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Thread: Richard and Sarah Elizabeth Lacy - I Am Mine (0 Replies, 7,307 Views) by Spring
Can someone please help with lyrics to this song?
Thread: Dado Polumenta - 2008 - Zauvijek tvoj (20 Replies, 49,355 Views) by Spring
Which would be incorrect because (at least according to the lyrics) he says "jer ja sahranio sam svaku tvoju tamnu stranu" and I presume your interpretation is based on the idea that he says...
Thread: Dado Polumenta - 2008 - Zauvijek tvoj (20 Replies, 49,355 Views) by Spring
When you stop laughing, perhaps you could show us how it's done?
Thread: Allan - I Need You So Bad (NOT very clear at all) (0 Replies, 3,856 Views) by Spring
Hi everyone! :)
I don't think I have a hearing problem but this one is surely making me question the idea...
It's an old recording and I've found some versions of the lyrics but I am sure there's...
Thread: Learning Serbian /Croatian/Bosnian (944 Replies, 239,428 Views) by Spring
Well.. it is possible that you came from the sea - došao si sa mora (sea=more)
However, it is also possible that 'it must have been great being there' - mora da je bilo dobro tamo (must=morati) or...
Thread: A paragraph translation if you can (17 Replies, 266,823 Views) by Spring
I think that Macedonian and Bulgarian versions of the first line are better than those in Slovene and Serbian.. i.e. that "pleniti" and "pokleknuti" fit better than simple translation of the word...
Thread: Serbian /Croatian chit-chat off topic discussions (618 Replies, 168,729 Views) by Spring
Thread: The Serbian Cyrillic/ Српска ћирилица (44 Replies, 36,263 Views) by Spring
Mene samo zanima ko su ti koju znaju latinicu a ne znaju ćirilicu sem ako im se to dogodilo jer su se rodili i išli u školu u inostranstvu?
Thread: Thompson (11 Replies, 7,020 Views) by Spring
There is a difference between - incorrect translation and - different interpretation.
I am clearly missing a political gene so, thank you for your interpretation
Thread: Srpska poezija (serbian poetry) (19 Replies, 8,920 Views) by Spring
Well, I've tried translating some and some of them are already on ATL, and some, stolen, on various other websites. Originals - here (including my version of Opomena< still working on it:-)
Thread: Bajaga (35 Replies, 28,582 Views) by Spring
Well hello djoxy!
2 years old story - click
Thread: Magazin - Ne vjerujem tebi ne vjerujem sebi (6 Replies, 4,498 Views) by Spring
It's hard to rise above it (all)
rise above something
2. Fig. [for one] to ignore petty matters and do what one is meant to do in spite of them.
to not allow something unpleasant to influence...
Thread: Even though we've got a date tomorrow.... Can you please translate this to serbian (8 Replies, 3,350 Views) by Spring
Zverljivo* gledam u slušalicu, hm => U slušalicu piljim
Ali, počelo je mnogo da ????** => boli (But, it starts to hurt alot)
Thread: ako je do mene (5 Replies, 3,444 Views) by Spring
There's one thing though..
pa onaj smeh, kao lek, sto iscupa dan
Then that laughter, like a remedy, that plucks the day
I'd say "that saves the day" (instead of "plucks")
Thread: Serbian /Croatian chit-chat off topic discussions (618 Replies, 168,729 Views) by Spring
Thread: Radio for Serbian music (3 Replies, 14,497 Views) by Spring
Although it kinda looks like spamming.. still, might be a good thing to have a list of links here
Radio S
Radio Index
Radio AS
although they don't always play EX Yu music.. but try.. ...
Thread: Need translation (6 Replies, 14,956 Views) by Spring
Sorry D&M, nadam se da nije kasno!
Evo predloga..
Tokom vala 1, mišljenje (viđenje) mladih ljudi o opcijama koje im stoje na raspolaganju nakon 16-te godine ukazalo je da će se mnogi vjerojatno...
Thread: Serbian /Croatian chit-chat off topic discussions (618 Replies, 168,729 Views) by Spring Interesting!
Thread: Serbian /Croatian chit-chat off topic discussions (618 Replies, 168,729 Views) by Spring
hm.... ima li neko pojma sta se desilo sa inom?
