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Thread: Aljarooh- الجروح - فزاع (2 Replies, 4,463 Views) by abu arab
the wounds - الجروح
الله خلق لي نفس تسـمو على البوح
god has created to me a soul transcends revelation
ماهـيب لا ضاقـت من الهـم باحـت
whatever it feels annoyed from worries , it...
Thread: father and son (cat steven)-general meaning (3 Replies, 23,415 Views) by abu arab
i know the meaning of every word in the song father and son by Cat Stevens but there's something i couldn't understand
1- why does the son have to go away ?
2- when the son said "when I...
Thread: Government of Love by Fazza (1 Replies, 1,628 Views) by abu arab
سألـت جفـني ليه يا جفـن ما تـنام
i asked my eye why you don't sleep
قال اسأل القلب الشـقاوي لعـلّه
it said : ask the heart which miseries have caused it ill
يجـاوبـك لانـّه هـالايّـام منـضـام
Thread: Ace of Base Album: "The Sign" (1993) (2 Replies, 2,015 Views) by abu arab
3- Don't Turn Around
"Don't Turn Around"
I will survive without you
Don't tell me that you wanna leave
If you wanna leave
I won't beg you to stay
Thread: Bob Marley – Could You Be Loved (0 Replies, 1,450 Views) by abu arab
Is there any Arabic translation to "could you be loved" - Bob marely , pls?
Could you be loved and be loved?
Could you be loved and be loved?
Don't let them fool ya,
Or even try to school ya!...
Thread: Ace of Base Album: "The Sign" (1993) (2 Replies, 2,015 Views) by abu arab
2- All That She Wants
"All That She Wants"
She leads a lonely life
She leads a lonely life
When she woke up late in the morning light
And the day had just begun
She opened up her eyes and...
Thread: Ace of Base Album: "The Sign" (1993) (2 Replies, 2,015 Views) by abu arab
i need an Arabic lyrics for ace of base songs album: "The Sign" (1993)
1- The Sign lyrics
I, I got a new life, you would hardly recognize me, I'm so glad
How can a person like me care for you?...
Thread: Pls translate this poem of fazza (5 Replies, 4,756 Views) by abu arab
this for the first poem - any more suggestions are appreciated
يطالبني الجمهـور بالشـعر وآنا اقول
the crowd reclaims poetry from me and i say
ألابداع فكره في الأحاسيس مغروسـه
the creation is...
Thread: The Good Is Still Alive - Nasheed (6 Replies, 37,372 Views) by abu arab
the good is still alive, it hasn't stopped
لا يزال الخير حيا , لايزال (لم يتوقف
la yazal el5er 7yan la yazal
in this world there is peace and shade
ان في الدنيا سلاما وظلال
en fe eldonya...
Thread: Abadi al-Johar/Warda - Zaman Maho Zamani (2 Replies, 2,784 Views) by abu arab
زمان ماهو زمانى
عبادى لو تعرف علومى
وكيف الهم من كاسه سقانى
على نفسى ترى عتبى ولومى
ولا بعتب ولا بشكى الثانى
انا ايش اللى بقالى غير يومى
لقيته فى زمان ماهو زمانى
ياوردة مابها شئ يدوم
Thread: Mahsun Kirmizigül - Hemserim (2 Replies, 2,651 Views) by abu arab
this is my first Turkish translation trail
Hemserim // compatriot (countryman)
Mesken tuttum gurbet eli // I have settled in abroad
Zindan olur geceleri // a dungeon at every night
Thread: Mahsun Kirmizigül - Hemserim (2 Replies, 2,651 Views) by abu arab
I am still waiting :)
Thread: Mahsun Kirmizigül - Hemserim (2 Replies, 2,651 Views) by abu arab
could anyone translate this song to English please ?
this is the Turkish lyrics
Mesken tuttum gurbet eli
Zindan olur geceleri
Hasret sarmis...
Thread: Derby Circus - Rabi 2amamak (2 Replies, 1,847 Views) by abu arab
i did my best
ربي أمامك أخذت قراري
Oh my god i've made my decision in front of you
اخترتك انتي بملئ اختياري
i've chosen you with all my will
ربي أمامك أخذت قراري
Oh my god i've made my...
Thread: Abdel men3em el 3amere - Debtor (6 Replies, 3,751 Views) by abu arab
عبد المنعم العامري - مديون
abdel men3em el 3amere -debtor
قـآلـتَ لـي بـعـدَ آلـعـصـُر آطـلُـب آيــدي منْ آهـلــي
galat le ba3d el3asr etlob ede men ahle
she said to me afternoon ask my hand...
