'eih mivet lehem admuni
צעיר הבנים לבית אביו
tse'ir havanim levet aviv
רועה את צאנו כה...
Thread: Şəbnəm Tovuzlu - Sevənlər Ölməz (3 Replies, 10,857 Views) by LoOlya
Thank you so much for this lovely translation. It's never too late to help others! ;)
For that line, Sensiz hayatta üzülmezdim ben?
I guess since it's in a question form, it's like she is asking...
Thread: Gülşen - Gel Yapma Translation Request (2 Replies, 3,674 Views) by LoOlya
Here you go. I tried my best with it. :)
Any corrections are welcomed from natives. :o :o
Seni düşünmek yetmiyor
Thinking about you isn't enough,
Seni bana geri getirmiyor
It's not...
Thread: UTN1 - Mur Biyya (2 Replies, 4,296 Views) by LoOlya
Here you go dear :)
مر بيه
Pass by me.
مر بيه يا حلو الطول
Pass by me, oh you pretty tall girl,
من تكحل عيونك
Let your eye be happy (by seeing me) *free translation*
Thread: Mestaghrab Leh by Amr Diab (4 Replies, 3,520 Views) by LoOlya
Here you go dear. :)
مستغرب ليه
Why are you marveled..
اني هسيبك
..that I'm leaving you
دلوقتي عرفت اني حبيبك
So now you figured out that I'm your lover? (it's too late)
Thread: Ebru Gündeş - Araftayım (2014 Full Albüm) DONE! (20 Replies, 15,068 Views) by LoOlya
Selimmm ~ SÜPERSİN!!!
We're done with the whole album.. beni çok ama çok mutlu ettin :)
kalbimin en derinden diyorum ki : TEŞEKKÜRLER!! :o:o:o
Thread: Ebru Gündeş - Araftayım (2014 Full Albüm) DONE! (20 Replies, 15,068 Views) by LoOlya
Teşekkürler Tülin'ciğim! <3
"I was about to die from your love" would be Aşkından Ölecektim.. Değil mi?
~ If you meant about "your", then I just forgot adding it :D
Thread: Ebru Gündeş - Araftayım (2014 Full Albüm) DONE! (20 Replies, 15,068 Views) by LoOlya
3- Aşkın Huzurunda
In The Peace of Love.
Ne kadar kaçsam da
However (I try) to escape
Elim vicdanımda
My hand is in my conscience
İnkar etmek nereye kadar
Till when there'll be denying...
Thread: Lyrics Request Ali al Deek Saba7 Al Khair Suriya. English font (3 Replies, 21,752 Views) by LoOlya
Here you go. ;)
Even though I strongly dislike this singer, but nice words, nice lyrics.. :)
اسمعت الشمس تهمس همس صباح الخير سورية
Esm3t elshms t'hms hms, 9ba7 el5er syria
I heard the sun...
Thread: Ebru Gündeş - Araftayım (2014 Full Albüm) DONE! (20 Replies, 15,068 Views) by LoOlya
Million thanks seyyid selim :)
Can I know how ‘oku canıma’ means 'let me suffer?'
Does Okumak have a meaning = let (somebody) suffer?
I thought since she was talking about keman and arabesk,...
Thread: Ebru Gündeş - Araftayım (2014 Full Albüm) DONE! (20 Replies, 15,068 Views) by LoOlya
Selim, I knew you would never disappoint me as usual! :)
I was waiting for your help, specially in such a confusing song like Araftayım. Çok teşekkürler!!
I hope you can help me with the rest,...
Thread: Ebru Gündeş - Araftayım (2014 Full Albüm) DONE! (20 Replies, 15,068 Views) by LoOlya
4- Aynı Aşklar
Same (types of) Love
Gecelerim aynı, gündüzlerim aynı aslında
My nights are the same, my mornings are already the same as well
Değişen hiçbir şey kalmadı yaşanmamış hayatımda...
Thread: Ebru Gündeş - Araftayım (2014 Full Albüm) DONE! (20 Replies, 15,068 Views) by LoOlya
Fortunately, I found some songs,which originally by other singers, are already TRANSLATED..
7- Mecbursun
11- Soğuk Odalar
13- Üflediler Söndüm
Thread: Ebru Gündeş - Araftayım (2014 Full Albüm) DONE! (20 Replies, 15,068 Views) by LoOlya
Hello my friends,
I hope you all are doing well :)
Anybody would help me to translate the songs of Araftayım album by Ebru Gündeş?
I'll try my best with songs that I find easy for me to...
Thread: مسكينه ماتدرين Can someone please translate this song? (2 Replies, 2,475 Views) by LoOlya
Here you go. :)
غايب حبيبي ليه ؟ مادري وش اللي صار!
My lover is absent, why? I have no idea about what's happened
منهو يعلمني انقطعت الأخبار
Someone let me know, I have no news about him
Thread: Please help-need transliteration (3 Replies, 3,059 Views) by LoOlya
Let me know if the translation is needed, too! :)
Thread: Learning Persian and common questions (1,266 Replies, 631,904 Views) by LoOlya
1. Nafas = Breath. :D
Thread: Lola Yuldasheva İçim Yanar (7 Replies, 4,534 Views) by LoOlya
Yes! This is it. :)
It's Uzbek, translated to Turkish, then Turkish translated to English. :D
Thread: Orhan Gencebay Kul Bırakmadın (6 Replies, 4,837 Views) by LoOlya