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) SR/CR/BH <-> EN Translations (1,323 Replies, 281,875 Views) by Spring
Jao... :D ne znam koliko je stara pesma (10 - 15 godina?) ali ta reč je bila fensi mnogo mnogo pre nego što je išta postalo "fensi" a nadala sam se da je do sada već iskorenjena :D
Thread: Croatian and Serbian - differences (141 Replies, 90,655 Views) by Spring
Ja bih stvarno volela kada bi neko imao razumevanja i strpljenja da mi (kao nekom Amerikancu koji ne zna da Jugoslavija nije bila mesto kod Dubrovnika) objasni koja je razlika između hrvatskog i...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) SR/CR/BH <-> EN Translations (1,323 Replies, 281,875 Views) by Spring
Ina, ovo
Nepise To samo Babo imam jos i ja Tu mi lici na varijantu - B se dopisuje sa rodjacima a onda dodje sin i napise 'ne pise samo B, i ja sam tu' :)
Samo za tebe i ljubav tvoju...
Thread: Šako Polumenta (duet Dado Polumenta) - Ljepša od noči (17 Replies, 16,621 Views) by Spring
Well, have you read the posts? The conclusion about smell wasn't general.. :)
Thread: Morning Musume Kimagure Princess (Moody Princess) please translate english to serbian (9 Replies, 3,784 Views) by Spring
1. Given to frequent changes of mood; temperamental. <---- mislim da je ovde ovo primarno značenje. Umišljena princeza, čas bi ovo, čas bi ono a nikad nije...
Thread: Morning Musume Kimagure Princess (Moody Princess) please translate english to serbian (9 Replies, 3,784 Views) by Spring
Potištena možda zvuči poetičnije.. ali, imajući u vidu primarno značenje reči "moody" i čitav kontekst, trebalo bi biti - ćudljiva.
Thread: Please identify this singer (got original) (5 Replies, 2,627 Views) by Spring
Yep. Listen to this:
From the album Mramor, kamen i željezo
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) SR/CR/BH <-> EN Translations (1,323 Replies, 281,875 Views) by Spring
Izraz je "plati pa se klati", uz dve teorije kako je nastao (i ne baš savršenu definiciju) ->> klik
(robnjak = robna kuća)
A to je na eng. svakako "pay to play"
Thread: Slava vo visnjim Bogu (2 Replies, 268,801 Views) by Spring
This should be Serbian version:
Slava na visini Bogu!
Zapevajte ljudi.
Danas se Hristos rađa,
u pelene se povija.
Bog naš pravedni
jagnje nezlobivo.
Carevi putujte danas,
Hristu darujte...
Thread: Closed thread! (2 Replies, 4,829 Views) by Spring
oh dear...
Some stupid mod did it unintentionally!
And I was wondering - was my song so tutting bad?! :D
Thread: Mile Kitic - Kraljica Totoara (i mozda nekoj drugi pesni) (11 Replies, 10,315 Views) by Spring
Since I hadn't seen her <- you are right about this one and some other suggestions are good too :)
nekoga ceka
belonging to somebody <= not so much because he doesn't say nekome pripada...
Thread: Learning Serbian /Croatian/Bosnian (944 Replies, 239,428 Views) by Spring
Razlikuju se jer radoznao = curious možda svoju radoznalost ispoljava tajnim istragama (njuškanjem) a pri tom ne postavlja nikakva pitanja (bar ne naglas). Onaj ko je ljubopitljiv je "one who asks a...
Thread: Learning Serbian /Croatian/Bosnian (944 Replies, 239,428 Views) by Spring
ina, vidim da definitivno imas ozbiljnih problema.. to sam iskopirala odnegde ne ocekujuci da ce neko sebi dati pravo pravopisne policije
U svakom slucaju - jos jednom, ova tema ima neku svrhu...