Thread: Abdel men3em el 3amere - Debtor (6 Replies, 3,751 Views) by abu arab
the video doesn't work , do you have another one ?
Thread: translation of the song (1 Replies, 4,488 Views) by abu arab
ذهب ذهب معدنكِ في عيني
ويآ عز الطلب
gold gold your metal is seen by my eyes and that's what i want .
معدنكِ يغنيني في هذآ الكون عن كسب الحلي
your metal satisfies me about gaining ornaments in...
Thread: Ghir Ana - Bilal (3 Replies, 2,982 Views) by abu arab
what's this language ? lyrics for what ?
Thread: i need english lyrics of ehsan khaje amiri's song !:) (12 Replies, 4,946 Views) by abu arab
move the songs to Persian lyrics translation forum , you can find help their more than here
Thread: Ah Istanbul (kibariye) (2 Replies, 2,777 Views) by abu arab
it's the same song by sezen aksu then , i can realize there are many threads about this song
Thread: Ah Istanbul (kibariye) (2 Replies, 2,777 Views) by abu arab
Hi , are there any English translation for this song
thanks in advance
Thread: Mahabbati by Ibraheem Saeed (1 Replies, 3,042 Views) by abu arab
نشيد ( محبتي ) أداء المنشد إبراهيم السعيد
Nasheed (My Love) by Ibraheem el Saeed
Arabic Lyrics with English Translation
ولكم صدقت مودتي .. وبكم الوذ واستعين
I have dedicated my cordiality...
Thread: Mehad Hamad - wain int (1 Replies, 7,377 Views) by abu arab
This is the Arabic lyrics with its translation
mehad hamad - ميحد حمد
wain ent - where are you? - وين انت ؟
وين انت ياللي كل ماقلت وين انت
wain ent yalle kol ma golt wain int
where are you...
Thread: mishary rashid alafasy (10 Replies, 62,674 Views) by abu arab
*thank you Egypt :
شكرا يا مصر
Thank you Egypt
فوق راسى يا أم الناس جميلك تسلمى
Oh mother of the people your favor upon my head , stay blessed
من قلبى ربنا يكرمك تتقدمى
from my heart God give...
Thread: mishary rashid alafasy (10 Replies, 62,674 Views) by abu arab
بالحب تلقاك البدور ضيف الأماني والسرور
the full moons welcome you with love , you're the guest of wishes and happiness
فيك العطايا والاجور يا مرحبا زين الشهور
in you the presents and...
Thread: mishary rashid alafasy (10 Replies, 62,674 Views) by abu arab
*asma ul husna : here is the translation
Thread: mishary rashid alafasy (10 Replies, 62,674 Views) by abu arab
*La Illah Ila Allah : here is the translation
لا إله إلا الله
No God but Allah
ما لـــــــــــــــــــــنا رب ســــــــــــــــواه
We have no...
Thread: mishary rashid alafasy (10 Replies, 62,674 Views) by abu arab
*Agheebo : here is the translation
أغيب وذو اللطائف لا يغيب
وأرجوه رجاء لا يخيب
I leave and go but God the one with all the kindness is always...
Thread: Abdulmajeed Abdullah - Hala besh (11 Replies, 5,597 Views) by abu arab
this is the Arabic lyrics
هلا بش .. حي من عاكس اتجاه الريح وجابش
هلا بش قد ماسوى الوله فيني بغيابش
علامش .. علامش يابعد كلي عليا .. ومامش غير انا وانتي هنيا
تداري نظرتش ليه مستحيا
Thread: Mohammed Al Zel'e - Ma yeteeq al sabr (3 Replies, 2,858 Views) by abu arab
this is arabic lyrics
ما يطيق الصبرا .. يا مل قلب ٍ .. ما يطيق الصبرا
نحت انا له وبرا .. نوح الحمامه .. نحت انا له وبرا
يا نظير عيوني .. ودعتك الله .. يا نظير عيوني
عبروا مضنوني .. يا اهل...
Thread: Mehad Hamad - Youm al Wida3 (3 Replies, 5,461 Views) by abu arab
this song is about sad feelings at the farewell day , the singer or (the poet) didn't mention if the separation is temporary or forever , in general he couldn't survive at the hour of separation and...
Thread: Shaya new song Lene (4 Replies, 10,567 Views) by abu arab
i think here is the Greek lyrics
Thread: Mehad Hamad - Youm al Wida3 (3 Replies, 5,461 Views) by abu arab
Arabic lyrics with its English translation
mehad hamad-ميحد حمد
the day of farewell-يوم الوداع
لآشفتنـي ضآيق وأهل الدمع وأبكي باقتنآع
la sheftni dayek wa ahl el dame3 wa abke be8tena3
if you...