Thread: Learning Serbian /Croatian/Bosnian (944 Replies, 239,428 Views) by Spring
O nama bi se dalo raspravljati ali svakako ne u Learning.. sem ako će neko da objasni (+ in English) šta znači "Ne daj Bože da se srbi slože!" :)
Thread: YOU KMOW A Serbian\Bosnian ver of this songs? (10 Replies, 16,863 Views) by Spring
yep.. we know they steal a lot
Thread: Learning Serbian /Croatian/Bosnian (944 Replies, 239,428 Views) by Spring
U izvesnim situacijama se preporucuje da se ne koristi čćšđž iz razloga sto ne raspoznaje svaki kompjuter/program svaki font te se isti mogu pretvoriti u gomilu hijeroglifa (kao sto su verovatno...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) SR/CR/BH <-> EN Translations (1,323 Replies, 281,875 Views) by Spring
Ina, a sta je kerm(a)? bez kerma ? marke? švorc tip?
nema pishi brishi! (a ne znam ni zasto kad si u pravu:D)
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) SR/CR/BH <-> EN Translations (1,323 Replies, 281,875 Views) by Spring
Posto taj koji je nesto maznuo peva, onda se verovatno misli na "da ti nisi popio koju (casicu) vise?"
u hipu - ocas posla, u momentu, 'dok si reko keks' = in a jiffy
zicer - German 'sicher' =...
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) SR/CR/BH <-> EN Translations (1,323 Replies, 281,875 Views) by Spring
Zato sto je takva izjava u mojoj glavi zvucala vise zdravorazumski :D
Evo ispravljeno :pardon_fun:
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) SR/CR/BH <-> EN Translations (1,323 Replies, 281,875 Views) by Spring
It's easy for you my friend, you have a woman (wife) to make your plans (plans for you)
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) SR/CR/BH <-> EN Translations (1,323 Replies, 281,875 Views) by Spring
Jao bagzi... Da budem iskrena, sta je ONO ... u tom kontekstu meni najvise zvuci na reakciju na devojku od recimo 200kg!
Tako da, da ne bunimo Zahala, mozemo zakljuciti da se "ono" (i ovo) moze...
Thread: sandy - deldar (iranian song) (3 Replies, 3,571 Views) by Spring
Thread moved. No need to repeat it :)
Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) SR/CR/BH <-> EN Translations (1,323 Replies, 281,875 Views) by Spring
Verovatno se Zahal malo izgubio sto je moja krivica.. prvobitno je pitanje postavljeno u chit-chat pa sam ga prebacila u Learning
Thread: Djordje Balasevic (84 Replies, 79,195 Views) by Spring
znači nekog varalicu, malog lopovčiča <--- ako je tako u slovenačkom, pretpostavljam da je i u srpskom ali po meni u ovom slučaju - ćuk je ćuk a vuk je vuk = i ćuk i vuk su grabljivice ali zna se ko...
Thread: Рођен си лош (4 Replies, 3,162 Views) by Spring
We've already had that song, here: Funky G - RODJEN SI LOS
Next time maybe try using the Search option :)
Thread: Eurovision 2011 (7 Replies, 22,476 Views) by Spring
Actually, all countries have announced their songs, except Azerbaijan - due to be aired tonight (or has been already?)
You can find them all here - click
Now, for that tip, you have to tell me...
Thread: Help needed - binbir gece!!! (4 Replies, 3,620 Views) by Spring
Well I concluded there's only a very tragic instrumental playing in the Benu moments but maybe I'm wrong :confused: maybe Nezzy will find it ... (all parts are there on youtube)
Thread: Someone can translate it in Easy English?(Again)Зле разпределени (3 Replies, 1,956 Views) by Spring
I think it's not so much complicating English but the song is quite confusing itself
You’re not even listening to that doll with you
But you’re turning to me 100 times
And I’m not listening...
Thread: Help needed - binbir gece!!! (4 Replies, 3,620 Views) by Spring
Hello Skopje! :) I have no idea which song you mean but the scenes are in episodes 75 and 76 so maybe you can watch and find exactly when the song starts
episode 75, part 6. (from 06:45)...
Thread: Serbian /Croatian chit-chat off topic discussions (618 Replies, 168,729 Views) by Spring
Joooj Majaaaa pa zasto? Sve je tu samo je novo i moderno ( i nije onako sivo i ocajno.. .Mozda samo treba da se naviknes :)
obrati paznju...
Thread: Please ID this rock song, female singer: maybe slovak or croatian (5 Replies, 7,079 Views) by Spring
I don't think it's Serbian, CR nor Bosnian