Thread: Ehsan Khajeh Amiri - Miveh Mamnoeh (1 Replies, 2,953 Views) by abu arab
thank you so much
Thread: Ehsan Khajeh Amiri - Miveh Mamnoeh (1 Replies, 2,953 Views) by abu arab
could i find English translation for Forbidden Fruit song ?
Thread: Hazzatni Nasheed (1 Replies, 4,183 Views) by abu arab
here Arabic lyrics with English translation
Thread: Олег Погудин " Динь - динь динь" (2 Replies, 3,620 Views) by abu arab
thank you альенде so much :)
Thread: Олег Погудин " Динь - динь динь" (2 Replies, 3,620 Views) by abu arab
Hi every body !
could i find English translation for this song , with all my thanks .
Thread: Luciano Pavarotti - 'O sole mio (3 Replies, 4,673 Views) by abu arab
thank you Mixalopoulos so much :)
Thread: Luciano Pavarotti - 'O sole mio (3 Replies, 4,673 Views) by abu arab
Hi every body !
could i find english translation for this song ?
this is the lyrics
Luciano Pavarotti - 'O sole mio
Thread: Mohamed Mounir- Belady (3 Replies, 4,724 Views) by abu arab
you are welcome , enjoy it :)
يا بلادي - محمد منير
Oh my homeland - mohamed mounier
ya belady - mohamed mounier
هيلا هاي يا عرب بلادي
Hey my Arab land
hela hey ya 3rab belady
Thread: Nasheed / Ibraheem Al Saed - Ya Rab Ya 3alem (10 Replies, 5,384 Views) by abu arab
Ya Rabby (Oh My Lord) يا ربي -- Ibraheem Al saed ابراهيم السعيد
يارب يـا عالـم الحـال إليـك وجهـت الآمـال
Oh my Lord who knows us, my hope towards you
ya Rab Ya 3alem el7al elaika wajahto al...
Thread: Nasheed / Ibraheem Al Saed - Ya Rab Ya 3alem (10 Replies, 5,384 Views) by abu arab
i am glad you liked my translation , thanks for you too , that's my pleasure
the title of this nasheed (Ya Rabby)
could you explain your request more please ?
Thread: Nasheed / Ibraheem Al Saed - Ya Rab Ya 3alem (10 Replies, 5,384 Views) by abu arab
Lyrics with English Translation:
يارب يـا عالـم الحـال إليـك وجهـت الآمـال
Oh my Lord who knows us, my hope towards you
يارب يـا عالـم الحـال إليـك وجهـت الآمـال
Oh my Lord who knows us, my...
Thread: Nasheed / Ibraheem Al Saed - Ya Rab Ya 3alem (10 Replies, 5,384 Views) by abu arab
the singer is ibraheem alsaed
this is Arabic lyrics
يارب يـا عالـم الحـال إليـك وجهـت الآمـال
يارب يـا عالـم الحـال إليـك وجهـت الآمـال
فامنـن علينـا بالإقبـال وكن لنا واصلـح البـال...
Thread: Nasheed / Sharaabul hub (6 Replies, 11,312 Views) by abu arab
it's not my own translation , i found it at youtube , i also found another version of translation , enjoy it :)
Thread: Nasheed / Sharaabul hub (6 Replies, 11,312 Views) by abu arab
Lyrics with English Translation:
شراب الحب يعرف بالمذاق
The drink of Love is known by its taste
وما كل السقاة له بساق
Not all those who present it possess it
احب الله عن ادب وصدق
I love...
Thread: Mohamed Mounir- Belady (3 Replies, 4,724 Views) by abu arab
يا بلادي - محمد منير
Oh my homeland - mohamed mounier
هيلا هاي يا عرب بلادي
Hey my Arab land
قلبي يا ولاد العرب بينادي
My heart calls your sons
ربي حريتي يا بلادي
Oh my country you'r my...
Thread: Palestine nasheed lyrics needed - 3azfur rassas (3 Replies, 2,391 Views) by abu arab
- عزف الرصاص-
عزف الرصاص بهذا الصمت ايقاع !!
أم طلقة ولها في القلب أوجاع !!
عزف الرصاص بصمت الليل أيقظني ,,,
فرحت أسأل هل ضمته أسماع !!!
يامسرح العالم المسكون ذلكم ,,,
أردى فلسطين...
Thread: songs for orphans . (3 Replies, 33,809 Views) by abu arab
thanks so much Mixalopoulos for such a wonderful songs .
could i find songs for orphans in different languages ?